Chapter 235 Guild

"Why are you showing mercy?"

Huo Feng looked at Liu Tian calmly, nothing unusual.

"I..." Liu Tian showed hesitation, paused for a while, and finally said: "I will create a guild..."

Liu Tian didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

"You mean you want us to join your guild?" Huofeng was surprised.


Liu Tian nodded.In fact, ever since he beheaded the arrogant players in Novice Village, he had indirectly offended the Devil Guild.Afterwards, he was attacked and killed by the guild again and again, so he decided to create a guild, not for anything else, but to resist the big guild.Liu Tian doesn't like guilds. If he creates a guild, he will hide behind the scenes. After all, there are many big guilds who have grudges against him. If the guild grows in the future, it will be suppressed even more.

In this game, as long as certain conditions are met, a guild can be created, but this guild is just a fake, with only a name, which is only beneficial to the existing guild, but it is useless to the guild without foundation.Players will only join your guild if they obtain a guild establishment order and establish a real guild, otherwise, who would want to join your guild... Liu Tian's goal now is to make money, obtain guild establishment orders, and recruit some talented players. Powerful, well-known players.Without money, it is impossible to support the operation of a guild. Without a guild establishment order, no one will join his new guild. Without powerful and famous players, the guild's appeal to ordinary players will drop a lot.

Of course, Liu Tian also knows that it is not easy to create a guild that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the top ten guilds. If his guild is strong, not to mention other things, I am afraid that apart from the two guilds Youlong and Phoenix among the top ten guilds, the other eight guilds may make a move. , suppress him.

"Why do you let me join your guild?" Huofeng asked.


Four shining purple trial orders appeared in Liu Tian's hands, and the five characters of purple gold trial orders were engraved on them.

"Purple Gold Trial Order!"

Except for Huofeng, the other four gasped and exclaimed.Four purple gold trial orders mean 390 six lives, which means that 390 six people have died at the hands of Liu Tian.What frightened the four of them the most was that it was only the third day of the trial!One can imagine how strong Liu Tian is!

"Strong personal strength does not mean that your guild will be strong in the future." Huofeng was just surprised: "However, you did not kill the four of us today, so I will consider whether to join your guild. However, this is only me The four of them, I can't decide."

"It's okay, my original intention of creating the guild was not to make a name for myself, but to fight against other guilds." Liu Tian turned around and turned his face sideways: "I hope there will be a period in the future."

"Eternity, this will be the name of the guild I founded."

A sentence left by Liu Tian before he left floated in the air.

The fate of life is really wonderful sometimes.A few hours later, Liu Tian encountered Wufeng again, the player who escaped from him.Wufeng's eloquence is indeed good, and he has a bit of ability.When Liu Tian met him again, he had resolutely become the leader of [-] or [-] players, and the level of these [-] or [-] players was not low.He led the twenty or thirty players to gallop in the trial forest.

"Brother Feng, there is a lone player over there, shall we kill him?" A player whispered in Wufeng's ear.

"Oh, kill." Wufeng said casually, but when he saw that it was Liu Tian, ​​he quickly changed his words: "Wait, don't go there, we went to find death, you wait here, I will go there."

Wufeng once estimated Liu Tian's attack power, and found that even the current group of players would not survive 10 minutes under Liu Tian's command.Moreover, Liu Tian is still a person who kills without blinking an eye.Therefore, when he saw that it was Liu Tian, ​​he hurried over, fearing that Liu Tian, ​​the killer, would come to deal with them, and he didn't want the team that had gathered so hard to disappear in smoke.

"Brother, what happened last time was my fault." Wufeng came to Liu Tian, ​​and before Liu Tian could make a move, he hurriedly said, "Brother, as the saying goes, enemies are easy to tie and hard to solve, so how can you repay your grievances?" It's time, hold your hand high and let me go."

Wufeng felt very aggrieved, last time it was Liu Tian who made the first move, what was wrong with him?It's just that people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.Take all the mistakes on yourself, and you will never be wrong.

"Oh." Liu Tian was secretly laughing in his heart at this moment.Originally, when I first met Wufeng, I thought about beheading him, but after thinking about it, he is considered a talent, with good commanding ability, and maybe there will be intersections in the future, so I thought it was as if I hadn't met him, but I didn't. Thinking of him delivering it to the door himself.

"Brother, are you willing to let me go?" Wufeng looked at Liu Tian happily, but he didn't expect Liu Tian, ​​who kills people without saying anything, was willing to let him go.

"It's not about letting go, okay, I'm leaving."

"Hey, big brother, don't leave yet." Wufeng stopped Liu Tian.

"What's the matter?" Liu Tian frowned and looked at Wufeng.

"I want to invite you to join our team, everything is under your command." Wufeng looked at Liu Tian expectantly.If Liu Tian joins his team, he can almost run wild in the trial forest. He is confident that there will never be many such a large team in the trial forest.

"No need, just be careful yourself." Liu Tian left.

"Why did he tell me to be careful?" Wufeng murmured in confusion.

Putting on the cloak, Liu Tian entered the state of killing again, killing monsters and killing people. In the end, both eyes were red, bleeding five steps, and lying dead.

In the evening, Liu Tian went offline and returned to Liu Tian's home with all the girls.

"Sister Qingcheng, let's join Sister Lin's Phoenix Guild." Zhang Long wrapped around Lan Qingcheng and sat with her affectionately.

"Yes, it's good to join the Phoenix Guild. You can level up with other sisters." Lan Qingcheng 'touched' Zhang Long's head, but inadvertently glanced at Liu Tian with resentful eyes.

After taking a shower, Liu Tian came out of the bathroom and said, "Xiao Xi, Lan'er, how are you doing in the Forest of Trials?"

"Now the risk factor has dropped a lot, and our situation is not bad. As long as we are careful, we should be able to reach the test platform." Yang Lan sat upright, her eyes were deep, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Well, you have to be careful, if you can't do it, you can go back to the city."

"Oh, bro, there are mixed fish and dragons in the trial forest, it's hard to tell them apart, you have to be careful yourself." Liu Ruoxi nodded as she said.

While everyone was chatting, Mother Liu cooked a table of delicacies complete in color, aroma and taste.After dinner, Lan Qingcheng proposed to let Liu Tian take a stroll with him to get acquainted with ND City.

"Sister Qingcheng, I'm going too, I'm going too." Lan Qingcheng just proposed, and Zhang Long also proposed to go with her, and she couldn't wait, even more anxious than the person involved.

"This..." Lan Qingcheng only wanted Liu Tian and her, and didn't want others to come too.

"Long'er, Sister Qingcheng just came here, you need to get familiar with this place, so don't follow me, stay with us." Yang Lan said.

"Wu Bai, you don't have to follow. Don't you have an old friend in ND City? I'll let you go on vacation tonight, and you can go find him yourself." Lan Qingcheng said, "Xiaotian, let's go?"

"Well, Sister Lan and I will go out for a walk first, see you in the evening."

In the end, Liu Tian took Lan Qingcheng and walked slowly on the street. There was a smile on the corner of Lan Qingcheng's mouth, and smiles filled her slightly narrowed eyes, which showed the joy in her heart.

"Xiao Tian, ​​it would be great if you could accompany me like this every day, hee hee, I feel much better when I'm with you." Walking on the road, Lan Qingcheng sighed a little.

"Yes, I also like to go on like this. When I am with Sister Lan, I feel very comfortable." Liu Tian said.

Walking on the street, he softly introduced the human geography of ND City to Lan Qingcheng, and Lan Qingcheng listened with a faint smile.

At this time, Liu Tian walked to the neighborhood where he first met Lan Menger.When the two came to a corner, a figure burst out from the corner, holding an iron rod, and slammed towards Lan Qingcheng fiercely.

"Grass, who is it?"

Liu Tian scolded in a low voice, without any hesitation, with a movement of his body, he stood in front of Lan Qingcheng's people and let the iron rod hit him.


The iron rod hit Liu Tian's back, making a dull sound.This stick was extremely powerful, obviously planned for a long time.

There were not many passers-by in the first place, and they immediately retreated in shock, stopping in the distance.

"Xiao Tian, ​​how are you?" Lan Qingcheng exclaimed, a little crystal appeared in her eyes, and she looked worriedly at Liu Tian, ​​who was frowning and showing pain.

"Sister Lan, I'm fine, be careful." Liu Tian said anxiously, holding Lan Qingcheng in his arms and quickly ran forward a few steps, then put down Lan Qingcheng, and faced the figure chasing with an iron rod alone.

The sneak attacker was extremely tall and his face was covered by a black cloth.He struck very ruthlessly and cunningly, hitting Liu Tian directly on the head with a stick.


Liu Tian narrowly avoided the blow.However, Lan Qingcheng cried out in surprise, worried for him.

"Damn it, who is he? Why did he deal with us?" Liu Tian was secretly anxious. The other party's skills were beyond his comparability. All he relied on was his extraordinary physique. The more he dragged on, the more dangerous he would be.Therefore, Liu Tian decided to take a risk, for himself and for Lan Qingcheng.


The shadow of the stick was heavy, and it fell vertically, and the wind howled with the stick, it was another extremely powerful blow.And Liu Tian's left arm was directly in front of him, letting the iron rod hit his arm, his right arm was clenched into a fist, all the strength of his whole body was concentrated on the right fist, the moment the iron rod hit his left arm, Liu Tian's right fist slammed out like a thunderbolt on the abdomen of the sneak attacker, and he was thrown half a meter away.

"It hurts a little, but it's acceptable!" Liu Tian thought to himself.

"Xiaotian, your hand..." Lan Qingcheng cried out.

Liu Tian didn't have time to answer Lan Qingcheng, his body burst out again, he blocked another attack with his left arm, and his right arm also came out like a wild dragon, blasting into the abdomen of the sneak attacker.

Liu Tian's arm was in burning pain, and the sneak attacker was thrown half a meter away by Liu Tian again.Regardless of his own condition, Liu Tian once again bullied the sneak attacker with his figure, using his life-for-life play style, and hit the sneak attacker's abdomen for the third time.


The sneak attacker couldn't bear Liu Tian's violent force, and finally spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were filled with horror, the sneak attacker knew his own strength, his attack just now, even a bull could cripple it, but Liu Tian unexpectedly Resisted again and again.


The sneak attacker shouted, his veins burst out, and he charged at Liu Tian with an iron rod half as thick as his arm.Regardless of other things, Liu Tian fought crazily and desperately.


In half a minute, Liu Tian spat out a mouthful of blood on the sneak attacker again, and his body was turned upside down. Every punch of Liu Tian was like a heavy hammer, with terrifying strength.And Liu Tian's left arm was in a terrible pain, but it hadn't broken yet!

This time, the sneak attacker did not attack Liu Tian again, but turned around and ran towards the path between tall buildings.

"Miss Lan, wait for me."

The sneak attacker rushed into a small path in a blink of an eye, and Liu Tian also rushed into this small path after him, with a difference of less than ten seconds.


As soon as Liu Tian rushed into the path, he collided with someone. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the attacker running very fast in front, and he was already 200 meters away.

"Wu Bai?" The person who collided with Liu Tian was actually Wu Bai!

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