The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 247 Ice Giant Ape King

Chapter 247 Ice Giant Ape King

On the Tongtian Peak, players rushed into the Tongtian Stone in an attempt to seize the opportunity. 26nbsp;On the other hand, Liu Tian and the Nine Great Guilds seemed to be at ease, chatting and laughing.When the players were almost gone, the remaining team stepped into the cold Tongtian Stone.


The howling wind accompanied by terrified screams came to the ears of Liu Tian who had just entered the Tongtian Stone and came to the ice and snow world on the second floor of the test platform.


The cold wind hit, and six huge ice rock balls fell from the sky, covering Liu Tian and many other players in it.

"Skyrocket up!"

Disillusioned, Liu Tian shuttled between the players, and finally escaped before the ice ball landed.Standing not far away, he looked intently at this moment, only to find that there was an Ice Giant Ape King at the entrance of the second layer of Ice and Snow World, and it was it that summoned six huge ice rock balls.

Ice Giant Ape King Soldier Top Grade:

Grade: Grade.

Health: 1845/1900.

True Chi value: 358/800.

The Ice Giant Ape King has a majestic body, and a pair of giant hairy hands bombard players frequently, with white lights flashing from time to time.Moreover, none of the players had time to defend, and many players were attacked and killed by the Ice Giant Ape King without knowing the situation.At this moment, many escaped players are looking at it with lingering fear.

wow wow.

The white light flashed at the entrance of the ice and snow world, and another team entered the ice and snow world.Fortunately, the Ice Snow Giant Ape King has already been lured away by the players who entered the ice world, and its long-range attack skills have not yet finished cooling down.Therefore, the nine major guilds, Iron Bone, Wufeng and other players who finally enter the ice and snow world are not in danger.

"This group of bastards are quite fast." Tie Gu and Wufeng led the team to Liu Tian, ​​looking at the players who were chasing by the Ice and Snow Giant Ape King, Tie Gu smiled.

"Brother, do we want to besiege and kill this boss?" Wufeng looked at the Ice and Snow Giant Ape King hotly: "The boss will definitely explode something. The skill book, unfortunately, the skills in that skill book can be learned from the job-changing master."

"Kill the boss?" Liu Tian shook his head: "Let's leave it to the Grand Guild. It's just a boss. You don't need to take the risk of besieging and killing him, lest you accidentally risk your life."


After a few casual glances, Tie Gu and Wufeng led the team and Liu Tian into the depths of the ice and snow world - the entrance to the third floor.

"Let's go too."

Players from the nine guilds also bypassed the Ice and Snow Giant Ape King one after another and walked towards the Ice and Snow World. There were only a group of fleeing players who were chased and killed by the Ice and Snow Giant Ape King.

Not long after, the entrance of the ice and snow world became calm. The players died and fled, leaving only a giant ice and snow ape at the entrance of the ice and snow world.


At some point, a white light flashed at the entrance, and a cruel man and a big bird shrouded in raging flames appeared.The appearance of one person and one bird melted the rock-solid ice into a puddle of icy water.


The Ice Giant Ape King who had been silent for a long time roared angrily, and it felt the surging spiritual power of the fire element appear.Taking a closer look, I immediately found Dou Zhan Cangtian and his pets, roaring and rushing towards a person and a bird.

"There is actually a boss here, hehe, Huo'er, don't you like it? Kill it!"

Dou Zhan Cangtian turned and jumped onto the back of the flame bird, and under the burden of the flame bird with high fighting spirit, he slashed towards the ice and snow giant ape king.

"Fire and anger!"

Flame Fury: The Holy Flame Lance has a skill that can spray a very high temperature flame, and the flame contains 300% of the caster's air attack damage.

As the Ice and Snow Giant Ape King approached, Dou Zhan Cangtian let out a cold cry, the dragon spear stabbed straight, and a flame gushed out like a long flaming snake. Once it was born, it melted the ice and snow into a white mist, curling up.At the same time, the flaming bird also opened its mouth and spit out a huge fireball.


A giant hand with snow-white hair slammed on the ice ground, and a [-] to [-] centimeter thick ice wall suddenly burst out from the ground in front of the Ice Giant Ape King.Its appearance blocked the attacks of Dou Zhan Cangtian and Lie Yan Da Bird.However, the ice wall was exhausted under the two attacks and turned into a puddle of water.


The Ice Snow Giant Ape King and Dou Zhan Cangtian were fighting together, with huge fists vertically and horizontally, and the fist wind was so fierce that it seemed to have the power to crush a void.Dou Zhan Tiantian is also very strong, approaching every step of the way, and every step is thrilling.The Flaming Bird sneaked up and assisted him.


A white light flashed at the entrance of the ice and snow world, and a player appeared, but it was a pity that Dou Zhan Tiantian didn't see it.When the player saw that Dou Zhan Cangtian was dealing with the Ice Snow Giant Ape King, an inexplicable sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, his figure blurred, and finally disappeared.


The ape was screaming, angry, although the Ice Giant Ape King's moves were not subtle, but he could break through all spells, and the attack power of his fists alone was probably about 70% of the skill damage of an ordinary level [-] boss. .

The entanglement between the two sides was not long, and in the end, Dou Zhan Cangtian shot through the head of the Ice Giant Ape King, bursting out with fierce flames and anger, smashing half of its head, and the ape corpse fell to the ground with a bang.

"An ice crystal?" Dou Zhan Cangtian looked at a spar on the ground and asked suspiciously.


Just as he was about to pick up the spar, a hand appeared out of thin air, grabbing the spar first.

"Hello, we meet again." The Imaginary Assassin smiled coldly at Dou Zhan Cangtian, his figure slid back, and as soon as the fluorescent powder was sprinkled, his figure disappeared again, causing Dou Zhan Cangtian's wrath to blast into the void .

"This time, I will remember it!" Dou Zhan Cangtian said coldly, stepping on the back of the flame bird: "Huo'er, move forward at normal speed!"

At the end of the ice and snow world is an altar made of ice crystals, which is the entrance to the third floor, the ice jade platform, which can accommodate 25 people to enter the next floor.

Liu Tian and his team marched at a normal speed, killed the snow monsters, and arrived at the Bingyu Terrace a little earlier than other teams. Of course, there were faster teams, but they didn't dare to enter the next floor first to be on the safe side.

"I'm a little stronger, so I'll go to the third floor first, so as not to happen again." Liu Tiandao, watching the players gleefully looked at Liu Tian, ​​hoping that he would first go to the third floor to find the way for them, but Hope he gets killed on the third floor again.

"Be careful."

"Brother, be careful."

Stepping into the Bingyu Terrace alone, Liu Tian stood on the altar. Gradually, the altar glowed with a white brilliance, and in the brilliance, Liu Tian disappeared.

The third floor of the test platform is a scorching desert world. Liu Tianyi appeared in the desert world, and rushed towards him with a scorching aura that was completely opposite to the ice and snow world.As far as the eye can see, the desert world is undulating with sand seas, and desert creatures are crawling in front of them.

At the entrance, there is no danger.

A few minutes later, Iron Gu and Wufeng also led the team to enter the third floor. After they entered, players entered the third floor one after another.

Going forward, Liu Tianda finally reached the fourth floor of the test platform, an endless mountain range, on the same day.On the next day, push forward again, and in two days like this, Liu Tian and his group reached the ninth floor, the swamp area.

Swamp sand crocodile, this is the first monster Liu Tian and others encountered when they entered the swamp.

Swamp sand crocodile〖Soldier-level high-grade〗:

Grade: Grade.

Health: 1600/1600.

True Chi value: 1000/1000.

Holding the sword gang, Liu Tian slashed obliquely at the head of a swamp sand crocodile, and immediately blasted a bloody hole in its head, but it took only two or three swords to kill it.


Another swamp sand crocodile rushed out of the swamp, but was finally buried in the swamp with the cooperation of the team, and the body slowly sank into the swamp.

In the past few days, the number of players participating in the trial has unknowingly decreased a lot, all of them died at the hands of monsters on the road, and there are very few players attacking each other.

As time passed, the player gradually broke through from the ninth floor to the twelfth floor, at an astonishing speed.Liu Tian and the others are now on the No.15 floor. Here, players are more vigilant and there are more frictions. A big battle is secretly brewing. After all, there is only one No.1, and everyone wants to fight for it.

On a certain day, Liu Tian's team finally got together with the Phoenix Guild of the beautiful squad leader and Youlong Guild of Youlong Tianxia, ​​and prepared to fight against the great changes. Soon after, there will definitely be a big battle, maybe provoked by the system, maybe by the system The player initiates directly.

"We have to be more careful now." Liu Tian said, beside him were Tie Gu, Wu Feng, You Long Tian Tian, ​​and the beautiful squad leader.

"I have already asked my subordinates to strengthen their vigilance so as not to be attacked by surprise." You Long Tianxia said.

"Brother Youlong, how is the situation of the other seven guilds?"

"It's about the same as us, and there are no more players than me and Xianqiong. However, they also started to cooperate in twos and threes."

The fifteenth floor is a plain world, vast and full of green grass. Perhaps this vast area is suitable for a war, and the green grass will eventually be stained red with blood.The blue sky is also darkening, which is the omen of the eve of the storm.On the way to the sixteenth floor, Liu Tian and the others had seen several small battles, but they hadn't seen any larger battles. The players were all holding back, waiting for the moment of eruption.

I don't know when, a wasteland appeared in front of me. There was no green grass there, only dry land. This is a strange place, and the entrance of the fifteenth floor is right here.In the wasteland, many players are already moving forward, looking for the heart of the wasteland.

Ten minutes later, Liu Tian and his team also found the heart of the wasteland, but the heart of the wasteland seemed to have failed, no matter what happened to the player, they were not sent to the No.16 floor.As more and more players gathered, the atmosphere became more and more heavy, and the situation changed, as if they had seen the scene of blood flowing into rivers.

"I didn't expect there to be so many players." Liu Tian was amazed. There are at least 600 players appearing in the heart of the wasteland, and many players came from behind.

After a day, the players will basically gather, about 2000 people.Liu Tian saw one person among the 2000 people—Dou Zhan Tian Tian.

When the sun reached its highest point, a system prompt popped up in the player's mind.

"Ding dong, only 300 players can enter the No.16 floor."


The appearance of the system prompt made the originally depressed atmosphere completely erupt, like a volcano erupting.This battle has finally begun, and blood is destined to flow like a river.

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