unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 332 Bloody Slaughter

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 330 Bloody massacre

bloody carnage

Great Monk Yimu proudly said: "Master Patriarch, we have finally waited until this day, and they are the ones who blocked us from destroying Kunlun, otherwise our clan's martial arts would not have fallen to such a level, Master Patriarch, you don't want to Show mercy, these little bastards deserve to be killed."

"Of course you don't need to remind me of this. According to my words, you go and behead their disciples first, and I will destroy their ancestors and snatch all their treasures. These weapons you hold are top-grade spiritual weapons, and you don't need to refine them. , Just use it as a weapon, remember, keep their Nascent Soul, this patriarch is of great use, go! This patriarch will set up a real martial arts sword formation within a hundred miles, and kill all those who escape. "Murong Feng turned around and unleashed the True Martial Sword Formation, directly disappearing into the void.

Dozens of figures scattered away, and the Big Dipper in the void intersected with each other, but Murong Feng didn't see it. Tonight is destined to be a bloody night, and killings will follow. Murong Feng's eyes are sharp, Kunlun is the source of ancient mythology in China, so I'm afraid there are some old and immortal guys hiding here.

That's why Murong Feng did not hesitate to disturb the deep sleep of the Candle Dragon God. For the time being, Murong Feng can't deal with those old and immortal guys...

Kunlun Wonderland, Yi is Yaochi Wonderland, it is the cultivation place of Yuan Tianzun, one of the ancient Sanqing, and it is also the small fairyland of Queen Mother of the West, but the real fairyland has disappeared. It's about a thousand miles away, but the vitality here is abundant, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, and there are also many fairy birds and beasts.

Everything shows that the Taoist sect has a profound foundation, and it is a great sect inherited from ancient times.

Murong Feng entered the fairyland, immediately dealt with several guarding disciples, deprived them of their golden elixir, threw the corpses into the small world, waved the sword 60, Yimu and Qingfeng Laodao, led the disciples to kill them.

And Murong Feng's divine sense swept across the void, and he found the aura of a master of the fusion stage, attacking the tribulation stage, so he was in the death test?Disturbing your y training, I don't know if you will hang up, Murongfeng's mouth flashed a trace of coldness, purple divine power swallowed, and immediately cast out the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, turning into a huge purple dragon flying in the air, Long Yue With a body of a thousand feet, shaking the small space, intimidating everyone, the formidable power was fully displayed in front of them, and he went directly towards the master of the fusion stage. The sound of the explosion was completely destroyed.

The fit great master had blood on his mouth, his face was like golden paper, and he appeared flying in the air, roaring extremely angrily: "Who dares to trespass on my Kunlun Wonderland, it is simply looking for death, this elder is only one step away, one step can step into the catastrophe Your realm is now destroyed by you in one step, and hundreds of years of penance are destroyed, but this elder will never die for you."

"The big seal is overwhelming, town." In front of him, Taoist Muxuan, the grand master of the body, was full of true energy, and a square white jade ancient seal was displayed. Under the pressure, even the small space was shaken, the power of the ultimate fairy weapon, the Heaven Shaking Seal is too domineering.

Murong Feng also felt the majestic power of Fan Tian Yin, it was completely dropped by a force of gravity, Murong Feng estimated that it was at least hundreds of thousands of catties of strength, but Murong Feng did not dare to take it hard, the best fairy weapon!It was refined from half of Buzhou Mountain, who can resist its powerful impact.

Murong Feng fled tens of miles away, looked at Xueyan next to him and said, "Xueyan, don't be dazed, go and clean up those distracted messes, it really was a worthwhile trip, I saw the real one just here Heaven-shattering seal, haha!"

At the same time, Murong Feng pulled out the Bull Demon King's mixed-iron big stick. The quality of the big stick was unknown. Murong Feng poured divine power into it, and the big stick suddenly became heavier. Murong Feng swung the big stick and swept it out. The void of the space was torn apart abruptly, and with a "dang", a loud sound that shook people's hearts came out.

The iron rod slammed on the Fantian seal, the seal was blown away by Murong Feng, the iron rod received a huge shock force, Murong Feng's body retreated tens of meters, his arms showed a tingling color, the ultimate fairy weapon!It really is a powerful magic weapon, your grandfather's, the uncle must get it today.

The thunder in the sky was launched in an instant, and the whole body spanned tens of miles, and directly bullied himself in front of Taoist Muxuan. The berserk force swept out and punched the old Taoist Muxuan's body with a heavy punch. Flesh and blood were flying, and white bones were exposed on the chest.

Old Taoist Mu Xuan was already seriously injured, but now he was hit by a blow, and only half of his life was left, but Murong Feng's method was extremely fierce, and the purple divine power transformed into a giant hand, and he took a heavy shot, and the head of Old Taoist Mu Xuan was completely crushed. When it was smashed, red blood flew, white brains flew out, and a bloody smell filled the air.

However, Murong Feng threw the corpse of the old Taoist Mu Xuan directly into the small world. The Heaven-Shaking Great Seal was located in the void, and Murong Feng suppressed it in the small world without hesitation, but his divine sense found out that it was a fake Things, only at the level of a semi-immortal weapon, and Murong Feng was fooled, and it is also such a powerful immortal treasure, it is impossible to stay here.

"Damn, I was fooled again, but it's just right to leave it to those boys. Now you guys lack everything! Don't grab the Taoist door, where you can equip your own power." Murong Feng was anxious, but murder and arson were the last thing to do. A good way to make money, such as the Kunlun School.

"Patriarch, help! They have a lot of people on the other side, we can't handle them! You have to do it yourself, Patriarch! Let's take care of those little guys." The great monk Yimu flew over covered in blood, but seeing the other That excitement must not be his, this old monk is also a ruthless character!

"Yy, I really lost my face. Even these guys can't handle it. How can I deal with the three Taoist sects who are stronger than this in the future? They have millions of disciples. There are as many masters as clouds, and the strong are unparalleled! Hurry up! Come on, hack them to death, look at the old way of Qingfeng, that one sword is called agile!" Murong Feng couldn't help teasing the old monk Yimu.

Under Yimu's helplessness, he saw Qingfeng Laodao's sword one by one, which was extremely sharp!It's incomparably domineering to chop people up!After seeing that they were all low-level disciples below the third level, this treacherous bull-nosed man raised the long knife in his hand and flew over directly, joining a new round of slashing.

Xueyan's good and evil souls come out together, one Buddha and one martial arts, the power is astonishing, one person alone fights against three strong men in the distraction stage, one of them has already died beside him, and Xueyan does not lose the wind at all, instead, he has the aura of getting more and more crazy as he fights , Murong Feng saw that he was nothing, so he directly separated a clone, but the deity was thrown into the battlefield, slaughtering Kunlun's low-level disciples.

The avatar flashed, and went directly to Kunlun's palace. There was no one there, but after sweeping a few houses, there was nothing good, just rubbish and light medicine.

No, Kunlun is also the source, it is impossible not to have one or two treasures from the town school, otherwise it would be too shabby, at least one or two good things are needed!Murong Feng's divine sense was covering the surroundings of the small sky, and he quickly checked...

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