unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 362 Taiqing Vibration

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 360: Taiqing Shock

Taiqing vibration

However, Murong Feng saw Ye Yun coming towards him in the driving light, and hurriedly prepared to leave, but Ye Yun stopped in the air, and shouted: "You are not a disciple of the inner sect, you are just a mere one!" The disciples from the outer sect dared to enter this place without authorization and left quickly, if the juniors from the Law Enforcing Hall saw it, you would definitely be in trouble."

After saying that, Ye Yun glanced thoughtfully at Murong Feng's incarnation, then quickly left, Murong Feng let out a sigh, his mother's Ye Yun is too deceitful, she really is a monster, it's been a few years already I don’t know when you will pass the tribulation, but the uncle will definitely go to watch the ceremony when the time comes.

After two days of hard work, he finally squatted down to suppress Xuanming and Xuanyu, and threw them directly into the small world, waiting for Xuanyi's treatment. Murongfeng returned to his cave, waiting for the wonderful scene of the mushroom cloud rising, although It can't deal a devastating blow to Taiqing Daozong, but the radiated energy alone is enough for them to drink a pot.

With less than an hour to go before the agreed three days, Murong Feng felt a little bit worried, this chess piece must have been discovered!If it is discovered, the next plan will not be implemented, and terrorist attacks must be carried out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was an earth-shattering explosion sound, and Murong Feng's cave was also severely impacted, but Murong Feng was overjoyed, it happened to be ten voices, rushed out of the cave in a hurry, five spiritual veins of Taiqing Daozong exploded, three disciples The mountain range for cultivation, and the explosions in the two Taiqing cities.

The power of the spiritual vein explosion caused a terrifying shock wave. Within a radius of [-] miles, everything was barren. The sky was full of smoke and dust mixed with a large amount of earth and rocks flying. It appeared that the surroundings of the five spiritual veins were all turned into fly ash.

Lights flickered in the sky, hundreds of thousands of lights and shadows had gathered in an instant, and there were even dozens of terrifying auras of loose immortals. The power of the explosion was too great, even the loose immortals were startled, too The first Sanxian of the Qing Daozong, also the same six-kalpa Tianfeng Master, with a terrifying murderous intent in his brows, shouted: "Who is it who dares to challenge the majesty of my Taiqing Daozong? Check it out, check it out for me!" In the end, even if the whole of Zhongzhou is turned upside down, this person must be found out. Deputy head teacher Qingxuan went down to investigate the lost disciples and spiritual veins. Immortal Formation, don’t let any suspicious candidates go.”

"Respect the order of the patriarch." Qingxuan and Qingming, two veterans, responded at the same time, their faces were full of anger, and they went about their own affairs.

Many disciples in the sky are talking about it, but at the same time they are showing fear. Some people dare to break ground on the head of Taiqing Daozong. Fluctuation, who is this person?

Ye Yun is driving the escape light, standing firmly in the void, floating like a fairy, her brows are frosty, she seems to think of a candidate, could it be him, only this madman can do such a thing, kill my Taoist disciples, destroy my Taoist teleportation array, It is even the main peak of the Dao Sect of the Broken Shangqing, and now it is tossing here again, it must be this guy, what a mad dog!

Don't let me, Ye Yun, find you, or I will definitely tear you to pieces...


At the entrance of Murong Feng's cave, a figure suddenly flashed, but it was Xuan Yi with a happy face, and said: "My lord, the task is completed, you promised me."

With a thought, Murong Feng dragged Xuan Ming and Xuan Yu out of the small world with his hands, and appeared in front of Xuan Yi like a dead dog, saying: "The task is well completed, I will leave it to you, and you can deal with it as you like." Now, after dealing with it, don't kill them yet, I still have it for use, sir."

"Thank you, Lord." Xuan Yi's scarlet tongue was exposed at the corner of his mouth, like a devil's smile, he slowly dragged Xuan Ming and Xuan Yu into the cave.

Xuan Yi's devilish venting sounds came from inside, as well as Xuan Ming's angry curses, accompanied by Xuan Yu's crying...


Murong Feng's appearance didn't change, but he quickly entered Taiqing City. Only mortal cities can hide his identity well. Others don't care, but that unlucky Ye Yun is really treacherous, so I have to guard against it. !


The face of Tianfeng's old way was livid, and the murderous intent was condensed. The spiritual thoughts of dozens of scattered immortals swept across every corner of the Taiqing Mountains. Murongfeng's mouth had a sinister smile, hehe!Daoists, this is just the beginning, there are many feasts prepared for you, enjoy it slowly!

Daoist Qingxuan flew to Tianfeng with a painful expression on his face, and said: "Patriarch, our five largest spiritual veins have been destroyed, 6000 disciples died before the out-of-body period, and there are no bones left. Taiqing City has been severely damaged. 3000 million mortals will die, and [-]% of their foundation will be lost directly! Who is going to have trouble with our Taiqing Daozong?"

The old Taoist Tianfeng closed his eyes, his killing intent was on the verge of eruption, and he shouted: "The order continues, Taiqing Taoist sect will seal the mountain, and this deity will investigate one by one, whether it is a mortal or a disciple of my sect, use the past and present Supernatural power, check it out for me, I don't believe he can escape."

"Yes!" Dozens of disciples present answered together

Murong Feng left a clone in Taiqing City, the deity entered the cave, Xuan Yi was crouching on Xuan Yu's body and was crushing, the ground was bright red, Xuan Ming beside him had already passed out in anger, but Murong Feng was Said in a deep voice: "That's enough, Xuan Yi, the future is long, there are plenty of opportunities, the deity wants to take back the two, you go back to sit with your disciples, find a way to put the blame on Xuan Ming, how to do it, you understand."

Xuan Yi's eyes showed surprise, and he said: "My lord, I know what to do now, please rest assured, my lord, it will be completed smoothly." Xuan Yi ran towards the outside excitedly, while Murong Feng stayed in his consciousness The mental chain in the book is to clear the memory related to himself, but to re-simulate a memory belonging to his conspiracy to break Xuanming and being hunted down.

As for Xuanming and Xuanyu, they can only be used as scapegoats, and they can be used as a deterrent if necessary. The plan is half successful, and the next step is your top ten genius disciples of Taiqing Daozong. The banquet of death has begun, miscellaneous hairs!Take your time and enjoy!

Taiqing Daozong was shocked up and down, but the news could not be concealed, and the whole continent was also shocked. Such a huge loss of Taiqing Daozong was tantamount to being slapped heavily. They could bear such a loss, but lost I can't afford such a face, the number one force in the sky, which has been majestic for millions of years, is being raped like this one after another, and Fodu will be angry, let alone this group of old bastards who value their face more than their lives!

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