The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 278 Where the Sword Art Is

Chapter 8 Where the Sword Art Is

The next day, a ray of red light appeared on the horizon, the morning glow broke, the mist dispersed, and the fresh world was reflected in the crystal dew, and a new day began. 26nbsp;


Standing in the game landing space, Liu Tian said lightly, the starry sky turned his head to the sky, and his pupils were imprinted with familiar scenery.

In the ruins of ancient spirits, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. Last night's horrible-looking zombies had all disappeared, and only the rotten air floating in the air proved their existence.

"Blood rot zombies are still eighteen heads short, and Qingge zombies are still sixteen short. Fortunately, it will be finished in the evening." Liu Tian murmured, finally turned and left, and entered a place not far from the ancient spirit ruins. Level [-] map - Black Wulin.


A black crow flew in the air and attacked a young man with a sword in the black forest.

"Ice Prison Lock."

The peerless beauty next to the man raised nine white streams with bare hands, and instantly moved towards the black black cover, imprisoning it inside.The man took a step forward, and King Lin Tianxia shot out, blasting the black crow to the ground.Jin'er also spat out a dragon flame and beat Heiwu hard.

The sword light is sharp, like a galaxy falling, falling from the nine heavens, pressing on Hei Wu's body, cutting off Hei Wu's feathers, leaving a not-so-light bloodstain on Hei Wu's body, completely obliterating it.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing Heiwu forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 2400 experience."

"Ding dong, the player is eternal (level experience is full, the level is raised to) level, strength +1, constitution +1, agility +1, spirit +1, free attribute points +5, life value +10, true energy value +10, and the state recovery is the fastest Good, the upgrade reward of the Indestructible Origin Race, constitution +1, spirit +1, free attribute point +1, life value +5, true energy value +5"

After struggling for so long, Liu Tian finally reached level 29, and the work of killing blood-rot zombies and Qing Ge zombies at night will be easier.

During the day, Liu Tian has been leveling up in the black forest, killing the crows to the point of numbness, and the night is slowly approaching, a round of bright moon and a round of sunset sun in the west mountain coexist in the sky.

When Liu Tian returned to the ancient spirit ruins, a blood-rotten zombie jumped in front of him.Hanxian displayed the ice prison lock familiarly, and he attacked the world at the best time, breaking a leg bone of the blood-rot zombie.



"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing blood-rot zombies forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining experience of 36400."

"Tsk tsk, the bonus experience for killing monsters by leapfrogging is great." Although the experience gained this time is not as good as last night because of the level up, Liu Tian still sighed: "How can there be such a big gap between monsters at level 32 and level [-]?" How big is it?"

After more than an hour of bloody battle, Liu Tian finally received the system prompt.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal who has [-] blood-rot zombies and [-] Qing Ge zombies and completed the mission [Entrustment of Youlong]. Please deliver the mission as soon as possible."

Liu Tian let out a low whistle: "We can finally go back."

On the way back, Liu Tian was excited, and all the blood-rot zombies and Qing Ge zombies blocking the way were killed by the killing sword.

"You Lao, I'm back." Liu Tian knocked on You Lao's door.

"So fast? Come in." You Lao muttered again: "As expected of the person whom Junior Brother You Liang admires."

"Damn." Liu Tian cursed secretly with a black line on his forehead, feeling unhappy.It's just that everything can only be vented in his heart, he doesn't dare to annoy You Lao.

"Oh, one hundred blood-rot zombies and eighty Qing Ge zombies have been killed? So fast?" You Lao looked at Liu Tian kindly, with a smile in his eyes.

"Yes, just finished killing." Liu Tian nodded.

"Oh, the material of the zombie's body is a very good material for making equipment. It can't be wasted. After you kill the zombie, have you collected it?" You Lao asked.


"Recently, the zombies in the ancient spirit ruins are restless. The villagers of ancient spirit village live in this area. It is very dangerous. Can you give the materials collected from the zombies to ancient spirit village to make equipment?"

"Grass." Liu Tian guessed You Lao's intention, and cursed in his stomach.You Lao did this firstly to ask him to produce evidence of killing zombies, and secondly to earn a batch of materials.In this way, no matter whether Liu Tian finishes killing the zombies or not, he will win for sure.

Unwilling, Liu Tian reluctantly gave the materials to Mr. You, and asked against his will: "Mr. You, do you have any other orders?! The boy will definitely go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate!"

Hearing this, the gully on You Lao's face deepened, and his small eyes narrowed into crescent-like slits: "Young man, yes, yes, you work hard and have a bright future. No wonder you are surrounded by peach, and the beauty is beside you .”

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. You, for your compliment." Liu Tian wiped his forehead, sweating profusely.

"Hehe, young man, You Liang came to my place during the day, tell me the purpose of your visit." You Lao said: "That sword formula is a supreme skill and extremely precious, and I only found out where it is by accident , since you are the person that even Junior Brother You Liang admires, then I will tell you the location of the sword formula."

You Lao paused, and lowered his voice: "The sword formula is in the ruins of the ancient spirit, and it's in the underground of the city lord's mansion in the ruins of the ancient spirit. You have to find out the exact location by yourself."

"You, Mr. You, is what you said true?" Liu Tian was excited, his heart was surging, the sword formula had a clue, this crime was not in vain!

You Lao stroked his long snow-white beard and said with a smile, "Do you think it is necessary for me to deceive you?"

"Old You, I'm sorry, I just can't believe it." Liu Tian said something against his will again.

"Young man, it's too early for you to be happy. Although the sword formula is under the city lord's mansion in the ruins of the ancient spirit, it is also a dangerous place under the city lord's mansion."

"You Lao..." Liu Tian looked at You Lao suspiciously, waiting for his answer.

"I once told you about the restlessness of the zombies in the ancient spirit ruins. In fact, they want to get out of the ancient spirit ruins." Liu Tian was shocked, and You Lao continued: "All this is because the zombie king in the ancient spirit ruins was seriously injured. He recovered from dying, and his strength increased greatly. The zombie king was unwilling to stay in the ruins of the ancient spirit, so he sent zombie soldiers to test it out, and I am afraid that he will walk out of the ruins of the ancient spirit in a short time and bring harm to the people."

"Heal?" Liu Tian frowned.

"Yes, heal. When the Zombie King was born in the ruins of ancient spirits, a spiritual cultivator happened to pass by. Although the Zombie King was severely injured, he himself was also seriously injured. Therefore, he failed to eradicate the roots. The Zombie King was recently injured. After recovering, the strength has increased dramatically, which can be called breaking and then standing." You Lao sighed: "The zombie king's lair is just under the city lord's mansion."

"Uh, ah..." Liu Tian was dumbfounded, he didn't expect such an unlucky thing to happen to him.

"Young man, do you still want to find the sword formula? It's extremely dangerous there." You Laodao, just when Liu Tian wanted to talk about the long-term plan, You Lao said again: "Recently, the owner of Fenglan City knows the situation of the Zombie King. We will send masters to kill the zombie king, if they come, the sword formula may be obtained by them."

"I'll go!" Liu Tian said categorically, he had to go, he didn't want to work hard for a long time, but in the end he didn't even catch a hair.Although the Zombie King is powerful, he is not without a chance of winning.

"Okay! Young man, Junior Brother You Liang really saw you right. You are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and you will become a great weapon in the future." You Lao praised Liu Tian again: "Since you are going, can you do me a favor?"

"You Lao, don't be polite between us." Liu Tiandao: "The thing you asked me to help is to kill the zombie king."

"Yes, boy, can you do me this favor?"

"This..." Liu Tian hesitated. If he didn't agree, he might not have to face the Zombie King. Otherwise, he would definitely have to fight against the Zombie King.After thinking about it, he nodded.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the task [Destroy the Zombie King]."

〖Hidden Unique〗【Destroy Zombie King】〖Handsome Mid-Rank〗:

【Task Content】:

The zombie king in the ruins of the ancient spirit came in not only recovered from the serious injury, but also increased in strength, intending to walk out of the ruins of the ancient spirit and harm the world. Please destroy the zombie king within five days, otherwise someone from Fenglan City will come to destroy the zombies king.

【Task time】: Five days.

[Task Status]: Not completed.

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure Punishment]: None.

Liu Tian chatted with You Lao some more in the house, and learned that the zombies in the depths of the ancient spirit ruins run rampant no matter day or night, but their attributes will be weakened during the day.Therefore, it is the best time to go deep into the ancient spirit ruins during the day.

"You Lao, what level of monster is the Zombie King?" Liu Tian asked the question in his heart.

"I don't know about this, at least the king of the 35-level handsome middle-rank." You Lao frowned: "It is really difficult to deal with the zombie king with your strength, I have a magic talisman here, which can suppress it for 15 minutes , weakening its attack, defense, speed, blood recovery, and energy recovery by %."

"You Lao..." Liu Tian was sincerely grateful: "Thank you."

"Hehe, you are also benefiting the people. I should help you, but unfortunately I only have one talisman." You Lao took out a talisman paper written in golden runes and handed it to Liu Tian.

【Suppressing Corpse Spirit Talisman】〖Handsome Top Grade〗

[Subsidiary effect]: It can reduce the attack, defense, speed, blood recovery, and energy recovery of any undead creature below the handsome top grade, which lasts for 15 minutes.

[How to use]: Stick it on the forehead of undead creatures.

"You Lao, is there any similar talisman paper? For example, suppress it for 10 minutes, weaken it by 10% or something like that." Liu Tian looked at You Lao hopefully, and was very excited about this kind of talisman paper!

"Hey, I don't have many such talisman papers, and they may still be useful in the future, so I can't give them to you."




After chatting for a while, Liu Tian walked out of the old hut and stepped into the ancient spirit ruins again. He planned to upgrade on the periphery first, and then go deep into the ancient spirit ruins during the day to find the city lord's mansion.

Zombies fell in a pool of dust and blood, and many skeletons were scattered and fell to the ground.

"Ding Dong, you have been online for sixteen hours, please log off immediately."

"Offline." Taking off the helmet, Liu Tian let out a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved, this matter is finally resolved, but he doesn't know what the final outcome will be.

After laughing and laughing with the girls for a while, Liu Tian took a shower and went to sleep.

"Ding Dong, are you online?"


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