Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 380 Embarrassment


"Jiuli Zhan Clan, haven't you fallen into an endless deep sleep? Without the order of Chi You, how dare you be born into the world without authorization. Today you have meritorious service, but you can't make up for the crime you committed. I will remember this crime for you temporarily. When Chi You respects the group's body and returns, the real deity will count with you, so you can be convinced." Murong Feng exudes endless power all over his body, the ancient Chinese gods, the hierarchy is strict, and the emperor is the emperor, even if he is the heir To perform the ceremony of subordinates.

"Your Highness, my Jiuli Zhan Clan is indeed in a deep sleep, but there is a reason for my subordinates to come back. The lower gods cannot say the reason. Please forgive me, the person who was killed by the lower gods just now belonged to the Da Luo Jinxian of the Immortal Dao. Clone, Your Highness, you need to carefully hide your whereabouts. With the protection of our Shinto warriors, there will naturally be no real immortals coming. Your Highness, the lower gods will retire first. Whether our family can regain the glory of the past, everything is up to Your Highness .” After saying those words, the young man in black directly broke into the void.


"Haha! Who said that there is no one in my god clan, and there is still a Jiuli Zhan clan, a master of immortality? When the uncle leaves the real dragon secret realm, it will destroy your three sects of Taoism, General Bai, go back! Hurry up! If you don’t recover your strength, this deity has no power to fight against the Daoist sect.” Murong Feng’s eyes were full of domineering intent.

Bai Qi turned around and entered the small world, while Murong Feng glanced at the not far away Real Dragon Mansion, Lie Shanba, and Xuanyuan Jue, and let you live for a few days, and when the real dragon secret realm is opened, it will be the day of your death. hour.

"Brother Murong... Our brother is dying, take out any medicine quickly..." King Xiaopeng's voice was somewhat weak...

"Yes! Boss Murong... help! Otherwise we will die soon..." Ao Tian also said weakly...

Murong Feng looked at the two of them, and immediately burst out laughing wildly, saying: "You guys... don't worry, you can't die with me, the light of life." After saying that, two green lights appeared on Murong Feng's left and right hands, pounding The majestic power of life quickly entered Xiaopeng Wang Aotian's body, and his body quickly recovered. The light of life is indeed a divine art against the sky.

"Pervert, monster."

"Super perverted, super evildoer, our two brothers are enough evildoers, you are really more evildoer than us."

King Xiaopeng and Ao Tian spoke directly, and at the same time showed their middle fingers to Murong Feng, showing a strong look of disdain. Murong Feng immediately went up to give them a hug, and said: "Good brothers, from now on you will be me, Murong Feng. Brothers, why don't we just sworn brothers and become brothers!"

"That's exactly what I want to do. It's a lifetime honor for me, King Xiaopeng, to get to know a genius like you, Brother Murong."

"Same feeling."

"Okay, meeting brothers like you is also the honor of my life, Murong Feng."

Murong Feng, King Xiaopeng, and Ao Tian burst out laughing at the same time. The three of them swear to the Empress Dowager. The three of them naturally respect Murong Feng. It is Murong Feng who is respected, Murong Feng is respected, King Xiaopeng is second, and Ao Tian is third.

"Second brother, third brother, since you already know my identity, I won't hide it from you today, you follow me and escape." Murong Feng took King Xiaopeng and Ao Tian directly into the small world in an instant. Ao Tian and King Xiaopeng were dumbfounded when they saw the small world.

"Brother, what kind of place is this place? It has so much vitality, it looks like a small world no matter how you look at it! I just don't know if there are any beauties! Is the master just now here!" Xiaopeng Wang is like a Like a curious baby.

"Yes! What exactly is this place!" Ao Tian was also very puzzled, not knowing what exactly was this place.

"Qingqing, Xueyan, Tianling, Laoniu, Changtian, General Bai, Princess Xuewu, Brother Six, Brother Hongwu, Lord Xiaoyao, Chen Kun, come out! Come and meet our new friends." Following Murong The sound of the wind echoed in the small world, all the people gave up their cultivation one after another, and all went to Murong Feng's side.

Princess Xuewu completely recovered her memory, and said in a deep voice: "Oh! Your Highness, when did you take in two little monsters! They are actually descendants of the Golden-winged Roc and have the blood of the Qinglong. Yes, can they be turned into real monsters? Dapeng and Qinglong, it depends on your chances."

Bai Qi took a closer look and said, "En! Two little monsters with potential."

King Xiaopeng and Ao Tian seemed a little overwhelmed, Murong Feng laughed quickly and said, "Fairy Xuewu, General Bai, please don't tease my two brothers, they are our own people now, we have to discuss what to do next Do, now that the avatar of the Golden Immortal has arrived, if not for the strong men from my clan who arrived in time, my fate would have been entrusted here."

"What, with the avatar of the Golden Immortal descending, are they finally unable to sit still? It seems that this place is not as simple as the real dragon secret realm. It must not be the place where the first ancestor dragon in the prehistoric world sits and transforms! Your Highness, if it is the ancestor dragon Hurry up and leave here, as far as you can go, Zulong is comparable to the emperor of the gods and the supreme existence of immortality." Xue Wu's eyes were full of fear...

Murong Feng was also strongly shocked, and said: "Zu, Zulong, coveting the place where he sits and transforms, he is looking for death! Fairy, general, what should we do now, it seems that this place can be entered but not exited. It doesn't have the strength to travel through space, and the dead dog is not there."

"Brother, why worry? Even if it's the place where the ancestral dragon sits and transforms, we'll go with you. Didn't the old man at the door say that? Accepting the inheritance and secret treasure of the real dragon is a predestined person, and the elder brother is a protoss." Your Highness, if Eldest Brother is not qualified, who in this world is qualified to inherit the inheritance of this ancestor dragon, since it is here, why not take a chance." King Xiaopeng seemed to be very angry, not caring about the danger here.

"En! If that's the case, let's go touch it! Anyway, there is a small world, at least it has the power to protect itself, but Ye Yun is a troublesome thing. Jinxian's avatar personally asked me for someone, and was even willing to help me resolve my grievances." , What is the origin of Ye Yun, now it is impossible to kill, and it will be a disaster if you don't kill!" Murong Feng seemed a little helpless, after all, he really killed Ye Yun and attracted the masters of the Taoist sect. It's worth it.

Bai Qi also fell into silence. After all, Bai Qi is no longer the mighty killing god in his previous life, but now he is half-human, half-ghost. When he meets a strong person at the level of a true immortal, he has no chance of escaping for his life. , but now it can only be stepped up to practice, and strive to restore the cultivation as soon as possible.

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