The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 225 Continuation of Mission

Chapter 225 Continuation of Mission

The Dragon Imperial City was brightly lit, just like the daytime, but it added a charm that was not there during the daytime.

When he came to the place where he first met the unscrupulous Taoist priest, Liu Tianjing stood in the crowd, his eyes slightly searching for the figure of the unscrupulous Taoist priest in the crowd.

"Unscrupulous Taoist, I don't know when this bastard will come." Liu Tian said to himself, feeling very upset, but there was a faint expectation. Yujian kills the enemy thousands of miles away.

About half an hour later, the unscrupulous Taoist finally appeared.

"My Buddha is merciful, little friend, why are you here alone? Could it be that you were abandoned by the female benefactor who came with you last time?"

The corner of Liu Tian's mouth twitched: "Abandon your head, I have brought the heart of Fenghuohu."

Liu Tian directly handed over the heart of Fenghuohu to the unscrupulous Taoist priest.

"Not bad, not bad." The unscrupulous Taoist said with a smile: "Little friend, you really have unlimited potential, and you have obtained the heart of Fenghuohu so quickly."

"Hurry up and reward me with the task."

"Ahem, who said that there will be a task reward after completing this task?" the unscrupulous Taoist said awkwardly.

"Your sister, there is still a task!" Liu Tian cursed: "Tathagata Buddha, Infinite Heavenly Venerable, let's strike down this unscrupulous bastard with a thunderbolt. Damn, what is the next task?"

"Ahem, the next task is very difficult." The unscrupulous Taoist looked at the other players and said.

"Your sister, which task did you give me that is not difficult?" Liu Tianzhen wanted to beat up the unscrupulous Taoist priest, every time the task he delivered was far beyond the current player's ability.

"Uh, no way, the poor Taoist once pinched his fingers and watched the sky at night, knowing that you are not in danger, so he entrusted you with the task." The unscrupulous Taoist said solemnly, as if he was thinking of you.

With a black line on Liu Tian's forehead, he said in a concentrated voice, "Leave the next task to me!"

"This..." The unscrupulous Taoist quickly took out a map and stuffed it into Liu Tian's hands: "This is a map leading to the ruins of the ancient spirit. Once you arrive at the ruins of the ancient spirit, the map will automatically reveal your next task , Keke, I'll go first."

After all, the figure of the unscrupulous Taoist flashed and merged with the flow of people.

"Unscrupulous Taoist priest, I will kill your sister, and you gave me a level 32 map!" Liu Tian cursed, resolutely saw the level on the map, looked up to find the figure of Unscrupulous Taoist Priest, but the Unscrupulous Taoist Priest had already disappeared : "Your sister, I remember you, you cheated me so many times."

Lianhuan [Serial Quest: Ruins of Ancient Spirits] handsome low-grade:

【Task Content】:

Please follow the directions on the map to go to the ancient spirit ruins.The map will display the next step by itself.

[Task time]: Unlimited.

[Task Status]: Not completed.

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

After collecting the map of the ancient spirit ruins, Liu Tian bought the necessary items for leveling in the city, and then descended to the Chiyan Mountains again to continue leveling up.

The tiger howled in the mountains and rivers, and the Chiyan fire-winged tiger came rushing forward, strands of flames gathered on its back, and a pair of lifelike fire wings formed in a blink of an eye.With a long roar, the Chiyan Firewing Tiger rushed into the air, waved its claws, and several fire blades came out.

"Sword light!"


instant!Before Liu Tian could finish his sentence, the guardian of sword light appeared in front of him, a burst of sparks shot out, and the fire blade wind was easily blocked.

Holding the slender and slender hand of Han Xian, Liu Tian held the killing sword and walked on the road to the sky. The sword gang appeared on the sword body at will, confronted the Chiyan Firewing Tiger head-on, and cut off a piece of red rock from the Chiyan Firewing Tiger.Even if the killing sword can't be said to cut iron like mud, it is still a rare sharp weapon.

"Ice Ling Sheng Kill!"

Cold air overflowed from Han Xiansu's hands, and two ice flowers grew on both sides of the Chiyan Fire-winged Tiger, one on the left and the other on the right. As Han Xian waved gently, the two ice flowers exploded like fireworks, and the cold air hit all around, melting a lot of the Chiyan Fire-winged Tiger of Firewing.





At the same time, Liu Tian took the opportunity to blast out a blow, and the sword was nine days long, with gold and blood patterns intertwined on it, piercing into the Chiyan Firewing Tiger's head two or three inches, and half of the sword body was completely submerged in the tiger's head .


"Sword Qi Slash!"

The Chiyan Firewing Tiger roared, and was about to pounce on Liu Tian, ​​but unexpectedly, two sword qi erupted in his head, smashing half of his head.



Liu Tian stepped forward, stepped on the body of the Chiyan Firewing Tiger, and immediately knocked the Chiyan Firewing Tiger down from the sky.

"-300" A beam of damage floated out from the head of the Chiyan Firewing Tiger. Its forward momentum immediately collapsed, and it fell to the ground with a bang, its body shattered inch by inch.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing Chiyan Firewing Tiger forever, leapfrog killing monsters, and gain experience 15600."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player's Eternal Killing Art, absorbing % of the damage of Chiyan Firewing Tiger, life +60"

Pushing forward, Liu Tian and Han Xian continued to move forward, and the Chiyan Firewing Tigers collapsed under the killing sword, turning them all into piles of red rubble.

For the remaining few days, Liu Tian and Han Xian continued to level up.Now, Hanxian has reached level [-], and Jin'er has reached level [-], with the addition of Longwei's skill.

Pet interface.

Nickname: Jin Er.

Race: Jiaolong.

'Gender: Female.

Grade: King grade.

Level: Level 12.

Health: 1 0.

Infuriating value: 1 0.

Physical Attack: 1 0.

Air Attack: 1 0.

Physical Defense: 1 0.

Air Defense: 1 0.


Xiaolongyan [Elementary]:

[Proficiency]: 521/00.

[Skill Effect]:

Long Yan, the basic skill of the Dragon Clan.The Dragon Flame of the Heavenly Flood King is a gas attack with a power of 400% that combines metal, earth, wood, and three elements of energy.

[Casting distance]: within 15 meters.

[Casting time]: 2 seconds.

【Cooling time】: 5 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

Longwei [Elementary]:

[Proficiency]: 0/00.

[Skill Effect]:

Longwei, the basic skill of the Dragon Race. 100% probability to reduce the attack and defense of creatures not higher than the own level by 25%, lasting for 5 minutes.

With a 50% probability, the attack and defense of creatures not higher than level 30 will be reduced by 10%, lasting for 3 minutes.

With a 10% probability, the attack and defense of creatures not higher than level 40 will be reduced by 5%, lasting for 1 minutes.

The range is the caster as the center, within a radius of ten meters.

[Casting distance]: Self.

[Casting time]: 1 seconds.

【Cooling time】: 10 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 150 point of true energy.

Growth status: juvenile stage.

The increase in Jin'er's upgraded attributes not only made Liu Tian envious, but also shocked him.Jin'er's skills will actually increase as the level increases.Although Jin'er's Xiaolongyan proficiency has not reached 00, when Jin'er reaches level ten, the effect of Xiaolongyan is automatically enhanced.

Looking at Jin'er rolling on his shoulders, Liu Tian suddenly smiled, and he remembered that a few days ago when Jin'er was promoted to the tenth level, a thunderbolt as thick as an arm fell from the sky and split it into scorched black.

Twisting Jin'er, Liu Tian smiled and said: "Little Jin'er, why have you improved your level, and you haven't grown up yet?"

"Hmph, I don't want to grow up, lest I be ridden by you." Jin'er said softly, like a girl's voice.

"Ahem, how could it be?" Liu Tian awkwardly 'touched' the tip of his nose, he really wanted to ride Jin'er soaring into the sky.

"I don't care if you know it or not, I just won't grow up anyway." Jin'er rolled happily on Liu Tian's palm.

"Ahem, I'm going back to the city. Jin'er, please enter the pet space first, and Hanxian, please return to my body." Liu Tian said.

Han Xian didn't say a word, turned into a ray of fairy light and fell into Liu Tian's left hand, Jin'er muttered a few words in dissatisfaction and returned to the pet space.

With a slight smile, Liu Tian crushed the city return talisman.

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