unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 361 A Chess Piece

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 360 A chess piece

a pawn

Xuan Ming walked slowly to Xuan Yi's side, with the long sword in his hand against the center of his brow, with a chilling smile on his face, he said: "My dearest junior brother, even if you are like this, you still want to be with me. Junior Sister Zheng, you are a dispensable existence anyway, if you kill you, as long as you blame it on the Heavenly Demon Sect, I believe the master will not pursue it, haha!"

Xuan Yi looked at him extremely coldly, with endless killing intent, and said: "I wish I could kill you bastard with my own hands, you bastard, even if I turn into a ghost, I won't let you go, Xuan Ming, if I don't die , I will definitely kill you."

Xuan Ming laughed loudly, and said: "Unfortunately, you have no chance, today you are doomed to die, haha! Xuan Yi, go die!"

The long sword slashed straight at his head, a blood mist flew all over the sky, Xuan Yi's human-shaped sword soul turned into a stream of light and went away, Murong Feng instantly grabbed it in his hand, Xuan Ming watched the sword soul disappear, but felt a little pity That's all, he didn't take it seriously at all, and turned around and left here with his men.

Murong Feng grabbed Xuan Yi's sword soul, quickly came to his corpse, and said in an extremely serious manner: "Oh! The appearance of death is so bleak! It's a damn pity that no one even buries the corpse! Grandpa asks what you want Revenge?"

Xuan Yi's sword soul immediately sent out a wave of mental fluctuations, "Senior, please help me, as long as I save this junior's life, this junior is willing to be like an ox or a horse to senior, even a dog."

With a cold smile, Murong Feng said, "Is it okay to do anything in front of you? Even if it means killing you."

"As long as you can take revenge, even if you die immediately, please let me do it, senior." The soul of the sword begged again.

Murong Feng became extremely solemn in an instant, and said: "It's not difficult to save you. Make an oath to the demons of your heart, and you will always submit to this seat. If you dare to give birth to a slight deviation, you will die immediately by the sword piercing the soul." Murong Feng has changed enough The evil, for the sake of everything of the Huaxia clan, has not hesitated to make the most hated conspiracy of the Huaxia clan.

"I, Xuan Yi, swear to my demons that as long as my senior saves my life and avenges me, I am willing to completely submit to my senior and be a loyal dog forever. If there is even a trace of dissatisfaction, I will surely die a terrible death." Xuan Yi's voice was extremely cold, and when the oath was over, an invisible spiritual chain was locked in his heart.

A cyan light flashed in the palm of Murong Feng, instantly repairing his damaged body, and directly entered his body with his sword soul. Although he was alive, his swordsmanship took a step back, and three black drops flew out of his heart automatically. blood. "Thank you for your life-saving grace, senior."

Murong Feng showed an extremely serious expression and said: "Don't thank me in a hurry, all three of your Daoist sects are damned, I asked you if you want to take revenge and completely destroy this damned Taiqing Daozong, think about how Taiqing Daozong treats you!" If you can't even get the woman you like, it will completely ruin this place."

Xuan Yi revealed a vicious look on his face, and said: "Senior, what exactly does this junior need to do, please speak directly!"

Murong Feng directly took out ten nuclear bombs modified by the big black dog, put them directly in his hands, and said coldly: "There is extremely powerful energy hidden here, this is the detonated jade talisman, as long as these things Put it where it needs to be placed, and then pinch this jade talisman, within a radius of [-] li, it will be turned into flat ground, there will be no living things, except for the master who is in the fusion stage who can escape, the rest of the people will all die."

Xuan Yi's eyes full of murderous intent revealed an excited look, and said: "Okay, senior, this junior must complete the task, please senior to capture Xuan Ming and my little junior sister Xuan Yu, I want to capture Xuan Ming and my younger sister Xuan Yu in front of Xuan Ming's face." This bitch Yu is completely raped, haha!"

Murong Feng felt that this guy's mind had been completely distorted, but this is good, so that he can better plan, and said in a deep voice: "I can promise you this condition, five of these ten energy bombs are placed in the Among the spirit veins of Taiqing Daozong, there are three other ones for me to put in the place where my disciples practice, and two for the uncle to put in this Taiqing City. If your performance is good, this deity can help you sit here. The head teacher of the Qing Dao Sect."

Xuan Yi was stunned at first, but then he was overjoyed, and said: "Senior, this junior will definitely swear to die to complete the task. After I finish the task, I will personally meet the two bitches Xuan Ming and Xuan Yu. Senior, please agree."

With a trace of anger in Murong Feng's brows, he said: "Xuan Yi, pay attention to your words and identity, you are just a dog of this venerable, what this lord promised you will be done, within three days Inside, this deity needs to see all these ten places turned into flat ground, otherwise it will be your death."

Murong Feng's whole body was full of aura, which belonged to the supreme majesty of the gods, and almost shocked Xuan Yi to death. Xuan Yi was so frightened that he trembled all over, begging for mercy again and again, saying: "Senior, junior know that I was wrong. It's time to question the senior's decision, and ask the senior to punish him."

"Hmph! This deity thinks you are a first-time offender. If you dare to do it next time, it will be your death, get out!" Murong Feng's voice was filled with incomparable majesty and stern intent, and Xuan Yi hurriedly ran away in fright. up.

Looking for death, questioning the decision of this deity, you are just a small pawn, the terrorist attack is about to start, a wonderful mushroom cloud will rise, Taiqing Daozong you will fall into endless panic, the next step is the fall of all your genius disciples, this The uncle will slowly repair you.

The corner of Murong Feng's mouth carried a bit of joyful killing intent, and turned into the real body of the guard who was originally dressed as Princess Xuewu, and quickly returned to the opened cave, turning into a doppelganger to stay in it, the deity had already Transformed into another person, went to capture Xuan Ming and Xuan Yu.

You can hear Xuanming's tone, it seems that the status in Taiqing Daozong is not low, casually asked a low-level disciple, it turns out that Xuanming is really very famous, it can be regarded as the generation of Taiqing Daozong Xuan, except for Ye Yun, who is difficult for a thousand years. Except for the evildoers he met, he can definitely be ranked among the top ten masters, and he is humble and polite, very popular with his teacher Qingming, and he is almost obedient.

Murong Feng inquired about Xuanming's practice location, but turned around to find Xuanyu's cultivation cave, but there was still no one there. Taiqing Daozong is so huge that it is impossible to search all over the world. Murongfeng But he didn't inquire about other people, so as not to show his feet.

When Murong Feng was looking for it, he happened to see a familiar figure, but it was the one Murong Feng wanted to kill. Ye Yun, who had been carried in her hands several times in a row, was known as the first fairy of the three sects of Taoism With his existence, he has now been promoted to the Transcendence Tribulation Stage with his monstrous talent, and his terrifying speed of cultivation is not inferior to that of Murong Feng.

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