Taoseguan Road

0093 Catch rape and double, catch thief and take stolen goods? 7

Tao Seguan Road 0093 Catch rape and double, catch thief and take stolen goods? 7

Under the night, the office building of Tianma Bureau was peaceful.There was not a single person to be seen in the quiet hall on the first floor of the office building, and even the monitoring room inside the guard room was silent.The two security guards who were still drinking wine and singing ditty in the monitoring room last night no longer cursed like usual to vent their inner imbalance and inexplicable dissatisfaction.

Li Yizhi, who followed Wang Dawang out of the car, saw that there was no one in the security room, and thought something bad happened again.His worthless relative, Li Dazhong, is on the night shift again tonight.But Li Dazhong, who was supposed to be on duty at the door, and Yang Weige, who were supposed to be on duty at the door, didn't know where they died.This made Li Yizhi, who had just reprimanded Li Dazhong angrily this morning, very annoyed.Annoyed, Li Yizhi hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his bag to make a call, but was stopped by Wang Dawang's big hand.

"Let's go! Come upstairs with me!" Wang Dawang, who wanted to get rid of the idlers around him, stopped Li Yizhi who was pulling out his mobile phone.Wang Dawang could figure out what Li Yizhi was trying to do with his phone by thinking about it with his toes.In order to prevent Li Yizhi from giving information to Li Dazhong who was doing something bad somewhere, Wang Dawang decided to reluctantly bring this big-mouthed driver with him.

"Yes, Director Wang!" Li Yizhi, who was stopped by Wang Dawang, didn't dare to make any more claims, so he just followed his leader and walked towards the elevator entrance.But before taking two steps forward, Wang Dawang stopped again.

"Go! Go to the monitoring room and have a look!" Wang Dawang, who wanted to go upstairs, suddenly thought of the most direct way, which is to check the monitoring of the entire Tianma Bureau office building immediately.He didn't believe that these people's hands were so long that they could shut down the surveillance of the entire building.

However, the facts are the facts, and it is still a fact that Wang Dawang cannot disbelieve.When he and Li Yizhi stepped into the monitoring room, he suddenly felt as if he was suffocated with anger.

"Wang...Wang...Wang...Director Wang, this..." Seeing the surveillance system with the entire big screen turned black, Li Yizhi found that his tongue was suddenly stiff after he started calling out as usual.What a ****!Don't want to do it anymore, do you?Li Yizhi couldn't help cursing his relatives secretly in his heart.This damn Li Dazhong!Just this morning, he was reminded to be a man with his tail between his legs, but as soon as he turned around, this **** Li Dazhong skipped work again.No wonder it's called Da Zhong, he's really a bloated, stupid idiot.

"Wang Dawang, Wang Dawang, Wang Dawang! Fuck me out!" Seeing everything in front of him, Wang Dawang was in a mess.He called his name three times to the dark night sky outside the window.However, the ghost language he was expecting did not appear immediately. Instead, Li Yizhi, who was standing beside him with a dark green face, swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"Wang...Wang...Wang...Director Wang, this is..." Li Yizhi was really frightened at this moment, he yelled a few words inarticulately, and then looked at the eyes of the alien Looking at Wang Dawang who was shouting his name out of the window angrily.

"Uh... this... Li Yizhi, do you know how to turn on these monitoring systems? Oh, yes! I saw Guo Zhiqi do it like this this afternoon..." Realizing his gaffe, Wang Dawang quickly changed the subject.Went to the host computer of the surveillance system and fiddled with it for a while. I don’t know whether Wang Dawang’s hands were too dirty or the person who turned off the surveillance system was too skilled. Anyway, Wang Dawang couldn’t light up the row of dark surveillance screens. .

"Wang Ju, why don't we call those two damn duty officers over? Let me take a look, uh...it's still those two bastards from last night! Wang Ju, why don't I call? " Li Yizhi managed to get out from the strange shadow just now, and rushed to the telephone in the monitoring room, as if there were really a few lingering ghosts chasing him in such a hurry.

"No, come to the office with me to have a look! The bathroom that was messed up last night seems to have not been cleaned, you go up and see whose handwriting you can match. Also, didn't you hug me this afternoon? A lot of information has been uploaded, and there might be the right one! Let’s go! Don’t be dazed!” Wang Dawang noticed the shock on Li Yizhi’s face and the confession of his body posture, and immediately stopped his next move , without any explanation, dragged him out of the monitoring room.

The elevator opened slowly amidst Li Yizhi's silent prayer.Looking at the empty elevator, Li Yizhi's heart started beating again.All the weird things that happened to Wang Dawang in the past two or three days replayed in his mind one by one.He suddenly felt that the danger of being with Wang Dawang seemed to be equivalent to living in the same room with a violent terrorist who could threaten his personal safety anytime and anywhere.

Li Yizhi, whose heart was beating drums, thought about it, his feet trembled unconsciously, and even his claws that were deliberately hidden behind trembled feebly.Li Yizhi's small eyes, which were a little bigger than mung beans, looked around and back and forth, but couldn't find a place to focus on.Subconsciously shrinking his neck into the corner, Li Yizhi regretted not rejecting Wang Dawang's request just now.He should have gone home immediately just now, so as not to be afraid here.

No matter how important work is, it is not as important as life.No matter how much prosperity and material benefits are needed, they must be undertaken by a healthy body!If...md, it's really hard to say!Li Yizhi swallowed, and found that his throat seemed to be very stiff, and it was difficult to swallow even spit.

Wang Dawang, who was standing at the elevator door, rushed to his office without waiting for the elevator door to open completely.He had a very strong premonition in his heart, that is, those two dead security guards who affectionately called him 'Dog Lord' must be in his office.If these two neurotic bastards are really in his office, does it mean that the huge sum of money that originally belonged to him is still in the office?Thinking of it this way, Wang Dawang walked like flying, and his speed towards the door of the office was comparable to that of Liu Xiang, a flying man with a [-]-meter hurdle.

Soon, Wang Dawang, who was approaching the door of the office, could clearly hear the sounds of fierce fighting in the office through the thick wooden door.He looked around, but he didn't notice that he had left Shangguan Sisi and the original owner of his body who should have arrived earlier.Haven't those two ghosts come back yet?Or did Li Yizhi have other talismans that forced them not to approach?

"Li Yizhi, are you still carrying other talismans? Didn't I tell you to throw them away a long time ago? Why are you still carrying these messy things?" Wang Dawang angrily turned his head and glared at Li Yizhi who was cowering behind him, suddenly He revealed his hidden secrets.

"Wang...Wang...Wang...Director Wang, I...No!" Li Yizhi's head slowly drooped under Wang Dawang's glaring gaze.Very helpless, Li Yizhi took out a red magic charm folded into a triangle from his shirt pocket and threw it downstairs.

"Wang Dawang, Wang Dawang, Wang Dawang, you fucking come out!" Seeing that there were indeed other talismans hidden on Li Yizhi's body, Wang Dawang gave him a hard look and then called three times in a low voice.

"What's the name of the ghost? The battle inside is raging! What's the name?" Sure enough, a very lazy male voice sounded in Wang Dawang's ear, thick as usual, it was the old master Li Yizhi missed very much.

"What's going on? Is there a fight? Who's inside?" Wang Dawang asked a few more questions in the direction of the wooden door. He was so anxious that he ignored Li Yizhi's green face full of surprise. Face.

"Wang, Wang Ju, you... are you asking me?" Li Yizhi, whose feet were trembling uncontrollably, could only pretend to be brave enough to ask Wang Dawang, who had his back turned to him. Md, how did he feel that Wang Dawang didn't seem to be talking to him.However, if Wang Dawang wasn't talking to him, wasn't he just talking to himself?

"Open the door!" Wang Dawang was suddenly bored by Li Yizhi's question.If he hadn't been worried that Li Yizhi would report in advance, he wouldn't have brought this driver with his mouth as big as a flush toilet.

"This... Director Wang, isn't the key with you?" Li Yizhi, who thought Wang Dawang was talking to him, just finished speaking when he found the door of the office opened silently from the inside.At this moment, Li Yizhi's heart stopped beating for more than ten seconds.

However, seeing Li Dazhong and Yang Weige fighting in front of him, Li Yizhi's feet stopped trembling all of a sudden.In his eyes, this pair of live treasures who were beating each other until their noses and faces were bruised and swollen was much more normal than Wang Dawang next to him.Li Yizhi, who was terrified, didn't consider that it seemed that the place where the pair of living treasures fought was not quite normal.

Why did these two security guards fight in an empty office?Moreover, they were still fighting in the office of the deputy director of the Tianma Bureau... This doesn't seem to be particularly easy to explain.

"Look! Your money is still there, no, it should be mine. It was hidden in the bottom shelf of the bookcase by that bastard Yang Weige. Originally, that bastard surnamed Yang wanted to turn off the surveillance. That idiot Li Dazhong didn't pay attention to take away the cash box that was too late to transport out last night, I didn't expect that idiot Li Dazhong was not so stupid, he followed up..." Listening to the ghost whispering in his ear, he narrated the scene he missed just now Good show, Wang Dawang stood at the door of the office and didn't want to move at all.He just stared blankly at the two men who were still fighting, and he couldn't help coughing heavily when he realized that these two fighters who punched each other didn't notice him and Li Yizhi standing at the door.

"Wang... woof... woof... the dog?" The left eye socket of Li Dazhong's face was severely blackened, and that protruding eyeball seemed to be picked out from the panda eye socket immediately if he stared again. like.He looked at Wang Dawang and Li Yizhi who did not know when they appeared at the door of the office with a face full of surprise, thinking that the game was over.

"This...you actually...when...when did you come back?" Compared to Li Dazhong's panic, Yang Weige seemed calmer.But no matter how calm he was, he was still breaking into the house, which was still a serious act of theft.Thinking of this, Yang Weige couldn't calm down anymore.He grabbed Li Dazhong's neck with one hand and stuttered as he pointed in the direction of Wang Dawang with the other.

"Li Dazhong, what on earth are you doing here? Do you know what you are doing?" Li Yizhi, who was dazed enough at the door, walked towards his relatives who were still in the fight.With an expression of indisputable anger on his face, Li Yizhi pulled Li Dazhong, who was strangled by Yang Weige's neck, and pushed aside.

"I... I...didn't do anything? It's him! It's Yang Weige, he sneaked to Gou Gong... no, it was Director Wang Dawang Wang's office. I saw him suddenly shut down for no reason. Surveillance video, I followed him up. No, I found out that he secretly stole things from Director Wang’s office, so... so... I just..." Li Dazhong broke away from Yang Weige's control When I came out, I found that there were a few blood marks on my face.Li Dazhong, who was quite annoyed in his heart, turned his head and pointed at Yang Weige who was standing aside, and complained loudly.What a t***!Where is it difficult to fight?Slapped him in the face?Now, Li Dazhong, who was scratched on the face, became very resentful.The entire Tianma Bureau knows that Li Dazhong, who is in his 40s, has never married a wife until now.Li Dazhong, who lives a trump card old single life, attaches as much importance to his face as he does to his wallet.Therefore, Li Dazhong, who accused Yang Weige in this way, is very justified.Of course, he's also hiding some, uh... details that don't seem particularly important.for example……

"Li Dazhong, fuck you! Don't spit blood! I followed you here when I saw you sneaking into Director Wang's office. Don't beat me up! Be careful that someone will clean you up!" He raised his fist towards Li Dazhong.Judging from the facial injuries, Yang Weige should have a great advantage, and I am afraid that this also includes the advantage of age.After all, Yang Weige was about ten years younger than Li Dazhong, so according to normal reasoning, it should not be Yang Weige who was beaten.

"Yang Weige, how did you open my office?" Too lazy to listen to the mutual accusations and prevarications of the two, Wang Dawang simply asked a question that made Yang Weige look very bad.


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