The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 276 Senior Brother You Liang

Chapter '6 Senior Brother You Liang

【Summon Blood Fire Essence】〖Elementary〗:

[Active Skill]:

[Learning Requirements]: Occupations such as Summoner

【Learning Level】: Level

[Skill Effect]:

The primary level can summon a level 3 blood fire spirit to assist in the battle, which lasts for 26 minutes. [-]nbsp;

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 3 seconds

【Cooling time】: 5 hours

[Skill consumption]: 350 points of true energy

【Current Status】: Unable to learn.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Summoning Blood Fire Essence, a good skill, but unfortunately I can't use it." Liu Tian sighed slightly, and shared the skill book with Tianxuan.

After the rest, the three set off again.Four days later, they finally broke through the Scarlet Fire Mountain Range.Liu Tian returned to the Dragon Imperial City with a return talisman, and separated from Tianxuan.

Liu Tian went straight to the guild branch of the beautiful squad leader, and seeing the familiar faces in the room, he couldn't help but feel warm.

"Liu Tian, ​​you're finally back." Ye Tianxiang giggled and hooked Liu Tian's shoulder: "Hey, I heard from Xiaolong, you won the No.1 trial meeting, and the No.1 on the ranking list is you Bar."

Liu Tian nodded without denying it.

Seeing Liu Tian nod his head, although they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't avoid their hearts.

The beautiful class leader stared at her with beautiful eyes, and a slight smile appeared on her crimson lips: "I didn't expect that the game No. 1 that the players are searching for is by our side. Oh, classmate Liu Tian, ​​I can't refuse you when I ask you for help in the future."

"Squad leader speaks, of course he will go through fire and water, he will not hesitate to do so." Liu Tian smiled.



Not long after, Liu Tian invited Ye Tianxiang, Luo Xin, Zhang Yuanhao, Yang Binghui and other old classmates to a room.

"Do you want to work hard to create a world in the game?" Liu Tian asked, straight to the point, straight to the purpose of this visit.

"I've thought about it, but it's not easy, Liu Tian, ​​you don't mean to..." Yang Binghui looked at him.

"I want to create a powerful guild." Liu Tian stared at the friend in front of him.

"It's not easy to create a powerful guild." Yang Binghui shook his head, although he was also moved.

"I just ask you, if you have the chance, would you like to fight?" Liu Tian asked, looking at the faces of the four friends one by one, waiting for their reply.

"Fight." Luo Xin said ruthlessly, "I've wanted to create a guild for a long time, but I never had the chance. Damn, I'm too angry to be bullied by organized players all day long."

"Okay, I will fight too." Yang Binghui also said.

"count me in."

"I am also participating."

"Will working hard in the game affect your real career?" Liu Tian smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"For me, it has no influence at all, no pressure, absolutely hold on." Ye Tianxiang's face showed indifference.

"I said, there is no impact, and the maximum horsepower can be output, which is absolutely awesome." Luo Xin said.

"I have little influence." Zhang Yuanhao looked at Liu Tian.

"I can also help." Yang Binghui said: "However, should we discuss the issue of the guild now? Liu Tian, ​​what opportunity are you talking about?"

"Heaven's order." Liu Tian slowly spit out the shocking three words.

"Could it be that you are in charge of the Tian Xing Ling who is making a lot of noise on the forum?" Luo Xin stared blankly at Liu Tian, ​​his face full of disbelief.

The most lively discussion on the forum recently is not the No.1 of the Trial Conference, but the ownership of the first Heavenly Order!

"Yes. The Tian Xing Token is in my hands, and now the Wuguild has the Tian Xing Token, which is a good opportunity for us, an excellent opportunity for development!" Liu Tian's eyes flashed with heat!

Xinjing Luo was already eager to try to establish a guild, and now she couldn't wait to ask: "How should we do it?"

"We each set up a studio and recruit talents. We still have about a month to prepare, because the establishment of a guild requires not only Tian Xing Ling, but also a reputation of [-]. My reputation is not far from [-]. Within a month It should be able to rise to [-]. At that time, you are gathering your respective studio staff to build a world in Huaxia District." Liu Tian's expression was slightly solemn: "Remember, the ability to recruit people does not need to be high. , but must be loyal!"




Afterwards, the five of them discussed some issues, and after initially planning the development plan, they each went to work.

Hanging out with the girls in the Phoenix Imperial City, unfortunately, Liu Tian met the dead old man who once encouraged him to rob the tomb.

"Hey, nephew, do you have a connection? Let's take a look at the tomb of the Huaxia Dynasty with uncle." The dead old man hooked Liu Tian's shoulder and smiled obsequiously.

"Not interested." Liu Tian shook his head: "However, I would like to ask you something. If you can tell me, maybe I can think about it again."

"What's the matter? I know everything, and I can't stop talking." The dead old man looked disappointed and patted his chest.

"Didn't you say that there are everything in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, so are there any pet eggs of phoenixes and dragons?" Liu Tian asked in a low voice, his question was really out of ulterior motives.

"Uh, no." The dead old man said awkwardly.

"Damn, didn't you say that there are spiritual creatures in legends?" Liu Tian looked at the dead old man with contempt.

"Uh, that's a fetish. If the Huaxia Dynasty obtains their pet eggs, why don't they bleed immediately to recognize the owner?"

"Damn, let me give you another chance. I once heard from my village chief that there are many spirits in this world. He told me a few things. Didn't you say that there are spirits in the underground palace of the imperial tomb? The underground palace of the imperial tomb Are there spiritual creatures like Hengmeng Snow Lotus, Yuanfeng Snow?"

Liu Tian looked at the dead old man, seemingly careless on the surface, but in fact he was very nervous inside. He had just walked out of the Scarlet Flame Mountain Range, and he knew deeply the horror of the forbidden area, only the periphery was extremely dangerous.If he was asked to search for these two spiritual creatures in the illusion of Tianhu Lake, he would undoubtedly be sent to die.

"Well, I once heard that there seems to be Hengmeng snow lotus in the underground palace of the Imperial Mausoleum..." The dead old man's tone was weak and uncertain.

"Get out!" Liu Tian walked towards the beauties in the distance.

"Nephew, are you going to appreciate the magnificence and splendor of the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum?" The dead old man followed Liu Tian's pace and said in a low voice.

Liu Tian waved his hand: "Let's talk."

"Give me an answer within fifteen days, because it's almost the special time period for entering the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum." The dead old man said.

"Oh." Liu Tian walked forward indifferently, he was just pretending to take the initiative.He already had the idea of ​​going to the Underground Palace of the Imperial Tomb, even though there are not 100% Hengmeng snow lotuses in the Underground Palace of the Imperial Tomb, but the opportunity must not be missed!

After accompanying the beauties for a while, Liu Tian bid farewell to them and embarked on the teleportation formation to the Dragon Imperial City.Originally, Zhang Long was clamoring to go with Liu Tian, ​​but was stopped by Yang Lan.Because the goal of Liu Tian's trip is the ruins of the ancient spirit, to complete the series of missions of the unscrupulous Taoist priests, and to obtain the sword formula.Returning to the Dragon Imperial City is just an attribute bonus for going to the swordsman job transfer master for the second job transfer.

Attribute bonuses determine the route taken by each profession. For example, fighters can choose to add strength or defense or other attributes to become the main attack or defense fighter or other types of fighters.A swordsman can choose to add strength or agility or other attributes to become a high-attack swordsman or a sensitive swordsman or other types of swordsman.

"Grandmaster, I want to add attributes, and add attributes as strength." Liu Tian said.

"En." The swordsman-turned-job master nodded, stretched out his fingers and shot out a golden light, which directly sank into the center of Liu Tian's eyebrows.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player's eternal power attribute, power +6."

Strength, dominant attack, Liu Tian pursues high attack, and his speed is not slow under the upgrade reward of the immortal clan.

After repairing equipment, purchasing food and medicines, Liu Tian stepped onto the teleportation array of Fengyan City, and followed the map of the ancient spirit ruins towards the ancient spirit ruins.

Demon Bee Forest, a map on the way to the ancient spirit ruins, Demon Bee, a level 25 monster with [-] lives, the main creature in the Demon Bee Forest, with a round head and a black poisonous needle on the buttocks.


A familiar voice came, and the three poisonous bees moved forward together, flapping their wings, and flew towards Liu Tian.

It is better to act first, Liu Tian stepped on the electric switch, held the sword gang in his hand, and struck out.Soon, the three poisonous bees fell to the ground without any breath of life.

"Real grab."



After breaking through the Demon Bee Forest, Liu Tian finally came to the ancient spirit ruins after killing several non-threatening maps.

The ancient spirit ruins, once a small city, are now deserted.It is said to be ruins, but in fact there are people and garrisons, but they are all in the outermost periphery, and they dare not go deep.The main reason why the soldiers are stationed here is because zombies are rampant in the ruins of the ancient spirits every night, and the moonlight is absorbed into the ruins of the ancient spirits.

"Go to the village chief of Guling Village and follow his instructions." Seeing the prompt on the map of Guling Ruins, Liu Tian frowned.

Guling Village, a village on the east side of the Guling Ruins, where the imperial garrison is also located.

"Stop! Who are you?"

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, the guards at the entrance of the village held a spear and stopped Liu Tian.

"I am..." Liu Tian thought for a while, "No, uh, Daoist You Liang asked me to find the village head of Guling Village. Now, this is the map he gave me."

The guard dubiously took the map that Liu Tian handed over, looked at it, finally nodded, and led Liu Tian to the village chief's house.

"Master Village Chief, Daoist You Liang sent a young man to come to you." The guard led Liu Tian into the house, and shouted respectfully to the inner room.

"Okay, I see. You go down." An old voice came from the inner room.

"Yes." The guard glanced at Liu Tian and stepped back.

"Young man, you are the promising young man that You Liang said, come in quickly." The old voice came again.

"Yeah." Liu Tian replied, and walked towards the inner room, muttering in his heart: "Hmph, what You Liang is, obviously an unscrupulous Taoist priest."

"Village Chief, hello." Liu Tian greeted the grandfather who had his back turned to him.

The old man turned around slowly, with a friendly smile on Zou Wen's intertwined face, looked at Liu Tian for a while, then nodded with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, You Liang's vision is still so accurate."

"Ahem, village chief..."

"Don't call me the village chief, call me You Lao." Liu Tian just wanted to ask what he was going to do next, but the village chief Gu Ling interrupted him.

"You, Mr. You, what should I do next?"

"What are you going to do next? Ask me, how do I know?" You Lao looked at Liu Tian suspiciously.

"Uh..." Liu Tian was embarrassed.

"However, I need your help with something here, would you like to?" You Lao stroked his beard, with a sly look in his eyes.

"You say."

"Recently, the zombies in the ancient spirit ruins are ready to move again. If you want to get out of the ancient spirit ruins, can you go and get rid of one hundred blood-rot zombies and eighty Qing Ge zombies for me?"


"Ding Dong, congratulations to player Eternal for accepting the mission [You Lao's entrustment]"

"Then, Mr. You, I'm going?" Liu Tian asked.

"Okay, it's not far from nightfall now, and it's time for the zombies to come out when you walk to the ancient spirit ruins."

Liu Tian bid farewell to You Lao and walked out of the hut, when there was a murmur.

"The person introduced by Junior Brother You Liang is really good, not only young, but also..."

Hearing this, Liu Tian was petrified on the spot, but he didn't expect You Lao to be the senior brother of an unscrupulous Taoist priest.

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