Chapter 72 The Little Witch is Now

"You shameless bastard, if you are a man, kill me. I, the Phoenix family, will never forget your insult to me today. I will kill you." Feng Ruolan gritted her silver teeth secretly, full of killing intent. Dasheng, but the acupuncture points all over his body have been sealed by Murong Feng, he can't move at all.

Murong Feng shook his head very casually, and said: "Little hen, don't be arrogant, don't pretend to be noble in front of me, be careful, I will take off your noble coat and sell you into a kiln. You serve men, hehe!"

" dare." Feng Ruolan was extremely angry, but there was a sense of fear in her eyes.

With a sound of "嗖", dozens of fierce sword qi, with the will to kill everything, quickly slashed towards Murong Feng's body. Murong Feng's expression changed, and the broken sword in his hand was facing across his chest. Stepping on the seven-star step, the purple true essence surged out, and a sword light more than three feet long burst out.

"Boom" the purple sword light collided with dozens of sword qi, and a huge sound erupted in the air. The air waves generated by the explosion quickly dispersed, bringing yellow sand flying all over the sky, and Murong Feng's body quickly retreated. , Take a closer look, there is a figure with a black flying sword standing in the void, isn't it Tianling?

"Murong Feng, you despicable, shameless, nasty, nasty villain, I see where you are running today, mighty heaven, endless magic thunder, cut ten directions, shatter three worlds, magic thunder technique, fall." The sky in the sky When the magic hand is squeezed, countless demonic energy is lingering in an instant, with endless power, thunder dances in the sky, black thunder flashes galloping, like hundreds of millions of poisonous snakes swallowing.

With a sound of "Boom", a huge thunder pierced the sky, and the thunder and lightning, as thick as a bucket, directly blasted towards Murong Feng's body with the power to sweep away everything.

I am a mother!This little girl has such a powerful spell as soon as she makes a move, I'd better go first, this time is not suitable for reckless fighting!If Xiaoying was here, I would have let you know how powerful I am, and you will be cruel today, little girl, and we will have a long time to come.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng quickly used the Wudang school's unique ladder cloud jumping method. His body seemed to be very slow, as if he was stepping in a circle on the spot, but the whole body's true energy was circulating, and his body stretched for several miles. Lock on Murong Feng's body, wherever his body goes, Lei Guang will chase him there.

"Murongfeng, you run there, you really underestimate the spells of my Heavenly Demon Sect. In order to deal with you, this lady has used her innate supernatural powers. You seem to have forgotten that controlling heavenly thunder is my heavenly skill. No matter if you escape When you get there, your body will always be locked by my thunder, and today I want you to disappear." Tian Ling gritted his teeth and looked at Murong Feng's figure, with the pleasure of revenge in the corner of his mouth.

"Sister Tianling, I...I am Ruolan, please help me to release the restraint on my body..." Feng Ruolan's voice came from afar.

Tian Ling saw Feng Ruolan on the ground, and angrily glanced at Murong Feng's disappearing figure, but Tian Lei couldn't track his figure because of his own control, and said bitterly: "Little thief Murong, You are lucky today, anyway, in this secret place, this girl will always catch you."

Put away the flying sword, quickly landed beside Feng Ruolan, and said in amazement: "Sister, what's going on with you, why are you in such a mess, is it also the fault of that bastard, did he treat you badly?" Sample."

Feng Ruolan showed a wry smile and said: "Yes, this bastard stole my elixir, sister, please help me undo the restraint power on my body! I don't think this shameless person has imposed any restraints, so that my whole body You can't mobilize your true essence, and you can't even move your body."

Tianling's spiritual thoughts swept away, but he didn't find any restricted fluctuations, but he found that the true essence of the meridians was blocked. This may be the reason. Now try to use the magic energy to relieve the blocked meridians. Sure enough, the devilish energy broke through the acupuncture points on Feng Ruolan's body.

Feng Ruolan immediately felt the disappearing true essence come back, her body could move naturally, and then the flames on her body flashed, and the damaged battle armor was instantly repaired, and an angry light appeared in her eyes and said: "Sister, this revenge is not worth it!" Repayment, how can I, Feng Ruolan, gain a foothold, I will take a step first, and the kindness I have today will definitely be repaid in the future."

Tianling stepped forward quickly, and said angrily: "That bastard is lustful, insulting my lady, how could I let her go so easily, sister, I will go with you, although this kid is low-level, but He is sinister and obscene, let's go together, so we can take care of him."

"En! With a helper like my sister, I must snatch the elixir back, or my father's life will be in danger. Let's go." With some anxiety, Feng Ruolan turned into a red light and went straight towards Murong Feng's body. Going in the direction, the flying sword under Tianling's feet flashed, and instantly caught up with Feng Ruolan's figure.

When the figures of the two were gone, a figure shot up into the sky under the yellow sand at this moment, Murong Feng came out, looked at the two figures gone, with a bit of evil in the corner of his mouth, said: "Two little girls, It’s nothing but brute strength, if you want to catch me, go back and practice for a few years! Hehe! When I reach the realm of the second heaven, I will let you kneel down and sing conquest.”

Resisting the broken sword, stepping on the yellow sand, singing the classic Chinese song Shiba Mo, but the whole person quickly moved towards Xie Changtian's direction. There is a cultivator at the Jindan stage who contributes all of his true energy, and he will definitely be able to step into the realm of the second heaven.

At that time, there will be absolutely no problem fighting against the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage. The power of combat skills will definitely rise in a straight line. Yun, do you think you are the No.1 among the younger generation of the top ten sects? I, Lan Xin, want to see the strength of the geniuses cultivated by the three sects of Taoism today."

The light sand on Ye Yun's face moved without wind, and there was disdain in her eyes and she said: "Lan Xin, you Piaomiao Pavilion has never intervened in the disputes in the mainland. Are you trying to break this example today? It seems that Piaomiao Pavilion has finally Can't bear it anymore? That's fine, let me see what's so special about your Sound Phantom Killing Formation today, from the moment you step into the secret realm, there must be a battle between you and me, come on!"

The murderous intent of Ye Yun's whole body must be revealed, and she possesses the three supreme secret methods of Taoism. No one knows how strong her strength is. There is a vague claim that she is the No. 1 young generation in the mainland. After all, Ye Yun's current practice is not enough 30 years!Even Xuantian is hard to contend with.

The person who came here to the secret realm is almost one of the most talented disciples of the top ten sects. These big sects put these young juniors here without another meaning, that is, in the bloody killing, the real The elites, geniuses don't just rely on words, the speed of cultivation is fast, and they have not gone through thousands of real battles, and it is just a blank slate.

Murong Feng watched from a distance, and found that Jie Se, King Xiaopeng, King Xiaoqing Jiao, Xuan Tian, ​​Lan Xin, Ye Yun and others of the monster race had faint injuries on their bodies, especially Jie Se and Xuan Tian. , the injury on his body has reached a certain level, Murong Feng watched quietly and did not speak, looking for an opportunity to throw a few elixir.

And at this moment, a figure quietly came to Murong Feng's side, and said: "Boss, you are really fine! As expected of my boss, it's exciting to watch again, haha!"

Murong Feng turned his head and saw that it was Xie Changtian, the hanging heart in his heart had already let go and said, "You boy, hid there, didn't I tell you to find that little monk?"

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