unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 356 Winning the Guard

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 350: Winning the Guard

won the guard

Murong Feng escaped from the small world and merged with his avatar, but the deity lay down on the bed and practiced. He had nothing to say all night, and in the blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day. Murong Feng casually washed himself through the washing water brought by the waiter in the inn , while having some snacks in the inn, many people were talking about Princess Snow Dance early in the morning.

Murong Feng smiled lightly, this kind of princess is really weird, she would not enjoy her wealth and honor, but she would suffer that crime, if she really worshiped Taiqing Daozong, she would be able to become a fairy and live forever!Mortals!Living in a fantasy world forever, it seems that this guard job is not bad, at least it is convenient for him to hide his identity.

After leaving the gate of the inn, there were more young warriors on the street, and they all headed for one place, which was the martial arts arena at the entrance of the palace. Most of them, but a small number of people came to watch the excitement. There were already people fighting in the arena.

Murong Feng squeezed into the front row, watching the battle on the stage, almost wanting to sleep, a dignified master-level powerhouse, watching the battle of mortals, of course he is not interested, but the applause around him is full, Murong Feng simply lowered his head and closed his eyes, waiting until the last moment.

The fight lasted until late at night, and it still didn't end. On the contrary, there were many warriors here, and the turpentine had already been burned in iron pots all around.

Murong Feng opened his eyes and took a look. Just as he was about to continue resting his mind, the young man on the stage holding a long sword was covered in blood, but showed boundless fighting intent. He roared like thunder to the stage: "And Is that brother willing to come to the stage to teach you? There is still half a quarter of an hour until Zishi, and when Zishi arrives, I will be Princess Xuewu's guard."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, but no one dared to go up to the stage, Murong Feng swept the surrounding crowd, all of them showed terror, could it be that there is something special about this person?

"Forget it, although the role of Princess Xuewu's guard is important, her own life is more important. The above is the son of Zhongyonghou of the Shang Dynasty. When he was young, he was taught the swordsmanship by the Taoist master of the Taiqing Daozong. Now he is willing I'm afraid you have surpassed the innate realm and stepped into the realm of real people!"

"That's right! This is one of the disciples appointed by the Taiqing Immortal Sect, but he still comes to compete with us for the position of guard. It seems that he has ulterior motives for Princess Xuewu!"

"Forget it, anyway, the post of guard will be his in a while, let's see who is at the last pass!"

When Murong Feng heard this, he turned out to be the disciple appointed by Taiqing Daozong. He suddenly had an idea in his mind, and made this person his slave, and cooperated with Taiqing Daozong to handle affairs. If anything happened, he would take responsibility and not expose it. Thinking of his own identity, Murong Feng had an extremely sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

With a jump, he landed lightly on the ring, and said: "Young Lord, you are also the appointed disciple of the Immortal Sect, why bother to compete with us for this chance, I advise you to go down! To save your life Not sure."

The young man didn't care at all, showing a harmless smile, and said: "Brother, my young master advises you to go down! I am determined to get the job of Princess Xuewu's guard. If you want me to die, you can get it." Let's see if you have that strength, on the stage, life and death will be without resentment, just go ahead!"

Murong Feng felt a pity in his heart. This person's temper suits his taste very much. If he is not a disciple of Taiqing Daozong, he can become a very good friend, but today you are doomed to be your own puppet. Zong's sharp weapon, "I will not take advantage of you, I will give you half an hour to recover your true energy, so that when you lose, you will be dissatisfied and use your power to overwhelm others."

The young man was not hypocritical, he just sat down cross-legged and swallowed a return qi pill. Half an hour later, the aura all over his body became fierce, his eyes shone brightly, he lifted the long sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Come on!" Let's go! Seeing how long it takes for you to get back to Master Ben, Master Hou can save your life."

As the words fell, the blue light flickered on the long sword, and the meter-long sword qi slashed straight at Murong Feng's body, and Murong Feng had no weapon in his hand, only a paper fan. Putting aside the paper fan, a fist was wrapped A layer of purple divine power left with the sound of breaking the wind, the sword energy met the fist, the sword energy shattered, the divine power disappeared, Murong Feng pretended to take a few steps back.

In fact, Murong Feng pretended to be quite uncomfortable. In fact, he could be killed with one move, but for his own plan, he could only pretend, try his best. When the young man saw that he had the upper hand with one blow, the long sword in his hand immediately When it danced, it was like wearing a flower to guide a saucer, flying with unusual lightness, the young man's whole body was wrapped in blue light, and the three sword qi shattered the air in an instant, and went straight into Murong Feng's head, chest, and lower abdomen.

Murong Feng stepped on the sky for eight steps, his body dodged like a ghost, and smashed the paper fan in his hand. Under Murong Feng's divine power, the paper fan became an incomparably sharp weapon. Seeing the situation, the young man on the opposite side hurriedly Unfortunately, it was too late, the long sword in his hand was protecting his chest, and the paper fan passed by, leaving a terrifying scar with visible bones.

However, at this moment, Murong Feng leaned forward directly, and with one hand formed into a claw, he pinched the young man's throat. With a little force, the young man's throat would shatter and become a corpse.

The young man endured the pain in his shoulder, discarded the long sword in his hand, and said: "I lost, I am convinced, help me take good care of Xue Wu, don't let him get hurt in the slightest, thank you."

Murong Feng withdrew his arm and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry! I will agree to your request."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to go to the invigilator at the gate of the palace. Who knew that the young man behind him slammed the long sword on the ground with his right leg, and the long sword turned into a stream of light and went towards Murong Feng's back heart, with a "dang" sound , the long sword was broken into six pieces, and Murong Feng's body also pretended to move forward a few steps.

"It's shameful that the dignified young master can't afford to lose so much. You are a villain, you really don't deserve to be a warrior. This young master despises you." According to Murong Feng's temper, this should have been a long time ago. A pile of minced meat, but this is the Great Shang Dynasty, and I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble, and this chess piece is still useful.

The young man was also shocked, showing disbelief, and said: "How is it possible, how can your body withstand my blow without any injuries, who the hell are you?"

Murong Feng showed disdainful eyes and said: "Just because you have been taught by the immortal master of the immortal sect, don't I have any adventures? We have been taught the art of physical training by the master of the Northern Territory physical training sect. I don't know much about it. boring."

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