The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 248 Seeking revenge in the melee

Chapter 248 Seeking revenge in the melee

On the ten thousand li plain with lush green grass, in a wasteland, more than 2000 players are fighting, blood is spilled, and the dry cracked ground looks extremely coquettish under the water of blood.

"Rewind, get out of here!"

Liu Tian shouted anxiously, they were already not far from the edge of the wasteland, and they could completely escape from the chaotic battlefield and not participate in this elimination battle, but it was a pity that a system prompt shattered his thoughts.

"Ding dong, players are not allowed to leave the wasteland during special times."

"Members of Youlong, defend the formation!" Youlong shouted, at the same time, Tiegu and Wufeng also ordered the fighters of their team to cooperate with Youlong Guild, and in an instant, an iron wall was formed.

On the way, Tie Gu and Wufeng once lobbied in the team to let them join Liu Tian's guild and resist the Great Guild together.And most of the players expressed their participation, otherwise the players probably wouldn't obey orders like this.

After the defensive line formed by warrior players, there are melee professional players, long-range attack players and Taoist priests. This is a formation that has been practiced together on the road, so it only took a short time to form a defensive formation.

"Be careful." Liu Tian held the killing sword, shuttled among his own players, and approached the battlefield.

No one noticed that a soldier in Wufeng's team approached Liu Tian secretly, clutching a big knife with a tiger's head in his hand, staring at Liu Tian coldly, with the corner of his mouth exposed. With a cruel smile, he is a spy of the Devil's Guild!He was ordered to attack and kill Liu Tian.

"Slash the mountain! Die!"

With a loud cry, he held the tiger-headed broadsword in both hands, and slashed at Liu Tian's back angrily.His sudden explosion made many players who saw it at a loss, and it was too late to help Liu Tian resist the blow.


The tiger-headed broadsword slashed at Liu Tian's back as the warrior player expected, but the increased damage was beyond his expectation.



Liu Tian shot like lightning, a sword blasted out, and the sword energy burst out. In the blink of an eye, the life of the warrior player dropped to the lowest point, and then Liu Tian cut him off with a few swords.

Although this scene was short, some players still noticed it. Among them was the devil Heitian who had been staring at this side.

"Grass, it failed." The devil Hei Tian's face was ashen, extremely angry. He never thought that he would not succeed in killing Liu Tian by means of a sneak attack.This was a long-planned plan. Not only did Liu Tian not be killed, but the player who attacked and killed was killed by Liu Tian.

"Be careful, there may be spies from other guilds in the team." Liu Tian left a sentence, walking like a dragon, rushing into the battlefield.

The crackling sound suddenly entered Liu Tian's ears, and a huge net of thunder and lightning intertwined and arcs flickered down from the sky.The flames soared into the sky, and at the same time as the lightning grid was suppressed, several pillars of fire also formed in the sky and blasted towards the ground.

As soon as his body retreated, Liu Tian just exited the range of the lightning grid. With a sweep of the long sword, the sword light clanged, and a ring of light quality condensed on its own, blocking a pillar of fire.

"It seems that someone is specifically targeting me." Liu Tian said to himself, the two attacks seemed to be aimed at him.

Across the player group, Liu Tian glanced around, looking for the enemy who attacked him.Not long after, he inadvertently saw an electric arc appearing on a player's hand, and there were several players around him to protect him.

"It's the person who attacked me, it's him, the switch!"

Thunder and lightning erupted at both feet, Liu Tian's speed was increased by 50%, and his speed was suddenly much faster. With Liu Tian's efforts, he finally got close to the sneak attacking player who wanted to escape.

"Who sent you to assassinate me?" Liu Tian didn't have to wonder whether this matter must have been done by the Grand Duke Guild, but there were quite a few players who had enmity with him. After he finished solving the soldiers protecting the sneak attacking players, he asked road.

"Thunder Spear!"

Thunder God Spear: Condenses a spear that contains 300% air attack damage.

What the man answered Liu Tian was a lightning-flickering spear. This spear was all white, and it was a powerful attack formed by extreme compression and condensation of lightning.

"Hmph." Liu Tian didn't care who ordered him to sneak attack him, so he didn't show mercy, and launched a thunderous offensive, directly obliterating the sneak attack player.

"No matter who you are, if you want to kill me, you should pay the corresponding price!" Liu Tian said to himself, stomping on the sneak attacking player, kicking hard, towards Tianhuo, one of the goals of his trip. Biaofeng killed, if he didn't kill Tianhuo Biaofeng for a day, the anger in his heart could not be eliminated.

Fighting all around, even though Liu Tian is extremely strong, he still dare not be careless in this environment. The players who can be here are not weak, so he can only advance slowly.


A water dragon suddenly appeared above the battlefield, the water was sparkling, as if it was swimming, and the faint dragon's chant was spreading. Under the control of an unknown player, the water dragon rushed directly into the battlefield and exploded on the spot. Fly digital players.

"Sure enough, there is no shortage of powerful players." Liu Tian marveled. Although he didn't know who the owner of the water dragon was, the strength of the opponent was absolutely beyond doubt. Suddenly, a figure with a bow and arrow appeared in Liu Tian's eyes.

"Thousand Steps Through Yang!" Liu Tian still had a deep impression on this player, after all, Thousand Steps Through Yang had hurt him in public.

Slashing with the killing sword, Liu Tian cut off a player in front of him. He was thinking about whether to deal with Tianhuo Biaofeng first or attack Qianbu Chuanyang first.In the end, he decided to deal with Qianbu Chuanyang first, and let the other players consume the strength of the Skyfire Guild first, so that it would be easier for him to kill the Skyfire Biaofeng who had been hiding in the Skyfire Guild team.

Thousand steps through Yang, his archery skills are extremely superb, every arrow he shoots is like a bright streamer, straddling the void, and the last bit of life of many players is "shot" by him.


The bowstring trembled slightly, Qianbu Chuanyang shot two arrow feathers quickly while walking between the players, his timing was extremely precise.A player's body trembled, and between his eyebrows, a wooden arrow was trembling, as if someone was making a move. When the player's body was shaken, three or four weapons hit him at the same time, and immediately killed him. All the many lives were cut off.


Qianbu Chuanyang finally found Liu Tian who was approaching every step of the way, his brows were inadvertently frowned, but then he bowed slightly, gathered all his strength, and under the protection of his companions, he shot three sticks at Liu Tian. arrow.


The figure flashed into the group of players, and Liu Tian easily avoided the wooden arrow that pierced Yang with a thousand steps.The next moment, he suddenly rushed out from one of the players, a long sword glowing with the brilliance of death, shining brightly, holding the killing sword, Liu Tian went to kill Qianbu Chuanyang.


The three players beside Qianbu Chuanyang came forward together, trying to stop Liu Tian, ​​while Qianbu Chuanyang's face was as cold as iron, and he slowly drew a strong bow, and a little bit of golden light frantically condensed during the drawing , In an instant, three golden wooden arrows were formed, and the three arrows were fired together, passing the three players who were going to stop Liu Tian, ​​and went straight to Liu Tian.

The trial stage is going through a battle of elimination, while Zhang Long and the players of the Phoenix Guild are besieging a level 17 boss, and it is now coming to an end.Finally, with everyone's efforts, the boss finally fell to the ground.

A mighty armor shining with golden light appeared with the death of the boss.

"Wow, the equipment is exploding." Zhang Long trotted to the front of the equipment, his big eyes filled with joy, and he couldn't wait to check the equipment.

Flowing Golden Armor [Soldier-level Top Grade]:

Equipment durability: 5000/5000.

Equipment category: clothes.

Wearing requirements: Warrior.

Wearing level: 17.

Side effects:

Physical attack: 60-90.

Qi attack: 60-90.

Physical defense: 135-165.

Gas defense: 145-160.

Additional skills:

Golden day:

Active skill skill effect:

Summon a golden light to shower oneself or teammates, which can increase the defense and attack of oneself or teammates by 30% and 5% for 10 seconds.

Casting distance: within four meters.

Casting time: 2 seconds.

Cooldown: minutes.

Skill consumption: 250 points of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Wow, sister, sister, this piece of equipment is pretty good." Zhang Long delivered the equipment to a female player who came forward.

"Yeah, not bad."

"Hee hee, Sister Lin will be happy if she sees it." Zhang Long's face suddenly darkened, and she thought of Liu Tian again: "Brother Liu Tian and Sister Lin are both in trials..."

In the wasteland, the battle continued. Liu Tian spent a little time beheading the three murdered men. If he hadn't had to guard against attacks from all directions, he would have already met Qianbu Chuanyang.However, it is not too late now.

"Skyrocket up!"

In order to solve Thousand Steps Piercing Yang as soon as possible, Liu Tian exhibited the soaring sky, flashed in front of Thousands Steps Piercing Yang, activated the sword gang skill, and slashed down with one sword.

Qianbu Chuanyang was caught off guard by Liu Tian's extreme speed, facing Liu Tian's sword, he could only retreat, but a player took the opportunity to slash Qianbu Chuanyang's back.

"God helps me too." Liu Tian smiled lightly, and the killing sword mercilessly blasted on Qianbu Chuanyang's body, and two sword qi also erupted at this moment, beheading Qianbu Chuanyang who was dying on the spot.Qianbu Chuanyang is indeed not an ordinary person, he even shot an arrow before he died. Although Liu Tian dodged it, an ordinary player was unlucky and killed him.

This time Qianbu Chuanyang died unjustly, here he has no way to hide, no way to avoid, so he can only fight head-on.

"Tianhuo Biaofeng, it's your turn this time, you must die today." Liu Tian searched again and found that Tianhuo Biaofeng was still hiding in the team of the Tianhuo Guild and did not participate in the battle.No matter what, Liu Tian must let Tianhuo Biaofeng die today to avenge Zhang Long.

The sound of cursing and fighting was heard in Liu Tian's ears. His speed was not fast, but he was steady. He was waiting for his skills to cool down. Chance.

Mixed in the crowd, Liu Tian arrived at the side of the Tianhuo Guild's team. It just so happened that Tianhuo Biaofeng left the center of the team slightly and walked a few steps. The distance between Liu Tian and Liu Tian was several meters, and this short few meters was An occasion for death.

He just walked into the range covered by the trap.

"Drowsy formation!"

Liu Tian yelled violently, and the five players, including Tianhuo Biaofeng, were trapped in the sword array.

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