The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 286 Fire Ridge

Chapter (6) Fire Ridge

A drop of the corpse king's heart blood was on Liu Tian's palm, it gathered into a drop shape, never scattered or flowing, quietly like a crystal clear bloody jade, glowing faintly with blood. 26nbsp;

"Well, this is the corpse king's painstaking effort." Liu Tian nodded and said, "Uncle, is this useful to you? If you are useful, I will give it to you."

"It's useful, it's useful, but it's too little. The new 'medicine' we developed is inferior to two main 'medicines', one of which is called blood tear fruit. We wanted to transplant blood tear fruit on a large scale, but the transplantation has been unsuccessful, and all of them withered. Later, when I checked the ancient books, I realized that the land where the blood tear fruit grows must have been infected by the blood of the corpse king." Wang Panxi said.

"Fifteen drops of the corpse king's heart blood, is it enough?" Liu Tian took out the rest of the corpse king's heart blood and put it in his hand. For a moment, Liu Tian's face was flushed red.

"Why do you have so much blood of the corpse king? And the purity is so high!" Wang Pan said in shock: "So much is definitely enough, we don't directly use the blood of the corpse king, but dissolve it in water, Splash it on the ground."

"I just killed a corpse king, and I was lucky enough to collect it. Uncle Wang, you can use it and develop new medicines as soon as possible." Liu Tian handed fifteen drops of the corpse king's heart blood to Wang Pan, saying : "If you need anything, you can call me. Also, Uncle Wang, if your friend has a task, you can also call me."

"I really have something to trouble you. The other main 'medicine' we lack is called fire tree flower. It is in the fire forest of Huoling. Can you collect it? The staff in the store are not strong enough to Enter Fire Ridge." Wang Pan was a little embarrassed.

"Well, that's fine, just tell me the exact location of Huo Ridge, and I'll start now." Liu Tian said.

"Huo Ridge is to the west of Suzaku's main city. You can walk along the only river there, and you will arrive there in about an hour."

"Oh, then I'll go right away."

"Wait, the blacksmith shop next to our shop recently needs a kind of ore in the fire ridge. Aren't you going to do a quest? Go to the blacksmith shop and have a look."

"Thank you, Uncle Wang."

Leaving the 'medicine' store, Liu Tian went straight to the blacksmith's shop and received a task of collecting ore.

〖Normal〗【Collecting fire ore】〖handsome low-grade〗:

【Task Content】:

Fire Ore, a type of ore used for burning in the Blacksmith.It is abundant in the fire mines in Huoling. Recently, there is not enough fire mines in the blacksmith shop. Please collect enough fire mines worth 1000 yuan as soon as possible and send them to the blacksmith shop.

[mission time]: ten days

【Task status】: 0 blocks/1000 blocks

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure Punishment]: None.

"Please teleport me to the main city of Suzaku." Standing on the teleportation array, Liu Tian said.

The white light flashed past, and Liu Tian also disappeared in the Dragon Imperial City following the white light.The noise in his ear disappeared and reappeared again, Liu Tian knew that he had arrived at Phoenix Imperial City.

Going westward, Liu Tian walked along the only river in the main city area of ​​Suzaku for about an hour, and arrived at Huo Ridge in Wangpankou.

Fire Ridge, a mountain ridge that stretches for several miles, has a forest of fiery red trees in its middle, which is the Fire Forest, and behind the Fire Forest is another goal of Liu Tian's trip - the Fire Mine.Over the fire ridge, red clouds filled the sky, and the fire eagle flapped its wings and soared high in the sky, its eyes were like lightning, searching for prey.

Stepping into the fire ridge, Liu Tian could clearly feel the temperature rising, and the oncoming air waves came oncoming.High in the sky, a fire eagle spotted Liu Tian, ​​and immediately swooped down with its wings fluttering. Its sharp eyes stared at Liu Tian, ​​the intruder, and its claws curled up slightly!The cold light on the front of the claw is dazzling!


The other fire eagle also neighed high in the sky, its wings shook the air, and it rushed down like a sharp sword.

"Unobstructed view!"

【Firehawk】〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 32

Health: 4100/4100

True Chi value: 1800/1800.

A fire eagle rushed forward first, screaming, and a fire blade made of condensed fire elements suddenly rushed out of the eagle's mouth.

"Kill!" Liu Tian yelled coldly, with a murderous aura, the killing sword turned into a flash of light and came out of its sheath. At the most dangerous moment, he moved his body sideways, avoiding the burning blade, and at the same time, the killing sword stabbed the fire eagle straight.

"Brilliant strike!"

The brilliant light ring on Liu Tian's middle finger flashed a white light, and the killing sword that blessed Jiangang burst into a white light. The fire eagle was the first to bear the brunt. Unfortunately, he lost his sight and was blasted to the ground by Liu Tian's sword.



The figure is tall and vertical, and the other Fire Eagle has just arrived, playing the same skill as the previous Fire Eagle. Liu Tian endured the blow abruptly. its back.



The fire eagle was blasted by Liu Tian onto the vast land, and a killing god also descended from the sky with a killing sword, chopping on the fire eagle's head, blood splashed immediately.The fire eagle screamed in pain, and its refined body suddenly moved out, like a sharp sword, it shot towards Liu Tian's face.

"Hmph, Jian Guang!"


Huo Ying was powerlessly chopped back to the ground, with two sword wounds on his body.

"Earth Demon Sword!"

Liu Tian looked at the other Fire Eagle that was killing him in front of him with an indifferent expression. The Earth Demon Sword struck out directly, cracks appeared, and the Earth Demon Sword shot out, blasting the Fire Eagle into the air. Stepping on the switch, Liu Tian Followed closely behind Huo Huo Ying like a shadow, the killing sword turned into a waterfall, pressing down on Huo Ying's body amidst the thunderous sword chant, once again let the aloof Huo Ying deeply feel the warmth of the earth.



"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing Mars forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 36400 experience."

Two eagle corpses with sword wounds and blood flow appeared on the ground.

Liu Tian continued to march, and the fire hawks would attack him from time to time, but they did not pose a threat to him. On the contrary, a kind of fire rat in the fire ridge could hurt him.

Fire Rat, a level 32 monster, is fast and has fiery red hair all over his body.It can be hidden among the fiery rocks when it is still, and it can take advantage of its fast speed and small body when it moves.

At this time, a fire eagle and a fire mouse were besieging Liu Tian.Originally, Fire Eagle and Fire Rat were attacking each other, Liu Tian hid aside, wanting to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but was discovered by Fire Eagle.

"Sword light!"

The killing sword cut out thousands of sword lights in an instant, interweaving a light shield, resisting the attack of the fire mouse on the right.

The sharp hawk chirped again and again, and the Firehawk and the Firerat attacked at the same time again.Liu Tian used offense instead of defense, stepping out with the electric button, wandering in the battlefield, closing his body with the sword, and after dodging their attacks again and again, he finally caught an oversight, and the killing sword pierced the Fire Rat's body backwards, killing it Nailed to the ground, the Sword Qi Slash erupted in its body.


The blood mist dispersed in the air, and the Fire Rat finally died of blood.The rest of the Fire Hawk soon caught up with the Fire Rat and became a corpse as well.

Wandering around Huo Ridge alone, after more than two hours, he arrived at Huo Lin.After fighting all the way, many of his skills have been promoted from the edge of upgrade.

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