The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 243 The 1th Floor World

Chapter 243 The First Level World

The first floor of the test platform is far different from what you see outside the test platform. This place seems to be another world, which is extremely vast, with mountains, lakes, and forests, everything that one expects to find. 26nbsp;

"That's it?" Liu Tian was startled. In the extreme distance of this world, a mountain peak stood between the sky and the earth. Even though it was extremely far away, Liu Tian could still see it piercing the sky.

"Ding dong, the first floor of the trial platform is a shock battle. The goal is Tongtian Peak. Players must break through to Tongtian Peak within [-] hours and climb up to the peak. On the top of the peak, you can enter the second floor of the trial platform. "

Tongtian Peak is the mountain that pierces straight into the sky.

As soon as they entered the trial stage, the nine guilds immediately went their separate ways. Although they were talking and laughing on the surface, they all gathered at a certain distance. They also gathered together and headed towards Tongtian Peak together.


The killing sword appeared in Liu Tian's hands. There must be a lot of fights on the first floor of the trial platform. Moreover, even if he climbed to the top of Tongtian Peak, it would not be so easy to enter the second floor.

Claw Bird Soldier Top Grade:

Grade: Grade.

Health: 1400/1400.

True Chi value: 600/600.

Half a moment after walking into the forest in the trial platform, seven or eight birds with sharp claws swooped down from the sky and attacked each team respectively.


With several whines, the bird with sharp claws was blasted to death by the attacks all over the sky and fell to the ground.

A flying bird with sharp claws attacked Liu Tian's team.Liu Tian rushed forward suddenly, took a few steps forward, and instantly came under Liclaw Asuka, and the killing sword blasted out at a high speed.

"Wow, he's equipped..." a player exclaimed.Hearing this, the players all looked at the armor under Liu Tian's feet, with greed in their eyes. Normally, they would kill people mercilessly and grab equipment. It's only now that they entered the trial platform. .Moreover, Liu Tian's team is also very strong, so Nai Xia's greed in his heart.

Liu Tian didn't pick up the equipment, but checked the attributes of the equipment on the spot. This equipment should be used by soldiers, and he wanted to give this equipment to Iron Bone.That's why he checked the properties of the equipment on the spot. If he picked it up, it became his equipment. Although the equipment can be traded, this is the trial forest, and nothing can be traded.

Asuka Heavy Armor [Soldier Grade Top Grade]:

Equipment durability: 5000/5000.

Equipment category: clothes.

Wearing requirements: Warrior.

Wearing level: level.

Side effects:

Physical attack: 80-100.

Qi attack: 80-100.

Physical defense: 150-180.

Gas defense: 150-180.

Additional Skills: None.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"This equipment is okay." Liu Tian murmured, turned to Iron Gu and said, "Tie Gu, come here."

"What's the matter?"

Tie Gu trotted to Liu Tian.

"This equipment is given to you." Liu Tian pointed to the Asuka Heavy Armor on the ground.

"This..." Tie Gu shook his head: "It's better for you to use it yourself, this is what you exploded."

"It's useless to give it to me. The need to wear it is a warrior, and I'm a swordsman. This is our meeting gift." Liu Tiandao: "Hurry up and put the flying bird heavy armor into the space, so as not to be taken away by thieves and assassins."

In the end, under Liu Tian's persuasion, Tie Gu accepted the Asuka Heavy Armor.

"F*ck, shit luck was stepped on by him." Tianhuo cursed in a low voice, very upset that Liu Tian was so lucky.

"Keep your mouth clean and don't speak ill of my friend behind your back." Tianhuo Phoenix glared at Tianhuo Biaofeng: "If you have the ability, you can leave the team and go out to kill monsters, but do you dare? Once you leave the team, I'm afraid you will be killed immediately .”

What Tianhuo Phoenix said was killed was not being killed by monsters, but Liu Tian. She often saw Liu Tian's eyes sweeping the team of Chaotianhuo Guild, mostly turning on Tianhuo Biaofeng.

"Cousin, how can you speak for outsiders? Anyway, I am also your cousin."


Three hours later, Liu Tian and the others came to a grand canyon. There were eighteen passages in the grand canyon, all of which could lead to the opposite side of the canyon.

"Hehe, let's go this way for the Skyfire Guild."

Tianhuo Hurricane smiled and led the team to the fifth passage.Compared with the other seventeen passages, this passage is slightly wider.

"The Lanyan Guild should go through this passage." Lan Yan Fentian went straight to the third passage.

Of the nine guilds, except for the two guilds Youlong and Fenghuang who chose the same passage, the other seven guilds each chose a passage.Before entering the tunnel, the pretty class leader asked Yang Lan to ask Liu Tian if he wanted to go with him, but Liu Tian refused.He, Tie Gu, and Wufeng led 91 people into a passage adjacent to Youlong and Phoenix Guild.

After the ten largest forces selected passages, various studios, families, and small guilds also chose passages, but they all avoided the passages where the nine forces were located, so as not to be destroyed by them.

The shadow mercenary group chose the most remote passage, the No. 18 passage next to the canyon wall.

The passageway that Liu Tian and his party traveled was winding and twisting, the pine trees were isolated, and the withered grass swayed on the red rocks.


A scream came from behind the team, a player fell into a pool of blood, his throat was blurred, claw marks were everywhere, it was horrible.

There were several screams again, Tie Gu and Wufeng hurriedly shouted: "Back! Back immediately!"

After retreating a certain distance, the player was finally not attacked by unknown creatures.

"I just saw a black shadow passing in front of my eyes, killing a player."

"I saw it too. It looks like a mouse."

"Rat?" Wufeng frowned and looked forward. At this time, there was still blood on the passage ahead.

"I'll go over and have a look, Tiegu, Wufeng, you just need to stay where you are." Liu Tian waved his killing sword slightly, and walked forward.

Standing at the place where the player was attacked and killed, Liu Tian shot around like lightning.Suddenly, a black shadow came from behind Liu Tian, ​​as fast as lightning, and rushed to Liu Tian's side in an instant.


The killing sword blasted out at a high speed, blasting the black shadow onto the valley wall. Only then did Liu Tian see the true face of the black shadow. It was a jet-black mouse with a sharp beak and sharp claws. .

"It's unobstructed."

Speed ​​Rat Soldiers Top Grade:

Grade: Grade.

Health: 1400/1400.

True Chi value: 600/600.

The black shadow flickered, and the Speed ​​Mouse attacked Liu Tian's front again.

"Kill!" The figure shifted slightly, staggering the black shadow's attack, and Liu Tian's killing sword blasted out again, hitting Speed ​​Mouse's back.

After beheading the speed mouse, Liu Tian took a few steps forward again, and there was a whoosh sound, and two black shadows suddenly shot out from the valley wall behind Liu Tian, ​​one on the left and one on the right, attacking Liu Tian together.

Liu Tian wanted to confirm what he thought, so he ignored the attack of the two speed mice, and rushed forward a few steps towards the passage, attracting two more speed mice, Liu Tian finally saw something.

The four Speedrats that were besieging him at this moment all came out when he passed their hiding places.Therefore, it is necessary to send a player to lure the mouse out of the hole, otherwise it will be attacked by the speed mouse all the time.


With a speed increase of 25%, Liu Tian moved his body and returned to the front of the team.And when Liu Tian left, the four speed mice turned into a black shadow and sank into the rock wall.

Liu Tian told Tie Gu and Wufeng the speculation in his heart, and let them make up their own minds.

In the end, Iron Bone and Wufeng each sent a player ahead of the crowd to attract Speedmouse's attention in front, while the players behind released their skills to attack Speedmouse.

All the way forward, although it was occasionally attacked by the Speed ​​​​Mouse, it was still safe and sound.

call out.

A black shadow burst out from the rock wall and rushed towards the two players who were attracting Speedrat.


Several water blue shields condensed in front of the two players, blocking the speed mouse's attack.At the same time, attacks flew out of the player's hands one after another, attacking the speed mouse bustlingly.

As time passed, the original winding passage became extremely straight, and Liu Tian could already see the Taniguchi far away.Walking on the straight passage, the wind whizzes past, and small stones will fall from the cliff from time to time.The Speed ​​Mouse still killed in a sneak attack. After nearly an hour of killing, a few pieces of equipment were exposed. Liu Tian didn't care about these equipment and let Iron Bones and Wufeng distribute them.

When walking to the middle of the straight passage, a frightening scene happened. More than a dozen black shadows attacked at the same time, and they still rushed out from the rear half of the unsuspecting team.

"Quick, go ahead, and you'll be fine if you get out of the Grand Canyon!" Iron Bones shouted.

"You go out first, I'm the queen!" Liu Tian flied towards the rear of the team, cursing in a low voice, "Damn, speed rats?"

With the advance of the iron-framed and peakless team, many speed mice rushed out along the way. Fortunately, after paying the price of seven or eight people, they finally broke out of the Grand Canyon and avoided a catastrophe.

Liu Tian retreated while killing, the speed rats could not pose a threat to him, but there were a lot of them, and the speed was extremely fast, even he had to deal with it seriously, so as not to be taken advantage of by other speed rats.


Suddenly, a black shadow mixed with golden light rushed out, left a wound on Liu Tian's body fiercely, and flew aside.



That black shadow mixed with golden light flashed on top of a rock, standing quietly on it, suddenly it was a big speed mouse with black hair and golden hair.

Extreme Rat King Soldier Top Grade:

Grade: Grade.

Health: 1800/1800.

True Chi value: 800/800.

"Speedy Mouse King?" Liu Tian raised an arc at the corner of his mouth: "Not bad, not bad."


The Extreme Mouse King suddenly moved, and shot towards Liu Tian like a sharp arrow, making a low hissing sound.

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