Chapter '5 Breakthrough in Progress

Here is a stretch of endless crimson mountain rocks. Flames are burning on the rocks. 26nbsp;On an inconspicuous stone path, two figures were looking behind them with lingering fear.These two people are Liu Tian and Tian Xuan who just escaped from the mouth of the bird and the belly of the snake.

"Fortunately there is that giant python, otherwise we would be really in danger." Liu Tian secretly let out a sigh of relief, and his brows that had been frowning all this time relaxed.

"We escaped from birth, but the direction seems to be wrong." Tianxuan's expression was not relieved, and his eyebrows were curved like two willow leaves, which was pleasing to the eye and at the same time made people feel pity for its slightly raised arc.

Liu Tian's expression froze, and after Tianxuan woke up, he realized that due to the haste of fleeing, he had deviated from the original path. When he opened the map, it was still dark.

"I'll try the original method." Liu Tian paced slowly, feeling the surrounding temperature carefully. After a few minutes, he shook his head in disappointment. Not sure where to start.Perhaps, the route of the two of them was wrong at the beginning, and it is indeed inappropriate to confirm the direction by temperature.

Tianxuan didn't say a word, but also thought about the method. She and Liu Tianruo ran around like headless chickens, which would only speed up the pace of death.

"That's right." Suddenly, Liu Tian had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of someone.

"Han Xian!"

He called happily, and just as the voice fell, a ray of fairy light shot out from his left arm, condensing a peerless beauty.

"Who is she?" Tianxuan asked, staring at the woman in front of her who was no less handsome than her own.

"She..." Liu Tian hesitated: "She is my partner."

"You asked me to come out, what do you want me to do?" For some reason, Han Xian's tone was a bit bad.

"Han Xian, this is..." Liu Tian roughly told Han Xian about his situation.

"This is the outer area of ​​Shengyan Volcano, the Scarlet Fire Mountain Range?!" Han Xian asked in surprise, "Why did you come here?"

"Yes, this is the Chihuoliantian Mountain Range. As for why I came here, it's a long story, and I'll tell you later." Liu Tian nodded and said, "Now I want to ask you to do me a favor. Sex is an ice element, so it should be easy to feel where the fire element is weak and where it is strong."

"You want me to find out which direction leads to the Scarlet Fire Mountain Range, right?"


"It's not difficult." Han Xian nodded, closed her beautiful pupils, slowly shifted her delicate body, and began to sense the strength of fire elements in all directions.

"Here..." Hanxian faced to the right, and after feeling it carefully for a while, shook his head, and then changed the direction again.

"This direction!" Han Xian's figure suddenly changed, and the light of horror and fear shone in his pupils.

"Is this the direction leading to the outside world?" Liu Tian asked happily.

Han Xian shook his head with a solemn look: "There is a terrifyingly powerful creature in this direction. Its 'exposed' breath and invisible coercion make me feel depressed. It is probably the legendary Phoenix!"

"How did you sense it? Isn't the more powerful the creature, the harder it is to be discovered?" Liu Tian asked.

"Its aura is not stable, it disappears sometimes, and sometimes reveals an earth-shattering coercion. The only creature with such strength in the Scarlet Flame Mountain Range is the Fire Phoenix."

Liu Tian 'licked' his dry lips, his eyes 'showing' disappointment. Although he was jealous of Huo Fenghuang, he was still a little self-aware, knowing that Huo Fenghuang was not someone he could provoke now, so he could only say helplessly. : "Don't worry about the fire phoenix, the most important thing for us now is how to escape from the Scarlet Flame Mountain Range."

"En." Han Xian nodded, continued to work, and soon found a direction to the outside world.

Following the direction pointed by Han Xian, the three of them set foot on the way home together.Since Hanxian can easily sense the fluctuations of the fire element, even though he encountered super high-level monsters along the way, they were cleverly avoided by the three of them. It was all a surprise and no danger, and they were all abandoned by the three of them in the end.

One day later, Han Xian re-entered Liu Tian's body, and Liu Tian and Tian Xuan also agreed on a time to meet again and went offline together.

In reality, while it was not too late, Liu Tian walked around with the girls.

The next day, under Han Xian's guidance, Liu Tian and Tian Xuan continued to repeat yesterday's work.

On this day, the system announced the awarding process.

Players from No.30 to the 30th place will only be rewarded by the system.Players from No.1 to No.5 can receive awards in the Nuwa Emperor City amidst the attention of everyone.Of course, the top 10 players can also give up the chance to become famous and just accept the rewards from the system.The top 4 players can also speak on the podium, which is a great opportunity for publicity, but the bottom 10 players only have 15 minutes, No.[-] to No.[-] only have [-] minutes, and the top three players can speak [-] minutes.And the top three players will be summoned by the emperor of the Huaxia Dynasty after [-] days, and the top three players will be rewarded at that time.

After the award, the system will also issue a list of the top [-] players. Of course, players can also choose to hide their names.

"It seems that you are going to lose your chance to become famous, why don't you 'suicide'? Hehe..." Tianxuan got a little more familiar with Liu Tian recently, and occasionally made jokes about Liu Tian.

"If you lose it, you lose it." Liu Tian added in his heart: "Anyway, I don't miss this opportunity. If I want to be famous, I can completely cancel the hidden name on the leaderboard."

After the Battle of the Trial Platform, the number one on the ranking list returned to Liu Tian's name again, and Liu Tian was also on the list of equipment rankings and reputation rankings. If all the hidden names are removed, the name of eternity will sweep the game .

"Han Xian, can you sense how far we are from the outside world?" Liu Tian looked at the dreamy Han Xian.

"No. I can only roughly sense the direction of the outside world." Han Xian shook his head.

Not long after, a system prompt came, asking whether Liu Tian would participate in the award presentation tomorrow.Liu Tian reluctantly refused.

On the third day, under the eyes of everyone, Nuwa City held an award ceremony. Among the top [-] players, it was surprising and regrettable that none of the top three came to Nuwa City to accept the award ceremony, and almost all the rest of the players were present. Most of the players present were players from some guilds, taking advantage of this opportunity to advertise aggressively.

Next, the system issued a list of the top 1, No.2 is the hidden word, No.3 is the mother said that the name is useless, which is Mo Xiaobo, and No.[-] is fighting against the sky.

The turmoil caused by the grand trial event finally calmed down after the awards were presented.

"There are still eighteen days left, we must return to the city within eighteen days, and enter the palace to meet the Emperor." Liu Tian thought to himself.

Eight days later, Liu Tian and Tianxuan finally passed the most dangerous period. In the dangerous high-level strange area, they came to the [-]th to [-]th level strange area. The danger was relatively reduced. When facing many monsters, Liu Tian also dared to fight against it.

On the tenth day, due to the much faster advance, Liu Tian and the others returned to the strange area of ​​level [-] and below.Here, Liu Tian has dared to fight with him freely. With the assistance of Tian Xuan and Han Xian, it is not difficult to kill the opponent, even though the fire creatures have been strengthened in the Chi Huo Lian Tian Mountain Range.Unfortunately, Town Portal is still not available here.

"Let's just level up and advance here. The experience here is pretty impressive." Seeing that there is still enough time, Liu Tian said to Tianxuan no longer in a hurry to return to the city.

"It's okay, anyway, I have to upgrade when I go back, and it's the same to upgrade here." Tianxuan frowned: "However, the red 'medicine' and blue 'medicine' should not be enough."

"Hehe, don't worry about this, I have it." Liu Tian smiled, the players who he killed in the trial forest gave a lot of red 'medicine' and blue 'medicine', which were enough for him to practice with Tianxuan. level needs.

"In this case, let's start upgrading." Tianxuan nodded.

In the Chihuo Liantian Mountain Range, fire-type creatures are rampant, and the attributes of each fire-type creature have been strengthened, which is much stronger than creatures of the same level.Therefore, although Liu Tian's attributes are strong enough to fight monsters of level [-], he still dare not be too careless, lest the boat capsize in the gutter, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Walking towards him was a red-eyed wild bear with fiery red hair. Its pace was not fast, but it exerted unspeakable pressure, especially its red hair, which showed its rage even more with mighty.

This is a red-eyed fire bear, level [-], and Liu Tian has killed several of them.Chitong Huoxiong has high attack and high defense, and has a fire-type long-range attack skill, which is extremely difficult to deal with. The only shortcoming is that it is not fast enough.However, since he met Liu Tian, ​​he didn't plan to retreat, but went straight to the fight.


The only long-range attack skill that Chitong Huoxiong has when he meets him is Earthfire Shockwave.

Watching the area four meters below his feet quickly turn into the 'color' of magma, Liu Tian's face 'color' condensed slightly, and his figure changed rapidly, soaring up and on display, and plundered towards the red-eyed fire bear. Even so, his back was still covered by the ground. The edge of a pillar of fire with a diameter of two meters rushed out and hit it.


"Disturbing Divine Comedy!"

"The king is in the world!"

The almost seamless cooperation, disturbing the divine song disturbed his mind, at the moment when Chitong Huoxiong lost his mind, Liu Tian's King Landing World also fell on Chitong Huoxiong, and a series of injuries emerged from its head.


Chitong Huoxiong's eyes regained clarity, aware of the pain in the body, Chitong instantly turned blood red, a pair of casserole-sized furry fists swept around, hitting Liu Tian who was defending and waiting for his skills to cool down many times.

After a fierce battle, Liu Tian finally wiped out Chitong Huoxiong at the cost of several wounds.

"Real grab!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the flesh and blood of Chitong Huoxiong x1."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining Chitong's fur'mao' x2"



All the way through the fierce battle, Liu Tian encountered mostly fire creatures whose strength was similar to his own, which was of great help to hone himself.Moreover, sometimes Liu Tian would encounter monsters of level 32, whenever he encountered such high-level monsters, Liu Tian would ask Tian Xuan and Han Xian not to intervene and kill them alone.

At a certain moment, the three of Liu Tian were resting among a rock.

"I forgot to check the attribute of this skill book."

A skill book appeared in Liu Tian's hand, it was the one where the blood and fire essence exploded, and it glowed faintly red.

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