The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 239 Solving Wu Bai

Chapter 239 Solving Wu Bai

On the second day, Liu Tian, ​​acting like a gentleman, logged into the game 10 minutes earlier, but he waited for nearly an hour for Tianhuo Phoenix to go online.

"Are all girls procrastinating like this? It's almost nine o'clock now, and they still don't come." Liu Tian leaned against an ancient tree, and as he muttered, white light flickered, and the Skyfire Phoenix finally came online.

"Can't you girls procrastinate?" Liu Tian muttered dissatisfied.

"Don't you know that this is the right of girls? You don't even know this common sense, do you?"

"I know..." Liu Tian cursed, "I know your sister."

As time passed, Liu Tian and Tianhuo Phoenix finally broke through the Iron Claw Eagle's domain and came to the Day and Night Bat Comprehension.

There are only two kinds of monsters in the diurnal bat area, one is chaotic diurnal bats, which come and go during the day, which is opposite to the living habits of bats at night, so they are called chaotic diurnal bats.The second is the ferocious night bat, which is more ferocious than the chaotic day bat.

[Chaotic Day Bat] Soldier-level top-rank:

Level: Level 17.

Health: 980/980.

True Chi value: 400/400.

[Fierce Night Bat] Soldier Level Top Rank:

Level: Level 17.

Health: 1000/1000.

True Chi value: 400/400.


A chaotic day bat flew head-on, its wings like a membranous membrane were outstretched, and its scarlet eyes were fixed on Liu Tian.

Liu Tian rushed forward in a few steps, and the sword qi shot out instantly, and the chaotic day bat wailed, fell to the ground and died.Before he could release the harvesting technique, another chaotic day bat was killed on the tree.Liu Tian glanced at the chaotic day bat indifferently, the killing sword shook, and the sword gang appeared, and with two or three sword strikes, the chaotic day bat was chopped to death.


"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who eternally collected the chaotic day bat meat wing x1, and the proficiency of the collection technique +3"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who eternally collected Chaos Bat's Eye Bead x1, proficiency in collection +3"

"You are not very good, but your strength is not bad."

"You are not bad, but your personality is not very good."


"It's okay, don't bother me, I'm not careful, I'm not responsible for the chaotic day bat hurting you."

The two wandered ecstatically in the trial forest, killing people and killing monsters.

"Ding dong, players please pay attention, the second wave of wild beast 'tide' has officially started, all players are requested to be prepared to resist the attack of beast 'tide'. During this period, the experience of all monsters has increased by 35%. rate increased by 10%. Moreover, players in the Forest of Trials cannot go offline or go online. In addition, each player must go through nine wild beast 'tides'. If there is one less time, the trial will be cancelled. Refining qualifications."

"Ding dong, players please pay attention, the second wave of wild beast 'tide' has officially started, all players are requested to be prepared to resist the attack of beast 'tide'. During this period, the experience of all monsters has increased by 35%. rate increased by 10%. Moreover, players in the Forest of Trials cannot go offline or go online. In addition, each player must go through nine wild beast 'tides'. If there is one less time, the trial will be cancelled. Refining qualifications."

"Ding dong, players please pay attention, the second wave of wild beast 'tide' has officially started, all players are requested to be prepared to resist the attack of beast 'tide'. During this period, the experience of all monsters has increased by 35%. rate increased by 10%. Moreover, players in the Forest of Trials cannot go offline or go online. In addition, each player must go through nine wild beast 'tides'. If there is one less time, the trial will be cancelled. Refining qualifications."

Just after the system announcement was over, five chaotic diurnal bats came flying together, flapping their membranous wings, and a strange red light shone in their small eyes.

The Killing Sword was imprinted with mysterious golden patterns. Liu Tian held the Killing Sword which was enhanced by the Snake King's skill effect, and stabbed out quickly. Five chaotic day bats wailed a few times and fell on the ground together. on the ground.



As soon as Liu Tian's gathering technique was thrown, eight chaotic day bats flew down from the tree, and two more went to attack the Skyfire Phoenix.

"Sword Gang."

Dodging in front of Tianhuo Phoenix, using the sword gang skill straight away, the killing sword danced wildly in Liu Tian's hands, like an ancient magic weapon, sweeping past, in the blink of an eye, eight chaotic day bats fell to the ground, struggling It stopped moving after a few clicks.

"Rush to the left!"

Liu Tian shouted.In the distance, smoke and dust billowed, and a wave of reptile creatures was rushing towards them.This time the "tide" of wild beasts is because he is stronger in the seventeenth-level strange area deep in the depths. If he is the only one, there is no need to worry at all. It's just that there is one more person, and he has to be distracted to take care of her.


After killing a chaotic day bat blocking the way, Liu Tian fought his way through the trial forest where monsters were getting denser and denser with unstoppable momentum.

"You, you be careful." Tianhuo Phoenix looked at Liu Tian's back fighting bravely, and gritted his teeth.

"I'm fine, take care of yourself."

The group of monsters in the distance had rushed over, and Liu Tian saw their true colors clearly. They were a group of beasts with one horn. Fortunately, their target was directly in front, and Liu Tian and the two were on the left. They only separated into two or three. It's just that he came out to deal with the two of them, but they were easily beheaded by Liu Tian, ​​so they were not a threat.

Liu Tian survived this wave of wild beasts without any risk.During the "tide" of wild beasts, he once saw a boss, and originally wanted to kill it, but because he needed to protect the Skyfire Phoenix, he had no choice but to give up.

"Miss, I lost the boss level equipment."

"What are you talking to me about? I'm not a piece of equipment."

"But the boss-level equipment was lost because of you. If I hadn't wanted to protect you, that boss would have died in my hands. Tell me, do you want to compensate me?"


Unknowingly, the two fell in love with bickering in the boring trial forest, perhaps they both thought it was a good way to pass the time in the boring trial forest.

In the next few days, there were two more "tides" of wild beasts. One of them, the Skyfire Phoenix was almost caught and killed by several crow-clawed iron-feathered eagles that descended from the sky.

"I offline first."

"Isn't it only 173a00 now?"

"Oh, I have something to do." After saying that, Liu Tian went offline.

Liu Tian called Su Sheng in his room.

"Uncle Su, the plan will be implemented at night."

"So fast? Well, get rid of this potential danger as soon as possible, so that he won't turn over."

"Uncle Su, it's up to you tonight."

"Okay, wrap it on me."

At the dining table, Liu Tian and Lan Qingcheng secretly revealed that they were going out for a trip.After the meal, the two bid farewell to everyone, while Wu Bai was given a holiday by Lan Qingcheng on the grounds that he should not be disturbed.

"Xiaotian, you must be careful, don't get hurt."

"It's okay, I'm still in control. In terms of skill, I'm no match for him, but if I want to run, he will definitely not be able to catch up."

Lan Qingcheng didn't say any more, but her worry could be seen from her slightly frowning black eyebrows.

"Sister Lan, don't worry about me anymore, this threat will be eradicated tonight..."

Walking forward step by step, the two quickly walked through one block after another, but Wu Bai did not appear.

Finally, while Liu Tian was waiting so hard, in a relatively sparsely populated neighborhood, Wu Bai came.Holding a pair of sharp knives in his hand, he went straight to kill Liu Tian.Quietly, with a movement of Liu Tian's finger, he sent a message that had already been edited on the phone.

As soon as Wu Bai came out, he mercilessly slashed at Liu Tian with a knife.Liu Tian had already pushed Lan Qingcheng far away, and concentrated on dealing with Wu Bai's attack. This is not a game, and his life may be in danger at any time.


The knife seemed to fall from the sky, and it slashed at Liu Tian's head and face, as if he wanted to kill Liu Tian, ​​but Liu Tian turned slightly and narrowly avoided it.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me again and again."

A saber light brushed against Liu Tian's shoulder, which was extremely dangerous.

Wu Bai didn't say a word, but he shot more fiercely, eager to solve Liu Tian in a short time.It's just that things backfired, the more he hoped for, the less it happened.


Liu Tian was overjoyed, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the familiar police uniform flash past: "The people from the police station have finally arrived, this time I will see how you, Wu Bai, can escape!"

"Wu Bai! You're going to die today!" Liu Tian yelled suddenly, and picked up a wine bottle on the ground: "Look what's around! It's the police!"

Hearing this, Wu Bai finally panicked, his eyes couldn't help looking around, Liu Tian seized this moment, and a wine bottle fell on Wu Bai's head.

"Today, I let you come and go! You will be imprisoned forever."

"Don't move, raise your hands!" The police lurking around finally rushed in.In the end, Wu Bo was arrested.He was brought into the police station by the police, and Su Sheng had already greeted the police station beforehand. Liu Tian believed that the police station would definitely "take good care" of Wu Bai.However, at seven o'clock the next day came the news that Wu Bai was released, and his friends in ND City became the scapegoats.

"It must be that young master! I didn't expect him to be so powerful that he could 'intervene' in the affairs of ND City."

After Wu Bai was released, he didn't come back. Su Sheng's eyeliner reported that Wu Bai had already boarded the plane to gd province.

Early in the morning, Lan Qingcheng came to Liu Tian's room.

"Xiao Tian, ​​it's finally over. It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in any danger at all." Lan Qingcheng said guiltily. She still remembers the scene of Liu Tian being attacked and killed by Wu Bai last night. , Unforgettable, heart pounding.

"Oh, Sister Lan, how many times have I told you that you don't have to blame yourself. Isn't this resolved?"

"But, because of this incident, you were almost injured."

"Sister Lan, how could Wu Bai hurt me? You don't even know who your brother is?" Liu Tian smiled, he really didn't take this matter to heart.

"Puchi." Lan Qingcheng smiled sweetly, and lightly tapped Liu Tian's forehead with her jade finger: "You are becoming more and more talkative now, and you know how to make girls happy."

"No, I've only talked badly to Sister Lan, and I've only coaxed Sister Lan." Liu Tian said with a smile, but his relaxed words were like a huge stone thrown into Lan Qingcheng's heart that was not at all rumpled, arousing thousands of emotions. water waves.

The next day, Liu Tian went online.Unexpectedly, Tianhuo Phoenix was already waiting for him in place.

"You're here, how are things going?" Skyfire Phoenix asked.

"Things, what's the matter?" Liu Tian was puzzled, but suddenly realized: "It's resolved, thank you for your concern."

The two embarked on an unknown journey of adventure.

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