The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 285 Trial Rewards

Chapter (5 Trial Rewards

"My lord, the princess is here!"

An announcement came from outside the hall, and there were faint footsteps echoing. Her Royal Highness the Princess and her entourage came.

"Biography!" the emperor said.

"His Royal Highness has an audience!" Outside the hall, the sharp voice of the eunuch spread far away.

The footsteps gradually approached, and a group of people quickly appeared in front of the palace. A graceful and luxurious woman in a phoenix robe walked in from outside the palace, and slightly saluted the emperor.

"Hello, brother."

"Excuse me, someone will give you a seat." A smile appeared on the emperor's majestic face: "Qing'er, why do you have time to come here today?"

"Oh, I heard that Brother Huang summoned the top three winners of this trial meeting, so I came here to have a look." Princess Qing'er glanced at Liu Tian and the others slightly: "It must be these three magnificent heroes."

"That's right, it's them, and I'm going to award them."

"I've seen Princess Qing'er." Liu Tian and the others got up and saluted Princess Qing'er.

"Excuse me, go back to your seat." Princess Qing'er sat on her bestowed seat.At this time, the rewards of the Trial Conference just happened to be presented.The rewards of this trial meeting were displayed on twelve red wooden trays, each held by nine eunuchs.The four eunuchs came to Liu Tian with rewards.

A gold medal and a rolled up map were placed on a red wooden plate.A divine dragon soaring into the clouds is tattooed on the gold medal and the Chinese characters "Trial of the Emperor" are branded on it.

The other three wooden trays each present a piece of handsome high-grade equipment, covered by red cloth, which Liu Tian chooses by himself.

"Look at the rewards yourself." The emperor said, and the three of them began to check the rewards.

【Royal Trial Medal】〖King Grade Middle Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: Never wear out

[Equipment Category]: Medal

[Wearing Requirements]: Players are eternal

[wearing level]: no

【Accompanied effect】:

Life +50

Infuriating +50

Strength +2

Dexterity +1

Spirit +1

Permanently halve the cooldown of a given skill except Combo Skills.

[Included skills]:

[Light of Trial]:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

The Light of Trials allows a certain skill to be released twice in a row without cooling down.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: none

【Cooling time】: 45 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

[Trial Cross Slash]:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Try the cross cut, which can make the holder of the medal cut out a crossed cross sword energy to kill the enemy, and the attack power is 300% of the normal attack.

[Casting distance]: within three meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 8 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

Putting down the Emperor's Trial Medal, Liu Tian's eyes showed satisfaction, and then he picked up the route map of the hidden map.

[Eighteenth Floor Battlefield] 〖handsome top grade〗

【Item introduction】:

The 38th Floor Battlefield is a route map of a [-]-level hidden map of the [-]th Floor Battlefield.

【Map effect】:

It can guide the player to enter the battlefield on the eighteenth floor of the hidden map.

Cannot be discarded, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, cannot be stolen.

The corner of Liu Tian's mouth twitched into a satisfied smile, he was very satisfied with these two rewards.

"There is one piece of equipment in each of the three red wooden trays in front of you. Now choose for yourself." The emperor said.


Walking to the three red wooden plates, Liu Tian pondered which wooden plate to choose.The three wooden trays were covered by red cloth, and the equipment could not be seen.

"I choose this one." Finally Liu Tian pointed to the wooden plate in the middle.

"Okay, open it yourself." The emperor nodded.

Liu Tian lifted the red cloth, and a flash of light flickered past.Inside the wooden tray, lay a bright and gorgeous ring quietly.

【Brilliant Light Ring】〖Handsome Top Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: Never wear out

[Equipment Category]: Ring

[wearing requirements]: no

[wearing level]: level 38

【Accompanied effect】:

Gas defense: 0— 0

Charm 2b1

Spirituality' 2b1

speed 2b5

[Included skills]:

〖Brilliant Strike〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

With a brilliant strike, there is a 10% chance that the enemy will be blinded for two seconds.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 15 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Thank you, Emperor, I like this piece of equipment very much." Liu Tian put the Brilliant Light Ring into the Dragon Soul Ring.

"As long as you like it." The Emperor nodded, and soon Dou Zhan Cangtian and Mo Xiaobo also selected equipment, one was a pair of shoulder pads, and the other was a fire-colored longbow.Soon, the three left the palace.Liu Tian went directly to the teleportation formation in Phoenix Imperial City, he was going to see the dead old man.

In front of a courtyard, Liu Tian hesitated for a moment, reaching out to knock on the door.With a click, the courtyard door was opened, and a smiling face appeared in front of Liu Tian.

"Oh, nephew, you are here, uncle, I have been waiting for a long time." The dead old man pulled Liu Tian, ​​sat on the stone bench, and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Nephew, have you figured it out? Do you want to go with me to see the most prosperous imperial mausoleum and underground palace in the Chinese Dynasty?"

"If I go with you, will I get any benefits?" Liu Tian pouted, pretending not to be very interested in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum.

"Uh, the benefits, the benefits..." The dead old man said with a bitter face, "Let me think about it, ah, what do you lack, tell me, and see if I can satisfy you."

"What do I lack? That's too much. Skills and equipment, anyway, there are countless." Seeing Liu Tian said that he lacked skills and equipment, the old man's expression immediately burst into a smile, but what Liu Tian said next One sentence immediately sent him to hell: "However, there is nothing missing for the time being, so let me tell you what you can give me."

"Uh, what about this? Let me think about it." The dead old man buried his head in his mind, but couldn't think of anything, so he raised his head and said, "If you enter the underground palace of the Imperial Tomb with me, I can help you get two items you like. How are things?"

"Two pieces, it seems a bit small." Liu Tian looked at the dead old man.

"Less? Nephew, this is quite a lot. You have to know that the things in the underground palace of the imperial tomb are all treasures. You will definitely make a profit from this transaction."

"Stable profit without compensation? Really? What if you happen to be caught by the emperor? Wouldn't you and I have to die?" Liu Tian squinted at the dead old man.

"Uh, this, no way, we are not that bad, besides, you are..." The dead old man stopped suddenly.

"What am I?" Liu Tian asked.

"It's nothing, hehe, you are a good-looking talent, how could the emperor kill you?" The dead old man laughed.

"I'm leaving first." Liu Tian got up and walked directly to the door.

"Hey, hey, nephew, are you going or not? If you weren't my nephew, I wouldn't call you for such a good thing."

"Well, I won't go, you can call someone else." Liu Tian waved his hand, the dead old man must value something of himself, so he replied unceremoniously.

"Ah, nephew, are you going? Oh, you have to go, so that the fat and water don't flow into other people's fields." When the dead old man heard that Liu Tian originally planned to go, he immediately became impatient.

"Four days later, I will come to you." Liu Tian went out and left a sentence, his meaning was already very clear.

"Okay, nephew, I'll wait for you!"



After leaving the Phoenix Imperial City, Liu Tian returned to the Dragon Imperial City and went straight to the 'medicine' store. He wanted to see how many gold coins he was sitting on now!As soon as he arrived at the 'pharmacy' store, just as the owner of the 'pharmacy' store was in the store, Liu Tian was directly led into the inner room.

"Uncle, how many gold coins do we have now?"

"Because there are more and more adventurers, and our 'medicine' is the mainstream, so the profit is also very high. I calculated a while ago, and the net income is about 400 million gold coins. 'Product development, we consumed 300 million gold coins, so you now have 550 million gold coins."

"Uncle Wang, thank you." Liu Tian said gratefully. He understood what Wang Pan meant. He also participated in the research and development of new medicines. One person contributed half of the investment. When new medicines were developed in the future, the profits he obtained would be his. Also have a share.

"Actually, I just want to thank you. Without you, I would probably have been forced to leave the Dragon City now." Wang Pan sighed: "At the beginning, my management was not good, and I was almost 'forced' out of the Dragon City by my competitors. Imperial City, however, with Huixue Pills and Huiqi Pills, the situation has reversed. Hmph, in the near future, I will sell this street and expand the storefront. Unfortunately, this street is not a prime location in Shenlonghuangcheng. Opening a store on the side of the teleportation array, our turnover is estimated to increase a lot."

Dragon Imperial City, as a second-tier city, naturally has more than one "pharmacy" shop, blacksmith shop and other shops. The "pharmacy" shop run by Wang Pan is small and almost unable to operate. Fortunately, Liu Tian brought him The Huixue grass seeds and Huiqi grass seeds came, and the current best-selling Huixue pills and Huiqi pills were produced in batches, which made his 'pharmacy' shop more and more prosperous.

"Uncle Wang, don't sell this street." Hearing this, Liu Tian thought about something in his heart, and raised his head for a moment.


"At the teleportation front, I bought a large store. You can open a 'medicine' store there."

"What? Really?" Wang Pan grabbed Liu Tian's hand excitedly: "Great! Uh, this, occupying your shop, isn't it good."

"It's okay, anyway, I also have income, and I also have a shop in Phoenix Imperial City, do you want it?"

"Yes, yes! I have long wanted to enter other cities! Haha, I also want to do a big job, eternity, I don't even know how to thank you, how about this, we will share the future income equally forever, how about it?"

"Ding Dong, npc Wang Pan wants to establish a permanent 'permanent' contract with you, and the income of the 'pharmacy' store will be shared equally in the future, do you agree?"


"Uncle Wang, shall I take you to see the shop now?" Liu Tian asked.

"Do you have time? I'm free anytime!" Wang Pan's face was rosy, and he was very excited.

"Then go now."



The two went straight out of the 'medicine' store, and went straight to the large shop that Liu Tian bought. The middle-level smart npc housekeeper presented by the system was also asked by Liu Tian, ​​and made to obey Wang Pan.After seeing the large shops, Liu Tian took Wang Pan to Phoenix Imperial City.

In the 'medicine' store, Wang Pan sat on a chair, his complexion recovered, but the excitement in his eyes showed that he was still not calm.

"Uncle Wang, is this useful to you?" Liu Tian had a drop of the corpse king's blood in his hand. The corpse king's blood was useless to him, so he wanted to see if Wang Pan was useful.

"This is..." Wang Pan leaned closer, and after seeing and smelling it, a look of surprise jumped onto his face.

"This is the blood of the corpse king!?"

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