unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 344 Shocking Upheaval

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 340: Shocking Upheaval


"Hehe! The Fourteenth King of Chu, you are very good now! I think it was not my uncle who helped you stabilize the political power. You are in today's situation. I thought you were still a worthy monarch back then. I'm just a stupid person who only cares about small profits in front of me. I'll be lazy to teach you a lesson. From now on, there will be a clean break between you and me. I must take away the 80 forbidden troops that belong to me." Murong Feng also talked nonsense lazily, He directly stated that he would take away the 80 forbidden troops.

The Fourteenth King of Chu fought against each other, glared at Murong Feng angrily and said, "Dream, these 80 forbidden troops are originally the army of my Chu royal family, why should I hand them over to you? What are you? You forced my father to death!" , I haven't settled this account with you yet?"

Murong Feng is very strange, the fourteenth king of Chu is very courageous, dare to talk to him like this, not to mention that he can slap him to death, even if he is beheaded, those masters of the Chu royal family will not care For a descendant, who is weighing him down? Could it be that he relied on some powerful force.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I have grown a lot of courage and talent, but my brain has not grown! Now that you have broken your face with me, tell me the power behind you! Hmph! Even if you are taking advantage of the situation, you, the puppet king, will There is something that makes others look at it, the great state of Chu, what resources does the power behind you have to look at." Murong Feng's voice was very calm, with a bit of indifference.

The king of Chu was shocked, he actually guessed the power behind him, he simply said directly, "Murongfeng, you forced to kill my father and made me a puppet king for a year, today you think you can leave alive Is it here? Let me tell you plainly, we have the support of the Lieshan Family in the Northern Territory, and the Daozong of the Qing Dynasty, the largest sect in Zhongzhou, and this king allows them to preach in our country of Chu, so you are doomed to die."

"The Lieshan family, Shangqing Daozong, no wonder, no wonder, I have to admire your courage, you incompetent thing, actually colluded with Shangqing Daozong, today I will kill you first." Murong Feng's eyes showed deep ruthlessness Spicy, a murderous intent filled the void.

"If you want to kill me, you have to ask some real people to agree or not." The new king XIV retreated rapidly, and several figures flashed out in an instant. A strong man in the tribulation stage said, "Murongfeng, you bastard, we have been looking for the three sects of Daoism for more than ten years, but I didn't expect you to show up."

Murong Feng's eyes were full of murderous intent, he quickly opened the entrance of the small world, pulled all the masters in, and directly suppressed them with the law of space. Now Murong Feng simply ignores any strong people below the Mahayana stage, anyway, the small world What is lacking is energy. There are only too few people in the Taoist sect, not too many.

The Fourteenth King of Chu was very shocked. He killed six masters with a wave of his hand. These were the guards assigned to him by the Daozong of the Shangqing Dynasty!Knowing that he would not let him off today, he simply did not beg for mercy, but quietly looked at Murong Feng, waiting for his next move.

Murong Feng just showed a deep wry smile and helplessness, "Puppet! Puppet! You are still a puppet after all! If you don't listen to my words, you will end up dying. For the sake of your Chu royal family helping me, I won’t kill you today, but you don’t want to feel better, just make me a puppet king!”

After the words fell, Murong Feng's spiritual thought directly entered into the center of his eyebrows, tantamount to indirectly controlling his thoughts, and the fourteenth king of Chu did not change at all, he still had the style of a king, but he had completely Under the control of Murong Feng, from now on unless Murong Feng takes action, he can only be a puppet.

"It's better for you to be a puppet than to lose the luck of the entire Chu country, hmph! Incompetent thing, do you think that a small Chu country is really attractive to me? What the uncle wants is only your Chu country." It’s just your army, not me, you would have become a subjugated slave long ago.”

Murong Feng showed disdain, and waved a few message talismans in his hand. After a while, he only received reply talismans from Lao Niu, Xie Changtian, Qianshi Laomo, and Lan Yan, but there was no reply from Yang Yanzhao. Without Yang Yanzhao's rule, it would not work at all. Bai Qi is still practicing in the small world. Who can take over the post of commander in chief!

Sixth brother, don't worry about it!How could you die at the hands of these insidious villains before you went to kill the Taoist disciples? Murong was anxious, but he waited for Xiaoyao Gong's message amulet, "My lord, we have been dismissed, Yang Shuai Seriously injured, please hurry up, or your life will be in danger."

Without further ado, Murong Feng headed straight for the sky outside, flying at full speed towards the place where Mr. Xiaoyao was summoned, and finally found Mr. Xiaoyao and his son in a small village at the intersection of the Tianmang Grassland and the Heiyun Mountains in Chu State. , General Hongwu, and Yang Yanzhao who was seriously injured and unconscious.

Seeing Murong Feng's arrival, Hong Wu couldn't help but burst into tears, "Prince Murong, you're finally back, you shouldn't be back! We're done! Your plan is also completely over! Raging Fire The legion is gone, the 200 million forbidden troops are gone, dead, all dead, the Fourteenth King of Chu betrayed you to the three sects of Taoism, and the Lieshan family, all the forces that are hostile to you!"

Murong Feng was trembling all over, suppressing the panic in his heart, and said: "What, it's all over, what about Chang Tian, ​​Lao Niu, Qian Shi Laomo, half-human old patriarch? Wuming old Taoist? Wuming, the Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal guard, what? People can shake our legion, and I didn't let them break up the legion, how can people take it all at once."

Xiaoyao Gong also had a look of grief and indignation on his face, and said: "It's the three sects of Taoism and the Lieshan family who made the move together. There is one loose immortal of eight kalpas, three of seven kalpas, and eighty six kalpas of loose immortals! The saint of Lanyan doesn't know So, Xie Changtian was protected by people from the Heavenly Demon Sect. The half-demon was protected by the two young masters of the demon clan. The old demon Qianshi was taken away by senior big black dog. Seriously injured, I don’t know where he went.”

Murong Feng was stunned. The legion he had painstakingly built, and the countermeasures he had planned for a long time, had all come to an end. What a shocking change!The legion can be rebuilt if it is gone, but fortunately, one of the friends is not dead. Other people's power is other people's power after all. Everything is too simple. Da Zongmen, how could it be so easy to deal with.

The three sects of Taoism, you forced me, you forced me, you drove me to a desperate situation, right?Okay, you guys are ruthless enough, you gave me a chance to never get up, and made me suffer such a big loss, no, I can’t be decadent, the 200 million legion is gone, I can rebuild it, as long as I’m still alive OK, that's good.

Murong Feng's desperate eyes gradually regained their brilliance, which made Hong Wu and Xiaoyao heave a sigh of relief, "I'm fine, don't worry! This little difficulty will not knock me down. The three sects of Taoism have hit me so hard, sir. I must teach him a painful lesson, the Lieshan family, I want you to look good, and from now on you will wait for my bloody revenge!"

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