The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 283 Swordsmanship

Chapter (3) Sword Control

This stone pillar is the same as the other stone pillars, and it is also full of cracks, and the keyhole is just set in this crack, so it is difficult to find. 26nbsp;

"Han Xian, how did you discover this keyhole?" Liu Tian couldn't help being excited, and there was an uncontrollable smile in his eyes.

"Qianxia just caught a glimpse during the battle. It turned out that I just thought it was like a keyhole. Just now you mentioned the keyhole, and I thought it might be the keyhole you need." Han Xian smiled lightly, leaving the dust There is no doubt that his temperament is exposed.

"Thank you, Hanxian." Liu Tian said sincerely, not pretending that Hanxian was not a real person.Immediately, he slowly inserted the stone key into the keyhole.

The key and the keyhole overlap perfectly, seamlessly, and the white light gradually emerges, getting stronger and stronger, and finally a beam of light rushes out of the stone pillar and goes straight to the top of the cave.


For some reason, another beam of light shot down from the top of the cave, shining among the eighteen stone pillars.With a clicking sound, the cylindrical stone covered by the beam of light rose slowly and stopped in the void, and then circles of stones disappeared soundlessly.

"What is that?" Liu Tianxing stared at the void in front of him, and stepped out.

In the void ahead, all the stones were annihilated, and a jade-colored spirit sword was slowly rotating in the void, emitting a soft light.

Standing in front of the spirit sword, Liu Tian stared carefully, and saw two words on the spirit sword.

Imperial Sword!

"Royal Sword?" Liu Tian was surprised, and he thought of a possibility: "Could this be the tactic of mitigating the sword? The tactic that the unscrupulous Taoist said can control the sword for thousands of miles? It can be seen at a glance!"

【Royal Sword Jue (Residual)】〖handsome top grade〗:

[Active Skill]:

[Learning needs]: Swordsman

【Learning Level】: Level 30

[Skill Effect]:

At the current level, you can use the sword to kill enemies within eight meters at will within 3 minutes, and each hit is at least 150% of the normal attack.

[Casting distance]: within 8 meters

[casting time]: none

【Cooling time】: 8 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 points of true energy

【Current Status】: Unable to learn.


Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Sure enough, it's the sword art!" Liu Tian pinched Yujian, his eyes were deep: "It's an amazing skill, but it's a pity that it's incomplete, but no matter what, it belongs to me now!"

"It's a worthwhile trip." Han Xian nodded, quite satisfied with Yu Jian Jue.

"Thanks to having you along the way."



In Guling Village, in front of the village chief's hut, a young man with a long sword on his back and an elderly man were sitting opposite each other.

"The Zombie King was killed by you?" You Lao's eyes were burning like fire, and a hint of surprise floated in his eyes. This result really made him unbelievable. He still knew the strength of the Zombie King, but he didn't expect it to be killed Liu Tian, ​​who was less than [-]th level, was killed.

"It's just a fluke." Liu Tian sighed, this time he was really close to death, if it wasn't for the skill effect of living together and dying together, he would definitely have been returned to the city by the zombie king in seconds.

"It's really hard to believe. Originally, I thought that with your strength, it would be difficult to protect yourself, let alone kill the zombie king." You Lao couldn't help but sigh.

"But it did happen." Liu Tian said calmly, he stretched out a palm, and with a slight movement of his mind, fifteen drops of bright blood appeared on his palm.

"This is?" You Lao looked 'surprised', stared and observed carefully for a while, and said in surprise: "This is the blood of the corpse king!?"

Liu Tian nodded, this was indeed the corpse king's painstaking effort.

The heart and soul of the corpse king can be used as 'medicine' materials and can also be used to cultivate 'medicine' herbs.It comes from Zombie King, although it is precious, it is extremely difficult to collect.This is what he collected from the dead zombie king.

"Heroes come out of youth, young man, you didn't disappoint me." Old You praised sincerely.

"Fortunately, I didn't live up to your high expectations."

"Never arrogant, modest and steady, with unlimited future." You Lao stroked his beard and said, "You help Gu Ling Village get rid of the zombie king, and I should repay you, but Gu Ling Village is located in a remote place. The land is barren, and there is really nothing to offer, so..."

"It's okay, subduing demons and eliminating demons, and benefiting the common people is our profession."

You Lao shook his head firmly: "No, this kindness must be repaid. The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the spring. Although I, Guling Village, cannot give you material repayment, I can tell you a little about Yujian Jue. "

"Thank you, Mr. You." Liu Tian sat upright and listened attentively.

"The Yujian Jue in your hand is actually the incomplete Yujianshu. It was a powerful swordsmanship that cut off the past and present 2000 years ago. It is said that it can kill enemies thousands of miles away with Yujian, and then it was forcibly dismantled into pieces. There are two parts, one is Yujian Jue, also known as Yujian Waijue. The second is Yujian Xinjue. After being split, the effect of the skill will be greatly reduced." You Lao continued: "Yujianwaijue can be controlled Sword soldiers can kill enemies from a distance, but they cannot mobilize the true energy in their bodies to carry out multi-directional and large-scale attacks, and what you have in your hands is the outer art of controlling the sword."

"It's no wonder there is a broken word after Yujian Jue." Liu Tian asked, "What about Yujian Xin Jue?"

"The Imperial Sword Heart Jue, it is the essence of the Yujian Jue. Its skill effect is the opposite of that of the Yujian Jue. It can mobilize the true energy in the swordsman's body to carry out multi-directional and large-scale attacks, and its power is not the same as the Yujian Jue. In comparison, however, it has disappeared for millennia."

Liu Tian sighed, and said with a little regret: "It seems that I have no chance to obtain the essence of Yujianshu."

"Hehe, don't be discouraged." You Lao said, "My reward is more than just information about Yujianshu."

"Do you know the location of Yujian Xin Jue?" Liu Tian was so excited that he almost stepped forward to grab You Lao's hand.

"I don't know the exact location of Yujian Xinjue, but I know its general location."

"You Lao, thank you very much."

"You don't have to thank me here and there. In the end, I want to thank you too." You Lao paused and lowered his voice: "The Imperial Sword Heart Art has a four-level probability of being in Tianjian City."

"Sky Sword City?"

"Heavenly Sword City was an extremely prosperous city hundreds of years ago and one of the gathering places for swordsmen. After some changes, it has declined into an abandoned city, but there are still many swordsmen living in it. You want to find Yujian Xinjue depends on them. I don’t know where Yujianxinjue is outside Tianjian City, maybe there are swordsmen in Tianjian City who know it.”


"Also, there is no teleportation array that can lead to Heavenly Sword City, so you need to walk to Heavenly Sword City by yourself."

"Uh, Mr. You, I don't know how to get to Tianjian City." 40

"I know, but don't go looking for the Heavenly Sword City before your level reaches the prime minister's level, that is, before the fortieth level." You Laodao: "To go to the Heavenly Sword City, you must..."



After chatting with You Lao for an hour, Liu Tiancai crushed the city return talisman, returned to the Dragon Imperial City, and immediately teleported to the Phoenix Imperial City.

"Squad leader, where are you? I just went to the headquarters to look for you, and you're not there." Liu Tian walked out of the headquarters of the Phoenix Guild, and established a telepathy relationship with the beauty squad leader.

"Oh, we are in the Dryad Forest east of the Phoenix Imperial City, the coordinates are xxxxxx, come on."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Hanging up the teleportation, Liu Tian went to the blacksmith's shop to repair the equipment, bought some food and medicine, and set off.

After walking for half an hour, Liu Tian finally came to the Dryad Forest, where he joined the beautiful squad leader and others.The beautiful squad leader led his subordinates and Zhang Long and others are practicing.Seeing Liu Tian's arrival, Zhang Long and Su Yan happily surrounded him, chattering about Liu Tian's experiences these days.

"The sword formula is in my hands." Liu Tianru said.

"Congratulations, Liu Tian." The beautiful squad leader came over with a charming style, lightly smoothing the hair that was 'messy' due to the battle.

"Happy together, happy together." Liu Tian said.

"Oh, what am I happy about? Are you going to surprise me?"

"Hehe, as expected of the squad leader, I guessed really accurately."

"I'm looking forward to it." The beauty monitor looked at Liu Tian with a smile in her eyes.

Zhang Long and the others also poked their heads, wanting to see what Liu Tian was going to give to the beautiful squad leader.

In the end, under the gaze of everyone, Liu Tian took out a skill book that circulated the dark light——Black Flame Condensation Technique!

"I've wanted to give this skill book to you for a long time. How do you see it? Are you satisfied?" Liu Tian traded the skill book to the beauty squad leader.

"Liu Tian, ​​how can I repay you?" After watching the Black Flame Condensation Technique, the beautiful squad leader looked at him intently.

"Repay? Squad leader, these words are too unfamiliar, not to mention that you have taken care of Long'er and the others for so long, so I have to repay you."

"In short, thank you. This skill book is very good, I like it very much."

"Hmph, Brother Liu Tian, ​​why don't I have any gifts?" Zhang Long pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Because our Long'er is so cute and lovable, I haven't found a suitable continuation for her yet."

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Zhang Long nodded in satisfaction, but then she complained. She saw Liu Tian staring in one direction: "Brother, what are you looking at?! Are you looking at Sister Mengqi?" ?!"

"Uh, I didn't look at her." Liu Tian was embarrassed, and hurriedly looked away.In the distance, the handsome archer Meng Qi was chatting and laughing with a man whose back was facing Liu Tian.

The beauty squad leader glanced at Meng Qi, and smiled secretly: "So Liu Tian has this hobby. There are so many beauties around me, so I don't have enough time."

"Uh, monitor, what hobbies do I have? Why don't I know?"

"Poaching corners!" The beautiful squad leader looked at Liu Tian's embarrassment, and snickered, "Meng Qi has a boyfriend, and he's also very handsome. It's not easy for you to poach corners."

"Uh, where are you guys thinking? How could I fall in love with Meng Qi who only met once?" Liu Tian explained.

"Then why do you keep staring at Sister Meng Qi?" Zhang Long said.

Liu Tian smiled wryly: "I'm not looking at her, I'm looking at the man she was talking to. I feel his back is a bit familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere."

"You mean kevin believe? He is Meng Qi's boyfriend." The beautiful class leader said.

"Kevin believe? I seem to have heard of it." Liu Tian thought about it, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "By the way, it's him!"

At this moment, kevinbelieve turned around, and a familiar look entered Liu Tian's eyes.It was the star mage Kevin Believe he met in the trial forest back then!

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