The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 257 Finally to the Trial Platform

Chapter 257 Finally to the Trial Platform

With the disappearance of Dou Zhan Cangtian's body, the Flaming Bird also disappeared, and was forced to take back the space of the player's pet.Mo Xiaobo lost his opponent, he immediately ran towards the jade-like climbing ladder, and he climbed four or five steps in a flash.


Liu Tian quickly grasped Shang Hanxian's catkin, kicked his feet, and flew into the sky, but just after entering the ladder, the two of them were knocked down by an invisible force, and they couldn't fly even when they climbed the ladder.


After running and stopping, Mo Xiaobo was thirty or forty steps ahead of Liu Tian in an instant.

"Electric switch!"

"Skyrocket up!"

"Sword Demon walks alone!"

After a series of acceleration skills, the distance between Liu Tian and Mo Xiaobo was suddenly shortened, only six or seven steps remained.


Mo Xiaobo suddenly turned around, with black hair soaring to the sky, posing in the posture of 'shooting the sun', catching the real fire of the sun, and a flaming arrow that looked like a spear but was enveloped by infinite real fire appeared on the sun flaming bow!

"The arrow pierces the sky!"

This is the second time Liu Tian has experienced the powerful archer skill of piercing the sky with an arrow. The first person to use this skill on Liu Tian was Huan Bingxuan.


Such a short distance did not allow Liu Tian to dodge at all, the spear and arrow pierced straight into his flesh and blood, blasting him back three or four steps, and finally being held back by Han Xian.


The power of the arrow piercing the sky is considered to be strong at the same level, but it is a pity that if the level is higher and the level is higher, the damage it takes away is a bit unsatisfactory.

"I'm fine, keep chasing." Sensing Hanxian's concerned gaze, Liu Tian smiled slightly and said.The flaming arrow that had penetrated into his arm had dissipated and turned into energy again.

Using both feet, Liu Tian forced Mo Xiaobo like a spirit ape, but he was more cautious in this trip, to prevent Mo Xiaobo from attacking and killing him again.

On a floating white jade step, two figures were chasing after each other.

After a few minutes.

"what happened?"

Liu Tian was startled, not long after chasing Caimo Xiaobo, he was already sweating, and his steps were heavy, like walking with a heavy weight, and this feeling became more and more intense.Glancing up, he found that Mo Xiaobo's condition was similar to his, his figure was no longer as vigorous as before, and beads of sweat ran across Mo Xiaobo's cheeks and dripped from his slightly pointed chin.

Looking back, Liu Tian found that he and Mo Xiaobo had only traveled 800 meters, which was not too far away.

"Is there a test for climbing the ladder?"

Liu Tian said to himself, maybe this is also a kind of test, he began to adjust his body gradually, and no longer regarded chasing and killing Mo Xiaobo as the first goal, so as to avoid excessive physical exertion.


A crystal bead of sweat slipped down and dripped on the white jade steps, breaking into thousands of small water droplets, each small water droplet is a world, and a man, Liu Tian, ​​is printed in it.

"The body is getting heavier and heavier." It seems that with every step, the strength to suppress his body is getting stronger, until now, even Liu Tian's strong physique can't get rid of it.The same goes for Mo Xiaobo, but his physique is a little weaker, and the distance between the two has been shortened by Liu Tian to only ten steps.

Time flies, minutes and seconds pass by, and an hour later, the distance between the two is only four steps away.


Liu Tian raised his head and looked forward, and immediately saw Mo Xiaobo's figure suddenly blurred after stepping into the first stone step, and then he heard an exclamation, and Mo Xiaobo's figure appeared in front of his eyes again, It's just that Mo Xiaobo flew upside down at this time, passed him, and hit the stone steps directly, rolling fifty or sixty steps in a row before stopping.

"Could this be a demarcation point?" Looking at the stone steps that caused Mo Xiaobo to blur and fly backwards, Liu Tian groaned, thinking.

Taking a deep breath of the high-altitude air, Liu Tian lifted his spirits and stepped into the steps that Mo Xiaobo stepped into, his body bowed like a horned dragon!


Seen from below, Liu Tian seemed to have entered a dimensional space, and his back was blurred in an instant!


Liu Tian roared, as soon as he entered the stone steps, endless forces came from all directions, far exceeding the gravity he had experienced before, like a piece of sky pressing down on his back, almost crushing him and flying him away.

"Is that the testing platform?"

After stabilizing his figure, Liu Tiancai began to observe the surrounding situation, and was shocked to find that there was an ordinary stone platform above the 99th step. Although it was different from what he saw outside the trial platform, the golden light above the stone platform The flashing words of "Trial Platform" actually told him that it was the "Trial Platform"!


Bowing his body, Liu Tian took a difficult step and lay down on the stone steps again. This step seemed to exhaust all his strength. He seemed to be climbing the ladder with a whole world on his back!

Letting the beads of sweat drip down and the invisible force suppressing his body, Liu Tian's belief in his heart remained unchanged, and he stepped firmly towards the test platform step by step. Although every step was extremely difficult, he did it.


Liu Tian was pressed by the invisible force so that he spit out a mouthful of red blood, and the support pillar on his back was shaking.After four hours of hard work, there were still nineteen steps between him and the test platform. During this time, he had only taken eighty steps.Moreover, every step is like ascending to the sky, extremely difficult.

His hands were trembling, his teeth were clenched, he was in danger, and could be blown away by an invisible force at any time, perhaps it would not be too much to say that he was stubbornly resisting and dying.


He took another step forward, and only he himself knew the difficulties.

"Eighteen steps left!"

Liu Tian chanted silently in his heart, his face flushed brightly!

"Seventeen steps left!"

"Sixteen steps left!"

"There are still fifteen steps left!"

The voice from the bottom of my heart sounded again and again, indicating that Liu Tian had taken another step.Finally, with endless efforts, the distance between him and the test platform was only five steps.However, in Liu Tian's eyes, the seemingly close distance is like the end of the world, which is difficult to reach.


The white jade steps were stained with blood again, but he also took another step.


Bloody step by step.

After four steps, all four steps were stained red by Liu Tian's blood, making them extremely coquettish.

Looking at the test platform that was within reach, Liu Tian looked tired. Despite his efforts, it was already difficult for him to move, as if all the heavens of the ages were pressing on his body and mind.

"Perhaps, I should take a nap. I should already be number one in the trial meeting."

Liu Tian was physically and mentally exhausted, visions appeared in his eyes, he wanted to sleep.Just when he was about to fall into a deep sleep and was about to be blown away by an invisible force, a cold breath flowed out from his left arm and circulated around his body, awakening him and giving him a lot of strength.

"It almost fell short..." Under the penetration of the cold current, Liu Tian cheered up a little, and stabilized his body that was hardly blown away.


Liu Tian roared, and after accumulating for a long time, he suddenly set off and hit the last step!

Moved, under Liu Tian's efforts, the body that could not move at all moved.Time seemed to be slowed down, the expression on his face and the movements of his body were extremely detailed at this moment.

With a low growl and the sound of landing, Liu Tian finally broke through the 99th-level test and came to the trial platform.

"Ding dong, congratulations to player Eternal on arriving at the trial platform and becoming trial No.1. The system will make an announcement. Do you want to hide your name?"

"Hide" Liu Tian replied weakly.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who is the first to reach the trial stage and become the winner of this trial meeting. The system will reward him with generous rewards: a medal of the emperor's trial, a randomly selected piece of handsome high-grade equipment Opportunity, a road map for a hidden map, 1000 prestige, and 10000 gold coins. I hope that the majority of players will actively participate in future activities, and if you pay, you will definitely be rewarded."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who is the first to reach the trial stage and become the winner of this trial meeting. The system will reward him with generous rewards: a medal of the emperor's trial, a randomly selected piece of handsome high-grade equipment Opportunity, a road map for a hidden map, 1000 prestige, and 10000 gold coins. I hope that players will actively participate in future activities, and if you pay, you will be rewarded."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who is the first to reach the trial stage and become the winner of this trial meeting. The system will reward him with generous rewards: a medal of the emperor's trial, a randomly selected piece of handsome high-grade equipment Opportunity, a road map for a hidden map, 1000 prestige, and 10000 gold coins. I hope that players will actively participate in future activities, and if you pay, you will be rewarded."

The system's prompt was directly filtered by Liu Tian, ​​and his mind was completely attracted by the three glass balls in front of him.

In every glass ball, there is a ruin, or a historic site!The ruins in one of the glass balls are shrouded in silver brilliance, extremely holy.The historic site in one glass ball is filled with a faint blood color, while the historical site in the other glass ball is filled with a faint mist.

The three glass balls are triangular in shape, floating on a small golden platform in the trial platform, slowly rotating, and the light golden air currents are drawn by the three glass balls, circulating around it.

"what is this?"

Liu Tian said to himself, I don't know why there are glass balls on the test platform.

"The relics in these three glass balls should be the three relics in the Forest of Trials." Quietly, Han Xian was behind Liu Tian.

"No way?" Liu Tian wondered: "Shouldn't the three historic sites be in the Trial Forest? Why are they here?"

"To be precise, these are the seal forms of the three ancient sites. The glass ball is the sealed object, and the ancient site in the glass ball is just a projection. If the glass ball is not broken, the ancient site may never be found."

"What? It turned out to be like this?" Liu Tian rang at this time. The day before yesterday, I saw many posts in the game forum complaining that the ancient monuments had not been found. human means.

"No wonder no players have found the three historic sites." Looking at the three glass balls, Liu Tian said to himself.

"Are you going to break the seal and let the three historic sites appear?" Han Xian asked.

"After the three monuments appear, do I have a chance to fight for them?"

"Perhaps it is possible."

"Impossible? It will take many days for us to return from the world of the test platform."

"No, you come with me." Han Xian walked to the edge of the trial platform and said, "Look down."

Hearing this, Liu Tian looked down, but saw an extremely strange scene.

He saw a familiar scene, many players were wandering outside the trial platform, and looked at the open stone door of the trial platform from time to time.

"How could this be?" Liu Tian was amazed, the position he was standing at this time was the same as what he saw outside the trial platform, no longer an independent world.

"I don't know either." Hanxian said lightly: "If you break the glass ball, we may be able to fly away directly, and there may be a chance to participate in the competition for the ancient site."

"Then..." Liu Tian's eyes narrowed slightly: "Let's break it."

There are still nearly two days left before the Trial Conference is completely over.These two days may be the craziest two days during the Trial Conference.

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