Chapter 2'

A glare of sunlight 'shot' into Liu Tian's eyes, and after a while, Liu Tian could clearly see the environment he was in. 26nbsp; Surrounded by giant trees that can be embraced by two people, the giant trees here are very strange, the surface of the tree is smooth, and there are no branches below ten meters.There is a layer of withered and yellow fallen leaves on the ground, and fallen leaves flutter down from time to time, creating a feeling of bleakness spontaneously.Liu Tian looked forward, and there were luxuriant weeds in the quiet and deep forest.

"Ding Dong, I'm sorry, because you are in the forest of trials, you cannot use the communication system."

Just as Liu Tian wanted to contact Zhang Long and the others to inquire about their situation, an alert sounded unexpectedly.

"The system is fully prepared for the guild. When registering, the guild is restricted by the registration fee alone, and now the communication system cannot be used." Liu Tian said to himself, the communication system cannot be used in the forest of trials. The impact is almost nonexistent.

"These unbranched and smooth giant trees under ten meters are to prevent our players from escaping to the giant trees and avoiding the 'tide' of wild beasts."

Giant trees stand tall, with luxuriant branches above ten meters, but it is difficult to climb with bare hands below ten meters.


A white light lit up beside him.


The killing sword was unsheathed at will, Liu Tian manipulated the killing sword, and precisely penetrated into the throat of the player who had just appeared in the white light.


"You, you..." A look of horror flashed in the player's eyes, and he finally fell to the ground, unable to get up again.


On the ground, a trial order and a bunch of blood-returning pills and Huiqi pills exploded. According to visual estimates, the total number of blood-returning pills and Huiqi pills is about [-].

"Could it be that killing other players will explode part of the 'medicine' items carried by the players?" Liu Tian picked up the 'medicine' items and the trial order, and said with a little regret: "I knew that beheading other players would explode I won't buy the 'medicine' product, and I will kill all the way, and there is absolutely no need to worry about the 'medicine' product."

Before taking a few steps forward, white light flickered wildly, and six or seven players appeared beside Liu Tian.


A player shouted, and several other players also showed their weapons. For a while, their swords were on edge, and they were about to fight.A player who looks like a public said anxiously: "Hey, wait, wait, how about our cooperation? Only cooperation can go on in the forest of trials."

Hearing this, the other players restrained their killing intent slightly, and one of them asked: "The system doesn't stipulate that only five people can form a team. We have so many people here, how can we cooperate?"

"Hehe, although we form a team, we can still cooperate, kill the enemy together, and enter the test platform together." The player who suggested cooperation laughed.

The other players were moved, and they didn't want a battle to break out now. If a battle broke out, either you would die or I would die. There would be no second result. Naturally, they didn't want to go back to the city just after entering the Forest of Trials.


A flash of sword light comparable to the brilliance of the sun flashed across everyone's eyes, and Liu Tian made a move, without saying a word, he attacked a player beside him, and the killing sword came out through his throat, instantly killing that player.

"Brothers, go!" The player who suggested cooperation shouted, holding a red-tasseled pointed gun, one of them stepped forward, and swept the army with one blow.

"Kill!" The other players had a strong killing intent, staring at Liu Tian fiercely, and rushed forward.

"Sword Gang."

The Killing Sword was shaken, the sword gang emerged, and with the instant skill, Liu Tian rushed to a player in the blink of an eye, and slashed horizontally with his sword, slashing his weapon and cracking his breastplate at the same time.


Spike, see also spike.The player panicked and looked at Liu Tian in horror, hesitating whether to continue the attack.

"Brother, can you sit down and talk? There are tens of millions of players participating in the trial. Only by cooperating can we stand out and go to the trial platform." Wufeng said, he was the player who proposed cooperation. He wanted to kill Liu Tian and establish his prestige, but unexpectedly encountered a tough stubble, under the long sword, there was no living soul.

Liu Tian didn't answer, his figure changed, and the killing sword came out again, seeing blood sealing his throat, a bloodstain appeared on the white neck of a Taoist player.



"This man wants to kill us all, if he doesn't want to die, he will go!" Wufeng shouted, the spear stabbed out of the gun screen, and killed Liu Tian.Hearing this, the other players were shocked, and they displayed their own attacks one after another, attacking Liu Tian boldly.

A mockery flashed in Wufeng's eyes, and his forward momentum quietly slowed down, gradually falling behind everyone.In the end, he turned around resolutely, and fled straight into the depths of the forest of trials without looking back.

"Damn it, this kid actually escaped by himself!"

"Fuck, shameless, next time you see him, you must skin him."

The player cursed, bit the bullet and continued to rush towards Liu Tian.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

A player slashed out suddenly, and two sword qi struck straight away.Afterwards, he turned around and plundered towards the depths of the forest of trials.

"Sword Qi Slash."

Seeing the two players fleeing, Liu Tian frowned slightly, raised his wrist, and blasted out two sword auras, killing the two players in seconds.

The last remaining player screamed and wanted to escape, but before he could take two steps, a cold bloodthirsty long sword broke through the leather armor on his back and cut deeply into his flesh and blood.


"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player's Eternal Killing Technique, which absorbs % of the damage from the player's little book, life +98"

Looking at the two players gradually disappearing in the forest, Liu Tian looked at the killing sword stained with blood in his hand: "The violent killing intent affects my mood, I want to upgrade to level 35 as soon as possible, ask Mr. Ge How can it be solved."

Picking up the medicine and the trial order, Liu Tian continued on his way.

Overlooking the Forest of Trials, tens of thousands of white lights flickered, and the fighting not only happened here in Liu Tian, ​​but also in other places.

Along the way, white lights flashed one after another. More and more players entered the forest of trials. Liu Tian was still killing. He wanted to level up quickly. Killing players was a very suitable way, especially in the forest of trials. He can fight at will, and he will naturally not give up.


A sword qi pierced through the air behind him, Liu Tian's expression remained unchanged, his feet were slightly wrong, his figure suddenly rushed forward, his long sword was like thunder, and he chopped the sneak attacking player to death with a single blow.

call out!

Before Liu Tian picked up the items dropped by the dead players, a player suddenly appeared behind a giant tree, holding a crossbow in both hands, moving both fingers together, a special arrow broke through many spaces, Liu Tian attacked with a powerful force, like the rolling waves of the sea, and the sound of explosions resounded loudly.

"Sword light!"

A ring made of thousands of sword lights instantly appeared in front of Liu Tian, ​​resisting the arrow.


The sneak attacking archer was stunned. He didn't expect that the strongest attack, which has always been invincible in sneak attacks, would only inflict compulsory damage on the enemy. It's unbelievable.

"Death." Liu Tian said lightly, and his figure moved out like a cheetah, pulling out phantoms, and shuttled among the giant trees.


The archer panicked, held the crossbow in both hands, loaded a special wooden arrow again, and quickly aimed at Liu Tian, ​​his eyes fixed on Liu Tian's fast-moving figure.Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and a wooden arrow shot out frantically, and the sound of Chi Chi resounded in the forest.


At the very moment, when he was about to be hit by the wooden arrow, the instant skill stepped out again, Liu Tian flashed into a giant tree, and immediately jumped out again like a cheetah, approaching the archer player extremely quickly.


The archer player started to retreat, but it was too late, Liu Tian had already caught up.

"Want to leave? Yes, save your life."

Liu Tian's voice was very cold, like a god of death, haunting the soul, making the archer players terrified.


The figure flashed by, rolled up several fallen leaves, and Liu Tian quickly narrowed the distance between him and the archer player.Suddenly, he frowned, and a player holding a machete appeared in a tree behind the archer player. At this moment, the player was smiling ferociously, and the sharp blade reflected the sunlight. A ray of light slashed at the shoulder of the retreating archer.



The archer screamed, and the big knife cut into his shoulder more than an inch, almost cutting into his bone.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Just as the soldier raised his head and was about to strike again, Liu Tian raised his hand and blasted out two sword qi, ending the archer's life.

"Boy, you dare to snatch the prey with me, are you impatient?" The soldier stared at Liu Tian.

"Stupid smoking bastard." Liu Tian spat out seven words.

"court death!"

The soldier was furious, and he chopped at Liu Tian with a big knife.


The killing sword and the machete slashed at each other, sparks flew all over, and the machete was cut open.


Liu Tian kicked the soldier back half a meter with lightning speed, and his figure was like a ghost, following the soldier like a shadow.

At the same time, golden veins quickly appeared on the surface of the Killing Sword.


Liu Tian quickly cut out several swords.In the end, the warrior died in disbelief.

Picking up two trial orders and medicines, Liu Tian now has 33 tokens, indicating that he has killed 33 players.

For about half an hour, Liu Tian encountered enemies frequently, but none of them could hurt him.As he moved forward, the player's voice came to his ears in a jockeying interval.

"Someone? It's in the northwest direction." Liu Tian listened to the sound and identified the location, quickly determined the source of the sound, and walked in that direction with his sword. On the way, he killed several players who were ambushing behind the tree and were about to attack.

"So many people?" After two or three minutes, Liu Tian finally found the source of the voice, where he saw twenty or thirty players.

"Brother, we are so lucky to have gathered so many brothers."

"Haha, our Devil Guild will definitely win the crown in the trial meeting this time. With so many brothers here, what are we afraid of? Gods come to kill gods, and Buddhas come to kill Buddhas!"

"Brother, this trial meeting is a good opportunity to make meritorious service. If you can get the first place, your status in the guild will definitely rise significantly. Then you must promote me, little brother."

A conversation passed into Liu Tian's ears.

"Devil's Guild." Liu Tian stared coldly at the players of the Devil's Guild who were slowly advancing ahead.

"The enemy's road is narrow, let me meet you today, none of you will live."

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