unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 391 Don't You Think It's Too Late To Know?

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 390 Don't you think it's too late?

Don't you think it's too late?

"A quarter of an hour is up, people from all major forces come out! Do you still want me to invite you? Tianxin Xiaomao, you three sects of Taoism, please be the first to express your position!" meaning.

The old Taoist Tianxin held the magic whip in his hand, and he didn't buy the blood demon ancestor's account at all. He said: "The disciples of the three sects of the Taoist sect obey the order and follow me to the land of dragon spirit. If you go, you will kill anyone who hinders you without mercy."

At the end of the sentence, several Sanxians of the Six Tribulations headed by Tianxin Laodao first entered the land of dragon energy, followed by a hundred Sanxians, and 7000 Mahayana masters, and the rest were ordinary Mahayana masters. But there are [-] people, this time it can be regarded as the entire elite force of the Taoist sect, and it is a great deterrent to put it here!

The Heavenly Demon Sect was led by the Blood Demon Patriarch with [-] demon heads and [-] Mahayana stage powerhouses. As for the guardians, they did not come out, which was obviously part of the plan. The great monster of the Three Tribulations went there, and several loose immortals of the Phoenix clan also brought dozens of spirit beasts in the transformation stage...

The Daoist sect has the largest number of people left by the major forces in the field, but the combined number of people left by the Heavenly Demon Sect, Monster Race, Phoenix Clan, etc. is enough to deter the Daoist sect, and there are some small forces that add up to tens of thousands People, but these are all coming in to make soy sauce, and they don't stick to it at all.

Following the big black dog, Murong Feng finally stepped into the land of dragon energy. When he entered it, he clearly felt a boundless pressure. In front of him was a huge mountain range, and what came into view was a huge heavenly palace. Hundreds of miles in size, quietly suspended above the void, thousands of miles of white jade stairs descended from the sky, surrounded by clouds and mists, like a real fairy palace in the heavens.

"Welcome to the True Dragon Immortal Palace. Another hundred thousand years have passed, and every time there are endless strong people entering this place. The secret of the real dragon is the secret of ascending to the sky. To be able to step into the gate of this immortal palace, It is the person who has obtained the secret of the real dragon. The time is three days. No matter what method you use, only one person will come here alive in the end, and those who exceed the time will be obliterated." An extremely majestic voice came from the fairy palace.

There are nearly ten thousand people here, no matter who wants to get the secret of the real dragon body, but in the end only one person can get out alive. Just as Murong Feng and his party were contemplating, some small forces of different races had already started to fight each other. There are already people falling down everywhere.

The flames of war swept wildly, and soon everyone would be plunged into the melee. Some forces from the Yaozu, Tianmozong, and Phoenix clan moved closer. Brother, can the plan be carried out, if we fall into a melee, we will be too busy to take care of ourselves."

The blood demon patriarch frowned, looked at the fairy palace in the sky, and said: "Murong boy, leave this place to us. Only you are qualified to go up to the real dragon fairy palace. As long as you go up, everyone here will die." It doesn’t matter, but I hope you will take good care of my lineage of the Heavenly Demon Sect in the future.”

"Your Highness, there is also my lineage of the demon clan."

"The lineage of the Phoenix family also needs a lot of attention from His Highness, Brother Blood Demon, you guard the entrance of the white jade ladder, and we will protect His Highness going up."

The crowd seemed to be united and urged Murong Feng to go up, but the scuffle had already begun, and Murong Feng's eyes had long been fixed on the magic whip in the hands of Tianxin old Taoist, but Tianxin old Taoist was extremely majestic. If he blocked it, the victim immediately died of blood and flesh. Murongfeng saw with his own eyes a Sanxian who was beaten to death with a magic whip.

"No, Tianxin's old bastard's magic whip is too powerful. If you resist him, it's hard to resist a round. Dead dog, it's time to arrange your big killing array. The uncle knows that you have taken the yin and yang mirror, so use the yin and yang state to fight against him." For the eyes of the formation, hurry up and set up a big killing formation, and let them die one by one, especially the Tianxin miscellaneous hairs."

In the end, Murong Feng couldn't let go of the life and death of this group of people. It doesn't matter whether he can get the secret of the real dragon, but the purpose is to kill all the miscellaneous hairs of the Taoist sect, at most destroy them, open the small world, and put everyone in it. It can be regarded as taking advantage of the loophole!Anyway, I can't help myself.

"Okay, Gorefiend boy, the two little fellows of the Phoenix clan, protect this emperor, and clear them all within a radius of ten miles. Boy, don't use that trick unless you have to. It's time to use your strengths. Go Let's go!" The big black dog's eyes were solemn, and the black magic power flickered on the black dog's paws.

The stone ax between Murong Feng's eyebrows melted out, and he rushed directly into the crowd, taking time to slash at the Taoist Sanxian, and shouted: "Masters of all major forces, the Taoist deception is too much, and they always want to make their family bigger. Kill! Isn’t it just a hundred loose immortals? Let’s put down our hatred for a while, and ten Mahayana stage powerhouses will attack one loose immortal, and we will first destroy his cunts, and then we will decide the winner!”

"Okay, I agree with this brother, let's go and destroy the Taoist miscellaneous hairs! Come on!"

"Okay, I, the Sky Shadow Clan, agree to this proposal..."

For a moment, thirty to forty thousand masters put aside their grievances and cooperated temporarily. Murong Feng took a cold breath and specially sought out the Mahayana masters from the Taoist sect to fight. Fighting, and a fighter like Murong Feng is cheap in fighting, fighting, fighting non-stop, often six or seven masters attack a Taoist, even if they are strong, they will have to drink hatred.

The sky is covered with blood, corpses are everywhere, the ground has already been stained red with the blood of tens of thousands of masters, the air is filled with the smell of blood, everyone is red-eyed, Murong Feng attacks from time to time, it is an attack that does not distinguish between enemy and friend, The only ones in the arena who still retain their strength are the Yaozu, Tianmozong, and Phoenix.

Tianxin's old-fashioned fighting power is tyrannical, with a magic whip in his hand, he kills people when he sees them, and breaks them when he sees them. But when I saw the big black dog, I was startled suddenly, and shouted: "Stop, we have all been tricked, now we should fight with all our strength to kill the Yaozu, Tianmozong, and Phoenix clan, they want to take advantage of the fisherman, all of you was taken advantage of."

Murong Feng took advantage of the situation behind and said proudly: "Old Tianxin, now that you know, don't you think it's too late? The battle has been completed, you are all destined to die today, you are willing to be used as a spear by me, it's strange Who will be killed? Dead dog, activate the killing array, leave no one behind, kill them all."

The big black dog finally let out a soaring dog howl, "555, hey hey! Tianxin old miscellaneous hair, the emperor is here to collect interest now, your three Taoist sects owe us too much, Juexianshazhen, start. "

In the void, golden light erupted into the sky with the yin and yang realm, and the surrounding black divine power was flying all over the sky, like rays of rays, quickly connected together, within a radius of a hundred miles, all connected into a huge black divine power space, the big black dog Soaring into the sky, before flying to the Yin-Yang Realm, he shouted: "Yin-Yang Fairyland, soul-destroying, kill."

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