The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 226 Trial Begins

Chapter 226 Trial Begins

Tomorrow, the Trial Conference begins!

In the Dragon Imperial City, in Liu Tian's villa, all the girls and Liu Tian's classmates gathered together.

"Brother Liu Tian hasn't come back yet, didn't you give him a message?" Zhang Long pouted her cherry lips, and her watery autumn eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Long'er, you are the most anxious among us. What's so good about Liu Tian, ​​what do you want him to do? He's a man, and I'm also a man." Ye Tianxiang laughed.

"It's not that I'm alone in a hurry. Look at Sister Lan, she must be in a hurry too. There are other sisters too, hmph, don't think I don't know." Zhang Long said playfully: "Hehe, and Liu Tian Brother said you are not a good person, let me stay away from you."

"Damn, Liu Tian, ​​how can you slander me?" Ye Tianxiang went crazy: "I am also a young man with four talents!"

"Have a car? Have a house? Have a ticket? Have a girl?" Zhang Long's eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"No, no, don't be so vulgar, okay?" Ye Tianxiang shook his head: "Ahem, I'm a good young man with ideas, morals, ideals, and pursuits."

"Tch, if you are a four-star youth, I am a national treasure four-star youth." Yang Binghui disdainfully raised a middle finger at Ye Tianxiang.

Ye Tianxiang muttered: "Your sister is thicker-skinned than me."

With a flash of white light, Liu Tian appeared in the villa.

"I am back."

"Ah, Brother Liu Tian, ​​you are finally back."

"Brother, you are back."

Zhang Long and Su Yan surrounded Liu Tian successively, holding Liu Tian's arm affectionately.

Ye Tianxiang looked at Liu Tian jealously, and muttered in his heart: "Your sister, when will I be treated like this?"

"Are you okay?" Liu Tian asked with a smile.

Yang Binghui curled his lips and said, "It's not bad, but it's just a month of upgrading, it's boring."

"Tomorrow is the Trial Conference, have you bought all the items you need?"

Yang Lan's eyes were watery, and she looked at Liu Tian tenderly, a touch of tenderness 'swayed' in her water-shearing eyes: "Not yet."

"Oh, let's go, let's go shopping together."

A group of people walked out of the apartment, only then did Liu Tian realize that the beautiful squad leader and Feng Wu Tianqiong were also there.

The beauty is still beautiful, picturesque and poetic.

Liu Tian went over to say hello with a smile, and said, "Squad leader, Tian Qiong, you are also here."

"Liu Tian, ​​I've been staying in the villa for so long, and you haven't seen me. Is it because I'm not pretty enough to catch your attention? Sigh, it hurts my heart too much as the squad leader." The story of the beautiful squad leader Make grievances.

"Uh, if the squad leader isn't pretty enough, I'm afraid there isn't anyone beautiful in this world." Liu Tian said awkwardly, then looked at Fengwu Tianqiong, and said, "Tianqiong, how are you doing recently?"

"It's okay." Feng Wu Tianqiong said lightly, her tone made Liu Tian very helpless, when did he become a stranger to her... "Tianqiong..." When Liu Tian was about to speak, Zhang Long's voice came up.

"Brother Liu Tian, ​​come here."

"Oh, here we come." Liu Tian said apologetically, "Sorry, I have to go first."

The beautiful squad leader glanced at Fengwu Tianqiong with beautiful eyes, and said. "Go."

"Yueyue, did something happen between you and Liu Tian?" After Liu Tian left, the beautiful squad leader asked in a low voice.

"No, sister Linlin, don't talk nonsense." Feng Wu Tianqiong lowered her head slightly, looking at the cobbled path.

Her real name is Ren Yeyue, and her brother You Longtianxia's real name is Ren Huayan.

"Then why are you so indifferent to Liu Tian now?"

Feng Wu Tianqiong continued to bow his head, tapped his toes, kicked away a stone, and said, "I'm not familiar with him at all."

"Your brother Hua Yan once talked with me." Ren Yeyue knew the implication of the beautiful squad leader, but she could only smile wryly in her heart.

In front of the 'medicine' store, it's very hot recently. Everyone is preparing for the trial conference, buying enough 'medicine' products, and looking forward to a rich harvest in the forest of trials.

"There are a lot of people. We want to buy 'medicine'. How long do we have to queue up? Also, their eyes are so annoying." Zhang Long leaned slightly closer to Liu Tian, ​​and said with a frown. The eyes of the surrounding players were all aggressive. Sexually sweep up the girls.

Ye Tianxiang said: "Long'er, it's all because you are so beautiful. I don't know where Liu Tian kidnapped so many beauties from you."

"No need to queue, I know the owner of the 'pharmacy' store, you are waiting for me here." Liu Tian said, stepped forward to grab a 'medicine' boy in the 'pharmacy' store, bowed his head and said in his ear After a few words, the 'Yao' Tong immediately rushed to the cabinet of the 'Medicine' store.

Soon, 'Yao'tong walked out of the cabinet, behind him was the amiable Wang Pan, from his smile, Liu Tian could see that his business was quite good recently, and he was proud of himself.

"Hey, who is this player? Why did the owner of the 'medicine' store come out to meet him in person?"

"Yes, the last time a player wanted to see him, he was directly rejected."

"Now this 'drug' store is getting more and more popular, and its status is getting higher and higher."

The players discussed in low voices.

"Eternal, you are here, are you here to buy medicines today?" Wang Pan said, "Are you preparing for the Trial Conference?"

"Well, there are many more to buy."

"Oh, come with me to the warehouse. There are a lot of 'medicine' products in the warehouse. Moreover, I have developed new 'medicine' products using the blood-returning grass and the whirling grass, the Qi-returning grass and the returning-shen grass. Recently, I am preparing to Launched." Wang Pan was very happy: "The new 'drug' product developed this time will give you three floors of profits, how about it?"

"According to what you said, you wait for a while, and I will ask my friend to come in."

"it is good."

Liu Tian quickly led the crowd to the front of the 'pharmacy' store owner. Under the surprised eyes of the players, a group of people walked into the cabinet of the 'pharmacy' store.

"Who is this player? Could it be an npc?"

"Is it your head? Didn't you see the player behind him?"

"Then why did the owner of the 'pharmacy' store let him into the 'pharmacy' store?"

"Are you an idiot? He is very familiar with the owner of the 'drug' store. It's normal to let him in."

On the way, the owner of the 'pharmacy' store mentioned an exciting thing to Liu Tian.

So far, the profit of Huiqi Pill and Huixue Pill is 350 million gold coins, which means that Liu Tian has accounted for 120 million gold coins!This is a huge sum of money.

Then, Liu Tian checked the properties of the new medicine.

【Da Huixue Pill】Scholar-level low-grade:

【Accompanied effect】:

A total of 500 life can be replenished for 3 seconds, 0 life is restored instantly, and then 100 life is added every second.

[Cooling time]: 50 seconds.

【Big Huiqi Pill】【Scholar Grade Mid-Range】:

【Accompanied effect】:

A total of 500 true qi can be replenished for 3 seconds, and 0 true qi will be restored instantly, and then 100 true qi will be added every second.

[Cooling time]: 30 seconds.

"Uncle Wang, I want this 'medicine' product, how much is the price?" Liu Tian asked.

"Each 'drug' pill costs 25 silver coins, so you can pay the price of ten silver coins per pill."

"Well, I want [-] Dahuixue Pills, and [-] Dahuiqi Pills. Uncle Wang, let the money be deducted from my profit." Liu Tian thought: "The 'medicine' they bought The amount of pills should also be credited to me."

"Okay." Wang Pan nodded.

After buying the 'medicine' products, a group of people left the 'pharmacy' store and walked around.On the second day, everyone went online with excitement.

"Ding Dong, the Trial Conference will start in half an hour, players please get ready."

After half an hour.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to all the players, the trial conference has started! Players will be sent to the trial forest by themselves."

Liu Tian and the others disappeared in a flash of white light and appeared in a forest.

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