unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 379 Nine Li Zhan Clan

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 370 Nine Li Zhan Clan

Jiuli Zhanzu

"Little friend, why bother to kill so many evils? Killing can't solve any problems, it will only fall into endless killing. You kill me, I kill you, killing and killing. Why? What about the grievances and grievances of Yixiaomian, today I am the master, and resolve the grievances between you and them." The person who came was wearing a gossip Taoist robe, stepped on five-color auspicious clouds, had a childlike face with white hair, and a fairy demeanor, quite a fairy demeanor.

"Little friend, why don't you speak? If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence! The Lieshan family, the Xuanyuan family, and the real dragon mansion, you little fellows, all go away."

The Taoist old man waved his hand and lifted their restraint. Lie Shanba and the others quickly thanked the old man without farting, and just ran away in a desperate manner.

"En! My friend, why don't you say anything? This ax is too fierce, it's not suitable for you to use, so I can keep it for you! There are also these two little demons, I brought them back as pets, my friend. No objection! Since you don't speak, I still take it as your acquiescence!"

The Taoist old man grabbed the stone ax in Murong Feng's hand and started to play it lightly like nothing. Murong Feng was so angry that he wanted to rush up and kill him, but his body was restrained and he couldn't move at all. Murong Feng really wanted to die with his magic axe.

The old immortal guy in front of me is too shameless and terrifying. I am afraid that only Bai Qi can fight against him. In the current small world, apart from the sleeping Candle Dragon God, Bai Qi is the most powerful, and his soul can quickly communicate with the small world. , Bai Qi received Murong Feng's voice, and quickly escaped from the small world. With a chilling murderous aura in his hand, Bai Qi directly slashed at the body of the Taoist old man.

"Hey! Benefactor! Your murderous aura is so strong that it shakes the Nine Layers of Void! This old man should just save you! I won't let you harm the world."

Daozhuang old man caught Bai Qi's blow with two fingers, but Bai Qi couldn't hold back. Then he backed away triumphantly, and shouted: "Who are you, dare to attack my lord, are you not afraid that my lord will kill you in the future?"

"Oh! Your lord, is this kid? It seems that this kid still has some origins? The ancient emperor's magic weapon, I just took it for collection, who would think too much of such a good thing! You want to kill My old man, you are still not qualified, the little guy let Ye Yun go, old man, I will help you resolve the grievances of all the forces on the Sky Continent, how about it, otherwise if you capture Ye Yun, you will taste what is the enemy of the world taste."

Daozhuang old man finally stopped pretending to be shameless, but looked at Murongfeng calmly.

Bai Qi is extremely cautious. The person in front of him must be at least a strong man like the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal, otherwise he would not easily dodge his blow. The Nine Tribulation Loose Immortal is not an old monster that exists in legends ?If you don't try to comprehend the true meaning of becoming an immortal, but come here to mess around, it's obvious that you didn't come here with good intentions.

"Let go of my venerable master first, otherwise I will kill Ye Yun immediately. My venerable is mainly missing a hair. I swear in vain that even if I chase you to the heavens and worlds, hundreds of millions of gods and heavens will take you down." head." Bai Qi's murderous intent was released all over his body, and a bloody river appeared behind him, as well as a sky full of bones.

"This old man is here to resolve grievances, not to fight with you. It's okay to let this kid go, but Ye Yun must be handed over to me, otherwise don't blame this old man for being cruel." Daogu, but a ruthless meaning.

The restraint on Murong Feng was released, and Murong Feng regained control of his body. This old miscellaneous hair is too terrifying, and he can't fight against it. Could it be that it came from there, or is it an old monster hidden by the Daoist sect? Ye Yun can't do it Stay, b, I already know that the uncle is a descendant of the ancient gods.

"Little guy, if you still don't let me go, is it possible that I want the old man to go in person? Young people nowadays don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all, boy, the old man knows what you are worried about. Aren't you the descendant of the ancient gods? Your divine way I'm just lazy to care about the mess with Xiandao, you give Ye Yun to me, and promise not to appear in front of you from now on, how, and the grievances between you and Daomen, can also disappear, but the premise is You don't take the initiative to attack the Taoist sect." The old man pretending to be a Taoist turned into a smile, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Tell me your identity, otherwise, even if you die, I will not release Ye Yun." Murong Feng knew that the old miscellaneous hair was terrifying, but as the descendant of the God Clan, he would never bow his head to anyone.

"You are not qualified to know the old man's name for the time being, little guy, you are the heir of War Demon. For the sake of War Demon, I don't have to worry about today's matter with you, but if you don't let him go, you will be considered War Demon. Believe it or not, this old man will kill you alive without leaving any residue." Dao pretended to be an old man with a smile on his face, but there was a strong murderous intent in his words.

"Do you believe me? b, if Emperor Zhanmo is alive, you are worthy of you, and while Zhanmodi is down, are you as good as my God Clan? You are a hypocrite, just like your old immortal master. Hmph! The group of guys above actually ignored the agreement and asked you to come down privately. My God Clan Emperor is missing, but it is not something like you that can be bullied at will. .”

There was a violent roar in the void, like a thunderbolt exploding in the void, and the void burst abruptly, but the person who came was a young man in black, handsome and majestic, with horns on his forehead.

"It's you, you gods really don't abide by the agreement. Aren't you afraid to attract the attention of the higher-ups when you openly come out as a strong man?" The Taoist old man showed a bit of fear.

The young man in black sneered a few times, turned into a black shadow, and appeared directly behind the old man in Taoist costume. He swallowed out black divine power with his palm, and the figure of the old man in Taoist costume suddenly shattered, "You... so ruthless."

"Hmph! Can't you be cruel? To deal with you bastards, not being cruel means being eaten by you. My protoss has suffered enough over the years. Seeing the birth of a new emperor, who dares to grow up without the emperor?" If you do it before, I will kill them one by one." The black-clothed youth spoke out silently, his expression indifferent and majestic...

"Thank you for saving my life, senior. Dare to ask senior is the god of our clan." Murong Feng looked extremely respectful, appearing unusually natural.

Who knows that the young man in black suddenly knelt down on one leg and said: "The gift from Your Highness, I dare not accept it, I am an unknown person of the gods, and I am not worth mentioning, but the lower god belongs to the lineage of the witch god, Chi You, Belongs to the Jiuli Zhan Clan."

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