unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 345 The Angry Big Black Dog

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 340 Five Angry Big Black Dog

angry big black dog

After the words fell, Murong Feng seemed extremely calm, but with a sense of indifference in the calm, he walked in front of Yang Yanzhao, and when he waved his hand, there was a violent blue light. The injuries on his body were serious, and the light of life could only To keep his internal injuries recovering, but the damage to the soul still needs the cooperation of pills.

Murong Feng took out a elixir, stuffed it into Yang Yanzhao's mouth, and said, "Sixth Brother, I'm the one who caused you to suffer such a serious injury. Brother, I'm sorry for you, but don't worry! Rest assured, The three sects of Taoism, the Lieshan family, I will definitely swear to destroy them."

Waving his hand, the small world opened the entrance, saying: "Brother Hong, Brother Chen, I, Murongfeng, have harmed you all. Now this is the safest place with strong vitality. You can practice with peace of mind. If you have anything to do, you can find it inside." Manager Qingqing, she is my sister and can help you."

Seeing Murong Feng's appearance, Lord Xiaoyao directly said: "My lord, what are you going to do? You can't do something stupid at this time! The three sects of Taoism and the Lieshan family are looking for you all over the world? You go out now If you don't go down, you throw yourself into the trap!"

Murong Feng looked up at the endless void, and said calmly: "Three schools of Taoism, the Lieshan family, they killed my 200 million legion warriors, I want to destroy their foundation, all of this is forced by them, I do not have absolute strength and influence , then use the blood of their disciples to pave my way to become king."

After saying that, Murong Feng directly threw the four of them into the small world, and waved a message talisman to connect with the big black dog. Now Murong Feng has really become a loner, and the last trump card on his body is only this square radius It's time for all of Wanli's small world to improve their strength.

In an instant, at the place where Murong Feng was, a space ripple came out in front of him, and the big black dog and Qianshi Laomo appeared. The moment the big black dog saw Murong Feng, its thick and fat claws directly tore through the void, and Murong Feng flashed He didn't dodge either, and let the big black dog bombard him, and when the big black dog's paw touched Murong Feng's chest, it stopped abruptly, with a look of anger that hated iron and steel in its eyes, "You little bastard! , A complete bastard! You are really mad at me, I told you not to go back, but you just didn’t listen to my words, the 200 million legion! It’s just gone, gone, it’s all caused by your kid, It's not enough for you to offend the three sects of Taoism, and even the young master of the Lieshan family has been abolished, when will you calm down a bit!"

Murong Feng remained silent, and no change could be seen on his calm face. Old Demon Qianshi hurriedly stopped him, saying: "Senior, you can't blame the Lord for this! It's all the fault of the Emperor of Chu." Ah! After betraying the lord, even if the lord stays behind, facing so many loose immortals, he will only be exhausted."

The big black dog's anger calmed down a bit, and he roared: "Little bastard, don't pretend to be dead for this emperor, tell me about your future plans, the three sects of Taoism and the Lieshan family have wiped out your legion, you keep your composure, This is not your style, tell me quickly, what is your plan, the anger in my heart is unbearable!"

Murong Feng said very calmly: "I'm done scolding, I'm happy, dead dog, I'm giving you face today, I don't care about you, the 200 million legion is dead, I'm really angry, I can't wait to kill the three sects of Daoism directly!" That’s good, I’ll tell you some things later, I brought some weapons from my hometown, Qianshi, let’s see how powerful they are.”

After saying that, Murong Feng took out a nucleated egg head that was [-] centimeters long and thick as an egg from Xiaoshijie, threw it hard, and threw it directly into the Tianmang Grassland. The flames shot up into the sky, a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and a white shock wave directly turned into nothingness within a thousand miles, leaving a huge deep pit on the ground.

The big black dog stood up straight away, and the old demon Qianshi was also shocked. The scene was so spectacular, and a thousand miles around it turned into nothingness, but the big black dog shook the huge dog's head and said: "The power is pretty good. Practitioners below the Nascent Soul stage may still be useful, but those above the Nascent Soul stage are useless."

Murong Feng quickly explained, and said: "Sigou, this is just a weapon made by mortals. What can you ask of them? If Qianshi asks you to improve the power of this bullet, and use the formation method to describe the amplitude, use the fairy stone If you push the explosion, what do you think of this idea and whether it will be successful."

Old Demon Qianshi was also extremely shocked, and said: "My lord, is this really a weapon made by mortals? It's a pity that Brother Qi Mo died early, otherwise, he would definitely be interested in such weapons. A weapon that threatens practitioners, but it contains a strange energy. The outside is made of Fantie. It is difficult to describe the formation. Fantie cannot withstand the blessing of the formation, especially if there is a piece of iron inside. An unknown energy."

The big black dog stood up, grabbed the bullet in Murongfeng's hand with its paws, observed it carefully, and smiled sinisterly for a long time, saying: "It's a very good weapon, this is the first time I've seen it, and it contains a This kind of radiation energy in the universe, and it also has a strong mutation effect, any place that has been bombed by this kind of energy, there will be no living things within a few decades."

Murong Feng's expression suddenly became murderous, and he said: "I have close to [-] such bombs here. If I can have the blessing of formations, this uncle is enough to make Taoist sects unable to eat their pockets. I will let him below the Nascent Soul Stage Disciple, all perish."

The big black dog suddenly let out a strange laugh, and said: "Okay, okay, okay, isn't it just a formation to describe the amplitude? Leave it to the emperor to deal with, little guy Qianshi, I will send you back to the holy city first, it's okay Don't come out, we won't pass you on, you should be careful to hide your identity."

"My lord, senior, Qianshi will take my leave first." Qianshi left directly from the pattern pattern in the void.

The big black dog looked at Murong Feng, and said very seriously: "The power you worked so hard to build is gone, what are your plans next, you won't rely on these weapons to fight against Taoism! You abolished the young master of the Lie Shan family, The Lieshan family has hired the most notorious killer alliance in the sky, and sent killers to kill them. Your reward is Tianyuan fruit that lasts for a hundred years. There are only seven or eight trees in the entire northern region. Many old guys have already gone to find you tracked."

With endless indifference on the corner of Murong Feng's mouth, he said: "Let them go! Sigou, have you forgotten that I can clone my life? My primary goal this time is to deal with the three sects of Taoism. Dozens of days is the ten-year admissions meeting of the Cultivation Academy, isn’t this a good opportunity to sneak into the three sects of Taoism?”

The dog eyes of the big black dog suddenly opened wide, and said: "You want to sneak into the three sects of Taoism, aren't you courting death? The three sects of Taoism must thoroughly investigate the background of each disciple, and even have the knowledge of the past and present. The terrifying supernatural power."

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