Chapter 256

There was a layer of ripples in the void, and the phantom assassin came across the boundary, and the black iron light-devouring dagger in his hand burst out with magic light, and it was about to stab Liu Tian in the side of the head. 26nbsp;


A graceful figure flew upside down, almost flying out against the black iron light-eating dagger, but no matter what, at the critical moment, he finally escaped the joint attack of the three, only his calf was hit by a scorching sun rocket' Hit 'hit, but no big deal.


The sound of war resounded on the grassland, Dou Zhan Cangtian and Phantom Assassin fought again at the moment Liu Tian retreated, Dou Zhan Cangtian's holy flame spear flew up and down like a swimming dragon, and double shadows almost enveloped him Before the phantom assassin assassinated God's body, he pierced his arm with a single shot, preventing him from escaping.

"Want to leave? There's no door! The Earth Splitter Gun!"

The situation in the sky changed, and a space crack appeared suddenly, countless violent winds raged beside the space crack, time seemed to stop passing, a dark golden phantom giant spear rushed out of the crack, hooking the crack All around the wind, in an instant, the three-meter range centered on the Dark Gold Phantom Spear was filled with sharp winds, all of which pressed towards the Imaginary Killer Assassin.

The scorching breath came rushing in, and the flaming bird also fluttered its wings and flew under the call of Dou Zhan Cangtian. The bird's mouth sprayed thin flames, and its wings trembled. The two are enveloped in it.

The mouse rang, the sky-eating mouse came, it came at lightning speed, but it was a pity that the wings of the flaming bird vibrated frequently, blowing out dozens of blades of fire, blocking it and not allowing it to be the savior.

The Earth-Splitter Spear was pressed down by the Gangfeng, and the Phantom Assassin was unable to dodge under the restraint of Dou Zhan Cangtian. In the end, he was blasted by the Earth-Splitter Spear on his left arm, and his whole body was cut with deep or shallow scars by the Gangfeng .





A series of damage values ​​floated out from the head of Huansha Assassin, and under the blow prepared for him by Dou Zhan Cangtian, his life dropped by nearly three-fifths.

"Phantom killing concealment technique!"

Phantom Killing Concealment: The Phantom Killing Protoss inherits the exclusive stealth skill of the assassin profession. It can be hidden under any circumstances, and the skill cannot be interrupted. It can be released forcibly. The speed does not decrease under the stealth situation. There is one attack and one attack The effect of not showing up.Ordinary detection skills cannot detect the existence of the caster.


The figure of Phantom Killing Assassin disappeared, and a look of regret flashed in Dou Zhan Cangtian's eyes, but then a crack suddenly appeared on the ground reflected in his eyes, black air overflowed, and a black air sword shot out from it. When the Earth Demon Sword hit the object, it saw several blood splashes in the void.

This is the blood of the Imaginary Assassin and Assassin, Liu Tian came back from the sky, and deduced the retreat route of the Imaginary Assassin, so the scene just now appeared.

"Kill!" Seeing this, Dou Zhan Cang Tian immediately raised his gun and rushed to the place where Huan Sha stabbing God was injured, Sheng Yan's long spear danced wildly, hooking fire dragons one after another.Suddenly, Dou Zhan Cangtian's originally murderous face froze, and an unbelievable expression appeared in his eyes and face.


A flower of blood bloomed in Dou Zhan Cang Tian's heart, no one expected that after being attacked by Liu Tian, ​​the Phantom Assassin God did not run away, but came back again!


"Drowsy formation!"

Liu Tian came back through the void, like an ancient king, holding a blood-striped killing sword, and a death sentence made a supreme trap rise from the ground, instantly trapping the phantom assassin and Dou Zhan Cangtian in it.

The lightsaber gave way, Liu Tian stepped into the trapped formation step by step, the blood-pattern killing sword shook casually, two 'milk' jade-colored' sword qi pierced the void, and blasted directly into the air in front of Dou Zhan Cangtian.

puff puff.

With two muffled sounds, the figure of the Illusory Assassin appeared in front of Douzhan Cangtian. He was holding the black iron light-eating dagger in his hand and stabbing into the center of Douzhan Cangtian's eyebrows. Under the attack, there are very few lives left.


Dou Zhan shouted angrily, held the Shengyan spear instead, and fell into the back of the Imaginary Killer Assassin.


As the holy flame spear penetrated into the body of Assassin, a white light gradually emerged from Assassin's body.

After fighting for such a long time, I didn't expect that the not weak Phantom Assassin was the first to be killed.

Huan Sha stabbing God fell, but behind him appeared a blood-striped long sword covered in a translucent sword gang, and the sword came to the east, directly slashing at Dou Zhan Cangtian's face.

His complexion changed slightly, Dou Zhan Tian showed a trace of helplessness, he had to retreat in this situation, but just as his figure moved, he only took a step, and countless sword lights in the trapped formation were aroused Thousands of attacks blasted at him together. Although the power of sword energy and sword light was not great, they had an obstructive effect.


Dou Zhan Cangtian stopped moving, and the holy flame spear pierced out like a violent storm.

Liu Tian's attacks are endless and more and more fierce, he knows that if Dou Zhan Cang Tian escapes, it will be difficult to cut him off.

There was a firmness in his eyes, he must kill Dou Zhan Cangtian, not only because of the trial meeting, but also because of his defeat in the Snow Mountain battle!

"Blessing of the Snake King! Golden pattern of the Snake King!"

With the two skills added at the same time, Liu Tian exuded a golden light, like a god.


Dou Zhan Cangtian was forced back by Liu Tian again, and thousands of sword lights and sword qi were attracted by him again.

"Fire and anger!"

The long spear pierced flat, the tongue of fire was surging, and the monstrous fire rushed out from the dragon's mouth on the head of the spear.

"Kill!" Liu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, ignoring Dou Zhan Cang Tian's blow, wearing a flame, the killing sword flashed with the golden snake king's golden pattern, and slashed at his shoulder.


"Small Gravity Technique!"

His attacks were repeated one after another, and it was impossible for Dou Zhan Cang Tian to swallow the red medicine.

As time passed, even though Liu Tiangong was fierce, the opponent's strength was similar, and it was difficult to kill him. However, under the condition that Liu Tian didn't care about his own injury, Dou Zhan Cangtian's life was gradually worn down by him.

At this moment, the sleepy array is still standing strong, while Mo Xiaobo is fighting with the pet fighting against the sky.

At some point, the temperature in the trapped formation dropped. If you observe carefully, you can see streams of white air flowing towards the trapped formation.


The swords and guns clashed frequently, and the sparks of the fighting flew everywhere. Liu Tian cut the killing sword on Dou Zhan Cangtian's chest again, and Dou Zhan Cangtian also left a scar on Liu Tian's lower abdomen.

At this time, Liu Tian had 301 points of life left, while Dou Zhan Cangtian had 184 points of life left.

"you lose!"

Liu Tian said suddenly, staring at Dou Zhan Cang Tian with piercing eyes, his body turned sideways, and a misty fairy figure appeared behind him, Han Xian!

"The dragon soul of the ice dragon soul strikes!"

Immortal Han's hands formed seals, the cold air was surging, the white flow was gushing, and there was a faint dragon's chant, and it became more and more prosperous.Finally, when the cold wind was howling and the trapped formation became icy and snowy, an ice dragon rushed out from Hanxian's body, screaming chaotically, carrying solid ice, and bumped into Dou Zhan Cangtian's body.


The cold wind dissipated, the ice and snow dispersed, and the ice dragon returned to Hanxian's body. There was an extra corpse on the ground, and there was still a trace of disbelief on the corpse's face.

"Finally, let your corpse lie under my feet."

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