The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 237 Rescue Phoenix

Chapter 237 Rescue Phoenix

Everything was as usual, Liu Tian and Lan Qingcheng treated Wu Bai as usual, as if they didn't know that what happened last night was done by him.

After logging into the game, Liu Tian threw away all his thoughts and concentrated on the game.After beheading several teams that tried to kill him and many iron claw eagles, Liu Tian finally met the king of the iron claw eagle field, the iron claw eagle king!

In the Forest of Trials, bosses are not uncommon. Every strange area has a king boss. Whether you can meet them depends on your luck, and whether you can kill them depends on your own strength.

[Iron Claw Eagle King] Soldier-level top-rank:

Level: Level 17.

Health: 1300/1300.

True Chi value: 550/550.

Iron Claw Eagle King, his whole body is covered with black feathers like black iron, and his pair of iron claws are even more chilling.Moreover, its size is two or three times larger than that of ordinary iron claw eagles, and it possesses two skills.One is Iron Claw, and the other is Iron Feather!

Iron Feather: "Shoot" ten black feathers from the body to kill the enemy, and each black feather contains 170% of Qi attack damage.

The Eagle King Iron Claw squatted on an ancient tree, his fierce eyes swept across the world, and with a pair of powerful claws, even the branches were pulled out of the depression by it.The appearance of Liu Tian made Iron Claw Eagle King very dissatisfied, he flapped his wings and flew down, with a long cry, ten black feathers shot out quickly.

"Sword light."

Opening his mouth calmly, Liu Tian unhurriedly released his defensive skills, and the sword lights all over the sky quickly intertwined and overlapped, and finally the light quality defense condensed in front of him.

Clang, clang... A total of four black feathers 'shot' at his sword light defense.





An ironic hurt floated from Liu Tian's head.


Screaming, the eagle claws of the Iron Claw Eagle King seemed to sing the sound of fighting, the hardness was increased by 300%, and it looked like black iron, shining with metallic luster.


The black iron eagle claws clashed with the killing sword, and the sound of clanging was endless, and the killing sword only cut white marks on the black iron eagle claws.


Two iron claws came out at the same time, entangled the killing sword, and the iron claw eagle king Yingkou suddenly attacked Liu Tian, ​​trying to peck his head.

Pian Chi's figure was like an autumn leaf, and with the increase of the instant skill, Liu Tian instantly escaped from the attack range of the Iron Claw Eagle King, and the killing sword shook out a sword gang, and went back to kill.



The Iron Claw Eagle King didn't know how to live or die, he bent his eagle claws and confronted Liu Tian head-on, and was directly knocked away by him.Liu Tian walked alone on the sword demon, constantly attacking, his body disillusioned, and instantly appeared under the iron-clawed eagle king who was blown away, the killing sword touched its chest, and two sword qi erupted.



An eagle corpse fell to the ground, and the Iron Claw Eagle King died. Its level was too low to fight against Liu Tian.Only monsters who have reached the warrior level and have been strengthened by the system can fight against Liu Tian. Below the warrior level, the only way to meet Liu Tian is to die.


Liu Tiantian was lucky, and the Iron Claw Eagle King unexpectedly dropped two pieces of equipment.

One is a sharp eagle knife.One is black feather iron clothes.

【Eagle Knife】Soldier Grade Top Grade:

[Equipment Durability]: 7000/7000.

[Equipment Category]: Weapons.

[Wearing Requirements]: Warrior.

[Wearing level]: Level 17.

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 0-210.

Qi attack: 150-180.

Attack speed increased by 2%.

[Included skills]:

Eagle King Slash:

[Skill Effect]:

Eagle King Slash, cut out an Iron Claw Eagle King turned into a blade to attack the enemy, the Iron Claw Eagle King Blade contains 250% attack.Moreover, the attack range is within three meters.

[Casting distance]: Within three meters.

[Casting time]: 1 seconds.

【Cooling time】: 5 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

【Black Feather Iron Clothes】Soldier-level top-rank:

[Equipment Durability]: 7000/7000.

[Equipment Category]: Clothes.

[Wearing Requirements]: Swordsman, Gun Fighter, Assassin.

[Wearing level]: Level 17.

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical defense: 185-0.

Gas defense: 185-190.

Attack speed increased by 1%.

[Included skills]:

Eagle King Iron Feather:

[Skill Effect]:

Eagle King Iron Feather, once this skill is used, a layer of black iron black feathers can be attached to the surface of the black feather iron clothes. The defense power of this layer of black iron black feathers is 300% of the caster, and lasts for 30 seconds.

[Casting distance]: Self.

[Casting time]: 2 seconds.

【Cooling time】: Minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 350 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

Throwing the two pieces of equipment into the Dragon Soul Ring, Liu Tian continued to wander in the Iron Claw Eagle.He didn't deliberately speed up, but just advanced at his usual speed.About an hour later, when Liu Tian beheaded an iron-clawed eagle, several figures appeared on his right side, and a familiar female voice came faintly.

After dealing with the Iron Claw Eagle casually, Liu Tianli stood on the spot, looking at the figures getting closer, his brows raised involuntarily. The person who came was actually Tianhuo Phoenix, and at this time, Tianhuo Phoenix was being chased and killed by five players.

"Little girl, you actually snatched our equipment, you are dead today, kill you and explode your equipment!"

"Haha, I'm going to destroy flowers with my hands today. Alas, it's a pity for such a beautiful chick."

"This bitch, court death!"

Amidst the arrogant voices, the six people approached.


It was only when Tianhuo Phoenix got a closer look at the face of the person in front of him that he couldn't help but exclaimed, a gleam of joy miraculously appeared on his pretty face.

Although Liu Tian didn't like Tianhuo Phoenix, he didn't want to leave her alone and let her be hunted down, so he had to stand where he was and wait for a few people to come.


Tianhuo Phoenix quickly came to Liu Tian's body, and stopped running away, his eyes dodged, not daring to look at Liu Tian.

"Yo, there is still a lover?"

"Hey, today I will kill this pair of mandarin ducks with my own hands."

"Whoever made this girl dare to steal our equipment, we must kill her."

The five people who were chasing and killing Tianhuo Phoenix also came in front of Liu Tian in lightly picking tones.

"What's going on?" Liu Tian frowned slightly, and looked at Tianhuo Phoenix with cold eyes: "You snatched other people's equipment? Do you think that you are still the eldest lady of the Tianhuo Guild in the trial forest? No one dares to touch you ?”

"You!" Tianhuo Phoenix was furious, her pretty face was on fire, and she flushed red: "Why are you indiscriminate! I didn't rob their equipment, they robbed mine!"

"Oh, what's going on?" Liu Tian asked lightly, without saying much.

"Hmph, they are robbers, ten minutes ago..." Tianhuo Phoenix said slowly, while the five people watched from the front with the attitude of watching a show, not paying attention to Liu Tian at all.

Ten minutes ago, Tianhuo Phoenix and her teammates were besieging and killing a mutated iron-clawed hawk. When the mutated iron-clawed hawk had only two or three hundred lives left, a team of five came.They saw that the iron-clawed eagle surrounded by five people from Tianhuo Phoenix was extraordinary, and they had the idea of ​​killing and looting monsters in their hearts.However, they did not act recklessly, but hid aside, waiting quietly for the five Tianhuo Fenghuang to wear out the life of the mutated Iron Clawed Eagle.When the mutated iron claw eagle had only one hundred lives left, they made a move.

They not only attacked the mutated Iron Claw Eagle, but also Tianhuo Phoenix and others, trying to kill the five people with little blood left.It's just that they didn't expect the five members of Tianhuo Fenghuang to resist stubbornly, and forcibly survived.

In the end, the mutated Iron Claw Eagle was killed by the Skyfire Phoenix, and she also picked up the dropped equipment.The five people who grabbed the equipment were very angry, and tried their best to attack and kill the five people in Tianhuo Phoenix.And the four teammates of Tianhuo Phoenix were also hit by real fire. They would rather die than give Tianhuo Phoenix a chance to escape, and not give them a chance to explode to obtain equipment.It's just that the resistance of the four teammates of Tianhuo Phoenix was destroyed in just a moment, and all four of them died.

Then there was the scene of Tianhuo Phoenix being hunted down.

"They are bandits!" Tianhuo Phoenix gritted his teeth.

"The Skyfire Guild is also a bandit." Liu Tian said lightly, then ignored the Skyfire Phoenix, and said to the five people: "I just killed an Iron Claw Eagle King not long ago and exploded two pieces of equipment. If you have the ability , come and get it."

After finishing speaking, Liu Tian also took out the Eagle Knife and Black Feather Iron Clothes, and waved them in front of the five people.

"Damn, this kid is looking for his own death."

"Fuck, kill him and explode his equipment, let him see the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, so as to avoid life and death in the future."

The five of them sneered and rushed towards Liu Tian, ​​each showing their merits.One of them 'shot' two wooden arrows.The wooden arrow took the lead, pierced through the air, and hit Liu Tianmianmen directly.

"Eternal, eternal, small, careful." Tianhuo Phoenix gritted his teeth and said.In fact, she also knew that she was sorry for Liu Tian. After all, this was the third time Liu Tian saved her.

"Oh." Liu Tian replied, with a steady body, dodging the wooden arrow, and walked towards the five people step by step.


A gun fighter attacked first, the attack was like a vast ocean, and the long spear was the poisonous dragon among them, tricky and venomous, swallowing the spear's light, under the cover of the warrior, he stabbed Liu Tian's forehead with a single shot.

Liu Tian's stature is steady, like a tiger walking like a dragon, stepping across every step, his face is still light when facing the direct attack of the spear, and he slashes diagonally with his sword. Electric disillusionment, pulling a cunning arc, jumping over warriors and gun fighters.Stepped out of the instantaneous skill, shook out the sword gang, and attacked the swordsman.

"Sword light!"

The swordsman was frightened and rushed to fight, releasing his defensive skills.


As soon as Jian Gang came into contact with Jian Guang, Jian Guang collapsed, and Liu Tian slashed at Jianxia's chest with his sword.


"Soil thorn!"

The earth-type spiritual cultivator shouted anxiously, the power of the earth gathered under Liu Tian's feet, and a stick of soil pierced through the ground and struck out. Fortunately, Liu Tian was prepared, stepped away from the spot with one step, and blasted two sword qi at the swordsman.


With the sound of the corpse falling to the ground, the swordsman was killed by Liu Tian.Time passed, and a few minutes later, all five of them were beheaded by Liu Tian, ​​and a piece of equipment was dropped, but the attribute was too bad, so Liu Tian randomly threw it into the Dragon Soul Ring.

"Today, today, thank, thank you." Tianhuo Phoenix lowered his head and said hesitantly.

"Oh, I'm leaving too." Liu Tian said lightly, "Do you want to go with me?"

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