The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 238 Phantom Assassin

Chapter 238 Phantom Assassin

In the trial forest, Liu Tian's faint words spread, making Tianhuo Phoenix a little at a loss, she didn't know whether to agree or refuse. 26nbsp;She didn't know, at some point, her feeling towards Liu Tian changed, if it was before, she would definitely reject Liu Tian without hesitation.It's just that she didn't realize it herself. Not only did she hate Liu Tian, ​​but she also felt that she couldn't explain it clearly to him. Maybe it was Liu Tian's gratitude for saving him three times.

"Let's go together." Liu Tian said, "Brother Tianhuang asked me to take care of you."

Now that she met Tianhuo Phoenix, Liu Tian didn't want her to take risks alone.Although he still doesn't like Tianhuo Phoenix.But as a big man, he can't let Tianhuo and Phoenix fend for themselves, besides, he and Tianhuang must have some intersections.

Looking at Liu Tian with a complicated expression, Tianhuo Phoenix thought for a moment, then nodded strangely.

Not long after the journey, Liu Tian and Tianhuo Fenghuang fell into an awkward situation.Apart from the few unnutritive words at the beginning, the two had nothing to talk about, so they could only move forward silently.At this moment, Liu Tian is glad that this is the trial forest, there are monsters and players to kill, otherwise he would be absolutely embarrassed to death.

"Dizzy, I'm making myself suffer." Liu Tian murmured to himself after beheading the two iron-clawed eagles that came attacking in unison.

The sun and the moon are marching, and dusk is coming.As the sun sets, the Assassin's advantage time is approaching!

Somewhere in the Forest of Trials.

A thin man with a face as cold as iron was walking in the forest, holding a black and dull dagger.

Phantom Assassin!This player who specializes in looting bosses is both helpless and shocking.And his race is the Phantom Killing God Clan, one of the five holy places!His racial inheritance occupation is assassin.This is also one of the reasons for his extraordinary strength.Of course, his own strength is beyond doubt.


He frowned, and his eyes slightly looked to the right.On his right side, a big bird covered in divine flames flew over in the distance, and the flaming bird did not dare to fly high into the sky.On it, a man holding a dragon spear stands proudly, looking at the world like a king.

Fight against heaven!It is also one of the five holy lands. It belongs to the Dou Zhan Holy Clan and inherits the professional spear god!Once killed Liu Tian.

"Dou Zhan Cang Tian?" Huan Sha Assassin murmured, Dou Zhan Cang Tian looked around for videos of masters fighting. He had seen it before. One person, one bird, one dragon gun, the distinctive symbol, he recognized at a glance the one above the big flaming bird. Fight against heaven.

On the way of Dou Zhan Cang Tian, ​​there happened to be a player.Dou Zhan Tiantian remained silent, swung the dragon spear obliquely, and sprayed out a dragon-like flame, which immediately cut the player's life to the lowest point, and the flame bird also spit out a ball of flames, and the player fell to the ground in the flames .


The flaming bird sang long and came in front of the Imaginary Assassin, fighting against the sky without even looking at the Imaginary Assassin, the long spear pierced straight, and a spear burst out of the dragon gun, like a slender arrow of light, shooting quickly Assassin the phantom.

The Imaginary Assassin spewed fluorescent powder, his figure was hidden, and the next moment he appeared under the flame bird, as black as ink, and the dagger that absorbed all light pierced into the flame bird's body along with the body.


The raging flames on the body of the raging flame bird suddenly surged, converging in the belly, and immediately stabbed the phantom killer into the air.Pushing hard under his feet, Dou Zhan Cangtian shot down from the flaming bird, and the dragon gun went straight to chase the phantom killer and assassinate the god.In a blink of an eye, he approached the phantom assassin and stabbed at his leather armor.


Frowning slightly, Dou Zhan Cangtian was very dissatisfied with this damage, if it was an ordinary assassin, this blow would be enough to instantly kill him.


As soon as the fluorescent powder was sprinkled, the figure of the Immortal Assassin disappeared again, and that cold face appeared on the right side of Dou Zhan Cangtian in an instant, and he swung the dagger and slashed at Dou Zhan Cangtian's right arm.



Dou Zhan Cangtian's face was slightly cold, his right arm trembled, and the dragon spear swept across Fang Fang sharply, while the Magic Killing Assassin flew backwards with the help of the sweeping power, and disappeared impressively.There was silence all around, and the phantom assassin did not appear again.Dou Zhan Cangtian Lingtai is clear and bright, he carefully feels the flow of air, and speculates on the location of the phantom assassin.


Dou Zhan Cangtian sensed the strangeness in an instant, and the dragon spear rushed out. This spear indeed 'forced' the Phantom Assassin, but it was just a clone of the Phantom Assassin, and the real Phantom Assassin had quietly disappeared. Appearing behind Dou Zhan Cangtian, the ink-colored dagger pierced out a fatal blow skill.



A fire dragon rushed out from the mouth of the flaming bird, circled Dou Zhan Cangtian, and attacked the retreating Phantom Assassin.He took a red 'drug' and a blue 'drug', and calmly shuttled through the forest. He knew his specialty, and he would never be an opponent in a head-to-head confrontation. His specialty is surprise attack. , he may not be unable to kill Dou Zhan Tian Tian.

"He must be the Imaginary Killer Assassin. I searched for it for a long time but couldn't find it. I didn't expect to meet him in the trial forest."

Thinking in his heart, Dou Zhan Cangtian stepped out quickly, with a flash of heat and fighting spirit in his eyes, his goal is to make all the master players fall dead under his feet.The flaming bird was extremely fast, and caught up with the Imaginary Assassin before fighting against the sky. It opened its mouth and spewed out a ball of flames. It failed to hit the Imaginary Assassin, but instead scorched an ancient tree.

"Fight against the heavens, right? Don't let it go this time, and next time, we will decide the outcome." After chasing for a while, the cooldown of the phantom killing and assassination stealth technique ended. After he said something coldly, he disappeared into the gradually dark place. Forest.

"Phantom Killing Assassin, next time, I will let you fall at my feet." Dou Zhan Cangtian turned coldly, stood on top of the flaming bird again, and said: "Huo'er, fly at low altitude, don't fly up forest."

Perhaps the sky fire phoenix represented bad luck. Since she joined Liu Tian's team, the Iron Claw Eagle never attacked Liu Tian alone, and often attacked Liu Tian in groups.

Flipping his sword, he killed the last iron-clawed eagle. Liu Tian muttered: "Damn, once she comes, there will be more iron-clawed eagles attacking. Don't even the monsters hate her?"

"What did you say?" Tianhuo Phoenix regained its original nature, and upon hearing Liu Tian's muttering, her black eyebrows immediately turned into sharp swords, glaring at Liu Tian.

"Oh, I didn't say anything, I was just thinking about whether to charge for protecting you. Although I was entrusted by Brother Tianhuang to take care of you, this kind of thing is thankless, so I can't let me suffer." Liu Tian replied casually, But he was thinking about the guild in his mind. He wanted to create a studio first to prepare for the establishment of the guild.In the game, there are countless studios, large or small.Liu Tian still has self-knowledge, he can't reach the sky in one step, he has to start from the basics.

Tianhuo Phoenix looked at Liu Tian unhappily: "You! Did you lose money?"

"What's the matter? I'm a poor man, so I naturally have to support my family. Unlike you rich and noble children who were born with golden keys in their mouths, they don't have to worry about food and drink, but most of them only know how to eat, drink and have fun. Doing things that hurt the heavens and reason." Liu Tian said lightly, but his heart was secretly happy, Tianhuo Phoenix was upset, so he was happy.

"You are the only one who is doing something outrageous! You are a man of hatred for the rich! You know how to slander the rich."

"I'm not arguing with you, do you know it well?"

"Hmph, I don't have one anyway!"

"Whether you have it or not is none of my business."

"Eternity, what do you mean!" Tianhuo Phoenix was about to go mad with anger.

Regardless of what Tianhuo Fenghuang said, Liu Tiancai strode forward, feeling a little heavy in his heart, and remembered Su Sheng's conversation with him back then.

On the left side, three players came, swordsman, archer, and assassin.

"Wow, there's a girl in front of me, damn, she's still very hot, if you can let me...hehe..." The swordsman smiled 'kinky'.

"Do you want to destroy them?" The assassin glanced at Liu Tian and the two coldly.

"Kill!" said the archer.


The assassin directly used the concealment technique, and quietly approached Liu Tian and Tianhuo Phoenix in the dark environment.


The archer shoots a wooden arrow, and the direct target is the Skyfire Phoenix. In his eyes, there is no difference between men and women, only enemies and friends.

"Sword light."

As soon as he moved, Liu Tian blocked the blow for Tianhuo Phoenix: "Be careful yourself."

Leaving a word, Liu Tian stepped out of the instant skill and killed the three of them.With a clang, Liu Tian slashed at the swordsman's leather armor with his sword, cutting off 85% of his life in an instant. As long as he lightly added another sword, he could be sent back to the city for free.Just when Liu Tian wanted to chase and kill him, a wooden arrow flew towards him, blocking his progress. The swordsman took the opportunity to take the red medicine quickly.

The right eye of the god trembled, telling Yu Liutian that the assassin was attacking from the left.A faint sneer appeared between his brows, and suddenly he blasted two sword auras to the left, instantly killing the assassin on the spot.

"Fine, the idea is tough, let's go!" The archer shouted anxiously, his figure retreated sharply, but his speed was too slow, Liu Tian caught up with him in just a moment, and after a few slashes with the killing sword, he died.And the swordsman is also a fool, he didn't know that he was running in the opposite direction with the archer, and he was running in the same direction as the archer, and Liu Tian soon caught up with him, and he also solved it with a few swords.

"Do you have enough trial orders?" Liu Tian asked plainly.

"not yet."

"These three trial orders will be given to you."


"Don't waste time, this trial is enough for me, it's not necessary for me."


Night finally fell, Liu Tian activated the day again, and Tianhuo Phoenix took out a light stone.

"This light stone is for you to use, I will repay you." Tianhuo Phoenix took out another light stone and said.

"I'm really willing to spend money." Liu Tian sighed: "But I don't need the light stone, you should keep it for yourself."

"I'm offline, see you at 08:30 tomorrow morning." After leaving a sentence, Liu Tianxia went offline.

Finding Su Sheng's number in the phone book, Liu Tian dialed it.

"Uncle Su, I'm Xiaotian, I'm really sorry to bother you so late."

"Oh, it's okay, Xiaotian, what's the matter with you?"

"Uncle Su, it's like this..." Liu Tian lowered his voice, "Can you help me?"

"Okay, just give me a call when the time comes."

"Thank you, Uncle Su."

"you are welcome."

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