Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 360 Fight


Immortal Master, it's interesting, someone gave me a pillow when I was really sleepy!There was a dark smile on the corner of Murong Feng's mouth. At this time, the two shop waiters were carrying two plates with a pot of spirit wine and two plates of spirit beast legs on them. The two mistresses and one of them shared a low-grade immortal stone, and the two mistresses went down very excitedly.

At this time, there were two cultivators of Taiqing Daozong at the door. Both of them were dressed in black Taoist robes. The color is known, the gold is worn by the real head teacher, the silver is worn by the deputy head teacher and the elder, and there are four kinds of black, cyan, black, and white below.

The two sword cultivators followed each other with more than a dozen young people. The invisible anger between the two was secretly released, and an invisible aura affected the place. The young man with a hemorrhoid between his eyebrows on the left sat directly on the chair and said: "Senior brother Xuan Ming, you and I started together, and we have a deep relationship. Are you really going to compete with me for the junior sister now?"

The young man on the right sat down slowly, with a slight smile on his brows, he said: "Junior Brother Xuanyi, don't you understand? Junior Sister likes me, I'm more handsome than you, and I'm stronger than you. Your literary talent is even better than yours, what strength do you have to compete with me, as long as you let go, I am willing to give up the position of the chief disciple of the Xuanzi generation, how about it."

Xuan Yi's face was extremely gloomy, and gradually became gloomy and cold, he said: "Brother, do you really want to compete with me for my junior sister? I really like my junior sister, if you fight against me, you just don't give me face, if you really fight Come to think of it, you may not be my opponent, recently my Xuantian Sword Formation has just completed, and I am looking for someone to test its power, if Senior Brother insists on doing this, I am afraid that Junior Brother will not give you face."

Xuan Ming laughed loudly immediately, and said: "Xuantian Sword Formation is just an intermediate sword formation of my Taiqing Dao Sect, I forgot to tell you, your senior brother and I have mastered this sword formation as early as three years ago, even Ye Yun Elder Sister also keeps talking to me for a while, you have only just completed the sword formation, so you are ashamed to say it, haha! Junior Brother, I invite you to negotiate today, and I just want to resolve this matter peacefully, otherwise the sword fighting platform High score life and death."

With anger on his side, Xuan slapped the table heavily, and roared: "Senior brother, you are really shameless. For the sake of my junior sister, I am Xuan Yi who will go all out. Sword fighting arena, you and I are in a life-and-death battle, how dare you fight? .”

Murong Feng helplessly shook his head beside him, but at the same time he was smiling a little bit. This kind of green head is the easiest to accomplish.

"What kind of sword fighting arena are you going to! This is the Sanbai Valley outside Taiqing City. It is a place to settle personal grievances. Today's battle does not matter life or death. The brotherhood between you and me will be severed. I will kill you earlier so that I can go back to my roots." Junior sister kisses me and I go, you are doomed to be a lonely ghost." Xuan Ming looked at the person in front of him with incomparable contempt, and laughed loudly.

"Who will win the battle is still unknown. You are doomed to die at that time, hmph!" Xuan Yi was already furious, and turned into a purple sword light and rushed out, heading towards the valley of lore...

Xuan Ming also followed at the same time, and at the same time, dozens of purple lights disappeared, and Murong Feng had a wicked smile on his lips, he dropped a piece of fairy stone, and followed directly...


Lore Valley is located three hundred miles outside Taiqing City. This is the place where Taiqing Taoist disciples duel, and it is also a place to deal with private affairs. It has a history of endless years. I don’t know how many people died here. It was all red, and the valley was only about a hundred miles in radius, but the surrounding mountain walls were covered in blood red, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Ken is afraid of the death of countless people to create today's situation!If a master of the Blood Demon Dao saw this place, he would be very proud!This is a good place to practice!The bones have already turned into a piece of loess, which is really interesting!Doesn't Taiqingdao seem to be all ascetics?Damn, human beings have seven emotions and six desires!To fight to the death for a woman.

Murong Feng was a few miles away, carefully restraining his breath. Inside, Xuan Yi and Xuan Ming stood opposite each other, about a hundred meters away, but a purple sword light hovered above their heads, and the strange thing was that the two All of them hold a three-foot long sword in their palms, which is simple and unpretentious, but it emits a shocking aura.

"Xuantian sword formation, destroying all things, Taiqing Xuanli, vast universe, sword formation."

The mantra in Xuan Yi's mouth flickered, and the flying sword above his head danced quickly, quickly splitting into thousands of sword shadows, intertwined in the air, and condensed into spiral sword arrays, enveloping the entire ten-mile radius in it , There are sword intents flashing in the sky and the earth.

Xuan Ming looked disdainfully at Xuan Yi in front of him, and shouted: "Junior Brother Xuan Yi, today I will let you see what the real Xuan Tian Sword Formation is, it has power but no meaning, it is simply a pile of rubbish. "

The flying sword above Xuan Ming's head was also shining with light, and the sword lights were densely covered, forming a spiral sword formation intertwined in the void. Soaring to the sky, it was like a calm sea, suddenly agitated by hundreds of millions of waves.

"Xuan Ming, you are doomed to die, trapping and killing all things, dividing space, severing energy and transforming energy, forbidden element sword array."

"Juyuan Sword Formation? Don't think that you are the only one who knows how to divide the space, Jin."

The two of them controlled the sword array almost at the same time, tens of thousands of sword shadows were controlling the agitation, knocking out countless sword glows, the sword light was like a tide, the sword shadows were flying, countless small sword formations were formed, and the vitality was almost completely extinguished. Taking time out, the sword array wrapped the sword array, and the two huge sword arrays were under the control of the two, attacking each other, melting each other, and violent sword marks were knocked out on the cliffs on all sides, but the strange thing was that they recovered in an instant. .

Xuan Ming's body suddenly moved, a burst of purple light flowed, his body was covered with a set of purple battle armor, and the three-foot long sword in his hand instantly transformed into a thousand swords. In the field of becoming a sword, Xuan Yi also has a thousand heavy sword shadows.

With a sound of "Boom", the purple light filled the sky and was extremely dazzling. Xuan Ming's body stepped back a few steps, with some blood stains on the corner of his mouth, but Xuan Yi's body fell heavily on the ground, the purple light was covered by Absorbed by the sword formation in the void, Xuan Yi showed a unwilling expression, and said: "The best spiritual weapon armor, the master is really biased, even this armor is given to you, pounce."

Xuan Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, he no longer had the strength to fight, splitting the sword formation, and using the melee kendo ten thousand heavy sword, it was already a failure, only now did he realize that neither the mind nor the cultivation level belonged to Xuan Ming Opponent, I was too impulsive, but I was really unwilling to die in the hands of this villain, really unwilling!

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