The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 241 The Swordsman

Chapter 241 The Swordsman

The sixth wave of wild beasts was over, and the three of Liu Tian resumed their original state of killing monsters and killing people. 26nbsp;Time flies by quickly, and several days pass by in a hurry.Liu Tian broke out of the eighteenth-level strange area and came to the nineteenth-level strange area.

After casually beheading a wild wild boar by the sword, Liu Tian murmured: "Now that we are getting closer to the trial stage, the chances of players meeting each other are getting higher and higher, and most of the players sent by the guild should have gathered. Hmph. , I hope that Tianhuo Biaofeng will not die in the trial forest!"

After another six days, Liu Tian and the others finally arrived at the twentieth-level strange area.In the twentieth-level strange area, there are already many players walking around, but there are not many incidents of attacking each other. Players don't want to have conflicts at a critical moment and waste all their previous efforts.When some players saw Liu Tian and the other three, they originally wanted to kill them, but after thinking about it, how can the players who can break into here be mortals?He suppressed the killing intent in his heart again.

A few hours later, Liu Tian met Lian Deng Kan Jian, I'm a bit murderous in the crotch, and Yun Yan was unfortunately killed during the trial.Turning on the lamp to watch the sword, my crotch is a bit murderous, I quit the original team and came to Liu Tian's team, so the team of three people increased to full.Two hours later, Liu Tian and the other five found the test platform surprisingly easily.

The trial platform is not so much a platform, but a tower. It is hundreds of meters high, except that the top is not a tower, but a platform, and the bottom of the top is a tower, divided into eighteen floors.

"No way, did you find the test platform so quickly?"

"Don't get too excited, look at the players around here." Liu Tian said, "If you dare to climb the test platform, you will probably be chopped to pieces by these players."

Around the trial platform, many ordinary players have gathered, about 100 of them. For some reason, no one climbed the trial platform.But whoever dares to go to the test platform will probably be attacked by this group of players.

In the end, Liu Tian and the other five also stepped aside, waiting for the development of the situation.Half an hour later, amidst the whispers of the players, Liu Tian finally figured out the reason of the matter.It turns out that the open stone door of the trial platform has an invisible interface, and players cannot enter at all, and can only stay outside the trial platform.

As time went by, more and more players found the trial platform, and several of them almost had conflicts. The players who came here for the first time did not know that the trial platform was inaccessible, and wanted to force their way in. Fortunately, they all settled down in the end.

"The players from the Devil's Guild are here."

With a low cry, Liu Tian's expression froze, and his cold eyes looked forward.A team of about 30 people is coming at a very high speed, all of them are well-equipped and radiant, presumably they are the elites of the Devil's Guild, the leader is Devil Heitian, the president of the Devil's Guild, and his younger brother Devil Heiyun Not in the team.

The Devil's Guild came powerfully, and rushed towards the trial platform with a murderous look. Seeing this, many teams on the road were like frightened birds, and hurriedly gave way, fearing that they would cause trouble.

"Aren't you going to go away? Do you still want us to invite you?"

Naturally, among the players, there were some tough ones, who stood in front of the stone gate of the trial platform and refused to leave.And their power is not small. Although the power is divided into several groups, there are about 40 people in total. Facing the mighty Devil's Guild, they are quite capable.

"If you want to fight, we will fight. We are not afraid of you in the trial forest! The outcome is still unknown, so don't be too rampant!" A lean player stepped out, stood proudly in front of everyone, and said unceremoniously.

"You!" The devil was extremely angry. How could an ordinary player dare to speak to him like that?Immediately said angrily: "Good! Good! Good! Have the guts! It's just that you are looking for death in my opinion!"

"I don't know if I'm looking for death!" The refined man said coldly: "Brothers, do you dare to fight against the Devil's Guild, one of the top ten guilds?"


The players behind the refined man said in unison, they have long been unhappy with the grand guild, now is a good time, if they fight, they may not necessarily lose, and maybe they can even vent their anger.


The sword is on the verge of breaking out!

"The Skyfire Guild is here!" Some players exclaimed.

Hearing this, Liu Tian's figure froze, and his eyes looked at the Skyfire Guild that was rushing towards him. According to visual estimates, there were about 35 members of the Skyfire Guild on this trip. In front of the team was a tall and straight man with a smile on his face—— Skyfire Hurricane, the president of the Skyfire Guild.

"Heh, Tianhuo Biaofeng, it's good that you are here!" Liu Tian scanned the Tianhuo Guild, and finally found Tianhuo Biaofeng in the team.

"Heitian, I didn't expect that I would be so fast. You arrived before me." Tianhuo Hurricane walked up to the Devil Heitian with a smile.

"Your troops are also gathered?" Devil Heitian asked.

"Yes, they are all heading towards the test platform. It's hard not to get together. Unfortunately, many of your subordinates have already been sent back to the city." Tianhuo Hurricane smiled, and his eyes scanned the surroundings lightly: "Heitian, your The situation is not optimistic, and many teams seem to want to join the team of the Demon Killing Guild."

Many players onlookers are also ready to move, just as Hurricane Tianhuo said, they also want to join the team of refined men against the devil guild, but they are hesitant and haven't made up their minds yet.If they join the ranks against the Devil's Guild, the Devil's Guild will definitely lose in this battle.

"Cooperation, how about it?" Devil Heitian said calmly, his expression flat: "If I am killed, you will be next."

It's true, if players destroy the Devil's Guild, more ordinary players will join the crusade team, and it's not impossible to destroy the Skyfire Guild in one go.Conversely, if the Devil Guild kills the resisting team, the other players will naturally submit to his "desire" and become obedient sheep.

Tianhuo Hurricane laughed and said: "Hehe, Hei Tian, ​​what is our relationship, you are in danger, I will naturally help."

Hearing that, the players who were about to move stopped their pace and retreated quietly. 40 players with mixed quality vs. 63 players with good equipment, no need to fight, everyone knows the result, why bother to seek death?

"Haha, boy, I'd like to see which player who doesn't have a good eye today dares to come out and fight with you under the power of the two guilds." The devil laughed wildly.

"Grass, Iron Bones, we fought with them, even if one is exchanged for two, we must let them lose their advantage in the battle on the test platform!"

"Yes, change with them."

High-spirited voices came from behind the refined man Iron Bones.

"Since you don't have eyes, don't blame us for being cruel." The devil sneered: "Please give an order from the president! Cut off this group of people who don't have eyes."

"Wait, there's another player here who doesn't have eyesight, you guys should kill them together." Just as Devil Heitian and Tianhuo Hurricane were about to issue an attack order, a faint voice overwhelmed the noisy whispers in the arena, shaking the audience .

Liu Tian carried the killing sword on his back, walked out of the crowd step by step, and came to Tie Gu's side.

"It's you!"

Devil Heitian and Tianhuo Hurricane's faces changed. When he saw Liu Tian, ​​he remembered Gui Yunpo's bloody Shashen and Flip Palm, killing countless players. As soon as the bloody beam came out , there is a scene of a dead body being born.

"It's you!" Another exclamation rose, and Tianhuo Biaofeng walked out of the team of Tianhuo Guild: "Well, I have broken through the iron shoes and found nowhere to find you. I have been looking for you for so long, but today I sent myself to death. OK!"

"This sentence is exactly what I want to say to you." Liu Tian looked at Tianhuo Biaofeng like a dead person.

"Be careful that Feng Da flashes his tongue, something that is beyond his control." Tianhuo Biaofeng turned his head to look at Tianhuo Hurricane: "Cousin, he is the one who killed me, you must avenge me!"

"You go down first, I will deal with this matter myself." Tianhuo Hurricane said with a slight frown. He had already guessed that Liu Tian was the second best player on the ranking list, and his combat power was absolutely extraordinary. Leaving is evident.

"My friend, our grievances have been wiped out. I advise you not to complain about injustices. These days, such things are thankless, and you may even pay the price of your life." Devil Heitian said coldly, his hidden meaning was a warning Don't force Liu Tian to stand out, otherwise he will kill him mercilessly!

The reason why the devil Heitian didn't kill Liu Tian immediately was because in Hengzhong, the difference in level was one level, and the combat power was quite different, especially after the second trial of level [-], the battle after the trial He didn't know how much his strength had improved, and besides, he still didn't have enough manpower to deal with Liu Tian.Moreover, the battle of Gui Yunpo left a deep impression on him.

"My friend, how about canceling the grievances between you and Tianhuo Biaofeng? Enemies are easy to entangle, and many friends have multiple paths." The enemy still smiled and said, "Also, I sincerely invite you to join the Skyfire Guild."

"If you can leave Tianhuo Biaofeng to me, I can think about it." Liu Tian said forcefully, looking at the two presidents coldly, ignoring the threats in their eyes.

The audience was in an uproar, unexpectedly Liu Tian would dare to treat the presidents of the two major guilds like this.

"Hehe, since that's the case, I can only be sorry." Tianhuo Hurricane's expression gradually cooled down, and he raised his right hand slightly, which was a gesture for combat.For a while, the field once again fell into a tense atmosphere.


A beautiful woman with a strong body squeezed out of the crowd, hurriedly came to Tianhuo Hurricane, and said: "Brother, Eternal is my friend, you, you can't hurt him."

The person who came was Tianhuo Phoenix, the younger sister of Tianhuo Hurricane.

"Cousin, how can you make friends with this kind of person? Hurry up and cut off relations with him." Tianhuo Biaofeng said hastily, for fear that Tianhuo Hurricane would not kill Liu Tian.

"Tianhuo Biaofeng, you don't need to take care of my affairs!" Tianhuo Phoenix said coldly, glaring at him.

"Your friend?" Tianhuo Hurricane glanced at Tianhuo Biaofeng coldly, and said with a smile: "Since he is your friend, let him go, I don't want to destroy the harmony between us."

Tianhuo Biaofeng originally wanted to make a sound, but after being glanced at by Tianhuo Hurricane, he shrank his neck in fright, muttered a few times, and retreated to the team.

"Eternal, get out of the way." Tianhuo Phoenix gritted his teeth and said, "You will be very dangerous if you do this."

Liu Tian was about to reject Tianhuo Phoenix's kindness, when a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the battlefield.

"Brother, I'm here."

A team of about 50 people broke in.

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