The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 262 Blood Death Evil Spirit

Chapter 262 Blood Death Evil Spirit

The Demon Spirit Hall stands alone in the ruins of the ruins like a flock of chickens, emitting thousands of rays of light, and a faint blood-colored enchantment covers the ancient hall. No matter how hard the players try, they cannot be shaken. The enchantment can't even hit half a round of ripples. 26nbsp;

"Hurry up and find a way to enter the Demon Spirit Hall, otherwise there will be more and more players, and you and I may both return empty-handed."

"Yes, otherwise we will be at a loss."

Liu Tian and Tianxuan did not gather with the players of the Demon Spirit Hall, but stood under a ruin, looking at the quarreling players outside the Demon Spirit Hall.

"Damn, do you want us to attack a point together? If we can enter, the treasure depends on our personal strength?" A player suggested.

"It's a good method."

"That's the only way to do it."

The other players also don't want the players to gather more and more, and then they will be exhausted, without any benefit.Therefore, they all agreed to the player's proposal.

"Splitting the mountain!"

"Sword Qi Slash!"

"Wind Crack Arrow!"

"Golden iron sword!"

The players attack together, the sky is full of the cold light of cold weapons, and the skill splendor is overwhelming, and all the attacks are about to hit a central point.


I don't know how long the enchantment has existed, and the energy has been consumed enormously. Finally, under the collective attack of the players, it turns into water waves and swings wildly.

"Hurry up, the enchantment will be defeated."

"Yeah, the baby is inside, we have worked so hard, isn't it just for the baby?"

Someone secretly instigated the players to speed up the attack, but they didn't attack themselves, but secretly faked the attack, shuttled among the players, and approached the barrier that was about to collapse.

While the player was struggling to attack the barrier, a player not far away jumped up and down in the ruins like a spirit ape, rushing towards the Demon Spirit Hall.

He is carrying a powerful flying Luan bow and wearing light leather armor. Although his appearance is ordinary, he is attractive.He is definitely Hua Xiaoyu!

"Hey, it's pretty timely." Hua Xiaoyu said with a smile, looking at the getting closer and closer to the Demon Spirit Hall, finally slowly took off the Feiluan bow, and gradually pulled it to the full moon.

"One arrow pierces the sky!"

Hua Xiaoyu lowered her head slightly, squinted at the demon barrier less than ten meters away, an inexplicable sneer appeared on her lips, she stepped out of the sky, her body stood up high, and she suddenly shouted.


In an instant, in the nine heavens and ten earths, countless energy gathered on Feiluan's bow, and a brilliant arrow of light condensed on the bow!


The brilliant arrow of light pierced through the void like a comet hitting the earth, and with the aura of rolling waves, it was like a thunderbolt hitting the barrier that was on the verge of collapse.


One arrow pierced the sky, one arrow poured all over the world, the enchantment was like a bubble, and it shattered with a bang, and an ethereal figure was the first to rush into the Demon Spirit Hall, it was Hua Xiaoyu who was walking on the ground of God.

"Let's go too, thunder and lightning!"

Liu Tian called out to Tianxuan, and a cloud of lightning exploded in front of him, carrying Tianxuan and rushing towards the players.




Wherever Liu Tian passed by, the damage spread far and wide, causing the players to avoid Liu Tian one after another, making way for him.

"Go, left!"

Liu Tian shouted, once entering the Demon Spirit Hall, there are two passages for players to choose from.With a thought, a black magic sword broke out from behind him, which shocked many players and won many opportunities for the two of them.

Two figures, one in front and one behind, rushed out of a passage.Afterwards, a large number of players yelled and swore and rushed towards the two passages respectively.

At the end of Liu Tian's passage is a side hall. This side hall should be a martial arts training ground. There is a stone statue half-kneeling on the ground with a huge sword pierced through its abdomen.Behind the stone statue, there is a row of weapons on display, all of which look radiant and extraordinary.

"It's unobstructed."

Liu Tian did not act rashly, but released his probing skills to check the attributes of the weapons behind the stone statue, and found that this row of weapons were only level [-] weapons, so he immediately led Tianxuan carefully around the stone statue, towards the Sweeping inside, don't waste time here, he still has a bunch of level [-] equipment in his ring, and this stone statue is definitely not a decoration, it is probably still a sleeping monster.


Before Liu Tian and Tian Xuan left, other players also came to the training ground.When they saw a row of weapons, they immediately rushed towards the weapons like hungry wolves, ignoring the stone statues, but when the ground suddenly trembled, they were startled.

The stone statue defined by Liu Tian as being dangerous was revived in the sky full of blood, the stone body turned into flesh, and bloodthirsty light flickered in its eyes. With a few low growls, it pulled out the huge The sword, raised above the head, cut down a blood-colored beam!


The blood flowed like a rainbow, and under one blow, several players flew up and hit the side of the road, and the white light of death flashed in their bodies.

"Kill the boss and explode the equipment!"

"Boss level equipment is very valuable!"


Someone was inciting the player to attack the boss, and he also slowly detoured and plundered towards the depths.

The blood-dead evil spirit, who was killed in the war of demon spirits, is now resurrected.

Under the instigation of several players, other players began to frantically attack the blood-dead ghost, trying to kill its explosive equipment, but the power of the blood-dead ghost was beyond their expectations.

The black iron giant sword intertwined sword lights in the hands of the blood death evil spirit, roaring and pressing towards the player. At first the player was able to resist, but was slowly overwhelmed by the blood death evil spirit, and died under the black iron giant sword Down.Moreover, the player's collapse was like a flood bursting a bank, and it was out of control, and there was a one-sided situation in the martial arts training field for a while.The blood-death evil spirits opened and closed freely among the players, and the black iron giant sword was invincible, cutting out bloody flowers and corpses one after another.

"Ah, help..."

"Run away..."

Although the player's desire is strong, he still can't resist the blood death evil spirit and begins to flee in defeat.Among them, many players also took the opportunity to go around behind the bloody evil spirit, scrambling to collect weapons, and ran to the depths of the demon hall before the bloody evil spirit found it.

The players flee, and the bloody evil spirits chase after them. The two sides gradually leave the martial arts field, which relieves the crisis for the later players.After killing the last player, the blood dead evil spirit blasted the black iron giant sword into the ground with one hand, maintained this posture, and petrified again!

At this moment, the position of the blood-dead evil spirit is the passage that Liu Tian once passed through, which happened to block the way forward!

"It should be that stone statue revived." Liu Tian guessed, because there were only blood-dead evil spirits and weapons in the martial arts training ground, and the stone statue turned into monsters, he was no longer surprised by it.

"Let's go deeper as well, this palace is not very big, and the players will find it soon." Liu Tiandao, carrying Tianxuan through the corridors, searching for the side halls and side halls.

Finally, a palace appeared in front of the two of them.

The Devil's Treasure Hall!

Looking at the five characters shimmering in golden light, Liu Tian's heart was surging and his blood was boiling!

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