The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 261 Demon Spirit Palace

Chapter 261 Demon Spirit Palace

A figure dressed in white like snow, floating like a fairy, slowly walked out of the ruined walls. 26nbsp;Because of her, the desolate scene turned into a different picture scroll, and she came from the picture scroll, full of fairy beauty.She pursed her crimson lips slightly, playing a jade flute, the ethereal and intoxicating sound of the flute swirled in the void, and the infinite starry sky settled in her beautiful pupils.

The person here is Tianxuan who is the second most beautiful woman!

"Ding Dong, player Tianxuan invited you to join her team, do you accept?"


A slight smile appeared on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, and he calmly faced the three of them.The long sword is like a rainbow, majestic and majestic, every blow has a faint glow of blood, and every cut seems to have the divine ability to open up the world. This is an illusion, but also a kind of strength.


Tianxuan walked up and down step by step, with nothing in her eyes, as if caught in a state of forgetting both things and me, suddenly, the sound of the flute turned into a gold and iron horse, and a knife, a sword and an arrow rushed out of the jade flute while her bare hands were moving.At the same time, Liu Tian stepped on the electric switch and struck out in an instant. The shadow of the sword was heavy, like thousands of miles of waves, covering a space, pressing on Dantong, forcing him to the long knife formed by the sound wave.


As Liu Tian expected, the sound knife cut on the painful body, causing his expression to change slightly and his body to freeze.

"Sword Gang!"

Liu Tian took advantage of the momentum to strike out, and the killing sword quickly cut down on Dantong's body, and after a few swords, he was finally beheaded.

He fell to the ground with slight pain, but the sound of the small corpse falling was so ear-piercing.

"Slight pain!" The big man was furious, and said: "Boy, don't think that a concubine can save your life! Kill you and your concubine today, and avenge my brother!"


"When death is imminent, you dare to use your tongue to kill a thousand times!"

The big man walks like a dragon and a tiger, opening and closing his long saber wildly, and slashed out eight knives frantically, each of which has the power to split stones. After the sword passed, eight virtual swords appeared in the void.In the roar of the big man, the eight long knives that had been frozen in the void moved out together!

"Sword light!"

"Sound Shield!"

At the same time as Liu Tian's sword light formed, Tianxuan's sound shield also appeared. Her sound shield was extremely gorgeous, and musical notes flowed on the shield, overflowing with splendor.

Eight virtual knives pierced through the air, and attacked the sound shield first, and only used three knives to open the way, smashing the sound shield, and the remaining five virtual knives all bombarded Liu Tian's light shield.


In the end, two virtual knives opened and closed, hitting Liu Tian's chest.



"Splitting the mountain!"

The big man came after the eight virtual knives, and the long knife slashed down, blasting out to split the mountain.

Liu Tian retreated, but after a short while, he came back again, stepped on his feet and soared straight up, transformed into a blurred shadow and appeared behind the big man, his right hand trembled, and two sword qi attacked the big man's back.



Liu Tian kept attacking, and continued to attack, and finally cut the big man under the sword, and Dumb also quickly turned into white light and returned to the city under the joint attack of him and Tianxuan.And Liu Tian was promoted to level 26 because of the experience gained from the player's death.

"Tianxuan, are you here too? Hehe, thank you for your help this time." Liu Tian smiled.

"You don't need to thank me, I just want to repay the favor." Tianxuan said softly, her voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, and the spring breeze was blowing on her face, it was extremely pleasant.

"Let's go treasure hunting together, how about it?" Liu Tian sent out an invitation: "It's good for the two of you to take care of each other."

Tianxuan was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

As time went by, more and more players flooded into the Demon Ruins.Night came quietly amidst the noise of the players.

When the full moon lifted into the sky, the demonic ruins vibrated inexplicably, and howling ghosts and wolves filled it. Somewhere in the ruins, a bloody light rushed up, piercing the sky, as if connected to the bright moon.


The blood light seemed to have supreme power, and it actually pulled the moonlight for several miles to the demon ruins. From a high altitude, silver rivers rushed towards the demon ruins, sinking into the ground of the ruins one after another.

"what happened?"

"Why did the ground move again?"

For some reason, the demon ruins, which had regained its calm, trembled wildly, as if a monster was about to break out of the ground.

"Ah, hell..."

"Grass, what the hell?"

Scary-looking monsters that looked like zombies crawled out from the ground. The various weapons they held were like soldiers from the underworld, and each monster was connected with a moonlight!

Demon Yin Soldier, top-grade soldier:

Level: Level 18.

Health: 1(0/1(0.

True Chi value: 600/600.

A starry sky evolved in Liu Tian's eyes, and the attributes of the monster that appeared inexplicably appeared in his mind.

The Demon Yin Soldier, originally a subordinate of the Demon Spirit, was killed in the battle between the demon spirit and the invading forces, and now he is resurrected as a Yin Soldier, relying on the moonlight to maintain his life, and only appears at night.

"Devil Yin Soldier?" Liu Tian frowned and shared the attributes of the Demon Yin Soldier with Tianxuan, saying: "It's only level [-] monster, you don't need to worry about it, I can take care of it."



Level [-] monsters can be destroyed by Liu Tian's hand, so the speed of the two of them has not dropped much.During the daytime, the two walked together and encountered many abandoned halls, some of which had been washed away by other players, some of which were empty, and some of which had only a few useless things.It is no longer as good luck as before, and he obtained the method of general warfare, but to Liu Tian, ​​it doesn't matter at all, a book on the method of general military is already a worthwhile trip.

In the sky, streams of silver light flowed straight through the demon ruins, and the demon soldiers who had died in battle were revived again, which not only hindered the player's treasure hunt, but also filled the space with howling ghosts and howling wolves, which was extremely frightening.

After about two hours, the demon ghost soldier slowly sank back to the ground. At this time, Liu Tian's online time for today was also up. After saying goodbye to Tianxuan, he went offline.

"Brother Liu Tian, ​​who will win the final battle on the trial platform?" When he got off the assembly line and opened his eyes, a delicate face appeared in Liu Tian's eyes, and a slightly nervous question came from his ears.

"Long'er, what about Xiaoxi and the others?" Liu Tian wanted to tease Zhang Long, a little girl, but deliberately didn't answer.

"Oh, brother Liu Tian, ​​tell me quickly, who won the final battle?" Zhang Long shook Liu Tian's arm in dissatisfaction, pouted and looked at him resentfully.

"Alas..." Liu Tian sighed, "It's hard to describe..."

"Ah..." Zhang Long was almost berserk, grinding his jade teeth: "What can be hard to say, isn't it just to say who won? Don't talk anymore! I..."

"Okay, okay, let me say..." Liu Tian secretly laughed: "This is the final battle, the final winner is..."

Liu Tian dragged on a long tone, but just didn't say anything.

"Brother Liu Tian!" Zhang Long glared at Liu Tian with big eyes.

"Give me some benefits and I will say it, otherwise I will be too bad."

"Benefits?" Zhang Long doubted, "I don't have anything."

"No, then I won't say anything." Liu Tian closed his eyes slightly, wanting to take a rest. Suddenly, a scent came over his face, and then a warm thing was printed on the side of his face. things have gone.

"Hmph, the benefits are here for you, tell me quickly." Zhang Long blushed, like the sunset glow in the western sky, extremely charming.

"Long'er, when did you benefit me?" Liu Tian wondered.

"Ah, I kissed you just now! You can't play tricks!" Zhang Long bared her teeth and claws.

"Uh..." Liu Tian was stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Long's kiss when he said something casually. Looking at his rosy face, he said softly, "The winner of the final battle is named Eternal."

"Ah? Brother Liu Tian, ​​you have won!" Zhang Long screamed excitedly. In addition to being excited, he kissed Liu Tian again, which made the latter look a little stunned and a little at a loss.

"Hey, Sister Lan, Sister Ruoxi, Sister Qingcheng, come in soon, Brother Liu Tian won." Zhang Long shouted towards the door.

Outside the door, three people walked in, they were Yang Lan, Liu Ruoxi, and Lan Qingcheng.

"Why are you outside the door?" Liu Tian was astonished, it seemed that the three women were already outside the door.

"Oh, let me tell the story." Seeing the three girls faltering, Zhang Long said, "They are afraid that if you lose in the final battle, you will be in a bad mood, so let me inquire about the military situation!"

Liu Tian's heart warmed slightly, and was moved by the care of the three women.

"Brother, have you left the trial forest yet? I browsed the game forum and found that the three major monuments have all appeared." Liu Ruoxi asked.

"I'm in the ruins of the demon spirit, hehe, I opened the three major monuments."

"Huh? No wonder some players have been complaining about not being able to find the monuments before."

Afterwards, the five of them went out for a stroll, and after having a supper, the five of them parted ways. Yang Lan and Zhang Long returned to Su Yan's apartment, while Liu Tian and the others strolled back home.

The next day.


As time passed, one person appeared in a ruin.

"Huh?" As soon as Liu Tian appeared, he saw several players around him looking at him with ill intentions. Just as he was about to make a move, those players left. It wasn't that they were afraid of Liu Tian, ​​but because they didn't want to create new branches for the time being. .

Not long after waiting at the same spot, Tianxuan also went online, and the two began to push the demon ruins again, hunting for treasures.Along the way, the two met more and more players, and their faces were more or less anxious. There was still one day left in time. After one day, the trial was over, and the three major monuments might sink back to the ground again.

"Tianxuan, have you gone to participate in the assault on the test platform?" After killing a monster, Liu Tian asked, there was too much silence between him and Tianxuan.

"I didn't participate in the trial conference. I have been looking for ancient monuments. Anyway, I can't get good results if I participate."

"Hehe, you're very foresighted." Liu Tian praised, in fact, it's better for ordinary players to look for ancient sites.

I don't know when, there was a "turmoil" sound coming from the front, and it seemed that many players gathered together.

"Let's go and have a look." Liu Tian said, walking forward first.

At this time, the collapsed buildings around the two of them were very tall, and they seemed to have arrived at the main part of the Ruins of the Demon Ruins.

Following the sound, Liu Tian turned left and right, and finally came to the source of the sound.Many players have gathered at the source of the sound, and in front of them is a magnificent ancient temple that is not dilapidated or desolate!

This ancient palace is surrounded by blood mist, which is completely different from ordinary palaces. One can tell that this ancient palace is not simple. The horizontal plaque of the ancient temple is engraved with the word "devil spirit". This ancient palace seems to be the palace of demon spirits!

There is a faint enchantment around the ancient temple, which is the reason why players gather and cannot enter.

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