The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 279 Dangerous Land

Chapter '9 Dangerous Land

White light flickered, and a tall and straight figure appeared in the ancient spirit ruins. 26nbsp;Afterwards, the resplendent golden light and the celestial light came out together, and a little dragon, Tianxian, also appeared in the ruins.

"Let's go." Looking at the ruined walls and collapsed houses ahead, Liu Tian took the lead to move forward, the back of Wei'an revealing that he was going forward indomitably.

Immortal Han's expression was flat, and she quietly followed behind Liu Tian.

It was daytime now, so zombies such as Qing Ge zombies and blood rot zombies were hiding, and the road was unimpeded, and the forward speed was much faster.However, when going deep into the middle of the ancient spirit ruins, zombies have begun to appear.

Carrion zombie, level 34, it has complete flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood of the whole body has rotted, exuding a stench, and the face is even more terrifying. Two eyeballs, one has fallen, and the other is half rotten.

Liu Tian's expression was slightly condensed, his body was like an ape, and he swiftly sprinted towards a carrion zombie that was jumping not far away.

"Ice Prison Lock!"

Nine streams of white air flew out of Hanxian's jade hand, closing from all directions, and a cage was formed in an instant, and the carrion zombie was trapped inside.

The carrion zombie reached forward with both hands, and tore it suddenly. The ice prison lock immediately collapsed and disintegrated, turning into white gas and spreading in all directions.

A low howl spread, and Liu Tian descended from the sky. In the diffuse white air, Jun Lin Tian Tian attacked and came out. The killing sword fell, and the sword light and blood light intertwined and struck out, like a blood-colored waterfall coming to the world, pouring And down, the sword 'chanted' like thunder, rumbling.


Although Liu Tian's attack was fierce and unmatched, the carrion zombie still pushed forward with both hands, and did not dodge or avoid Liu Tian's attack. When Liu Tian hit himself, the rotten hand also hit Liu Tian's chest .


One person and one zombie were all knocked back by the opponent's attack.

"Ice Ling Sheng Kill!"

A pair of cold ice flowers bloomed silently on the way forward of the carrion zombie, and with a cold scream, they exploded!

Passing over the flying shattered ice, Liu Tian's offensive resumed, the snake king's blessing and the snake king's golden pattern were fully displayed, and the killing sword intertwined with a bloody light, and in the blood light, the killing sword cut through the carrion zombies.


"Ice Feather World!"

Hanxian shot at the right time, and several ice-cold arrows shot out, creating an opportunity for Liu Tianpian to retreat.



Between heaven and earth, a long sword was pressed down from above, like a silver waterfall, hitting the carrion zombie.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing carrion zombies forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 51000 experience."

"Real grab."

"Ding dong, congratulations to player Eternal..."


After collecting the carrion zombies, Liu Tian continued to go deeper. Fortunately, it was broad daylight, and the zombies were weakened a lot, so Liu Tian saved a lot of energy in dealing with the zombies that appeared in broad daylight.

"The king is in the world."

There was a roar of anger from the ruins of the ancient spirit, and Liu Tian hit a combo attack, killing a zombie covered in black and blue.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the green zombies forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 51000 experience."

The green zombie is also level 34. Its body is blue, like bronze, and its defense is the highest among the zombies Liu Tian has ever encountered.

After struggling for half a day and fighting bloody battles, Liu Tian finally came to the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion.

Even though the wild grass is luxuriant, the extraordinaryness of the City Lord's Mansion is still easy to see, its area is only slightly smaller than the City Lord's Mansion in the main city.Standing in front of the ruins, Liu Tian saw a scene of desolation. In his eyes, he could vaguely see the prosperity of the city lord's mansion in the past, and at the same time, he also saw its danger. zombie.

"Come on, let's go in and see."

Liu Tiandao walked into the ruins first, and killed a zombie with disheveled hair and shriveled flesh.

【Mummy】〖handsome mid-grade〗:

Level: 35

Health: 5400/5400

Infuriating value: 2100/2100

"Retreat first."

Liu Tian resolutely avoids his sharp edge, and exits the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion with Han Xian.

"Ice Prison Lock."


Before the Nine Dragons Ice Prison Chains could be assembled, they killed the corpse and tore them up with bare hands.

"Frozen Three Miles!"

A sheet of thin ice quickly moved forward, and once the mummy entered, the slow speed was even more unsatisfactory.Liu Tian also entered it by stepping on the electric switch, but he was not affected by it, and the killing sword was frequently cut out.


Liu Tian unleashed his sword gang skill and slashed the mummy with one strike.


"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for triggering the small life-killing technique for eternity, and forcibly absorbing some damage as life supplement."

"Great killing technique!"

Liu Tian flew back like an eagle, opened his mouth and shouted, a blood-colored killing god phantom slowly froze behind him, the invisible killing intent scattered, putting pressure on people's mind.At the same time, the immature dragon chanted and sang, and Jin'er also released the dragon's power skills.

The thin ice on the ground melted away, and the mummy rushed over. Although Liu Tian and Jin'er weakened a lot, their power remained undiminished. A pair of rotten hands gradually turned golden and iron, and their ten fingers were like ten sharp daggers. Liu Tian's sharp sword.


The mummy grabbed the killing sword with one hand, and hit Liu Tian's chest with the other.



Liu Tian swallowed the blood recovery pill in his mouth, and instantly recovered two hundred lives, and then another two hundred lives in two seconds.


Jin'er, who was wrapped around Liu Tian's shoulder, opened his mouth, and a dragon flame spewed out on the face of the mummy, causing only a little damage.

"Earth Demon Sword!"

The black light soared into the sky, and the Earth Demon Sword shot out of the ground, blasting the mummy back.Liu Tian boldly followed the mummy, walking alone with his feet on the sword demon, and quickly slashed out a sword in his hand, hitting the retreating mummy one after another.






A figure rushed back, away from the mummy, looking at the angry mummy chasing after him, Liu Tian casually blasted out two 'milk' white sword qi.

bang bang.

The mummy's rotting hands waved together, and at the same time as it resisted the two sword qi, its body leaped high, its mouth opened wide, and black poisonous gas was sprayed out.

"Ding Dong, because you are affected by the mummy skill 'Corpse Poison', you will enter a mildly dizzy state, and your attack and defense will decrease by 5%, and your speed will decrease by 8%, lasting for 2 minutes."

In a trance, Liu Tian was very uncomfortable, swallowed the Huiqi pill, the sword demon walked alone and then stretched out, away from the mummy in an instant...

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who killed the mummy forever, killed monsters by leapfrogging, and gained 55500 experience."

"I've upgraded, and now I'm level 23." After a long time of leapfrogging and killing monsters, his experience soared, and Han Xian also upgraded.

"Upgraded?" Liu Tian was a little overjoyed. Han Xian's strength has improved, and he is the direct beneficiary: "Not bad."

Entering the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion again, Liu Tian was extremely careful and used the method of wandering to fight the mummy.His main purpose is to find a passage leading to the City Lord's Mansion.

With a thousand sword shadows, Liu Tianli slashed down, obliterating a mummy. After collecting the mummy, he 'rubbed' the 'sun' acupoint, feeling a little troubled.He searched in the ruins for several hours, but still found nothing, and he did not find a way out.

"Damn, why did I forget to ask You Lao where the passage leading to the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion is?"

Annoyed, Liu Tian sat on the stone, took out the food, and checked the equipment he got while eating.

【Mummy Belt】〖Handsome Middle Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 000/ 000

[Equipment Category]: Belt

[wearing requirements]: no

[wearing level]: level 35

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 250—300

Qi attack: 150— 0

Physical defense: 150— 0

Gas defense: 100—150

Auto reply +3

Life +100

lucky +1

[Incidental Skills]: None.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

The mummy belt is black and has a scary appearance. It was made by Liu Tian beheading a quasi-boss-level mummy. Liu Tian only needs to wait for him to be level 35 before using it.

【Mummy leggings】〖handsome mid-grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 18000/18000

【Equipment Category】: Leggings

[wearing requirements]: no

[wearing level]: level 35

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 300—3

Qi Attack: 250—(0

Physical Defense: 3—350

Gas defense: (0-300

[Incidental Skills]: None.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


Just as Liu Tian was biting his food and checking his equipment, a mummy unfortunately spawned behind him.


The mummy stepped closer to Liu Tian, ​​one hand turned into steel, and slapped Liu Tian fiercely.Liu Tian noticed the strangeness behind him, and just stood up, a sharp pain hit him immediately, and he was slapped on a pile of gravel by a palm.

"Damn, uh..." Liu Tian's cursing stopped abruptly, and in front of him was a similar underground passage: "No wonder I couldn't find it, it turned out to be under this pile of rubble."


The Killing Sword slashed out two sword qi, forcing the mummy back, Liu Tian quickly turned over and jumped into the passage.

"Cough cough..."

As soon as he entered the tunnel, a more intense rancid smell penetrated Liu Tian's nostrils.


Liu Tianqiang resisted the discomfort, activated the daytime skill, and saw the scene in front of him clearly.This is not a place like a secret room, but a cave, and the bluestone steps under Liu Tian's feet don't extend very far.The cave is three or four meters high and four or five meters wide. The walls of the cave are full of pits and hollows, which are naturally formed without artificial traces.This is the main cave, and there are passages of other small caves on the cave wall.

"Han Xian, Jin'er." Liu Tian called out Han Xian and Jin'er again.

"Ahem..." As soon as Han Xian came out, he felt as unwell as Liu Tian, ​​and started coughing.Jin'er also said in Liu Tian's mind that the air here is too smelly.

"Where is this place?" Han Xian Zou asked, frowning.

"This should be the zombie king's lair." Liu Tiandao took out a torch, lit it and handed it to Han Xian: "It's very dangerous here, you have to be careful and always pay attention to the movement around you."


"Let's go."

Holding the sword, Liu Tian walked towards the depths of the cave step by step, feeling a little uneasy and excited, wondering if the sword formula was with the Zombie King, and excited to finally reach the place where the sword formula was.

"Sword Jue, here I come. I must get the sword for thousands of miles." Liu Tian shouted in his heart.

Not long after the two traveled together, they encountered a level 35 zombie—a blood-sucking zombie.

【Blood-sucking Zombie】〖Handsome Mid-Rank〗:

Level: 35

Health: 5800/5800

True Chi value: 2400/2400.

Liu Tian stopped walking, looked at the blood-sucking zombie standing in the middle of the cave passage, and thought in his heart.

"This attribute is not much weaker than that of quasi-boss-level mummy attributes. I'm afraid the next journey will be difficult."

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