Unscrupulous Veterinary Doctor Chapter 330

Bai Qi

"Sect Master Zhanmo, the first generation patriarch! Brother Murong, I think that if Zhanmo Dadi has a soul in heaven, Yi will feel comforted. With such a descendant, everyone will smile at Jiuquan." Xueyan stood Beside Murong Feng, there was a quiet voice.

Suddenly, from the direction of the Changping Ancient Battlefield, a wave of resentment erupted into the sky, but with the golden light of the seals sandwiched between them, Murong Feng was startled, and said very seriously: "Xueyan, go to Shanghai to meet Qingqing, restrain yourself." Your breath, there should be a ghost king comparable to Sanxian on the Changping ancient battlefield, you must be careful and protect Qingqing."

After the words fell, Murong Feng's figure turned into a purple shadow and went away. Two lines of tears hung from the corners of Xueyan's bright eyes, and there was a bit of sadness in his expression, and he said: "You know Qingqing, but do you know me? Xueyan's heart for you, don't you have any feelings for me?" Xueyan's figure was heading towards Shanghai, leaving a stream of crystal clear tears in the sky...


The ancient battlefield of Changping, with a radius of hundreds of miles, was devoid of human habitation and was completely dead. It was a place of great viciousness. This was the place where General Bai Qi killed 40 Zhao troops. The seal, now there seems to be a powerful presence in it to impact the seal.

A streak of black ghost aura hit the void, and there was an endless evil spirit in the ghost aura, but Murong Feng didn't dare to get close. If he wanted to suppress the fierce ghosts produced by this group of army souls, at least he needed the help of Venerable Xuanxin. If the existing wild Buddhas are not suppressed, they will die within a thousand miles, and China will encounter unprecedented disasters.

There are gusts of dark wind and ghostly air, mixed with the roars of countless resentful ghosts. The screams are horrific, making people feel hallucinations and die in fear.

Suddenly, a series of ghosts seemed to be attracted by the resentment of the ancient battlefield. Murong Feng made a rough calculation, and there were at least a hundred thousand unjust ghosts walking towards this place. towards the seal below.

The golden light above the seal dimmed for a while, and Murong Feng finally couldn't help making a move at this moment, blue light flickered in his eyes, divine power pierced his throat, "Roar" Lion Roar roared out frantically, piercing through the void, forming a huge wave of air , and caused bursts of distortion in the space, and thousands of ghosts were scattered by the shock at that moment.

The purple ten-foot lion pierced through the top of Murong Feng's head, and Murong Feng's purple divine power pierced through his palm again, forming a huge energy sword. Seven purple energy swords surrounded the void, directly besieging a hundred thousand ghosts, and the sword array evolved. Infinite momentum, tens of millions of sword qi pierced through the void, swept over, beheading everything, ghosts were beheaded one by one.

But the power of the underground seal is getting weaker and weaker. Murong Feng's eyes flickered with blue light, which pierced directly, and the light turned into a blue flame, directly covering the seal. Nanming Lihuo purifies all things, especially against evil spirits things, because they contain the power of rebirth.

"Ah! Nanming Lihuo, who is it? Who is preventing this general from being born? People outside, listen, don't let this general be born, otherwise this general will be the first to chop your head and grab your soul. Xu Fu, you despicable villain, you don’t keep your promise, now that the 2000 year period has come, why don’t you let this general go out? , even if it is turned into a calendar ghost, this general is determined to be a god and ghost, between the heaven and the earth, who can stand me, the three realms and six realms, but I am in vain, in vain." Bai Qi's voice roared wildly below, and there were bursts of impact The void seemed to pass through endless reincarnation.

Hearing that it was Bai Qi, Murong Feng took away Nanming Lihuo instead. Without further ado, he stabbed heavily into the seal below with a sword with endless power, and the seal immediately burst out with huge energy, forcefully Knocking Murong Feng several hundred meters away, Murong Feng suppressed the galloping Qi and blood in his body.

"Senior White, this junior didn't know who he was before, and he looked at Haihan when he offended senior. Senior is from my Chinese lineage, sealed for thousands of years, so there is unavoidable resentment in my heart, but junior doesn't know anything, so I dare to ask senior. Seal it here."

"Ah! This general finally sees the light of day again. In the years of 2000, the sea has turned into a turbulent field. My powerful Qin Dynasty can no longer withstand the erosion of time. Boy, you master Nanming Lihuo. Why did you stop me before and now release this general?" Come out, what are your intentions, come here quickly, otherwise, this general will definitely kill you." Although Bai Qi in front of him is a ghost, he is still wearing a golden armor, with a red sword hanging from his waist, and is eight feet tall. The face is resolute and extraordinary, but he is a hero among men.

Murong Feng naturally saw Bai Qi's strength, at least at the Sanxian level, and said in a deep voice: "No reason, I didn't know the identity of the senior before, but now I know that it is only because the senior is Bai Qi, the general of the Great Qin Dynasty, The God of Killing who killed 40 Zhao troops."

Bai Qi walked slowly, the invisible divine thoughts between his brows entered Murong Feng's consciousness, ready to check Murong Feng's memory, but Murong Feng's consciousness was protected by the four divine scriptures of Wen Zu, the four sacred beasts of the divine culture body , directly shook Bai Qi's divine sense away, Bai Qi's eyebrows hurt, and he looked at Murong Feng in fear and said: "Guardian of the divine scriptures, you actually possess the four major divine scriptures of our ancestor Wenzu, what is your identity?"

Murong Feng didn't say a word, at the moment, the Poshenjue was running crazily, with a ten-foot body stretching across the void, surrounded by purple divine power, behind him appeared a phantom figure of a headless giant holding a huge battle ax, filling the void with incomparable domineering aura, like a god, sacrosanct.

"Senior White, you should know my identity by now! I am the heir of the War Demon Emperor, and of course I have the divine protection of Wen Zu, because in the future, I will seek justice for the ancestors of China, cut off all Taoist gates, and killed all immortals. Of all the heavens and myriad realms, I am the only one of the Chinese Protoss."

Bai Qi's eyes were shocked, and there was firmness in his eyes, and he shouted: "Millions of army souls return, I Bai Qi sees the lord, Bai Qi is willing to surrender to the lord, kill all the Taoists, kill all the immortals, and reproduce the glory of my Chinese gods!" Prestige, Bai Qi is willing to lead millions of army souls to pacify the heavens and worlds, hundreds of millions of stars, and achieve the supreme power of the emperor."

Murong Feng returned to his normal height, seeing the densely packed souls in the void, there are millions of souls, the least one has a third-order cultivation base, but I don't know why the famous Bai Qi surrendered to him, this is very frustrating He was puzzled, "General Bai, you are the mighty God of Killing in the world, why do you submit to me? Is it because I am the heir of the Great Emperor?"

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