Chapter 245


A huge force was born out of thin air, and it hit Liu Tian and Han Xian, and they were immediately hit on the stairs.Looking at Tongtian Peak, Liu Tian didn't get up at all, letting the refreshing mountain breeze blow on his face.

"If I spend ten hours climbing Tongtian Peak, I will definitely feel dizzy." Liu Tian lay on the steps, looking at the steps that swirl around the mountain, muttering, suddenly, he jumped from the ground excitedly Get up and scold: "Fuck, why didn't I think of this?"

Han Xian'e frowned slightly, and looked at him suspiciously: "Eternal, are you okay? Ah..."

Han Xian screamed, unexpectedly Liu Tian hugged her fiercely in his arms without saying a word.At this moment, Han Xian only felt her heart beating and her pretty face was on fire.Since she was born, except for Liu Tian, ​​no one has ever held her hand, let alone hugged her tightly.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal and Han Xian's intimacy reached 85, promoted to the intimacy level."

Unknowingly, the intimacy between Liu Tian and Han Xian has increased to 84, and Liu Tian's unintentional move today has brought the intimacy level of the two to another level.

"Intimacy level?" Liu Tian muttered strangely in his heart, and immediately said to Han Xian: "Haha, I thought of how to climb Tongtian Peak quickly."

"Ah, oh, oh..."

Han Xian was a little flustered when she answered, her original icy skin and jade skin turned crimson, and her fairy-like delicate face was also flushed red, like the afterglow of the setting sun, enchanting the soul.

"Uh..." Liu Tian suddenly noticed the softness of the two lumps clinging to his chest, and couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment on his face, but he was embarrassed to let go immediately.

"Hanxian, I just remembered that I don't need to climb up the circular ladder at all. I can climb up the peak directly, which can at least cut the time in half." Liu Tian said while letting go of Hanxian. , also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.This is the game world, in which Hanxian is a living, flesh and blood person.

Hearing this, Han Xian looked towards the peak body, and there were protruding rocks and ancient trees growing on the rocks between the upper and lower steps. If you want to climb, it is indeed possible, but it is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may be smashed to pieces danger.

"Isn't this too dangerous?" Han Xian's eyebrows showed worry.

"There is no other way. If you don't risk your life by climbing the rock wall, it will be very difficult to climb Tongtian Peak within ten hours." Liu Tiandao: "Han Xian, return to my body first. Injuried."

"This..." Han Xian nodded helplessly: "Okay."

"Skyrocket up!"


Liu Tian stepped straight up the rock wall for seven meters, grabbed an ancient tree, and began to climb the rock wall.


When climbing up to the upper stone steps, Liu Tian sipped lightly, and easily moved his body, grabbing an old tree on the rock wall with both hands.

Liu Tian spared no effort and danger to climb the most dangerous rock wall, and the effect was extremely remarkable. In just half an hour, he climbed the height he climbed in the first hour.In the end, he released all the auxiliary skills, and his speed increased a lot.Two hours later, when dusk came, Liu Tian roughly estimated that, adding the 5000 meters in the first hour, he had already climbed nearly 5000 meters. This speed is absolutely terrifying.

Sitting on the first step, Liu Tian allowed himself to be baptized by the howling mountain wind, watching the setting sun in the far distance and chatting with Han Xian beside him.The afterglow of the setting sun fell on his body, making him reveal a unique divinity.

"Hanxian, can you tell me about the five holy places?" Liu Tian learned a little bit about the five holy places during the chat with Hanxian just now.

"Oh. The five holy places are all gone now, especially the Immortal Origin Clan. Originally, the influence of the Immortal Origin Clan spread all over the three major continents, but they gradually declined for unknown reasons. In fact, the other four holy places were in ancient times. Attached to the Immortal Yuan Clan, but this relationship was not known to anyone outside the Five Great Sacred Lands in ancient times. After the Immortal Yuan Clan, the Four Great Sacred Grounds coveted the Immortal Yuan Clan's township treasure , and joined forces to attack in groups, but failed in the end, and made an agreement." Han Xian's face inadvertently showed a touch of loneliness.

"What agreement?"

"You will know this later."

"Oh." Liu Tian nodded.

"Daylight." After Hanxian returned to his body, Liu Tian activated his daytime skills and began to climb the steep rock wall of Tongtian Peak again.

Under the setting sun, on Tongtian Peak, a tall and straight figure is climbing to a higher place of Tongtian Peak... "Ding Dong, your online time has been up to sixteen hours, please log off immediately."


With a 'swing' of his body, Liu Tian turned over and came to the first step, and then chose to go off the assembly line.

After one night, Liu Tian went online again the next day, repeating yesterday's work.

"Could it be that we can't reach the peak? There is only one and a half hours left, and Tongtian Peak still has no top, and we can only see the peak body in the cloud."

Lying weakly on a step, Liu Tian was sweating profusely, eyes slightly closed, and murmured.Suddenly, he stood up and stepped out, soaring upwards, and in an instant, he appeared on the rock wall seven meters above.

"You can't give up, or all your efforts will be in vain, lightning!"

Crackling, thunder and lightning erupted from Liu Tian's feet, and a wonderful feeling rose in his heart.


With a low growl, Liu Tian slammed all his energy, and with a 'swing' of his body, he grabbed an ancient tree under the upper stairs with one hand, and with another 'swing', he appeared on the stairs... Time flies, a hours later.

"Maybe I'm really going to fail this time, but I still can't give up and climb to the last moment!"

Tongtian Peak is the same as before, its height is unknown, as if half of the peak is in the clouds, which makes people feel powerless.Twenty minutes later, even though Liu Tian tried his best to climb, Tongtian Peak remained unchanged.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and 4 minutes passed slowly, and Liu Tian was still climbing. Although he was discouraged, he did not give up. Even if he failed the Tongtian Trial, he still wanted to climb to the top.


When the fifth minute passed, a strange sound came from Liu Tian's ear, as if passing through a layer of enchantment.

"This, this is..." Liu Tian was startled, the scene in front of him changed drastically, the section of Tongtian Peak that pierced the sky disappeared, and the golden peak appeared above his head. The height is about [-] meters.

"Could it be that Tongtian Peak has been given an illusion? Only when you climb here can you see the peak of Tongtian Peak?" Liu Tian was amazed.

This section of the peak, which is only [-] meters long, has no vegetation, and the steep rock mass is mixed with golden substances, shining brightly under the sunlight.

"Haha, the emperor has paid off, and finally he will complete the Tongtian Trial." Summoning Hanxian, Liu Tian said happily: "Hanxian, the peak of Tongtian Peak is about to arrive."

"How is it possible? You can't see the peak before going down, how did you get here at this moment?"

Liu Tian briefly told Hanxian the whole story, and then walked side by side with her, enjoying the cold air and fragrance emanating from Hanxian's body under the scorching sun, and walked towards the peak.

"Brother, he is indeed very powerful."

Tongtian Peak, the peak.

This is a peak, where the situation is changing rapidly, thousands of mountains and birds are flying, there is no vegetation, there is only a translucent rock, and the three characters of Tongtianshi are printed on the rock with golden light.

Liu Tian and Han Xian came to Tongtian Stone.

"Is this the entrance to the same second floor?"

When Liu Tian's hand touched the Tongtian Stone, a world appeared in the translucent Tongtian Stone, a world of ice and snow, with howling winds and snow monsters, but this world disappeared after only two or three seconds.

"Ding dong, there are less than 200 players who have reached Tongtian Peak, and the Tongtian Stone cannot be opened for the time being."

"What kind of 'medicine' is sold in the system gourd? Isn't this asking me to wait for other players?" Liu Tian said to himself angrily: "At the speed of other players, it will take at least ten hours to get here. Damn, Do you want me to stay here alone for ten hours?"

"Jin'er, come out."

A golden miniature dragon appeared on Liu Tian's shoulder.Liu Tian twisted her, put her on the palm of his hand, and played with Jin'er out of boredom, which made Jin'er extremely dissatisfied, and yelled in his mind frantically.

"Okay, okay, stop screaming, can I let you go?" Liu Tian really couldn't stand Jin'er's protest, and finally put her into Han Xian's hands, saying: "I'm going to practice my skills."

"Skyrocket up!"

Liu Tian appeared at a height of seven meters, his long sword slashed obliquely, a fissure appeared on the ground, and the Earth Demon Sword blasted out from it.

"Drowsy formation!"


The lightsaber broke through the stone, and at the moment when the formation was formed, thousands of criss-crossing sword lights and sword lights appeared on the top of the formation. Walking in the formation, Liu Tian slashed out two sword qi with one hand, Immediately, he showed his body and slashed, jumped, and fell, and the killing sword was covered with a layer of sword when it fell.


The sword gang blasted on the ground, making a not-so-shallow sword mark.

After taking Huiqi Pill and cooling down the skill, Liu Tian practiced the skill again.In eighteen days, he killed countless players, and the red 'medicine' and blue 'medicine' he obtained were innumerable, enough for him to practice his skills and waste them.

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