Chapter 246

In the blink of an eye, five hours passed, and Liu Tian had been immersed in practicing his skills. He wanted to combine the skills together to maximize their power. 26nbsp;

"Small Gravity Technique!"

Walking alone with the sword demon, Liu Tian flashed in front of a small rock in an instant, and a layer of ripples appeared on his wristband, covering the small rock.

"Earth Demon Sword! Sword Gang!"


After five hours of practice, Liu Tian was able to use the Earth Demon Sword and Sword Gang at the same time. He suddenly took a step, as if he was in the world, a crack extended from his feet, and a small rock was stuck in the crack.At the same time, the killing sword was covered with an indestructible translucent sword gang, and it slashed down with all its strength.


The Earth Demon Sword and Jian Gang cut through small and medium rocks almost at the same time, and with a click, the small rock split a small crack.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Quickly swallowing the Huiqi pill, Liu Tian shouted, two sword qi shot out from the sword body one after another, bombarding the small rock, with a bang, two cracked rocks appeared on the ground.

"The power is not bad." Several hours of practice, let gradually 'fumble' out a little way.

"Jianguang." Liu Tian said casually. During these five hours, as soon as the cooling time of Jianguang skill is over, he will release it, trying to upgrade Jianguang skill again.

"Damn it, this skill training really consumes medicine, but the effect is quite significant, and many skills are not far from upgrading." Liu Tian muttered, after a few hours, his original huge amount of medicine 'A tenth of all goods are consumed.Waiting for all the skills to cool down, Liu Tian started a new round of joint strike practice.

"Slash! Sword Gang!"

The light in his eyes was like electricity, Liu Tian was like a god in this world, standing in mid-air, looking down, his whole body was surging with strength, and he shouted angrily again: "Earth Demon Sword!"

Boom, the rocky ground cracked, wisps of devilish energy surged out, and a ray of cold light shot out. Suddenly, Liu Tian's heart throbbed, and he fell into a strange state, as if everything in the world was under his control, staring at The Earth Demon Sword shot out from the crack in the abyss with extreme speed, and with a heartbeat, two beams of sword energy "suicide" rushed out from the sword, and through the sword gang, hit the Earth Demon Sword, and the killing sword also chopped down. It hit the Earth Demon Sword almost at the same time as the sword energy.Kacha, the Earth Demon Sword shattered, turning into pieces of sharp fragments and shooting them in all directions.


When Liu Tian landed on the ground, his expression suddenly changed, becoming a little weird.

"Ding dong, congratulations to player Eternal for being the first to form a combo skill. You will be rewarded with 500 gold coins, 1000 prestige, and a permanent 100 infuriating value. Please name your combo skill!"

"The king is in the world!"

"Ding dong, the naming is successful, the combo system is activated, and the system will make a system announcement, do you want to hide the name?"


King's Landing Elementary:

active skills.

Proficiency: 0/6000.

Skill effect:

Combine the four skills of Vertical Slash, Sword Gang, Sword Qi Slash, and Earth Demon Sword to form a powerful combo skill. The power of this combo skill will increase with the improvement of proficiency or the improvement of the basic four skills.King's Landing can perfectly use the four skills, each skill will be increased by 35% attack damage, and the combo skills cannot be interrupted.After use, the basic four skills will be in a cooling state.

Casting distance: within three meters.

Casting time: 1 seconds.

Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Skill consumption: 500 points of true energy.

"Powerful!" Liu Tianxinjing looked at the skill introduction with fiery eyes, but only spit out two words.In order to rule the world, just increasing the attack damage by 35% is enough, let alone not being interrupted?

"Haha, look at the combo system."

Combo system:


Players can combine skills freely, and there is a certain probability to combine skills into powerful combo skills, but it is extremely difficult to combine skills, not only the skills must be suitable and complementary, but players must be in a certain state to be extremely The probability of comprehension is related to the player's comprehension and spirituality.The specific operation is for players to explore by themselves.

"A certain state?" Liu Tian murmured, he remembered the state of controlling the world and doing whatever he wanted just now.

"The king is in the world."

After the cooling down of the four basic skills required for King's Landing is completed, Liu Tian, ​​who was already eager to try, immediately shouted excitedly.

A mighty force like the Yangtze River surged in his body, facing the void, Liu Tian's eyes were like blades, and in his eyes, the earth split a long crack.The killing sword chanted, the translucent sword gang emerged, and the sword energy came out, blasting towards the cracked Earth Demon Sword.


The Earth Demon Sword turned into fragments, and the sword gang and sword energy also disappeared at the same time.

"This feeling..." Liu Tian's mouth curled into an arc: "Very good."

After his heart calmed down, Liu Tian practiced his skills again. He also wanted to combine other combo skills, but he didn't succeed until Tie Gu, Wu Feng and others arrived, even though he had once again entered the kind of "king of the world". status.

"Brother Eternal, your climbing speed is amazing. We have worked very hard, but it still took nearly twenty hours." Tie Gu sincerely praised.

Wufeng also smiled and said: "Hey, it seems that I followed the wrong big brother, haha."

"I failed the trial of reaching the sky just a little bit." Liu Tian shook his head: "This trial is really difficult, and there are illusions to 'confuse' players, which not only test physical strength, intelligence, but also perseverance. If I Give up, or slow down, this time I will definitely lose."

"Yeah, this illusion is really fucking bad. If Wufeng and I hadn't encouraged it, some players might have given up. Climbing Tongtian Peak is like ascending to the sky without breaking through the illusion." Tiegu sighed: "Yeah .Brother, why are you still here, why didn't you go to the next floor, are you waiting for us?"

"Have you seen that translucent rock? It's called the Tongtian Stone." Liu Tian asked, "That's the passage leading to the next level, but 200 people must reach the peak before the Tongtian Stone can be activated. to go to the next level.”

"Sick to death, it's okay to wait outside the trial platform, but I didn't expect to have to wait for others even to go to the next floor." Wufeng shouted angrily: "Just wait, but we still have to wait for 200 people, our advantage Isn't it all gone?"

"It doesn't matter, we have to believe that even if we are on the same starting line, we can still compare with the Grand Council."

There are more and more players climbing to the top of Tongtian Peak, including players from guilds, studios, small guilds, and ordinary players.Under Liu Tian's suggestion, Iron Bone and Wufeng's team moved slightly away from Tongtianshi, giving up a good position to other players.

Several hours later, Youlong and Fenghuang finally climbed to Tongtian Peak, Liu Tian smiled and walked to the front of Phoenix Guild.

"Squad leader, you guys are really slow in coming." Liu Tian teased, and suddenly, he found a glare glaring at him, which was handed down.

"Wow, what do you mean? You look down on our Phoenix Guild, don't you?" The beauty squad leader said exaggeratedly, looking at Liu Tian with feigned resentment in her eyes: "Student, you hurt the young heart of the president, tell me, why? compensation?"

"Compensation, okay, come here..." Liu Tian mysteriously hooked his fingers at the beautiful squad leader, ignoring the angry eyes of the world, and said intimately in the pretty squad leader's ear: "How about, I'll find you a man Friends? Haha..."

"Hmph, you're getting more and more 'sexy' now, be careful of the confidante I told you about."

"Uh..." Liu Tian muttered, "I'm not your boyfriend, why am I becoming more and more 'sexual'?"

When Liu Tian came to Yang Lan, she was chatting with an unparalleled woman. Under Yang Lan's introduction, Liu Tian met her. Her name was Meng Qi.

She is like a beautiful goddess of war, with a silver bow on her back. She has an excellent temperament, which has attracted many men to drool. In Yang Lan's mouth, Liu Tian also learned a piece of news that stunned him. Meng Qi already has a boyfriend, but I didn't expect to have a relationship with him once.

Zi Ye is also in the team of the Phoenix Guild, because Liu Tian is going to enter the trial platform with Tie Gu and others, and the teams of Tie Gu and Wufeng are almost all men, and she is not suitable for Liu Tian as a girl As a result, Liu Tian arranged to join the team of the Phoenix Guild.

While waiting, the system announcement finally rang in the player's mind.

"Ding dong, two hundred players have reached Tongtian Peak. The Tongtian Stone will be opened in 10 seconds, and players can enter the second-level world of the test platform from now on."

"Ding dong, two hundred players have reached Tongtian Peak. The Tongtian Stone will be opened in 9 seconds, and players can enter the second-level world of the test platform from now on."

"Ding dong, two hundred players have reached Tongtian Peak. The Tongtian Stone will be opened in 1 seconds, and players can enter the second-level world of the test platform from now on."

The crowd was commotion, but no one acted rashly, their eyes were fixed on the Tongtian Stone.With the end of the system announcement, the translucent rock body of Tongtian Stone emerged for a moment of ice and snow, and gusts of cold air rushed out of it violently.

"Come on..."

"The second floor of the trial platform, here I come..."

The players couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts, and rushed into the Tongtian Stone one by one, and their actions also affected other players.The scene was chaotic at this moment.

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