Chapter 234

With the end of the "tide" of wild beasts, the trial forest once again fell into killing enemies and monsters, and more and more players realized the importance of the team. 26nbsp; Moreover, thieves and assassins are becoming more and more important in the trial forest. The thieves' trapping technique is the best weapon to deal with the "tide" of wild beasts, and it can also be used for scouting in the dark.Assassins are the kings of the night, and they are also useful for attacking other players.Taoist priests will also become more and more important, because Taoist priests can increase blood and are a good source of supplies.

The day is marching and the moon is growing, and in Liu Tian's expectation, a day passes away in a hurry.

On the second day, at six o'clock in the morning, Liu Tian had already arrived at the airport to wait for Lan Qingcheng's arrival.

At about [-]:[-], the radio rang.

"Please note, please note that flight lt5 lqc will arrive at the airport in 10 minutes."

"Please note, please note that flight lt5 lqc will arrive at the airport in 10 minutes."

"Sister Lan is finally here." Liu Tian couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face. He hadn't seen her for more than two months, and now he realized that he really missed Lan Qingcheng.

Ten minutes later, flight lt10 lqc arrived at the airport. Liu Tian stood not far away, looking at the passengers on and off flight lt5 lqc, looking for Lan Qingcheng.

"Why hasn't Sister Lan come down yet?" Liu Tian was anxious when he didn't see Lan Qingcheng for a long time, his eyes flicked around.


A beautiful shadow imprinted in Liu Tian's eyes. She was wearing a refreshing summer dress, shorts, and simple clothes, but it made others' eyes light up unconsciously, and their hearts were attracted by it. Her long black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, Add a touch of elegance.

Looking at Lan Qingcheng who got off the plane and looked around from time to time, Liu Tian couldn't help but think of the parting kiss when Lan Qingcheng saw him off.

He strode towards Lan Qingcheng, just when Liu Tian was about to call, Lan Qingcheng's face was happy, and seeing Liu Tian, ​​he showed a smile that captivated everyone, and his pace quickened a lot.

"Miss Lan..."

Liu Tian frowned, he saw a burly man in black behind Lan Qingcheng at this moment, and felt a little uncomfortable for some reason: "Sister Lan, you are finally here."

"I'm really sorry to ask you to pick me up so early." Lan Qingcheng's eyes were smiling, and the corner of his mouth was raised in an arc.

"It's okay, won't you come see me off when I leave?" Liu Tian said.

Hearing this, Lan Qingcheng couldn't help thinking of the parting scene at the airport, her pretty face was flushed like a rosy cloud at dusk, extremely charming.

"Sister Lan, are you tired? Why is your face so red?" Lan Qingcheng's face was flushed, but Liu Tian mistakenly thought that it was the reason for Lan Qingcheng's fatigue.

"Ah? I'm a little tired..."

In the taxi, Liu Tian and Lan Qingcheng sat in the back seat, while the man in black sat in the passenger seat.The three of them were heading towards Liu Tian's house.

"Sister Lan, who is he?" Liu Tian asked in a low voice.

"Him? Oh, he's my bodyguard." Lan Qingcheng said dissatisfiedly, "It's not that dead young man. If it wasn't for him, why would my dad arrange bodyguards for me?"

"Young master?"

"One of my suitors, this bodyguard is still the personal bodyguard of the dead young master, because of his high skill, dead young master asked him to protect me, and my dad didn't object. Originally he wanted to wear professional clothes, but I didn't like it. Finally put on ordinary black clothes."

"Oh." Liu Tian glanced at the bodyguard, but in his heart he was thinking about the young man Lan Qingcheng was talking about.

On the way to Liu Tian's house.

"Xiaotian, is your home here?" Lan Qingcheng and Liu Tian walked side by side, and the bodyguard Wu Bai was behind them, carrying suitcases and other gifts brought by Lan Qingcheng.


When he came to Liu Tian's house, Liu Tian looked at Lan Qingcheng embarrassedly: "Sister Lan, this is my house, I will wrong you these days."

"It's okay, take me in to meet Auntie and Xiaoxi." Lan Qingcheng smiled lightly.

"Uh, why are you all here?" Upon entering the room, Liu Tian saw Zhang Long, Yang Lan, Su Yan, Su Xue and Liu Ruoxi.

"Hee hee, we heard from Sister Ruoxi that Sister Qingcheng is coming, so let's come with her." Zhang Long happily ran to Lan Qingcheng: "Wow, Sister Qingcheng, you are more beautiful than in the game."

"You are Long'er, you are still so clever and cute." Lan Qingcheng pinched Zhang Long's nose, and immediately led her to the front of the girls.

"You are Xiaoxi." Lan Qingcheng looked at Liu Ruoxi tenderly.

"Sister Lan, how do you know?" Liu Ruoxi said in surprise, "I haven't met you before."

"Hee hee, Xiaotian showed me your photo a few days ago, and it really is peerless, much prettier than my sister."

"No way, my sister has more fans than Xiaoxi."

After that, Lan Qingcheng greeted all the girls one by one, and got to know Su Xue.

At this time, Mother Liu came back with a bunch of vegetables.

"Auntie, I'm Lan Qingcheng, Xiaotian's god-sister, I think Xiaotian should have told you about me, you can just call me Qingcheng."

"Xiaotian often mentions you. Qingcheng, thanks to you taking care of Tian'er these years, he is out alone, without your help, it is really worrying." Mother Liu looked at Lan Qingcheng gratefully.

"Auntie, don't say that, Xiaotian has helped me a lot in the past four years." Lan Qingcheng smiled sweetly: "Auntie, I brought you a little gift, take a look and see if you like it."

"I haven't thanked you yet, how can I accept your gift? No, no." Mother Liu shook her head again and again.

"It's okay, Auntie, it's just my wish." Lan Qingcheng waved to Wu Bai, signaling that he would continue to take it.

Among the piles of presents, Lan Qingcheng picked out a few bags and handed them to Mother Liu.

"Auntie, here are some supplements for middle-aged people."

"Oh, Qingcheng, you are beautiful and kind-hearted. Whoever you marry in the future will be blessed." Mother Liu sighed.

"Hee hee, if you let sister Qingcheng marry brother Liu Tian, ​​wouldn't brother Liu Tian be blessed?" Zhang Long leaned forward, smirking badly, showing two white jade-like tiger teeth.

"Long'er, don't talk nonsense." Yang Lan said softly.

"It's okay." Lan Qingcheng pinched Zhang Long's little face: "You little girl."

Zhang Long smiled cutely, blushing: "Sister Qingcheng, do you have any presents from us?"

"Yes, everyone has."

Lan Qingcheng is very considerate, everyone has a gift.She gave Liu Ruoxi a few bottles of high-end perfume, and Liu Tian two sets of casual clothes in black and white.

"Miss Lan, can I go out and answer the phone?"

While everyone was chatting happily, a voice came.


"Thank you, Miss Lan."

Bodyguard Wu Bai walked out of the hut.Not long after, he came back, and this time there was a cruelty flashing in the eyes looking at Liu Tian, ​​it was no longer the original plainness.

At noon, Mother Liu cooked a table of good dishes, and everyone had a delicious meal, very happy.

After the meal, Liu Tian, ​​Lan Qingcheng and the others went out for a stroll, then arrived at Su Yan's house and stayed here.

"Mom, we'll go back to eat tonight." Liu Tian hung up the phone for Liu's mother. This phone was only set up recently. In the past, Liu Tian's family had no relatives to visit, and they were also very poor, so there was no phone.

"Let's play a game, Sister Qingcheng, Sister Yan'er and I will go find you." Zhang Long suggested.


Everyone went online, and Liu Tian appeared in the trial forest again.

A few hours passed, and a large number of players had already walked to the area where Liu Tian was located, most of them in groups of five.Now the players are much more rational, and the battles took place without meeting each other.However, as soon as Liu Tiancai appeared in the trial forest, a group of players slowly gathered up seeing him alone.

Liu Tian watched the team approaching very calmly, and activated it at a glance.

"The strongest one is already at level 10, and he is still a spiritual cultivator." Liu Tian cursed: "Now No. 19 on the level list is only level [-]."

After the cooldown time for everything in a glance ended, Liu Tian checked the attributes of other players.

"No one below level 16, a very strong team." Liu Tian's eyes flickered, and an idea came to his mind.

Before the five people approached, Liu Tian took the lead.His actions surprised the five people, they didn't expect Liu Tian to dare to attack them instead of running away.

"M-Zone, the world of second-hand goods, you stop it." Huofeng said, he is an eighteenth-level spiritual practitioner.

This team has good cohesion and a sense of team spirit. Huofeng's combat order, Warrior M-Zone and Swordsman Erhuo Tianxia rushed towards Liu Tian without the slightest hesitation.

"Shadow Demon, hide and attack." Huo Feng continued, not being careless because Liu Tian was alone.On the contrary, because Liu Tian dared to fight alone, he became more careful.

"Although the bow is sharp, you and I will attack together."

The battle strategy was arranged in just tens of seconds, Liu Tian glanced at it in a little surprise, thinking while facing the battle.


When Liu Tian was forced back by the sharp bow and the fire wind, the shadow demon rushed out, the dagger shone with the cold light of death, and stabbed at Liu Tian's heart.

Liu Tiansui had expected to spin sideways, but he didn't confront the Shadow Demon, he just avoided its edge.However, he met the powerful slash from the fighter MZ very forcefully, and actually suppressed the MZ firmly, his combat power is frightening.

"Small rock blast!"

Huofeng drank coldly, holding a staff and waving it at extreme speed.

Puff puff... Five small areas around Liu Tian turned into magma, with heat rising and magma bubbling.

Boom boom boom... Five magma erupted, like a volcano erupting, and five pillars of flame rushed out. Although Liu Tian was prepared, he was still hit by one of them.


Looking at the floating damage, Huofeng frowned involuntarily, the damage was too low.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Liu Tian blasted out two bursts of sword energy one after another, and the instantaneous skills made it impossible to resist the dynamic zone that was chasing after him.




The right eye of the god shook, Liu Tian knew that the assassin was coming again, and originally wanted to avoid it, but an idea flashed in his eyes, his figure was violent, and he moved eastward with a sword, and in the terrified eyes of the Shadow Demon, the sword pierced into it. inside him.


Liu Tian had a chance to kill the Shadow Demon, but he didn't. He just drew his long sword and retreated into the distance with extremely fast steps.

"Come back, we are not his opponent." Huofeng's voice suddenly came, which puzzled the few people who went to chase and kill Liu Tian.

"You won't know until you've fought!" M-Zone said, feeling very upset that Liu Tian just had a head-to-head confrontation with him, the key is that he still lost.

"Your attack power is not as strong as mine. I can only take away less than [-] of his lives at a time, and his attack is also super strong. He can take away nearly [-] of your lives in one move, and he can completely kill you in a few moves." Solve it." Huofeng said calmly.

The four of them obeyed and returned to Huofeng's side.

"Why are you showing mercy?"

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