Chapter 4

Not far away, kevinbelieve was wearing a gold-rimmed robe of stars, with flowing black hair and a handsome appearance. He was also a handsome man.Meng Qi was next to him, and her exquisite silver archer equipment made her protruding figure even more eye-catching.The beautiful woman Junyan, like a pair of golden boy and jade girl, was created in heaven and earth.

"Hey, I seem to have seen the man next to President Xianqiong?" Kevin Believe also saw Liu Tian, ​​and a feeling of familiarity surged in his heart.

"He?" Meng Qi looked at Liu Tian: "I met him in the trial forest, he is the president's classmate."

"Trial Forest?" Kevin Believe's eyes lit up: "Yes, no wonder I feel familiar, so it's that goddamn brother."

"you recognize?"

"It's not just acquaintance, he also saved me in the trial forest." Kevinbelieve said, took Meng Qi's catkin, and walked towards Liu Tian and the others.

"Brother Liu Tian, ​​kevinbelieve and sister Meng Qi are here, hmph, now we can know if brother Liu Tian is spying on sister Meng Qi." Zhang Long didn't intend to let Liu Tian go, although he already believed his words.

"Brother, why are you here?" As soon as kevinbelieve came up, the first sentence he spoke surprised all the girls, brother?When did Liu Tian have such a younger brother that he didn't even know?

"Uh, don't call me big brother, call me Eternal." Liu Tian was sweating a little.

"Oh." kevinbelieve chuckled, "Brother Eternal."

Everyone is dizzy.Under Liu Tian's persuasion, kevinbelieve put aside the masters first, and stopped calling Liu Tian the eternal elder brother.

"Eternity, what are you doing here? Although I know your purpose is not pure, but I will not report it if I think about our brothers. However, delicate flowers can't just 'insert' on your On the cow dung, at least introduce a few flowers to me." Kevinbelieve hooked Liu Tian's shoulder, walked aside with a smirk, leaving all the girls laughing alone.

Liu Tian cursed secretly: "Damn, it really is something like Tianxiang."

"Actually, I came to see Sister Mengqi." Liu Tian said with a wicked smile.

"Get out! Qi'er is mine! Anyone who dares to get involved, I'll chop him up." Kevin Believe was furious.

"Then who dares to get involved with Long'er and the others, I will take some measures, for example, send him back to the city for free." Liu Tian stared sharply at kevinbelieve.

"Uh, brother, I am their loyal guardian!"

"Stop talking nonsense, why are you here today?" Liu Tian asked, "You don't seem to be from the Phoenix Guild."

"Of course I came to see my wife. I haven't seen her for a long time since the Trial Conference started."

"A question for you, are you interested in joining the guild?"

"Your guild?" Kevin Believe didn't answer Liu Tian's question, but asked instead.

"Yes, in the near future, I'm going to create the first guild in the game!" Liu Tiantian was so imposing and domineering, his eyes were like disillusioned stars, extremely profound.

"You have the first Tian Xing Token that went viral on the forum?" Kevin Believe was surprised: "Hey, since it's Big Brother's guild, of course I want to join."

"Well, let's go back."

Soon, Liu Tian was drawn into the team by Xian Qiong, and also practiced in the Dryad Forest.However, the dryad is only level 24, so it does not pose a threat to him at all.So this leveling is quite leisurely.

In the forest, a green vine struck through the air, trying to entangle Liu Tian's feet, but before he got close, he smashed it to pieces with the killing sword.With a puff, a flower demon hidden in it suddenly jumped out, opened its tightly closed petals, and wanted to swallow Liu Tian into its belly.

Liu Tian snorted coldly, his long sword was like a rainbow, and his speed was like lightning, he directly penetrated the flower demon's throat, preventing the flower demon's venom from erupting.Immediately, sword energy erupted in the flower demon's mouth, exploding a piece of green blood.

With a vertical movement, Liu Tianfei retreated, and the fire cultivator of the Phoenix Guild immediately made a move, and the position of the flower demon was ignited with flames that soared into the sky.

Soon, Liu Tian left the battlefield and walked side by side with Zhang Long's daughters.

"Brother, why didn't you kill him?" Su Yan asked.

"The level difference is too large, and there is not much experience gained."

"Hehe, coming to the Tree Demon Forest at Liu Tian's level is indeed too good to be useful." The beautiful squad leader smiled coquettishly, her white skin glowing like white jade.

"Thank you, monitor, for your compliment. However, if I am a great talent, the monitor must be a super talent." Liu Tian couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.


"I'm only good in personal strength, and beautiful squad leader, you lead the famous Phoenix Guild. If you want to destroy me, it's extremely easy." Liu Tian half-jokingly said.

"I believe that you will also become the overlord of one side in the game, ordering all directions." The beautiful squad leader took a quiet look at Liu Tian, ​​and there was an intriguing strangeness in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

"Me?" Liu Tian smiled, didn't say anything more, and walked forward quietly.

"Liu Tian, ​​do you know? Recently, the game has been undercurrents and many dark forces have appeared." Shortly before the walk, the beautiful squad leader suddenly said something.

"Huh? Squad leader, what's the situation? Tell me." Liu Tianben has no interest in the power struggles in the game, but now he wants to create a guild, so naturally he needs to know more.

"During the trial meeting..." the beautiful squad leader said slowly, her voice was like a spring water hitting a stone, making a lingering sound.

During the month-long trial meeting, at the beginning, the game was calm, and from time to time, players would hear voices regretting that they did not participate in the trial meeting.During the middle period of the game, more and more players poured into the city from Novice Village, and it was at this time that the dark forces emerged.These dark forces are both arrogant and low-key, and they don't buy into other guilds at all.

Guilds often expel solo players and conduct private leveling, and these dark forces don't care that the map is occupied by other guilds. As long as the leveling map is good, they will enter the leveling. The end result is naturally conflicts with the guild, often fighting, This is where their arrogance lies, and they will not back down!Don't buy it!One of the typical examples is Rush to the Two Pole World!When the two-polar world reserved the field, they were very tough and did not back down, and they fought directly. Although the entire army was wiped out in the end, they also killed many players in the two-polar world.

Their low profile lies in immersing themselves in leveling. They won't occupy a large number of people like ordinary guilds, bully the weak, and intentionally cause trouble.

"Now their edge has been restrained a lot, and they are not as unyielding and unconvincing as they were when they first emerged. It may be related to the end of the Trial Conference and the return of various guilds, but I think they are burying themselves in development." Said the beauty squad leader.

"They are very powerful?" Liu Tian Zou eyebrows, it seems that the undercurrent is really turbulent.

"I don't know, but it's not simple, it might be..." The voice of the beautiful squad leader became lower and lower, and finally Liu Tian couldn't hear her, only her brows were furrowed.

As night fell, on the second day, Liu Tian left. He went to the place where Ye Tianxiang, Yang Binghui, Zhang Yuanhao, Luo Xin and others practiced. After looking at the overview of their studios, he found that they had already recruited many players. Good skills, with some potential.

"What we need now is loyalty, and some benefits should be given appropriately. They will be the core part of our future." In the end, Liu Tian will hand over a lot of equipment to Yang Binghui, and ask him to reward players with good performance.At the same time, let him punish the players who violated the rules, and if necessary, directly expel them!

Not long after he left Yang Binghui and the others, a system prompt sounded slowly in his mind.

"Ding Dong, since you won No.1 in the Trial Conference, the emperor of the Huaxia Dynasty will award you in person, please hold the Platinum Trial Order and arrive at the gate of the Imperial Palace City of the Nuwa Emperor City within half an hour. "

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the Platinum Trial Token x1, please check it in the storage space."

Platinum trial order, a trial order made of platinum.

"Return to the city!" Liu Tian directly crushed the return talisman, turned into white light and appeared in the Dragon Imperial City, and then stepped on the teleportation array leading to the Nuwa Emperor's City.

Nuwa Emperor City, the highest-level city in the Huaxia District, is also the capital of the Huaxia Dynasty. The emperor lives in the Imperial Palace City in the center of the city. A hundred meters in front of the Imperial Palace City, there is a stone statue of Nuwa.

Before arriving at the Imperial Palace, Liu Tian saw Dou Zhan Cangtian who had fought twice and Mo Xiaobo who had fought once.The two were standing in front of a group of murderous guards.

"Who is coming? In front of the Imperial Palace, idlers should not stop here!" Two guards walked out of the guards, holding long daggers, and shouted at Liu Tian in a cold voice.

Without saying a word, Liu Tian directly took out the Platinum Trial Order.

"Ah? It turned out to be the number one adult in the trial meeting. I offended you, please forgive me." The guard apologized in horror.

"It's okay, take us to meet the emperor." Liu Tian waved his hand, knowing that it was not him who they were afraid of, but the emperor.

Led by two guards, Liu Tian, ​​Mo Xiaobo, and Dou Zhan Cangtian finally arrived at the main hall of the palace and accepted the emperor's summons.

At this time, on the dragon chair in the center of the magnificent palace, sat a mighty and extraordinary man in a dragon robe.

"I have seen the Emperor!" Liu Tian and the others saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite. I summoned the three of you today to reward you for being the top three in the trial meeting." The emperor spoke, his voice was like thunder, resounding through the hall, and invisible majesty flowed out.

"Thank you, Emperor." The three said in unison.

"It's really good that the three of you are among the top three among the huge number of adventurers. The dynasty needs talents like you." The emperor said again.

"Thank you, my lord."

"Don't be cautious, come and give me a seat."

Sitting on the chair, Liu Tian quietly looked at the surrounding environment. There were [-] huge pillars in the hall, each of which was carved with rare plants and auspicious animals, which was very beautiful.

"Do you already know the rewards for this Trial Conference?" The emperor said, "Now, I will ask my subordinates to take it."

No. 1: A King's Trial Medal, a piece of handsome top-grade equipment randomly selected, a route map for a hidden map, 1000 prestige, and 10000 gold coins.

No. 2: A King's Trial Medal, randomly selected a piece of handsome middle-grade equipment, a route map of the hidden map, 800 prestige, and 8000 gold coins.

No. 3: A King's Trial Medal, a piece of handsome low-grade equipment randomly selected, a route map for a hidden map, 500 prestige, and 5000 gold coins.

"Come here, present the rewards of this trial meeting! Award it to the three outstanding people."

The person who went to collect the reward hadn't returned yet, and a notification came.

"Your Majesty, the Princess is here."

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