Chapter 2

The forest of trials is like the sea like the 'tide'. 26nbsp;In the meantime, countless figures flickered, the clanging of weapons had become a battle song, and birds and beasts flew in fright.

Beside Liu Tian stood a beautiful woman dressed in white who was as ethereal as an exiled fairy.There is a golden miniature dragon rolling on the shoulder, babbling, it is really cute.

Liu Tian told Han Xian about his plan to kill the Devil Guild players.Meanwhile, talk to Jin'er in your head.

"I know how to do it." Han Xian nodded, and glanced indifferently at the team of 30 people moving forward slowly.

Jin'er's immature voice sounded in Liu Tian's mind: "Do you want me to take action? Alright."

"Let's go." Liu Tian held Hanxianruyu's little hand, and under the effect of the air defense technique, the two flew directly to the sky above the trial forest, slowly approaching the players of the Devil's Guild.

This time, Liu Tian wanted to wipe out all the players in the Devil's Guild, leaving no room for it.

About 20 meters in front of the players who passed the Devil's Guild, Liu Tian let Han Xian land and hide on an ancient tree.

"Jin'er, you climb to the bottom of the tree, and when those people are approaching, release your dragon power to weaken their attack and defense." Liu Tian's words reached Jin'er's mind.


Jin'er climbed away from Liu Tian's shoulders, crawled towards the bottom of the tree, and then hid at the bottom of the tree, waiting quietly for the arrival of the Devil's Guild.Liu Tian also put on the cloak bought in the Dragon Imperial City.

As the noisy voice approached slowly, the corner of Liu Tian's mouth curled into an arc.

"Jin'er, Longwei!"


The immature dragon's chant spreads in the forest of trials, it seems to come from the sky, and it seems to come from the bottom of the heart. The infinite coercion is like an ancient temple suppressing the hearts of the players of the Devil's Guild, and the unspeakable fear lies in The deepest part of their heart rises.

"Ding dong, you are overwhelmed by the supreme dragon power of a player's pet, and your attack and defense are reduced by 25% for 5 minutes."

"Who is it? How dare you sneak attack on our devil's guild, are you tired of working?"

"F*ck, court death, get out of here!"

"I'm a member of the Devil's Guild..."

The players of the Devil's Guild clamored, unaware that the god of death had arrived.

"Want to die in such a hurry? Okay, I'll help you all."

A voice came from the sky, and the players of the Devil's Guild hurriedly looked up to the sky. What caught their eyes was a man and a woman who came from the sky. The man's face was covered by a cloak, and the woman's face was also covered by a silk scarf. .

"Great killing technique!"


Faint blood energy emanated from Liu Tian's body and quickly gathered behind him.In a blink of an eye, a blood-colored phantom killing god appeared behind him, several feet tall, holding a blood-red jade-like divine weapon, with three thousand blood hair gently swaying, a pair of blood The pupils 'shoot' like real light, as if seeing through time and space, everything becomes false.

"Ding dong, the player has successfully released a killing technique, and your attack and defense will each decrease by % for 3 minutes."

"Ding dong, the player has successfully released a killing technique, and your attack and defense will each decrease by % for 3 minutes."

"Ding dong, the player has successfully released a killing technique, and your attack and defense will each decrease by % for 3 minutes."

A series of system prompts sounded in the minds of ten Devil Guild players, but unfortunately none of them fell into the illusion.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally releasing the killing technique, increasing their own attack and defense by 30% for 5 minutes, and their own recovery by 0% for 10 minutes."

"Fuck, come on, what are you looking at? Waiting to die?" Devil Sanada shouted angrily.

Liu Tian carried Han Xian with him step by step from the void, like a king returning from looking down on the world.Afterwards, the Bloody Phantom Killing God had a horrifying aura, and a faint blood energy lingered around it, causing a strange feeling in the player's heart, as if the Bloody Killing God was real.





"Star Kill!"

Liu Tian let the spiritual cultivators of the Devil's Guild attack, and pinching the sword art in his hand, one after another starlight gathered, and above the void, fifteen sharp swords with flowing starlight appeared, which was extremely dazzling.


Streams of light fell to the earth like meteorites from the sky, and screams sounded in the forest.In an instant, more than half of the players in the Devil's Guild were killed by Liu Tian, ​​all in one hit!

"Earth Demon Sword!"

Liu Tianxie Hanxian took another step, the sword formula changed, a magic sword rushed out of the crack and abyss, piercing through the belly of a fleeing player on the spot.


Liu Tian let go of his jade hand, holding the blood-pattern killing sword, like a god descending.Before landing, the Killing Sword slashed out two sword qi, killing another player instantly.

"Ah!" A player sneaked up from behind, Liu Tian's long sword trembled, and the sword emerged, and he slashed away. A white light was born under his sword again, and a player lay dead at his feet again.


Another player attacked and killed him, the spear was like a mad dragon, sweeping across the autumn leaves, the spear was overwhelming, covering Liu Tian, ​​and the sharp point of the spear was killing him, sharp as a needle.

Liu Tian took one foot as the center of the circle, and kicked the other foot, leaving a semicircular arc in the void. While avoiding the sweeping attack of the long spear, he slightly raised the killing sword, like a heavenly sword cutting Huashan, piercing into the ground with one sword. The player's neck penetrated an inch into his flesh and blood.



The stature was disillusioned among the few remaining players. With Jin'er weakened and his own attack power increased, Liu Tian killed these players like chopping vegetables. Every time he cut down, one player died. The players of the Devil's Guild There is no way to escape, the attribute difference between the two sides is not one or two levels, but at least six levels of attributes.

Within 2 minutes, twenty or thirty players were all buried in the forest of trials.Moreover, it was made by one person.


The rustling breeze blew through the forest, carrying a faint smell of blood.Liu Tian stood among the many corpses with his sword in his hand, but he didn't see the blood on the killing sword gathering towards the blood beads on the sword body and sinking into the blood beads.

Liu Tian picked up a total of 28 trial orders, and dropped a battle ax - the weapon of Devil Sanada.

【Tiger Axe】Soldier-level top-rank:

[Equipment Durability]: 4000/4000.

[Equipment Category]: Weapons.

[Wearing Requirements]: Warrior.

[Wearing level]: Level 15.

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 100-1.

Qi attack: 50-60.

Physical defense: 40-50.

Gas defense: 40-50.

[Included skills]:

Armor-piercing blow:

[Skill Effect]:

The person holding the tiger ax has a 1% probability of ignoring the defense of the opponent's armor. 1% chance to intimidate the opponent, causing their attack and defense to decrease by 1% each.

[Casting distance]: Self.

[Casting time]: None.

[Cooling time]: None.

[Skill Consumption]: 0 True Qi.

"A small boss has good equipment. The Devil's Guild is worthy of being one of the top ten guilds, rich and powerful." Liu Tian suddenly laughed and said, "Haha, but that person is probably about to cry."

"Han Xian, let's go, let's continue marching." After packing up everything, Liu Tian greeted Han Xian.Jin'er has been sent back to the pet space by him.

"Take your life!"

Not long after walking forward, a player rushed out of an uncle, holding a long thunder pattern knife, with a ferocious face, roaring and slashing towards Liu Tian.

"Sword Qi Slash."

Liu Tian cleverly staggered away from the player, and blasted out two sword qi casually.




With a plop, the player fell to the ground.


Liu Tiancai took a step, wanting to pick up the trial order and medicine, but a wooden arrow flew towards him, forcing him to stop.

In the distance, five players came, four men and one woman.Among them, it was one of the men who shot Liu Tian.

"If you are sensible, immediately hand over the trial order for this corpse on the ground. Otherwise, you will completely lose the chance of trial!" Yinmu looked at Liu Tian viciously.

"Brother Mu, I think he is very powerful. There must be more than this trial order on the ground. He should have other trial orders on him. Let him hand them all in." That coquettish vigor made Liu Tian frown.At this time, she was holding Yinmu's arm, and for a while, Yinmu was fascinated.

"Yes, boy, quickly hand over all the trial orders on you. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." Yinmu enjoyed it secretly, pretending to be fierce on the surface.

"Brother Mu is so mighty, Yingying likes it so much." The woman pressed Yinmu's arm on Shuangfeng, and cast winking eyes at Yinmu frequently, her delicate body getting closer to Yinmu.

There was a touch of enjoyment in Yinmu's expression, but before he had time to enjoy it, a cold long sword had pierced his throat.

Soaring upwards, seven meters in an instant.

Liu Tian really couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly released and shot straight up, instantly killing Yinmu on the spot.

"Sword Gang!"

Bang, bang.

Before the others could react, Liu Tian danced wildly with his killing sword and made a chirping sound in the void. In the blink of an eye, the souls of the other three men also returned to the sword.

"Is it me? Or do you go by yourself?" Liu Tian looked indifferently at the pale-faced woman in front of him.

"I'm going by myself, I'm going by myself."

The woman yelled in horror, and Liu Tian was dumbfounded, she actually 'suicide'.

"Ahem, I just let you go, not let you die." Looking at the woman's body, Liu Tian said awkwardly, "Misunderstanding kills people."

Picking up the six trial orders on the ground, Liu Tian said: "Oh, these bastards, who don't know that they are not tradable in the trial forest, even foolishly asked me to hand over the trial orders."

Now he has one hundred and two trial orders.


Liu Tian took out 99 trial orders, and following the word fusion, the 99 trial orders danced wildly like a dragon, spinning in mid-air, emitting a faint purple light.


The 99 trial orders gradually approached and merged slowly.In the end, a token filled with purple air appeared in midair.


The Zijin Trial made the light fade away, and fell into Liu Tian's hands from mid-air.

"Zijin Trial Order, the task has been completed one step."

Night came quietly.In the forest of trials, there are even more dangers and ups and downs. Assassins take advantage of the right time and place. Endless assassinations roam the forest of trials. Even Liu Tian has been assassinated dozens of times. It is only the right eye of the day and the gods who warn the assassins. Just come to die.

"Come on..."

"Come on..."

Chaotic voices came from the depths of the forest, very noisy, when Liu Tian picked up his head, he saw the flickering flames in front of him.

"There seems to be a big battle ahead."

Walking quietly in the forest, Liu Tian and Han Xian walked side by side, leisurely walking forward, he was walking towards the battlefield.

As it got closer, Liu Tian was able to confirm that there was indeed a big battle ahead, and the scale seemed not small.


When Liu Tian approached the battlefield, a dreamy figure in the battlefield imprinted into his dark eyes.

Wearing white clothes, she is still better than the snow in the Tianshan Mountains, with a misty temperament, shoulder to shoulder with a fairy.

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