Chapter '1 Scramble

Two spirit beasts resembling unicorns stood on the stones in the small pond, guarding the order of the sky, and the invisible might of the beasts slowly swayed. 26nbsp;It's just that, at this moment, the player's attention is all on the iron chain stretching across the void.

The iron chain is extremely old and has long been rusted. With the movement of the iron chain, pieces of rust fell one after another, revealing the color of black gold.

Liu Tian didn't care about other things, just stared at the thing imprisoned by the iron chain, and his heart was beating a drum.

"Could it be that it wants to break through the prison and be born?"


Suddenly, a sigh came from the quiet cave.

"It's it!" Liu Tian was shocked, he kept staring at the trapped thing, he knew that the sigh was coming from the thing that was surrounded by iron chains.


The second sigh came again. At this moment, most of the players already knew who made the sigh, and there was a hint of horror in their eyes, and even took a few steps back.

"Oh, I didn't expect that when I woke up, so many humans appeared here."

With the reappearance of the slightly old voice, the player fidgeted and was very anxious. The fact that there are so many humans here shows that the other party is not human.

Liu Tian was also shocked. He glanced at the "ruo" and "chaos" players, and cast all his eyes on the trapped thing.

"Ahem, it seems that you are going to compete for this token." The voice of the trapped thing came again, and without waiting for the player to react, he said again: "This is an order from heaven. It is precious even if it is precious. It is neither precious nor precious. If you want to get it, I will not stop you, but you must follow my rules."

"What rules? Tell me." A player asked boldly, but his voice trembled a little, showing his nervousness.

"Among you, only a hundred people can be left to compete for the Heavenly Order, and the rest can only be eliminated."

The nameless creature was locked in heavy iron chains, and its voice came slowly from the heavy iron chains again, but this time it aroused public outrage.

"Old demon, you want us to kill each other so that we can reap the benefits? There is no such thing!"

"If you are old and immortal, you may not be able to protect yourself, and you dare to trick us into killing each other."

"Oh, why do we have to kill each other first, we can completely destroy you who are trapped and these two beasts that look like unicorns first! Then snatch the order of heaven!"

Many players shouted in the crowd, and their voices represented the meaning of most players.

"Ahem, it seems that I still have to show some strength, but I still say that there will only be 100 people left here in the end." it.

"Fire Blood Spirit, Blood Fire Essence."

The trapped thing only spit out six characters, and no more.

It was said that before the player could fully react, they heard two roars, the fire blood spirit and the blood fire spirit roared towards one side, although the roars were not too loud, but with the roars, the rock blocks in the center of the cave wall rustled. After falling to the ground, countless caves appeared on the stone wall, and a pair of fiery red eyes appeared in them.

"The ones in the cave are Fire Blood Spirit Soldiers and Blood Fire Elite Soldiers. At the top level, they should be subordinates of Fire Blood Spirits and Blood Fire Spirits."

The player discovered such a voice, which solved the player's doubts.


"Ahem, you just fight, the entrance to this place will be blocked by me, and no one will be able to enter this place again. Moreover, I don't care who owns the Heaven's Order, and whoever gets it belongs to him."

Its plain words almost made the player vomit blood, what do you mean by just fighting?Damn, what does it take us for?However, at this moment, it seems that it really wants to do what it said. There are 170 monsters at level [-] alone, not to mention two bosses. The most important thing is that it declares that it doesn't care about the ownership of Tianxingling Don't make players follow its rules.


A cold killing sound suddenly sounded in the silent and terrifying cave, followed by the screams of the players!

Someone has done it!The battle was out of control and swept the audience!Except for guilds and organizations, players no longer have allies. No matter who they are, they will kill them when they see them.

Liu Tian has experienced several melee battles, and he was not panicked by this level of fighting. He led Tianxuan to quickly occupy a favorable position and began to face the players' attacks.

"Okay, yes, if things go on like this, hundreds of people will be born soon. Hehe, God's decree is to be obtained by those who have the ability." Its sarcastic remarks made players dare not speak out, and they could only express Take out your anger on your opponent.

Liu Tian occupies a favorable terrain, and with Tianxuan's cooperation, all the players who come and go will die in a short time, which is relatively easy.Taking advantage of the gap, Liu Tian quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and found that the passages and caves that could enter here had long since disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

"I don't know if it can count on what it says. It would be bad if it was produced when there were only 100 of us left." Liu Tian said to himself, feeling a little drummed in his heart. Turning faces and ignoring people abounds in human beings. What's more, the other party is not a human being, and its words are even more difficult to believe. It's just that the player has to try his best once. If he succeeds, he will have a chance to get the order of heaven. If he fails, he may be killed by the player, or he may be destroyed by the trapped thing.In short, to put it in one sentence: people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

"Earth Demon Sword! Sword Qi Slash!"

The two skills were used one after another, and a hole was immediately cleared in front of Liu Tian.

Tianxuan's attacking method is very beautiful and elegant, with her plain hand flicking lightly, the sound blade flies out, the sound of the flute changes, and the supreme fighting spirit is immediately added to Liu Tian's body.There is an irresistible charm in every gesture.


Some players didn't know how to play, and when they saw Liu Tian protecting Tianxuan, they immediately killed them, trying to kill the two of them, but Liu Tian held the sword and killed them thoroughly and cleanly.

kill kill kill!The battle quickly became intense, and the players were all red-eyed.The ground was full of blood, no one noticed, the blood seemed to be pulled by the suction, and it flowed towards the small pool, and soon sank into the small pool.And the trapped thing kept laughing.With the entry of blood, Xiaochi became more strange and viscous.

Finally, after more than 30 minutes, there were 100 people left on the battlefield.At this moment, everyone knows that the real competition has only officially begun.

"Ahem, I didn't expect the winner to be decided so soon." The trapped thing said: "However, the next one will be even more dangerous, fighting for the order of heaven! The real confrontation will begin!"

Following its order, the player's nerves tightened.

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