The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 242 Eight-Layer Wheel Chapter

Chapter 242 Eighteen Levels of Reincarnation

A team of about 50 people, like a sharp sword, forcibly entered from outside the crowded crowd, and quickly gathered together, and the leader of this team was Wufeng!

Originally, Wufeng's goal was the ancient site, but he just passed the trial platform, and just heard that a battle was about to take place, so he came to take a look. He never expected to see Liu Tian and the two guilds confronting each other here. 26nbsp;He himself didn't like the Grand Guild, so he changed his mind and decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity to fight the Grand Guild. Anyway, he was alone and the game world was huge, so it would not be easy for the Grand Guild to seek revenge.Afterwards, after half a minute of his temptation, the team of 51 people gathered on the road was moved by him, fighting with high spirits, intending to kill the Grand Guild once!

"Brother, I'm here." Wufeng walked up to Liu Tian: "51 people, is that enough?"

Although Liu Tian was surprised by Wufeng's actions, he still nodded.This time the situation turned again, 91 people vs 63 people, making the faces of Devil Heitian and Tianhuo Hurricane a bit ugly.Tianhuo Phoenix also looked at Liu Tian in astonishment, his expression fluctuating.

"***, don't you guys want to fight? Come on!"

"Today, I'm going to kill these bastards myself."

"Haha, looking at their bitter faces, my stomach hurts from laughing."

The players ridiculed for a while.

"Brothers, since this friend is willing to stand side by side with us against the Devil's Guild and the Skyfire Guild, we can't let him down and prepare to fight!" Tie Gu sneered, standing with a gun like a pine tree!

"Yes!" At this moment, the team that was originally composed of three temporary teams was united, fighting like a river, turbulent, and the flickering between the eyebrows was not fear, but excitement.

Liu Tian looked at all this indifferently, his eyes were raised, and he looked at the two guilds with a smirk on his lips. This time, the two guilds lost all face.

"Leaving the trial forest is the time of your death." The devil Heitian said every word with a cold expression, then turned around and shouted: "All listen to the order!"

Just as the two sides were about to start a war, there was a commotion in the forest, and another guild came, this time it was the Youlong guild.Everyone didn't expect that Youlong Tianxia didn't come to fight, but to mediate.Under his mediation, both parties finally took a step back and were willing to give up.After all, the ultimate goal of both parties is the test platform.

"Brother, thank you this time, if it weren't for your help, we would definitely be wiped out." Tie Gu looked at Liu Tian gratefully.

Liu Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't need to thank, if you want to thank, please thank Wufeng. I also can't understand what these guilds are doing."

"It turns out that you are Wufeng, haha, you have known your name for a long time, and today I can see it with my own eyes. It is not in vain for me to participate in the trial meeting." Tie Gu smiled.

"Hehe, I'm also very upset with the Great Guild, and in the last game 'Eternal', I was killed several times by the Devil's Guild. I wanted to take revenge today, but it's just a pity."

"I'm going to create a guild to fight against the big guild." Liu Tian said suddenly, making Tie Gu and Wufeng look stunned.

"Okay, brother, if you create a guild, I will definitely join it!" Tie Gu said, "Brother Wufeng, will you join too?"

"I..." Wufeng lowered his head slightly, and thought for a while: "Well, let me join, anyway, I have nothing to do in this game."

"Thank you." Liu Tian, ​​Tie Gu, and Wufeng added each other as friends so that they could contact each other in the future.

"Eternal, you boy is in the limelight this time." You Long Tianxia walked over with a smile.

"Ahem..." Liu Tian touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and said, "I had a grudge against the devil and the Skyfire Guild, this time I finally had the opportunity to show off their prestige, so naturally I couldn't let it go. "

Not long after chatting with You Long Tianxia, ​​four more of the top ten guilds came.They are Lanyan, Hutian, Bipolar Tianxia, ​​and Jueba.Time passed, and the Royal Peerless also arrived, only the Black Hole, the leader of the top ten guilds, and the Phoenix guild, the leader of the beauty squad, were just behind.

"Wow, President Xianqiong is here with the beautiful women team." Suddenly there was an exclamation from outside the crowd. Liu Tian's heart is for Yang Lan and Feng Wu Tianqiong. When they met, they heard the exclamation, and hurriedly looked towards the forest.

A total of 28 people from the Phoenix Guild came to this trip. The three beauties on the beauty list, Fengwu Tianqiong and Yang Lan, and eighteen beauties formed a powerful beauty line, and they came in style.It's a pity that the two most beautiful, Fengwu Tianqiong and Yang Lan, both used veils to cover their faces, which made the players present sigh what a pity.Among the eighteen women, there is a beautiful woman who is also the object of the player's attention. She is more charming than the remaining seventeen women.

Meng Qi has an unparalleled face, with waterfall-like hair pouring over her shoulders, moon-like color lenses flowing with splendor, jade-like skin, and exquisite facial features, all of which attract the hearts of the players.She is dressed in silver and white archer equipment, which is radiant, and her exquisite lines perfectly highlight her tall and graceful figure, especially the unique design of this equipment, which makes her already "confusing" His figure was fully displayed.Under the skirt armor branded with the pattern of flying birds, a section of snowy legs were exposed, and on the feet were a pair of sky blue women's combat boots.

The 21 beauties are attractive, while the remaining seven male players are objects of envy and hatred.However, their strength must never be weak, otherwise the beautiful squad leader would not walk with them.

Liu Tian crossed layers of people, and under everyone's envious and jealous eyes, he came to the Phoenix Guild team. When he saw Meng Qi for the first time, he couldn't help but take a few extra glances, but his attention was not on her. , looked away, and said to the beautiful squad leader:

"You are here too."

"Yes." The beautiful class leader smiled lightly.

"Who are you?" One of the seven men saw the beautiful squad leader talking and laughing with Liu Tian, ​​came up with hostility, and asked bluntly.

"Chuan Shi, he is my friend, don't speak so aggressively." The beautiful squad leader frowned and said, "Go back first, I have something to talk to him."

Handed down a bad look at Liu Tian, ​​and silently retreated to the team.

"Squad leader, are you the suitor?" Liu Tian looked at the beautiful squad leader ambiguously.

The beautiful squad leader showed a helpless expression, and said: "Don't pay attention to him, I'm already annoyed by him, maybe I will use you as a shield in the future."

"Okay, it's just that I have to pay for it."

"Heh, Liu Tian, ​​when did you become so ruthless? You don't even help your old classmates."

"Just kidding." Liu Tian smiled, then turned to the two beauties and said, "Lan'er, Tianqiong, how have you been doing these past ten days?"

"There is no danger."


The president of Youlong Tianxia and Liangji Tiankun, and the president of Royal Peerless Huang Huang Wushuang also came over.The relationship between Bipolar Universe, Royal Warriors, Youlong Tianxia and Xianqiong is pretty good.

"President Beauty, you are here too, now only the black hole is missing." Huang Huang Wushuang said.

"Black hole..." The beautiful squad leader's eyes turned cold, obviously recalling the incident of the black hole guild attacking the phoenix guild.

"My guild also has a bit of a festive relationship with the black hole young master who suddenly appeared from the black hole guild. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, beautiful guild leader."


Bipolar Qiankun said in surprise: "Hey, this brother must be a peerless master who managed to escape the pursuit of nearly a million players in the battle of Guiyunpo."

"I'm overwhelmed." Liu Tian said with a smile.

"Hehe, is this brother interested in developing the Bipolar Guild?"

"Thank you for the kindness of the president of the two poles. I don't like to work under other people's hands."

The pretty class leader and You Long Tianxia all looked at Liu Tian in amazement, while Liangji Qiankun and Huanghuang Wushuang looked at him in amazement.

One day passed in a hurry, but the Black Hole Guild never appeared. Liu Tian saw a post on the forum, which said that the Black Hole Guild was not interested in the test platform but in the historical sites, and the post also said that in fact, all the top ten guilds were looking for the ancient sites. Not all hands are on the test bench.

"No wonder, with the top ten guilds' financial resources and manpower not weak, how could it be possible that only more than 30 people reached the trial platform." Liu Tian said to himself: "It's just that the black hole guild doesn't care about the trial platform? Does it have another purpose? ?”

There are more and more players around the trial platform, but the trial platform has not changed, and it is still impossible to enter.However, fortunately, around the test platform, even if a "tide" of wild beasts occurs, no monsters will break in, so it is very safe.

Finally, on the 18th day of No. [-], a system announcement resounded through the minds of the trial players.

"Ding dong, the last round of the trial conference, the [-]th-floor samsara test platform shock battle is officially open."

"The trial platform can be entered!" The players exclaimed, so shocked that the players looked towards the trial platform, and saw that the players who were close to the trial platform had poured into the test platform, and all rushed to the test platform.

"Wait, after the players enter, it's not too late for us to enter again." Liu Tian stopped Iron Bones and Wufeng who wanted to lead the team into the trial platform: "Now the players are crazy, maybe there will be a battle, we don't have to Let's go to this muddy water, and the [-]th-floor reincarnation battle will never be that simple."

"En." Iron Gu and Wufeng nodded.

"The grand guilds really hold their breath." Liu Tian secretly sighed, although the other players rushed towards the trial stage violently, but the nine grand guilds stood not far away, quietly watching.

Players rushed towards the test platform one after another, and eventually a small-scale battle took place, but it ended soon.

"Hehe, let's go too." Tianhuo Hurricane laughed.

Hearing this, the teams that were still outside the training platform also set off.

Apart from the nine major guilds, there are other teams in the field at the moment, such as Wufeng and Iron-Bone teams, players from the studio, players from some small guilds, and so on.Among them, Liu Tian also saw a mercenary group full of thieves.

The leader of the shadow mercenary group is named Cangyuan Blood Wolf, a cold-blooded real man who served as a soldier.There are ten other members of the Shadow Mercenary Corps, all of whom are comrades-in-arms of Cangyuan Bloodwolves. They are different kinds of thieves, but their strength is definitely not weak. The entire mercenary group participated in the trial meeting, and no one died!

The nine major guilds are walking towards Shimen one after another. They are not worried that the players who enter first will take over the cheap price. The [-]th floor of reincarnation battle is only the first floor. What is there to worry about?

Soon, all the players outside the trial platform entered the trial platform.

About 5 minutes later, a sharp bird song resounded through the forest, and a flaming bird flew over from the sky. A tall man stood on it, and rushed into the stone gate of the trial platform in an instant.

Another minute later, a man holding a jet-black dagger suddenly appeared in front of the stone gate of the trial platform.

"Fight against the heavens..."

The man snorted and stepped into the stone gate.

Players rushed to the trial platform from all over the trial forest one after another, and rushed into the trial platform impatiently, but the scene inside the trial platform surprised them.

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