Taoseguan Road

0092 Catch rape and double, catch thief and take stolen goods? 6

Tao Seguan Road 0092 Catch rape and double, catch thief and take stolen goods? 6

Is it because the times are changing too fast or the trends that leaders follow are really changing too much?Or is it that he, Li Yizhi, has already been eliminated by this?Shaking his head, Li Yizhi had no choice but to open the car door and walk towards Wang Dawang who had already found a table.

Li Yizhi, who walked into the Pizza Hut, found that he was really out.

Sitting in front of Wang Dawang, watching Wang Dawang gobbled it up, Li Yizhi could only use words like stunned to describe his shock.Is this because he got into trouble or Wang Dawang's brain got flooded?Why can Wang Dawang eat with such relish?Are you really starving?Or did you do some physical work just now?

Of course, the definition of physical labor in Li Yizhi's mind has nothing to do with what happened in the small garden downstairs of the city government dormitory just now.The physical work that Li Yizhi was thinking of of course refers to the physical work that happened in Liao Shuyi's house on the top floor above the small garden.However, Li Yizhi estimated that Wang Dawang tonight also did not carry out the physical work to the end.As long as Jiang Zhiying was relentlessly chasing and beating him just now, Li Yizhi could roughly guess what happened upstairs.

Li Yizhi is the only one who can imagine the situation of catching rape so closely.Based on Li Yizhi's understanding of his leader, he could even imagine that when Wang Dawang was doing physical labor with Liao Shuyi, he happened to be bumped into by Liao Shuyi's brother-in-law Jiang Zhiying.Or, it should be called catching rape in bed is more appropriate.Just now when Wang Dawang didn't even attend the dinner party that was originally scheduled, he didn't even eat the meal and left him, the driver, to go to Liao Shuyi's house alone, when Li Yizhi had already guessed the thoughts of his leader.

In other words, most of those with regular jobs like him have occupational diseases.Li Yizhi's occupational disease is to figure out the leader's mind too thoroughly, and Li Yizhi who has figured it out too thoroughly sometimes forgets to cover up his eyes that see everything.Therefore, this kind of occupational disease sometimes attracts the disgust of leaders.When Li Yizhi realized that his permanent occupational disease had interfered with his image around the leaders, he also began to try his best to cover it up.

As the saying goes, good friends are those who can see through but not talk through.

Li Yizhi thought this sentence was inconceivable, but since he became the leader's personal driver, he began to deeply understand the profoundness of this sentence.

Some people say that if you want to be "really smart", you must start by "playing stupid".Seeing things through but not explaining them clearly, based on the fact that it is rare to be confused is the great wisdom of a smart person. This is the approach of a smart person in the workplace, and it is the truth that Li Yizhi must understand in a fixed career like this.

If a subordinate is too smart when his immediate boss is acting too smart, the subordinate is not far from being fired.No leader likes that his subordinates are more capable and capable than himself, so "playing stupid" is the beginning of Du Lala's promotion.

Of course, in Li Yizhi's eyes, what makes leaders think it is taboo is that their subordinates see too clearly.No one wants to live under a pair of eyes peeping at him all day long, and no one who is a leader is willing to expose his own desires to his subordinates.

Having figured this out, Li Yizhi quickly lowered his head, imitating Wang Dawang, and stuffed the dry piece of pizza in front of his mouth.What a t***, which bastard brought these unhealthy foreign garbage into this continent?It's about making people feel bad, isn't it?He has been cursing in his heart these things that make him unable to eat, which look like offal and don't know what it tastes like, the only thing Li Yizhi can do is to chew slowly, pretending to enjoy it very slowly While chewing like wax, he had to watch Wang Dawang reach out his big hand to another piece of 'smashed wax' in the plate again.

After finally waiting for Wang Dawang to drink enough of the teabags to his heart's content, Li Yizhi's little heart was hit again by Wang Dawang's powerful actions.Before Li Yizhi had time to react, Wang Dawang, who was full of food and drink, took out two red old hairs from nowhere and threw them on the dining table, then walked towards the jeep without looking back.

"This... this..." Now, Li Yizhi was completely dumbfounded!Li Yizhi, who was tangled in his seat for a long time, decided to treat all this as an unrealistic nightmare.Only in this way, the first time he saw Wang Dawang eating out of his own pocket, he felt that the world was not completely crazy.

"Go back to the office!" Wang Dawang, who swept away all the pizza on the table, remembered the two ghosts who left on their own in the hospital after satisfying his stomach's request.He patted himself on the forehead vigorously, and secretly called out 'bad thing'.Look at his brain, he has completely forgotten such an important matter.He made an appointment with two ghosts to find the big rat that stole his huge amount of cash from his office tonight.Unexpectedly, once he saw the house where Liao Shuyi lived now, he would never be able to remember anything.However, this shot reminded Wang Dawang that his face was scratched when Jiang Zhiying pushed him down on the stone in the garden path just now, and now he still feels a little hot.

"Yes, Wang Ju!" Li Yizhi decided to carry out such a difficult task of "playing stupid" to the end, even if he had to sacrifice half of Li Yizhi's smart and wise image in his life.

The jeep galloped in the direction of Tianma Bureau, and leaned back in the chair. Wang Dawang suddenly remembered something that Shangguan Sisi reminded him when he was in the hospital. It became a donkey face similar to Li Yizhi.Wang Dawang coughed lightly with a coffin face, and then said to Li Yizhi who was concentrating on driving in a very serious tone: "Stop doing those messy things in the future, it's annoying!"

"Wang Ju, I... what you said is..." Li Yizhi quickly searched his mind after being hit by Wang Dawang so thoughtlessly, and found that he didn't seem to have done anything out of bounds recently. .Li Yizhi, who felt that he didn't have shit on his body, decided to use his rare confusion to the extreme. Of course, even if he had shit on his body, it was a thing of the past, and he had already wiped his ass clean.Don't you just change it if you make a mistake?After changing it, he is still a good comrade!Li Yizhi believes that people are not sages and sages. Even if there is excrement on your body occasionally, you can wipe it off by yourself.After wiping it clean, he is still a good comrade!When Li Yizhi thought so, he asked Wang Dawang very aggrieved. After being so aggrieved, Li Yizhi found that he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Hmph! You did a good job yourself! Do you have a talisman or something on your body? Why don't you throw it away quickly! Why do these feudal and superstitious things? If it gets out, won't it make people laugh?" Wang Dawang said to Li Yizhi like this Behavior expresses deep abhorrence.If Li Yizhi didn't have a talisman on him, how could Shangguan Sisi dare not approach him?Therefore, Wang Dawang must put this account on Li Yizhi's head.

"Spiritual talisman? How do you know? Uh... Wang Bureau, this is what the woman at home insisted on me. Said... Said that I will go to see... Mo Xiaoqian this afternoon, I am afraid that I will be..." Li Yizhi said I was really a little flustered.It turned out that there was still a gap in the hundred secrets, and it turned out that Wang Dawang was referring to such a thing just now.Being questioned by Wang Dawang, Li Yizhi ignored the most crucial question.

"Afraid of being possessed by ghosts? Li Yizhi, do you believe such nonsense? Thanks to the fact that you have lived in Donggui City for so many years! Is Donggui City a remote place in the past? The information is still the same as before Is it closed? What age is it, and you still believe in these ghosts and gods?" Wang Dawang looked around while scolding Li Yizhi in the front row.Fortunately, the jeep was driving fast, and it might be because of the talisman on Li Yizhi's body that Wang Dawang didn't see the shadows that he called "nonsense" floating around.Wang Dawang seemed to lack confidence when it came to these myths about gods and ghosts.In other words, isn't he a very typical example of a ghost upper body now?

"No, that's not the case. Director Wang, you know that although Donggui City is not closed, we still need to pay attention to the lessons left by our ancestors. You can't visit dead people this afternoon. Look, isn't this ... Otherwise, why would you go to the hospital?" Li Yizhi suddenly called out the truth about this matter, and argued plausibly with Wang Dawang, even forgetting the "playing stupid" technique that he admired so much just now.

"Nonsense! Why don't you take it out and throw it away?" How could Wang Dawang not know the customs of Donggui City?This afternoon he had a fight with Yang Weinan because of this matter.However, he finally stepped into Mo Xiaoqian's house in the afternoon.Although he didn't really see Mo Xiaoqian's body, he was knocked unconscious by some mysterious accident.This point exactly corresponds to what Li Yizhi said.

"Oh..." Despite his unwillingness, Li Yizhi still used one of his free arms to find his wallet from his bag, and then found the red talisman that he had folded into a triangle. Then he threw it out of the car window.But this still reminded Li Yizhi of a problem he had ignored just now.That is, how did Wang Dawang know that he was carrying a talisman?

How did Wang Dawang know that he was carrying a magic talisman?He could be sure that he had carefully placed the talisman that his wife forced into him in the inner compartment of the wallet.How did Wang Dawang know?Does he have clairvoyance?

"Stop engaging in these feudal superstitions in the future!" Wang Dawang solemnly explained to Li Yizhi while watching the faint figure drifting past the car window.He rubbed his eyes, and found that his eyes seemed to see more and more things, and they became clearer.It's just that the figures floating past the car window didn't seem to realize that there was a pair of shadows in the car who could see them, so-called "dirty things".

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