Chapter '2 Being Played

Hundreds of players moved together, Liu Tian and Tianxuan were no exception, but the speed was slightly slower. He had a vague feeling that it would not be so simple to compete for the Heavenly Order. 26nbsp;

"The Heavenly Sword Comes to the World!"

Although the players were following the orders of the sky, they couldn't avoid the struggle after all. Two lightsabers with a width of [-] centimeters fell from the sky and bombarded the group of players.




Liu Tian grabbed Tianxuan's catkin and moved it aside.Two thunderbolts as thick as arms were intertwined with electric arcs, and crashed down on the two people's original positions.

He doesn't want to do useless work and participate in the player's battle.He pulled Tianxuan back to the side, but someone still found him.It's a pity that the result of the battle was that Liu Tian killed all the invading players with a thunderous offensive, which restrained the players' aggression.

In the battlefield, many players hold the idea of ​​mantis catching cicadas, hoping that other players will die in the battle.And Hua Xiaoyu is an absolute alternative.For other things that he was afraid that he would not be able to avoid them, he was very excited to get close to them. A Flying Luan Bow has provoked so many players.

"One arrow pierces the sky!"

The corner of Hua Xiaoyu's mouth raised an arc towards the sky. He had been staring at a player for a long time, and seeing him fighting with other players at this time, a ray of death flashed in his eyes. A colorful long arrow is slowly emerging, and the colorful brilliance is enveloping!


Hua Xiaoyu took a step forward, posing in a posture of 'shooting' the sun, and found the moment when the player was carrying him on his back, loosen his fingers!


The gorgeous lightsaber pierced through the air, and streams of air flowed around the arrow body, approaching the player extremely quickly.


The player noticed something strange behind him, and when he turned his head, an arrow of light pierced his forehead, splashing a flower of blood.The stunned eyes of the player froze, and white light flickered on his body.

"I've seen that you're upset, kid. You look like you deserve a beating." Glancing at the corpse lying in a pool of blood, Hua Xiaoyu cursed in a low voice, her posture and gestures changed slightly, and Zhang Gong shot out without even looking at it. Three wooden arrows.

Puff puff!

Three wooden arrows 'shot' at the same person, causing his life to explode, and he hurriedly took the red 'medicine'.

"Fuck, if you dare to attack your master, you're looking for death." The player who was attacked by Hua Xiaoyu cursed angrily, holding a long gun, striding towards him.

The battle situation at the moment includes heads-up and melee. Many players are naturally happy to see heads-up, but the premise is that the opponent of the heads-up is not yourself.Therefore, when that player went to find Hua Xiaoyu to seek revenge, many players not only did not stop them, but also opened the door for convenience. They desperately hoped that they would fight to the death, and it would be best to die together.

"Oh, come on, come on, I'm so bored, sir." Hua Xiaoyu smiled, moved her hands quickly, and shot four times in a row, the four wooden arrows pierced through the air and hit the person's face.

Looking at the arrogant Hua Xiaoyu in front of him, the anger in Fei Yan's heart soared, and he swung his spear, sweeping away all the wooden arrows that came towards him.

"Boy, there is a price to pay for being arrogant." Fei Yan sneered: "Summon, Thundermark Clouded Leopard!"

A black hole appeared on the head of the waste geese, and a leopard covered with thunder patterns jumped out of the black hole and stood beside the waste geese. When it opened its mouth, it revealed a mouthful of animal teeth as sharp as a sword.

"Leiyun, give it to me." With a wave of Fei Yan's hand, the Thundermark Clouded Leopard's speed suddenly increased, and it shot out like an arrow, dodging the arrows shot by Hua Xiaoyu, and approached him.With the assistance of Thundermark Clouded Leopard, Fei Yan quickly narrowed the distance between Hua Xiaoyu and Hua Xiaoyu.

"Hey, why is my hand so powerful? If I 'shoot' casually, it will cause a little bit of trouble?" Hua Xiaoyu said to herself, but her hands were not idle, three arrows, four arrows, and five arrows frequently missed the string. Go, stop the waste geese and the clouded leopard from approaching and at the same time retreat, for a while, the distance between the two widened again.

"Thunder Cloud, skill, Thunder Cloud Walk!" Seeing that he could not catch up with Hua Xiaoyu, Fei Yan suddenly shouted at Thunder Mark Clouded Leopard.


Wisps of gray mist overflowed from the body of the Thundermark Clouded Leopard, and gradually gathered around its limbs, forming four dark clouds, within which occasionally flashed a few electric arcs.


Under the increase of Thunder Cloud Walk, the speed of the clouded leopard, which was already very fast, soared by a level, and approached Hua Xiaoyu roaring at a speed like lightning.

"Since you are in such a hurry to die, then I can only do what you want and send you off."

Hua Xiaoyu took out four wooden arrows, put them on the Feiluan bow, slowly pulled it to the full moon, and looked at the Thundermark Clouded Leopard indifferently like a god of death.

"Death! Lianzhu Fengchuang Arrow!"

The moment the Clouded Thunder Leopard jumped up, Hua Xiaoyu's body bowed slightly, and the four wooden arrows shot towards the Clouded Cloud Leopard with unrivaled momentum. Wherever they passed, the air crackled.

Puff puff puff.

The Thundermark Clouded Leopard couldn't dodge in mid-air, as soon as it landed, the four wooden arrows sank into its body.




Lei Wenyun Leopard shouted angrily, stepped on the thunder cloud, and rushed to seek revenge.It's just that when it saw the wooden arrow moving with it, it couldn't help but want to dodge when it was originally aggressive. It seemed that it was 'shot' by Hua Xiaoyu's Lian Xiufeng cracking arrow.After all, the four wooden arrows are still 'inserted' on the Thundermark Clouded Leopard at this moment, and drops of blood are also dripping down the ground along the tail feathers.

"It's just a beast." Seeing this, Hua Xiaoyu secretly smiled, and Zhang Gongbiao shot three wooden arrows, all of which were swiftly dodged by the Thundermark Clouded Leopard.

"Broken army gun!"

At this time, Fei Yan also gradually chased after him, the iron spear pierced straight, and a translucent long spear shot out from the body of the spear. At the same time, the Thundermark Clouded Leopard also launched an attack, spitting out a beam of electricity.The phantom spear pierced the clouds and fog, and with the cooperation of the Thundermark Clouded Leopard, it directly bombarded Hua Xiaoyu's right chest.


"Damn, it's you that I'm waiting for."

Fei Yan took advantage of the victory and pursued, extremely bullying Xiaoyu near Hua.Seeing this, he smiled, half-holding the Flying Luan Bow, stepped out of the world, brushed past the Thundermark Clouded Leopard, and flew directly towards the Waste Wild Goose.

"There are idiots like you." Seeing Hua Xiaoyu "delivering to the door" by himself, Fei Yan couldn't help laughing, he had never seen an archer take the initiative to close the distance with the enemy.It was only later that he realized that he had made a big mistake. Hua Xiaoyu's figure was ethereal and illusory, and she seemed to be in close combat with him, but in fact she was not. With one hand, several wooden arrows exploded into his body.At close range, archers are easier to succeed!


Finally, the effect of the skill of "Shenxing Tianxia" ended, Hua Xiaoyu retreated far away, and began to bend his bow and set his arrows in a regular manner. Soon, Hua Xiaoyu died under Hua Xiaoyu's increasingly fierce offensive.

The battle is fierce, and there are only about 20 players left.Suddenly, the iron chain shook, and the sound of the trapped thing came again.

"Ahem, there are only about 20 people left, and they are no longer a threat to me."

Hearing this, the players were shocked physically and mentally, were they tricked by it?What followed confirmed their thinking.The pairs of eyes in the black hole on the stone wall gradually dimmed and disappeared.Let the player explore, and nothing was detected.

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