The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 280 Dead Zombie

Chapter (0) Dead Zombies

A dead zombie, surrounded by a gray air of death, with only a layer of human skin on its face, with deeply sunken eye sockets and protruding bone lines, typical of skin and bones.


It took a step forward, instead of jumping, the broken armor on its body clanged, and the dead energy around it rolled and surged as it walked, like a sea of ​​fog churning.

"Hanxian!" Liu Tian let out a low cry, holding the anti-dead zombies in his hand, and went straight forward without any fear!

"Frozen Three Miles! Ice Prisoner Lock!"

clap clap...

The thin ice under Hanxian's feet quickly spread out, and the cold air curled up.At the same time, the nine white airflows in her hand swept towards the dead zombies, gathering from all directions.


With a slash of the arm, the nine air streams were smashed by the hands of the dead zombie, and then it killed Liu Tian like a god of death. Although the speed dropped, its power remained the same.


An extremely small dragon flame spat out from the furtive mini dragon head on Liu Tian's shoulder. After one blow, Jin'er hid in Liu Tian's back again.

The dead energy around the dead zombie suddenly boiled, and the speed increased sharply. One hand reached forward at will, pinching Long Yan to pieces.The other hand turned into a big phantom palm, volleyed down, and slapped Liu Tian who was caught off guard!

"Sword light!"

Time was running out, Liu Tian couldn't refuse, the killing sword moved, and the light shield formed, but in the blink of an eye, he was smashed by the dead zombie, and Liu Tian was also slapped flying, and his back hit the cave wall, very embarrassed.


"Grass, 30% of the damage has been cancelled, and 3 points of life have been lost." Liu Tian cursed, stood up in embarrassment, took out a blood recovery pill and swallowed it.

"Thunder and lightning! Lightning switch!"

His figure was disillusioned, and with the thunder and lightning flickering vertically and horizontally, Liu Tian did not retreat but advanced, and once again killed the dead zombie.He didn't intend to fight recklessly, but to fight a protracted battle and grind slowly. After all, there was a level gap between the two, and the dead zombie was not an ordinary level 35 monster.

"Small Gravity Technique!"

Relying on the advantage of his speed, he walked skillfully, and finally displayed the small gravity technique when he crossed the dead zombies!The dead zombie originally wanted to rush forward, but was affected by the small gravity technique, and immediately staggered. Liu Tian took this opportunity to attack and kill with a big move - King's Landing.

The Earth Demon Sword hit the dead zombie's half-prostrate body and kicked it up. The killing sword came from the sky, and the body slash, sword gang, and sword qi slash erupted all at once, and blasted the dead zombie to the ground.

Hanxian seized the opportunity to release the ice prison lock, and this time it achieved a little effect, imprisoning the dead zombie lying on the ground for a moment, but this was enough for Liu Tian to retreat.

"Ice Ling Sheng Kill!"

As soon as the dead zombie got up, two cold ice flowers bloomed on both sides of its body, and then exploded like fireworks. At that moment, broken ice shot randomly.




Walking alone with the sword demon, Liu Tian walked around behind the dead zombie, held up the blood-patterned sword branded with golden patterns, and chopped it down!



With a sharp retreat, Liu Tian pulled out several phantoms, avoiding the blow from the dead zombie.Swallowing the Huiqi pill, Liu Tian's expression was slightly relieved, and after a series of attacks, he had avenged the blow just now.

Turning his head and smiling at Han Xian, Liu Tian pulled his body and once again greeted the dead zombies.


The dead zombie roared suddenly, and waved its hands, stirring the faint death aura around it. Finally, with its palms together, a death scythe appeared in the void.On the wall, a knife-shaped shadow suddenly slashed at a human-shaped shadow holding a long sword!

Liu Tian's complexion changed drastically, and a death aura like a gray snake wrapped around his body unknowingly, restricting his ability to move!

"Ice Shield!"

Han Xian's expression also changed, her delicate body rushed forward and her hands were not idle at the same time, while waving, a icy shield like ice jade appeared in the sky above Liu Tian.


The ice shield was chopped into pieces the moment the death scythe approached.The death sickle slashed Liu Tian's shoulder fiercely and sent him flying.


"Pfft..." Liu Tian couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of crimson blood.

"Oh shit……"

After swallowing the blood-returning pill, the system reminded that the cooling time of the blood-returning pill hadn't expired. Liu Tian was very annoyed, not only because of this, but also because he was in a state of serious injury, and his attributes dropped significantly!And it won't recover anytime soon.


The dead zombie rushed forward, and one hand turned into a bigger palm again, wanting to slap Liu Tian again.


Han Xian took Liu Tian's hand, flew back, and stopped in a small cave.

"Hanxian, thank you." Liu Tian said, took out Yuxue powder, sprinkled it on the wound on his shoulder, and then closed his eyes to rest quietly.This time, it can be said that a mistake has caused eternal hatred, and it caused such a serious effect just because he could not avoid the attack of the death scythe.

"Han Xian, have you seen how the air of death is entangled in my body?" Liu Tian closed his eyes.

"No." Han Xian shook her head, she also wondered why Liu Tian was suddenly surrounded by the air of death.

"Oh." Liu Tian thought: "The air of death should come from the ground, rely on..."

Thinking of the breath of death, Liu Tian almost couldn't help cursing, the sharp pain in his shoulder was all because of the breath of death, and he wouldn't sit here to heal his wounds.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player eternally returning to normal state."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Liu Tian finally returned to a normal state from a serious injury, and all attributes reached the peak again.

"Let's go, goodbye to the dead zombies!" Liu Tian said calmly. Although the dead zombies are powerful, he can't back down. The only thing he can do is to kill the dead zombies.

Going back to the place where I first met the dead zombie, the dead zombie still stands in the same posture as when I first met it.Seeing Liu Tianxing approaching, the dead zombie who had been motionless immediately started to rush towards Liu Tian.


One person and one zombie started their sword strikes. Although there were no sparks, it was still shocking. A pair of fleshy palms actually resisted the attack of the killing sword.

After lingering for a period of time, the dead zombie casts the death scythe again.Liu Tian straightened his face, activated the skill of living together and dying together, and shared the art of imperial space.

This time, Liu Tian finally knew how the death energy entangled him came from, and it really came out from the ground. Fortunately, he was prepared, and the killing sword smashed the death energy, and stepped away in the air, away from the person who was casting the death scythe. dead zombies.

This time, until the dead zombie's skills disappeared, Liu Tian didn't take any damage. When the dead zombie started to condense the death scythe, he had already retreated.

Liu Tian stepped back in the air, the sword gang was released, and the killing sword fell from the sky, hitting the head of the dead zombie.




"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing dead zombies forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 64000 experience."

Finally, at a certain moment, the dead zombie was smashed to the ground by a blood-patterned sword, and couldn't get up again.

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