unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 392 Chaos Divine Body VS Lei Gang True Body

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 390 [-] Chaos Divine Body vs Lei Gang Real Body

Chaos divine body vs Lei Gang real body

"Hmph! So it was you, a dog demon, who robbed me of the yin and yang mirror. How can you, a dog monster, control the immortal treasures of my Taoist sect? Today, this seat will definitely tear you to pieces. How can I not kill you?" Can vent the hatred in my heart, all Taoist disciples, follow me to form the thunder formation of the Supreme Illusion God, and today I will catch all of you, and my Taoist will unify the sky just around the corner." sneering meaning.

Hundreds of Sanxians, more than a thousand Mahayana miscellaneous hairs, the blue light on their bodies danced, and the magic arts in their hands were pinched. In the void, there were hundreds of miles of blue clouds, and the thunder roared in the clouds. Flashes of lightning danced in the void, and the sky and the earth seemed to be completely enveloped in this piece of thunder gang.

"It's a b, this is an upgraded version of the Shangqing God's Thunder Jue. Its power is comparable to Taixu God's Thunder Tribulation. This emperor is going all out today. I don't want to use all my divine power, but I also want to help the kid get the secret of the real dragon." , Gorefiend boy, you little fellows of the monster race, release all your powers into the yin and yang mirror, and this emperor will fight to the death with the miscellaneous hairs of the Daoist sect today." The big black dog first showed a look of death.

"Boy, this emperor will help you for the last time today. It is possible that the form and spirit will be destroyed. Open the small world and prepare to envelop them all in it. Hurry up."

There was endless unwillingness in Murong Feng's eyes, and he said: "No, dead dog, you can't die, there are too few masters like you in my ancient gods, you are a fucking living fossil, you must not die , This divine thunder is handed over to me, my uncle orders you as the future emperor of the protoss, you must survive for me, and fight against demons."

Two huge blue lights appeared in Murong Feng's eyes, and quickly opened the entrance of the small world. Bai Qi and others quickly appeared. Emerging, the clothes were bursting abruptly, and the stone ax in his hand exploded infinitely.

The purple divine power lingers all over his body, really like a god of war coming to the world, his body becomes three thousand feet abruptly, his feet step on the void, the sky above his head, the stone ax dances, a space crack of thousands of feet appears, Murong Feng feels the terrifying feeling between his gestures and gestures Power, shouted: "Three sects of Taoism, today is the time for you to die."

At the same time, the divine thunder composed of the three sects of Taoism has been activated, and the cyan clouds in the void are completely wrapped in thunder light. Transform my body, gather thunder into a gang, the body of thunder gang, become."

A series of terrifying cyan thunder lights flickered, the sky shattered, and its power was boundless, like a doomsday scene. The body of Tianxin Laodao also exploded infinitely, completely formed by the body of thunder force, extending hundreds of feet with the whip, and finally exploded to two At a thousand or eight hundred feet, the thunder gang body of Tianxin Laodao completely stopped.

"Dead dog, start the killing formation, kill everyone, and leave the Tianxin old way to me to deal with." Murongfeng's voice was like thunder in the sky. Wherever the sound passed, the void shattered like glass. , With every gesture, the world is destroyed, and the rumors are true.

"Murong little bastard, don't think that you can be so rampant because you practice the ancient witch god's lineage. You are looking for death. Let me show you the real body of Lei Gang. Today is the time for you to fall." The words fell. , Tianxin's experienced Nine-section Divine Whip was slammed down, the power of Xuanhuang danced, the void shattered, and hundreds of millions of divine light exploded.

Murong Feng raised the stone ax in his hand, and smashed it down first, pouring brute force into it, before the ax arrived, it shattered into the air first, the power of Xuanhuang is supreme power, but under Murong Feng's divine power, it was also stiff Shattered, the Primordial Protoss, one force breaks ten thousand spells, and it can be regarded as invincible. At this time, Murong Feng already has [-]% of the fighting power of the War Demon Emperor, even if it is enough to challenge ordinary gods.

Hitting the God Whip is a super fairy treasure. Seeing the power of Xuanhuang being shattered, the fairy spirit that exists in itself is even more arrogant. The stone ax in Feng's hand also dragged away. The magic weapon and the fairy treasure were deadly enemies before the ancient times. The so-called hatred meets each other, and they are extremely jealous.

The whip and the stone ax danced in the air, and the battle was no less than the attack of the two gods, and they flew out of the void, fighting for life and death.

With a dark smile on the corner of Murong Feng's mouth, he shouted: "Tianxin old bastard, without the magic whip, let's see what you have to rely on, sir, I'm going to train you today."

As the words fell, Murong Feng's arm exploded, and a strong physical force smashed towards Tianxin's head first, Tianxin's hands shook into fists, blue thunder flashed, the huge fist tore through the void, and hit Murong Feng's giant palms, fists and palms intersected, and the bodies of the two retreated a hundred meters at the same time.

And the void where the two attacked suddenly exploded, forming a terrifying black hole of hundreds of miles, devouring everything in the outside world frantically, and Murong Feng suddenly slapped it, and the black hole was annihilated, as if it had never appeared before, " Tianxin miscellaneous hair, you dare to fight with me, let's see if your body of thunder can withstand several bombardments from me."

When the words fell, Murong Feng didn't hold back his hands, and his tongue and body were determined to bully his body. Jiaye's legs swept across the void, and the thousand-foot-long legs carried shadows all over the sky. The speed was so fast that it shattered the void. For a moment, Tianxin's experienced Lei Gang was in his body, just like a master, he insisted on letting Murongfeng suppress him.

Thousands of legs were protruded from Tianxin's chest in an instant by Murong Feng, and his chest was completely pierced, and when Murong Feng hit again, Tianxin Laodao frantically extracted the vitality of a hundred miles around, repairing his body, After being violently tortured by Murong Feng, his body seemed to be fine.

"Hmph! Little bastard, the real body of Lei Gang of this seat, as long as his vitality is not exhausted, he can fight endlessly. Let you taste the roaring power of my seat."

Tianxin Laodao repaired his real body, and when he waved his hands, there was a dense cyan electric light. The thunder force of the explosion directly ruptured the void, and hit Murong Feng's body straight. The taste of thunder and lightning is uncomfortable for anyone. Grinning, defending even the soul from such an attack.

"You're a bastard, Tianxin old bastard, sir, I'm going to fight it out, and today I'll fight you forever." Murong Feng's domineering temper was completely blown up by the thunder.

Stepping in the void, he quickly arrived in front of Tianxin Old Daoist, let the thunder and lightning bombardment of Tianxin Old Daoist, his whole body was scorched black, but he still didn't buy this stinking account, and went directly to him, slapping him with all the strength in his body, He directly slapped Tianxin Lao Dao's face, including a blow of anger, which shows how terrifying his power is, and half of the Lao Dao's face suddenly bloomed.

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