unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 333 Founding the War Demon Sect

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 330: Establishing the War Demon Sect

Founded War Demon Sect

Murong Feng's avatar looked at the ground with a radius of thousands of miles. The whole small world was shrouded in Murong Feng's divine sense. Finally, Murong Feng was sure of his thoughts. Fortunately, there are still many rare treasures here.

Murong Feng directly opened the small world, quickly merged with the small world's devouring will, merged the space, devoured everything, devoured everything here, the heart of space in Kunlun's small space was directly fused by Murong Feng, but Murong Feng was Incomparably domineering, devouring everything in the space.

Murong Feng devoured the power of the small space, and directly expanded the small world to a radius of three hundred miles. These small spaces have little effect on Murong Feng now, but it is better than nothing, something is better than nothing, and those exotic flowers and plants are directly stuffed. Into the territory of the vegetation elves, there were dozens of spirit beasts, which were also put together by Murong Feng.

In the First World War, all Wudang and Shaolin disciples died in battle, only a few old Taoists remained, and Murong Feng directly collected their souls into the small world, saying: "Yimu, Qingfeng, your disciples will not They died in vain, their souls have already been accepted by the deity, and the deity will reshape their bodies for them in the future."

"Master Patriarch, be merciful and kind." Yimu and Qingfeng immediately replied gratefully.

"Well, from now on, the Huaxia people respect martial arts and abolish all the existence of immortals. I can solemnly tell you that my martial artist is no worse than a cultivator. His cultivator can become a fairy, and my martial artist can become a god. We Huaxia warriors do not cultivate the soul, do not cultivate any supernatural powers and spells, only cultivate the body and combat skills, and reach the realm of martial saints who can break the sky with one hand and destroy the stars. Yimu, Qingfeng, you can officially start from now on. Appearing in front of the world, this deity has five exercises here. This deity wants you to find the descendants of my ancient Chinese god's blood here. I have accepted a descendant with the blood of Zhu Rong, and I will manage the descendants with the blood of God in the future , you Shaolin Wudang are still merged into my sect, and my sect is the Zhan Mo Sect." Murong Feng's voice was endlessly domineering.

"According to the order of the patriarch, from now on, there will be no Shaolin Wudang in Huaxia, only the War Demon Sect." Yimu and Qingfeng were not angry, on the contrary they showed incomparable excitement.

Murong Feng simultaneously created the Golden Jue, Qingmu Jue, Xuanshui Jue, and Thick Soil Jue based on the Raging Fire Jue, which were aimed at the descendants of the Five Elements God's blood, and they were handed over to Kazuki and Qingfeng at the same time to let them You can open up disciples, strengthen the Demon Sect, and let them take out the first-level exercises at the same time and test them. If you are a person with the real blood of God, you will definitely improve faster than ordinary people.

However, people who are not of the blood of the gods will transfer to the Wudang and Shaolin schools to practice the two sects of dharma, and their future achievements will definitely be extraordinary.

The descendants with the bloodlines of the Five Elements should be cultivated as core disciples, and Murong Feng decided to let Ouyang Yue take care of the people who manage the bloodlines of the gods, which initially laid the foundation of the War Demon Sect, and will be famous in the heavens and ten thousand realms in the future. The illustrious Battle Demon Sect also took the first step.

The old monk Yimu folded his palms together and said in a deep voice: "Master Patriarch, if these disciples reach the level of strength in the future and step into the real god realm, they will go there through the air."

Murong Feng turned to open the small world, showing a bit of a smile, and said: "Of course, my patriarch's small world has a radius of ten thousand miles, and the vitality inside is incomparably thick, enough for hundreds of thousands of disciples to cultivate. This patriarch left an imprint belonging to our Huaxia warriors in the small world. With the guidance of this imprint, when you step into the eighth-level master-level strength, you will naturally be able to communicate with the imprint left by this ancestor. Enter the world of this Patriarch."

The old Taoist Qingfeng was so surprised that he couldn't keep his mouth shut for a long time, and said: "The area with a radius of ten thousand li, the patriarch, the great talent, and the disciples admire it, but if we people from outside the area open up disciples, how should the Huaxia government deal with it? But they are all old and stubborn! Moreover, cultivation requires a lot of pills and legendary fairy stones, and the savings of our two sects are really too little!"

Murong Feng took out a bracelet instead, and said with a smile: "Qingfeng, there are [-] million top-grade fairy stones here, and [-] kinds of pills with a total of tens of millions, which can be enough for your millions of disciples to use for ten years. Life and death can only improve the fastest. Have you seen those alien races on the earth? When his Japanese ancestor comes again, I want to see the earth respect my China, reproduce my China, Han and Tang Dynasties, and the four barbarians come to court. Paying tribute from all directions, whoever dares to offend our Huaxia prestige, will be killed even if it is far away."

"The patriarch is right. Now that the patriarch has a lot of fairy stones, pills, and exercises, I, Huaxia, don't want to reproduce the glory of the past. If we can't do it, the patriarch will pick ours in the future. Kick your head like a ball." The old monk Yimu was extremely excited.

"Okay, how about that time, my ancestor will check it out personally. As for the Japanese pirates, my ancestor wants him to die without a blade of grass, bleed for thousands of miles, and kill them all. There will be no Japanese pirates left in the world. This is your first one." The task, as for the Huaxia government, the patriarch will go there in person. We are now cooperating with the government. The War Demon Sect will be located in Kunlun Mountain from now on. As for your space, move it to the Kunlun Holy Mountain, where you will It’s a holy land, another world, and this patriarch still has to go to fight. Remember that if you are not at the level of a grandmaster, don’t break the void. The turbulent flow of space energy alone is not something you can resist. Xueyan, let’s go! It’s time to explain to me I've explained everything, you two little fellows, don't let me down." After saying those words, Murong Feng and Xue Yan melted into a ray of light and disappeared.

"Greetings to Patriarch." Yimu and Qingfeng said at the same time.

Xueyan smiled for the first time and said: "Brother Murong, you just sat up and shook hands with the shopkeeper! Are you relieved to leave it to them? If you mess up, your painstaking efforts will not be in vain?"

Murong Feng looked up at the endless sky, and said: "I have done what should be done, and I have helped Huaxia embark on a path of self-evolution. Whether they can rise up depends on their own. After all, the other world is mine now." Huaxia is still in a state of peace for the time being at least, but Sky Continent and my friends can’t ignore it. From now on, the days of ease have nothing to do with me. From the moment I cross the sky, it is doomed that I will live forever For the sake of our ancestors, for the sake of China, even though I, Murong Feng, died without complaint."

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