unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 73 Lion's Roar Breaking Sound Attack

Chapter 73 Lion's Roar Breaking Sound Attack

Lion's Roar Breaking Sound Attack

The light sand on Ye Yun's face moved without wind, and there was disdain in her eyes and she said: "Lan Xin, you Piaomiao Pavilion has never intervened in the disputes in the mainland. Are you trying to break this example today? It seems that Piaomiao Pavilion has finally Can't bear it anymore? That's fine, let me see what's so special about your Sound Phantom Killing Formation today, from the moment you step into the secret realm, there must be a battle between you and me, come on!"

The murderous intent of Ye Yun's whole body must be revealed, and she possesses the three supreme secret methods of Taoism. No one knows how strong her strength is. There is a vague claim that she is the No. 1 young generation in the mainland. After all, Ye Yun's current practice is not enough 30 years!Even Xuantian is hard to contend with.

The person who came here to the secret realm is almost one of the most talented disciples of the top ten sects. These big sects put these young juniors here without another meaning, that is, in the bloody killing, the real The elites, geniuses don't just rely on words, the speed of cultivation is fast, and they have not gone through thousands of real battles, and it is just a blank slate.

Murong Feng watched from a distance, and found that Jie Se, King Xiaopeng, King Xiaoqing Jiao, Xuan Tian, ​​Lan Xin, Ye Yun and others of the monster race had faint injuries on their bodies, especially Jie Se and Xuan Tian. , the injury on his body has reached a certain level, Murong Feng watched quietly and did not speak, looking for an opportunity to throw a few elixir.

And at this moment, a figure quietly came to Murong Feng's side, and said: "Boss, you are really fine! As expected of my boss, it's exciting to watch again, haha!"

Murong Feng turned his head and saw that it was Xie Changtian, the hanging heart in his heart had already let go and said, "You boy, hid there, didn't I tell you to find that little monk?"

Xie Changtian sighed and said, "Boss, I just saw that little monk, and that dead monk wanted to kill me. Fortunately, there was a woman who saved my life in time! Otherwise, I would have died." ah!"

At this time, Ye Yun had already made a move, and when he made a move, there were thousands of cyan sword qi, with the powerful aura that broke everything, forming a powerful refining flower shape, and in a spiral state, it quickly moved towards Lan Xin Lan Xin's body strangled away, and Lan Xin's body immediately fled a hundred meters away.

Lan Xin's body immediately moved a hundred meters away, and she put the flute across the corner of her mouth with her backhand, but it was not as sad and desolate as it was played just now.

This is a feeling of incomparable joy, as if the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and the earth is full of the joy of life. When people listen to it, their eyes are full of spring, and their hearts are indescribably relaxed.

It is also like a young lover who knows that his passionate lover is waiting for him in a field full of flowers. He sings and dances, singing and running all the way to find his lover, throwing himself in his lover's arms, only happiness , only love, only happiness, without a trace of sadness and distress...

Then the surrounding environment changed, the barren desert turned into the scene described by the sound of the flute, gradually the fighting people stopped, all eyes were full of joy, apparently lost in the music, Ye Yun held on tight Original heart, but his complexion turned pale, and Dou Da's sweat kept dripping.

Obviously she was resisting with all her might, when Lan Xin saw this, a triumphant smile flashed across her mouth, she circulated her true energy to urge the sound of the flute, the surrounding environment slowly changed, dozens of beauties appeared in the flower-blossoming In the middle of the earth, the delicate body of a beautiful woman flipped skillfully in the middle of the night, and she took off a coat as thin as a cicada's wings!Immediately revealing a jade body as slippery as a snake 21 I saw pink arms and plump buttocks, showing curves, stretching out towards the white and crisp breasts, it is really charming, sultry and drunk 21 One by one, they took off their robes, pink arms* *, with big breasts and fat buttocks, showing off her jade body, swinging her legs and twisting her arms, dancing around Zhanbai 21

However, the bursts of liquid fragrance became more intense as the four delicate bodies were exposed.

The whole land was filled with this rich and strange fragrance, and the spring was full of eyes. Except for the people in Piaomiao Pavilion, Ye Yun, the rest of the people in the field were confused by the sound of the flute, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Even Murong Feng was almost confused. Fortunately, the fire of the soul immediately blocked the sound of the flute, but Xie Changtian next to him was not so lucky. Consciously dreaming of spring.

Murong Feng knew that if he didn't think of a solution quickly, Chang Tian's life would be in danger, but for the people in Piaomiao Pavilion who can combine music and illusion to kill people invisible, it is really very powerful. Even I have fallen into their ways.

For the person who confused his brother into it, Murong Feng burst into anger in his heart. At this moment, he didn't know how to break through this illusion, and suddenly remembered the lion's roar in Shaolin's unique art, which has the power to break the confusion, and suddenly came to his senses Thinking of this, Murong Feng didn't say anything else, and circulated all the energy in his body to his throat.


The sound was like a sharp sword piercing through the air, like ten thousand horses galloping, more like a thunderclap on the flat ground, immediately broke through the illusion, and rowed towards the endless sky. A huge purple lion phantom stood above Murong Feng's head, majestic and powerful, The demeanor of the king of beasts.

The momentarily confusing illusion disappeared, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and the people who were addicted to the illusion suddenly woke up. Looking back on the scene just now, they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and their hearts were full of gratitude for the mysterious whistling sound just now.

Looking up into the void, I saw a huge lion standing in the air, not far away a handsome young man in white was walking towards an equally handsome young man in black.

And the corner of this young man's mouth flashed with anger, and he let out a thunderous voice from a distance: "Sound attack and illusion are indeed a super powerful combination, killing people invisible, but it's a pity who you want to kill is none of my business , but you shouldn't confuse my brother into it, hum!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body appeared beside Lan Xin, the brows were full of anger, and his eyes were full of questioning expressions. Lan Xin's face was pale, and there was a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, which was obviously influenced by Murong Feng. The intrusion of the authentic Buddhist power of subjugating demons has caused a lot of damage to the mind.

At this time, Ye Yun recovered a little and said gratefully: "Thank you fellow daoist for your help, I almost fell into the way of this temptress, and when the poor dao is wiped out, these temptresses are talking with fellow daoist Xiangxiang."

Murong Feng suddenly turned his eyes full of murderous intent, staring at Ye Yun's heart, and said coldly: "Your Excellency, don't bother you, our account will be counted."

Then he stared at Lan Xin and said indifferently: "How do you settle the accounts between us? It's best that your answer is satisfactory to me, otherwise I don't mind shouting once, hum!" , the corners of Murong Feng's mouth moved a few times. In fact, Murong Feng said so, but he had another plan in his heart. The people in Piaomiao Pavilion seemed to be at odds with Daozong of the Shangqing. Just find a step by yourself.

Lan Xin is also a human being who has lived for thousands of years, so she doesn't know what Murong Feng meant, and then she begged with a face full of pleading: "Little brother actually didn't do it on purpose, you see that you broke my sister's illusion, sister He was also seriously injured, what about our relationship, my name is Lan Xin, brother, what is your name?"

Murong Feng gently raised his chin, pretending to be thinking. He didn't expect that Lan Xin would hit a snake with a stick, and he got close to him so quickly. Just when he was about to say something, he knew that Ye Ye in the back Yun suddenly yelled: "Fellow daoist, don't be fooled by him, they Piaomiao Pavilion are famous temptresses, listen to the persuasion of the poor Taoist, get out of the way quickly, I'm going to use the thunder of the sky, so as not to hurt fellow daoists by mistake. "

Murong Feng knows the name of this treasure. It is made by absorbing the tribulation thunder of Heavenly Tribulation using secret methods, and then using precious materials to refine it. Moreover, it is so powerful that even a Sanxian will be able to break it off even if it is hit by it. The skin is extremely powerful, and it is the treasure of the Shangqing Taoist sect. There are only dozens of them in the entire Shangqing Taoist sect. I didn't expect this guy to have it.

When Lan Xin heard that Tiangang Shenlei also changed his face, he hurriedly retreated tens of meters, ignoring the injuries on his body, and shouted: "Sisters, run, if you can run one by one, this old monster has already become murderous. , it will take a while for the Tiangang Shenlei to be cast, everyone run quickly."

At this moment, Murong Feng has the purpose of taking possession of Tiangang Shenlei, and his hatred for Shangqing Daozong is deep in his bones. If he can snatch it, he will be very happy to deal with the people of Shangqing Daozong in the future.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng immediately pretended to be terrified and said, "You, are you kidding me! I don't want to be broken into pieces. Fellow Daoist, please go ahead, we will have a good chat later."

As soon as the words fell, her body moved towards Ye Yun's side rapidly. Ye Yun did not doubt that he was there, and immediately said with a smile: "Friend Daoist, you will know after a while that you have made the most correct choice."

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