unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 357 Princess Snow Dance

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 350 Seven Princess Snow Dance

Princess Snow Dance

The young man looked at Murong Feng viciously, showing infinite killing intent, and said: "There are still a few days left, if you are sensible, you should hand over the position of guard, at least you can save your life, otherwise, be careful of your dog's head."

Murong Feng said arrogantly: "Okay, I will wait for your revenge, I'm afraid it's still unknown who will live and who will die! It seems that Princess Xuewu is really not an ordinary person, is there something hidden? It's a big secret, otherwise this dog p young master will be so hot after him."

Of course, the last half sentence was thought in my heart, I jumped off the ring, and went directly to the examiner at the gate of the prince. The examiner is a military commander. Seeing Murong Feng's arrival, he immediately expressed his flattery, and said: " This young master is very skilled and has already won the position of guard. According to the order of the princess, the final winner will be received by the princess. Please come with me, young master!"

Murong Feng nodded naturally, and followed the general quickly towards the inside. The royal palace of the Shang Dynasty was more luxurious and domineering than that of the Chu Kingdom, showing the demeanor of an emperor everywhere, but Murong Feng was obviously very calm about this, in terms of luxury It's just ordinary worldly.

Walking along the way, there are countless corridors with nine bends and eighteen bends. The lights inside are brightly lit, and countless figures are shaking. Teams of patrolling guards are rushing, unusually careful, not daring to show half carelessness.

Finally arrived at the palace of Princess Xuewu, the palace of Princess Xuewu is very elegant, not as domineering as other buildings, but rather close to nature, the corners of Murong Feng's mouth twitched, this Princess Xuewu It's really extraordinary!I'm afraid that this so-called guard is just an errand and odd job!

Arriving at the gate of the palace with a bit of a wry smile, the proctor general knelt down on one leg, and said respectfully and politely at the gate: "Greetings, Your Highness, Your Highness is a thousand years old. After a day of screening, I finally met this last master. The young masters all meet the requirements of the princess one by one, please ask the princess to review."

Princess Xuewu's calm voice came from inside, saying: "General, you have worked hard. General, you can go back and rest. Let someone come in by themselves!"

"For my minister's fear, for my minister's resignation." After saying that, the general left directly...


Murong Feng quickly stepped into the palace. Dozens of eunuchs and court ladies stood on both sides. There were countless golden objects in the palace. Under the light of the fire, they shone with golden brilliance. Behind a screen, a beautiful figure sat , but how to block Murong Feng's sight, this woman is about twenty years old, she looks like a fairy, as if she is not a person in the world, and the crescent moon mark between her eyebrows is even more unearthly.

There is only one feeling in Murong Feng's heart, this woman is definitely not a mortal, especially the terrifying aura in this woman's body, so cold, so holy, like a fairy falling into the mortal world.

"Caomin Yebai pays homage to Princess Xuewu, Your Highness is a thousand years old." Murong Feng pretended to bow down to Princess Xuewu.

Princess Xuewu stood up, walked out of the screen, and said: "Get up! Here in this palace, you don't need to be polite. From now on, you are the guard of this palace. You are obviously a guard, but you are actually doing some errands, but following me Behind Ben Gong, you have the opportunity to step into the immortal world, and Ben Gong doesn't ask about your origin, but Ben Gong warns you, don't feel wronged, otherwise, Ben Gong will be the first to kill you kill."

Murong Feng pretended to be terrified, and said: "Don't dare, Your Highness, Xiaomin dare not, Xiaomin can enter the immortal way, it is already a great grace from Her Highness, Xiaomin should swear allegiance to Her Highness to the death."

Princess Xuewu expressed your best intentions, "Go down and rest! There is a room in the backyard of the palace, I will let someone clean it up for you, I have to practice."

"Yes, Xiao Min will leave." Murong Feng, led by two young eunuchs, left the gate of the palace and headed outside, and the corners of Murong Feng's mouth were somewhat disdainful, "Princess Xuewu, you I really think that I am a character, it's just a fusion period, hum!When you enter Taiqing Daozong, I will make you all become puppets of my uncle.

Murong Feng arrived in the back room, a separate small courtyard here, the eunuch exchanged new quilts, he was very respectful to this guard, he did not dare to show any negligence, otherwise he would report to the princess, be careful Little life is at stake.

After a night of nothing, Murong Feng fell asleep after a long absence. There was already a young eunuch waiting at the door. He took Murong Feng to breakfast and changed his clothes. After being a prince for more than a year, the majesty has already been cultivated invisibly, and the little eunuch dare not look directly at Murong Feng.

Under the leadership of the little eunuch, they continued to the palace of Princess Xuewu, but Princess Xuewu was looking up at the endless void, with a faint sadness between her brows, and Murong Feng was surprised to find that this sadness It can actually affect the surrounding vegetation, it is summer at this time!

The blooming flowers are wrapped, the lush leaves are also shriveled, and there is an obvious chill in the air. What is going on? Is it possible that she can innately control the law? Princess Xuewu, yours What kind of secret is hidden in the body, and it actually affects the surrounding environment with its own emotions.

Could it be that you are really the reincarnation of a fairy, not an ordinary mortal girl...

"Dare to ask Her Royal Highness, why is she so sad? Xiaomin can see that Her Highness is hurting because of love. You are the dignified princess!" Murong Feng didn't dare to say anything, knowing what he should say, what to say Should not have said.

"Of course it's a matter of feelings. You said that there are really endless years of love in this world, even if it is the true love of the sea and the sea? Then where is the true love? Why can't I feel it? I only have endless hatred. I hate it. Heaven and earth, the world of hatred, I wish I could see that person again." Princess Xuewu's voice was filled with endless sorrow, and invisible breaths were emitted, the air became colder, and the surrounding vegetation seemed to wither. Phenomenon.

"Sure enough, I was hurt by love! I didn't expect that the body of the princess Wanzun actually implied such a heart thing. The so-called deep love and deep hatred, love is not possession, but tolerance. Xiaomin can hear His Highness's words. A little worry, but the more it is like this, the more sad it is, why don't you try to let it go, maybe you can change it." Murong Feng is like a Qingsheng enlightening Princess Xuewu.

"How to guard against, how to change, I have been reincarnated for endless years, waiting hard, thinking hard, but I have been in vain for the whole life, I am not waiting, I am not looking forward to it, even if I am smashed to pieces in this life, I will rush to the Nine Layers of Void, Find this ungrateful person and ask him why he betrayed me back then." Princess Xuewu's emotions were on the verge of losing control, crystal snowflakes fell in the air, and the surrounding flowers and trees were completely withered, Xue Wu was furious, All things perish.

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