The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 281 Death Zombie King

Chapter (1) Dead Zombie King


Looking at the gradually icy corpse under his feet, a young man let out a long sigh of relief, his stern expression softened.

"The strength of the dead zombie is already so strong, I really don't know how powerful monsters will be encountered if we go deep here." Liu Tianjian frowned, and his mind turned to the zombie king.

"The zombie king is at least a level 35 boss, and the dead zombie is also a level 35 boss, but their strength may differ by more than a star."

After thinking about it, a bitter smile appeared on Liu Tian's face, and he remembered what You Laozai said to him later: "There is a high possibility that the sword art is in the zombie king's lair, you still Go find the sword formula in the zombie cave." Isn't this telling him to die?But he still came, although he had to, but he couldn't help himself.

"Damn, I finally finished a series of tasks for the unscrupulous Taoist priest, and now he is sent by his senior brother to die. Damn, it took eight lifetimes of bad luck to let me meet this pair of deceitful senior brothers."

After complaining for a while and resting for a while, Liu Tian and Han Xian set off again, continuing to go deeper along the main passage of the Zombie Cave!

However, in 10 minutes, Liu Tian encountered another dead zombie. He breathed a sigh of relief, because there were no more powerful monsters, he could still deal with the dead zombie, even though it was a bit difficult.

The dead zombie let out a low growl, and rushed towards him. Liu Tian naturally wouldn't sit still, the sword chanted melodiously, and the sword light flickered, and he also rushed over.



After entangled and fighting for a long time, the dead zombie was finally slashed to death by Liu Tian's sword.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing dead zombies forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 64000 experience."

"Let's go!" After picking up and collecting, Liu Tian walked forward, with his back reaching the sky, like a mountain, steady!

Not long before, in Liu Tian's anxious expectation, he encountered a dead zombie again.

"I hope that on the next journey, all you will encounter are dead zombies." Liu Tian prayed.

Fierce battles, fierce battles, the next journey did not disappoint Liu Tian, ​​they were all dead zombies, fighting fiercely all the way, Liu Tian fought with high spirits and blood, this was a test.

"Is it coming?" Finally, after beheading eight dead zombies, Liu Tian never encountered any zombies again, and the journey was much calmer. He guessed that he was going to the zombie king's cave.Dangerous, but rewarding, a dead zombie bursts down with a knife.

【Knife of Death】〖Handsome Middle Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 000/ 000

[Equipment Category]: Weapon

[Wearing Requirements]: Warrior

[wearing level]: level 35

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 330—340

Qi Attack: 3 — 325

Physical defense: 140—150

Gas defense: 130—140

[Included skills]:

〖Death Slash〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Stimulating the power of death, condensed a death sickle.The sickle can exist for 5 seconds, and the death sickle contains 450% air attack.

[Casting distance]: within 3 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 8 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 540 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

Turning a small bend, Liu Tian suddenly saw a cave hall, which was more than ten meters high and no less than 40 meters long and wide. Stone pillars with cracks all over the place.

In the middle of the cave, there is a small cave leading to an unknown area.

"Let's go in and have a look." After searching for a long time, Liu Tian didn't find the zombie king, only the situation of the small cave was unknown, so he went to the small cave.

da da...

The footsteps of the two walking forward resounded in the cave, and soon the footsteps stopped, and two figures stood at the entrance of the small cave.

"Go in and have a look, be careful, the zombie king is probably inside." Liu Tian said while holding the blood-streaked killing sword.

"En." Han Xian nodded with a dignified expression, and he also knew the danger of this trip.

Concentrating on it, Liu Tian stared at the ten-meter-deep passage, and stepped out with extremely light steps.Han Xian is like treading dust, with almost no sound in his steps.Both of them are afraid of disturbing the possible zombie king.

With a distance of ten meters, the two walked for a full 2 ​​minutes, which shows the importance and care of the two.If there is a monster in the passage, whether it is the zombie king or not, it will definitely be enough for two people to eat a pot!

dong dong...

As he got closer to the entrance of the passage, Liu Tian could hear the beating sound of his heart more and more clearly, not because of fear, but because of his full attention and the silence around him.The scene at the entrance of the passage gradually appeared in Liu Tian's eyes, the first was a dark red coffin with dried blood stains on it.

With one hand, Han Xian was stopped, and Liu Tian signaled her to go back outside the passage with his eyes. Han Xian gave Liu Tian a concerned look, released the air-defense technique, and flew out in the air.

"To live and die together, to share the air defense technique!"

Liu Tian flew up slowly, walked through the air, and approached the dark red coffin in the small cave step by step.


Before he could get close to the coffin, the coffin lid suddenly flew off, knocking him against the wall.

"Damn..." Liu Tian resisted the pain and quickly got up.At this time, there was a tall but ugly body standing in the coffin, with complete facial features, just like a human being, except that its facial features were jet-black, the white of the eyes occupied most of it, and the pupil shrank into a small dot.

"Back!" Liu Tian stepped back resolutely, and the starry sky in his eyes was transformed into an unobstructed display.

【Death Zombie King】〖handsome mid-level〗(boss):

Level: 35

Health: 6800/6800

True Chi value: 3000/3000.

As soon as he moved, the dead zombie king also moved. With a random wave of his hands, the dark red coffin burst into pieces and flew in all directions. He turned into a knife with one palm, and slashed a sharp gray knife aura in the air, missing Liu Tian. It knocked out a deep ditch on the wall.

There was a loud noise behind him, but Liu Tian fled away on the sword demon alone without looking back, without any hesitation.

At a distance of ten meters, Liu Tian rushed out in an instant, in stark contrast to the previous snail-like speed.As soon as he rushed out of the passage, Han Xian, who had been preparing outside the passage for a long time, made a quick move.The ice prison lock and the ice shield blocked the entrance of the passage together.

"Let's go." Liu Tian didn't intend to face the dead zombie king here, so he cast the air defense technique and flew back together with Han Xian.


The Ice Prisoner Lock and Ice Shield barely delayed the Dead Zombie King's time. He defeated the Ice Prisoner Lock and Ice Shield with just one hand, and his tall and straight figure appeared before Liu Tian's eyes again. For some reason, it stopped chasing after him. Instead of killing Liu Tian, ​​he stood quietly on the spot and looked at Liu Tian quietly.

Meeting the gaze of the dead zombie king, Liu Tian felt only coldness, bloodthirsty, and contempt.

"Why didn't it come to chase me? Did it just let me go?" Liu Tian muttered, his flying speed slowed down a bit, and he looked at the dead zombie king vigilantly, waiting for its next move.


Unknowingly, the two of them flew into the eighteen stone pillars, and the eighteen stone pillars, which were originally ordinary, suddenly glowed, forming a light curtain in an instant, trapping the two of them inside, and forcibly suppressing Liu Tian and Han Xian on the ground , unable to fly.

At this moment, the dead zombie king finally moved.

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